Rubber Mops: Floor Mops with a rubber nozzle for water cutting, with rubberized bristle for cleaning, other types of shopping mop


Mopbers allow you to carry out high-quality cleaning of floor coatings, glass and mirror surfaces. Currently, there is a wide variety of such cleaning structures. Rubber models are in great demand.

Rubber Mops: Floor Mops with a rubber nozzle for water cutting, with rubberized bristle for cleaning, other types of shopping mop 21866_2

Rubber Mops: Floor Mops with a rubber nozzle for water cutting, with rubberized bristle for cleaning, other types of shopping mop 21866_3


Rubber mop for cleaning allows you to remove even the smallest garbage from various products and materials. At the same time, they will not harm them, they will not leave scratches. Such models are usually supplied with a durable nozzle with small rubber bristles.

Rubber Mops: Floor Mops with a rubber nozzle for water cutting, with rubberized bristle for cleaning, other types of shopping mop 21866_4

Similar mops will be perfectly collecting wool and hair. And they can cope with cleaning carpet. Such products are easy to clean, while they do not require a special drying, as they quickly become completely dry.

Rubber Mops: Floor Mops with a rubber nozzle for water cutting, with rubberized bristle for cleaning, other types of shopping mop 21866_5

Usually, Such copies have a slight weight, so they are quite convenient to carry out cleaning. They can be used not only for cleaning outdoor coverage, they are often used when cleaning windows, various glass surfaces.

Rubber Mops: Floor Mops with a rubber nozzle for water cutting, with rubberized bristle for cleaning, other types of shopping mop 21866_6

Rubber nozzles are practically not damaged during the cleaning process. They will be able to last just a long time.

Rubber Mops: Floor Mops with a rubber nozzle for water cutting, with rubberized bristle for cleaning, other types of shopping mop 21866_7

In economic stores, if necessary, you can purchase separate removable nozzles with rubber bristles.

Rubber Mops: Floor Mops with a rubber nozzle for water cutting, with rubberized bristle for cleaning, other types of shopping mop 21866_8


Currently, manufacturers can offer various options for rubber mop. Next, consider some of them.

  • Rubber models with spin. These samples are the most convenient and practical option. They are performed with a special nozzle, which allows you to quickly and easily remove the excess amount of water. As a result, there will be too much moisture on the floor. Some of these designs are supplied in one set with a bucket, which provides a small metal nozzle for spinning.

Rubber Mops: Floor Mops with a rubber nozzle for water cutting, with rubberized bristle for cleaning, other types of shopping mop 21866_9

  • Rubber models for water camp. Such shopping mops can be used not only when cleaning the floor, but also when washing glasses, various smooth surfaces. They are small narrow nozzles with rubber shallow bristles, which is enshrined, as a rule, on a solid plastic basis. Such products make it possible to quickly move off the extra amount of moisture from the design.

Rubber Mops: Floor Mops with a rubber nozzle for water cutting, with rubberized bristle for cleaning, other types of shopping mop 21866_10

And these mop may differ from each other depending on the type of handle. Products can be solid, in this case the handle will not be folded and folded, it will have a form of a single design.

Rubber Mops: Floor Mops with a rubber nozzle for water cutting, with rubberized bristle for cleaning, other types of shopping mop 21866_11

There are models equipped with a special telescopic handle. These products can be collected and disassembled. They include several separate parts, at the end of which there is a thread designed to connect to a single design of all components of parts. Such mops disassembled will occupy the minimum number of space indoors.

Rubber Mops: Floor Mops with a rubber nozzle for water cutting, with rubberized bristle for cleaning, other types of shopping mop 21866_12

Selection criteria

Choosing a mop with a rubber band, it is worth paying attention to some significant criteria. So, the size of the product should be taken into account. In business stores, buyers will be able to see models with different dimensional values. Telescopic varieties can be the optimal option, the length of which can be easily changed, causing under human growth. In a fully folded form, their length can reach only 75-80 cm. In decomposed state, it equals 120-130 cm.

Rubber Mops: Floor Mops with a rubber nozzle for water cutting, with rubberized bristle for cleaning, other types of shopping mop 21866_13

See and on the diameter of the handle. It is important that the handle keeps comfortably in the man's hand, while not slipped and did not rub. The optimal option is flat models with movable nozzles. They can easily penetrate even in the most hard-to-reach places in the room, carefully self-reading and collecting all the garbage and dust.

And also when choosing a rubber mop, it is better to pay attention to the material from which the handle and platform are made. Most often, such samples are created from high quality and durable plastic, which will be able to serve for many years, while not breaking and not deformed.

Remember that the most convenient option will be the model with a spin. They do not leave on the coatings of divorces, the amount of water, while allowing high-quality cleaning.

Rubber Mops: Floor Mops with a rubber nozzle for water cutting, with rubberized bristle for cleaning, other types of shopping mop 21866_14

Operating tips

After each cleaning, the rubber nozzle should be thoroughly rinsed with water. It is better to immediately remove all the garbage, which accumulates between the bristles during the cleaning process. After that, the material is worth sending to drying.

Rubber Mops: Floor Mops with a rubber nozzle for water cutting, with rubberized bristle for cleaning, other types of shopping mop 21866_15

Today there are a large number of such structures equipped with removable rubberized platforms. In this case, when damaged nozzles, it can be easily changed to a new one. Most often they are created with a special department for twisting the thread of the handle.

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