How to clean a cast-iron frying pan of a deposit in the home? 32 photos How and what to wash a thick layer of soot, old grease and rust from the dishes


Although at the present time and a large number of new products for the kitchen, allowing to cope with the homework quickly and easily, many housewives still prefer to use the good old cast-iron frying pan. However, the owner of such dishes often have to think about how to clean it from fouling in the home, because over time the pan is contaminated. There are many ways to get rid of these impurities, some of them are still used by our grandmothers, such methods are time-tested.

How to clean a cast-iron frying pan of a deposit in the home? 32 photos How and what to wash a thick layer of soot, old grease and rust from the dishes 21846_2

How best to wash?

Hostess, using kitchen utensils, often thinking about what to do for a long time she remained aesthetic, clean, and maintain their properties. To do this, you need to consider some of the recommendations.

Using the dishwasher

Objects made of cast iron can not be washed using the dishwasher. Otherwise, on the dishware rust starts appearing.

How to clean a cast-iron frying pan of a deposit in the home? 32 photos How and what to wash a thick layer of soot, old grease and rust from the dishes 21846_3

How to clean a cast-iron frying pan of a deposit in the home? 32 photos How and what to wash a thick layer of soot, old grease and rust from the dishes 21846_4

If you avoid this mistake was not possible, you can do with a frying pan as follows:

  • Rinse under running water (it should be necessarily warm), without using detergents;
  • wipe pan using from cloth towels;
  • apply the product oil (quite a few drops), take a dry cloth and rub pan. This tool should not be too much, otherwise the surface will adhere to all;
  • Sprinkle salt on the pan, place it over high heat and wait until the smell will;
  • remove salt wipe the dishes of the same cloth, and evaluate the results - usually all unsightly traces disappear from the surface.

How to clean a cast-iron frying pan of a deposit in the home? 32 photos How and what to wash a thick layer of soot, old grease and rust from the dishes 21846_5

How to clean a cast-iron frying pan of a deposit in the home? 32 photos How and what to wash a thick layer of soot, old grease and rust from the dishes 21846_6

How to clean a cast-iron frying pan of a deposit in the home? 32 photos How and what to wash a thick layer of soot, old grease and rust from the dishes 21846_7

Hot dishes

Wash dishes hot iron impossible. If you constantly pour on the hot surface water, after a while it gets messed up. From the cold and hot frying pan at all can break.

We recommend that you wait for the product to cool down, and then wash up with warm water.

How to clean a cast-iron frying pan of a deposit in the home? 32 photos How and what to wash a thick layer of soot, old grease and rust from the dishes 21846_8

How to clean a cast-iron frying pan of a deposit in the home? 32 photos How and what to wash a thick layer of soot, old grease and rust from the dishes 21846_9

burnt food

Sometimes, after the cooking surface of the pan to burn up food particles. To get rid of them, do the following:

  • sprinkle the bottom of soda, salt, pour the liquid in the pan. It should close the layer of salt and soda;
  • Put the dishes on the strong fire, wait thirty minutes, then pour the mixture and wash the pan (as you would normally).

How to clean a cast-iron frying pan of a deposit in the home? 32 photos How and what to wash a thick layer of soot, old grease and rust from the dishes 21846_10

How to clean a cast-iron frying pan of a deposit in the home? 32 photos How and what to wash a thick layer of soot, old grease and rust from the dishes 21846_11

How to clean a cast-iron frying pan of a deposit in the home? 32 photos How and what to wash a thick layer of soot, old grease and rust from the dishes 21846_12

modern means

Today, consumers are available a variety of means, using which you can get rid of the stale varnish (as claimed by manufacturers and advertisers). Many of them are really very effective.

The basis of many such cleaning agents is an acidic solution that corps a fatty flask. The most popular are "Shumanit", "Chister", "Mr. Muskul", Cillit Bang. Hostess often choose Sanita. - Cream that removes fat and other pollution.

How to clean a cast-iron frying pan of a deposit in the home? 32 photos How and what to wash a thick layer of soot, old grease and rust from the dishes 21846_13

So, apply the detergent on the dishes, clean its outer surface using a metal washcloth. Then rinse the pan using warm water, wipe it with dry material and apply oil to the surface. With the means that are aggressive should work in rubber gloves. So you can protect your hands.

How to clean a cast-iron frying pan of a deposit in the home? 32 photos How and what to wash a thick layer of soot, old grease and rust from the dishes 21846_14

High temperatures

The Nagar appears due to the fact that the pieces of food and fat are burning to the surface of the dishes, but many are getting rid of it by firing. You can distinguish different methods of such cleaning. Some firing methods are rather safe, such procedures can be carried out at home. For some you need more space.

First firing method:

  • Turn on the stove (you will need to use the biggest burner);
  • Put the dishes so that the fire will fully follow one of its sides;
  • Wait a bit (just a few minutes) and try to remove the nagar using the knife for this. In case of failure, wait again, give a frying pan to heat up stronger;
  • When it turns out to be removed pollution, go to the other side;
  • At the end, give the dishes and rinse it with the help of detergent.

How to clean a cast-iron frying pan of a deposit in the home? 32 photos How and what to wash a thick layer of soot, old grease and rust from the dishes 21846_15

How to clean a cast-iron frying pan of a deposit in the home? 32 photos How and what to wash a thick layer of soot, old grease and rust from the dishes 21846_16

How to clean a cast-iron frying pan of a deposit in the home? 32 photos How and what to wash a thