Mops with a bucket: self-cleaning mop with a bucket for washing floors and cleaning, flat models and with round centrifuge. How to choose a set?


Wet cleaning of the room, whether it is an apartment, a house or office, takes a lot of time and requires a serious physical activity. Permanent backstage in the bent state during the washing process may be impossible for people who have problems with the spine. Avoid back pain during wet cleaning, as well as facilitate and speed up the process can purchase a modern set with a bucket and self-hyping mop.

Mops with a bucket: self-cleaning mop with a bucket for washing floors and cleaning, flat models and with round centrifuge. How to choose a set? 21863_2

Mops with a bucket: self-cleaning mop with a bucket for washing floors and cleaning, flat models and with round centrifuge. How to choose a set? 21863_3

general description

Mop with a bucket for washing floors is a set of several items. The standard modern kit includes several devices.

  • The oval shape, divided into 2 sections. One of these sections is designed to rinse the mop. The second mounted round device for spinning, which is a plastic or metal centrifuge with a plurality of holes.
  • Pen with holder.
  • Set of nozzles Made of cotton harnesses or microfiber.

The essence of the washing process with a set for cleaning the premises eliminates the slopes, bending the back, immersion of hands in dirty water, contacting the skin of the hands with means for disinfection.

Mops with a bucket: self-cleaning mop with a bucket for washing floors and cleaning, flat models and with round centrifuge. How to choose a set? 21863_4

Mops with a bucket: self-cleaning mop with a bucket for washing floors and cleaning, flat models and with round centrifuge. How to choose a set? 21863_5

To clean, you need to perform a series of consecutive actions:

  • Take a handle, attach to the holder nozzle for cleaning;
  • Pour water to the specified tag in bucket;
  • Immerse the mop with a nozzle in the free part of the bucket and wet;
  • Move the mqvabra to the pressure device;
  • Take it into action, and remove excess moisture.

These uncomplicated manipulations will allow the process of cleaning much more convenient and easier. Load the load and will be released.

Mops with a bucket: self-cleaning mop with a bucket for washing floors and cleaning, flat models and with round centrifuge. How to choose a set? 21863_6

Mops with a bucket: self-cleaning mop with a bucket for washing floors and cleaning, flat models and with round centrifuge. How to choose a set? 21863_7

Given the increased demand for similar cleaning sets, many manufacturers began to produce such devices. All of them differ in color, shape of the bucket and mops, the device of the mechanism for pressing, the presence or absence of additional devices.

The rating of popular manufacturers in the Russian market is represented by several samples.

  • Vileda. Sets made by this manufacturer have a wide model line. Their characteristic feature is the triangular shape of the holder for nozzle, allowing cleaning even in hard-to-reach places.

Mops with a bucket: self-cleaning mop with a bucket for washing floors and cleaning, flat models and with round centrifuge. How to choose a set? 21863_8

  • Keya. Sets of this manufacturer are equipped with a specially designed rinse and spin system.

Mops with a bucket: self-cleaning mop with a bucket for washing floors and cleaning, flat models and with round centrifuge. How to choose a set? 21863_9

  • "Red Cat". These sets are characterized by a compact bucket form and easy-to-use device for pressed.

Mops with a bucket: self-cleaning mop with a bucket for washing floors and cleaning, flat models and with round centrifuge. How to choose a set? 21863_10

  • Hausmann. The mop of this brand is equipped not only with a soft nozzle, but also rubber teeth, collecting hair and domestic hair.

Mops with a bucket: self-cleaning mop with a bucket for washing floors and cleaning, flat models and with round centrifuge. How to choose a set? 21863_11

  • Leifheit. The bucket of this company is equipped with maneuverable rollers for easier movement. As well as the feature is that the mop is attached to the handle with a hinge, which ensures the rotation of the nozzle in all directions and bending at any angle. When choosing a set of this company, it is worth paying attention to a fairly high cost of cleaning devices.

Mops with a bucket: self-cleaning mop with a bucket for washing floors and cleaning, flat models and with round centrifuge. How to choose a set? 21863_12

Review kits

All cleaning sets with self-diagonal mop can be divided into several types. To the main differences in which the sets can be distributed include:

  • Bucket shape;
  • device for pressing;
  • shape of the holder for nozzle;
  • Nozzle manufacturing material.

Mops with a bucket: self-cleaning mop with a bucket for washing floors and cleaning, flat models and with round centrifuge. How to choose a set? 21863_13

With centrifuge

Sets with centrifuge are among the most popular models. The shape of the holder for nozzle here is round. The very long nozzle made of cotton tows mounted on the plastic base in the form of loops. To squeeze mop with a nozzle, it must be placed in the spinning centrifuge, located in one of the buckets. And then click on the handle several times. Pressing will set in motion a centrifuge, and the excess liquid is removed through small holes.

The main advantages of sets with centrifuger can be attributed to the fact that the degree of pressure can be monitored independently. It depends on the strength and quantity of clicks. And also the nozzle from long loop-shaped harnesses can collect dust, wool and will not leave divorces. The disadvantages include the fact that to perform the press with the help of hands, you need to be attached quite greater strength, and for the elderly it will be problematic.

It also noted that garbage and hair, which are not deleted during rinse, are stuck in long bundle harnesses. Therefore, the rope nozzle requires a regular replacement. Such devices are suitable for washing linoleum and wooden floors.

Mops with a bucket: self-cleaning mop with a bucket for washing floors and cleaning, flat models and with round centrifuge. How to choose a set? 21863_14

Mops with a bucket: self-cleaning mop with a bucket for washing floors and cleaning, flat models and with round centrifuge. How to choose a set? 21863_15

With a flat spin system

Articles for cleaning flat spin system are the most simple and easy to use and further purification of the nozzle. The advantage of flat mop is that with their help you can clean up furniture and in hard-to-reach places. In addition, the nozzles for flat mops are performed from the microfiber, it takes care of any type of flooring, it does not get drunk in it, it can be easily rinsed and quickly dried.

The "smart" system for washing floors of the company ELBRUS uses great demand. The bucket of this company is equipped with a comfortable trolley on wheels that make it easier to move. And self-cleaning mop in the process of rinsing eliminates the immersion of hands into the water.

Mops with a bucket: self-cleaning mop with a bucket for washing floors and cleaning, flat models and with round centrifuge. How to choose a set? 21863_16

Mops with a bucket: self-cleaning mop with a bucket for washing floors and cleaning, flat models and with round centrifuge. How to choose a set? 21863_17

With pedal

Kits consisting of a mop and a bucket with a pedal are equipped with a so-called "clean hand" system. The pedal for pressing the nozzle located on the bottom of the bucket is activated by pressing the foot on it. This system completely eliminates the touch of water and nozzles by hand.

It also includes the fact that even the elderly can use such a device. Self-diagnosing mop can be recommended for use even to people with disabilities, since the spinning process is as easy as possible.

Mops with a bucket: self-cleaning mop with a bucket for washing floors and cleaning, flat models and with round centrifuge. How to choose a set? 21863_18

With folding buckets

Systems with folding buckets are the most expensive and bulky. Apply most often for cleaning offices or premises with a large area. In such sets, the bucket has several sections that are laid out by lifting individual parts. As a rule, such buckets have several sections for water, as well as a pad for mop with a nozzle.

Some models of such buckets are equipped with washes for detergents and disinfectants.

Mops with a bucket: self-cleaning mop with a bucket for washing floors and cleaning, flat models and with round centrifuge. How to choose a set? 21863_19

Mops with a bucket: self-cleaning mop with a bucket for washing floors and cleaning, flat models and with round centrifuge. How to choose a set? 21863_20

Criterias of choice

It is necessary to approach the choice of a certain set very carefully. To select the most suitable option for cleaning, you need to adhere to several basic criteria for choosing this device.

  • Acquire products only a proven manufacturer, reading the reviews of buyers who have already used this product.
  • When buying should be given preference to large network stores and shops selling household appliances.
  • After payment, the check and warranty card should be kept for 1 month. And if the factory marriage will be detected when using, the goods must be replaced or returning funds.
  • When buying, you should pay attention to the quality of the materials from which the bucket and the knob for the mops are made.
  • The bucket must be made of durable plastic without sharp odors. There should be no chipping, cracks and deep scratches.
  • The handle is better to choose the metallic with the possibility of adjusting the length. This will allow you to adjust the mock height under your height.
  • When buying, you should take a bucket for the handle and lift, it should not fall on one side, otherwise, when pouring it into it, it will be impossible to carry it.
  • When choosing a bucket with a round manual system, the attention should be paid to the reliability of the centrifuge itself and the material from which it is made. It is better if it is a metal that has a reliable fastening system, does not chat and does not fall out when the slope.
  • While buying a set should take care of the purchase of additional nozzles for the floor washing.
  • It is worth considering the size of the bucket, since bulky systems for cleaning can be inconvenient and occupy a lot of space during storage.
  • When choosing, it is necessary to be guided by individual requirements for cleaning. Since even the best system, according to some, may be uncomfortable for others.

Mops with a bucket: self-cleaning mop with a bucket for washing floors and cleaning, flat models and with round centrifuge. How to choose a set? 21863_21

Mops with a bucket: self-cleaning mop with a bucket for washing floors and cleaning, flat models and with round centrifuge. How to choose a set? 21863_22

Thus, when buying a set for washing floors, it is worth carefully treating all the characteristics and recommendations.

Since wet cleaning in the residential room should be carried out at least 2 times a week, and in apartments where pets are contained daily, the cleaning kit must be as comfortable as possible and easy to use. After all, its main task is to simplify and relieve the wash process.

Mops with a bucket: self-cleaning mop with a bucket for washing floors and cleaning, flat models and with round centrifuge. How to choose a set? 21863_23

Mops with a bucket: self-cleaning mop with a bucket for washing floors and cleaning, flat models and with round centrifuge. How to choose a set? 21863_24

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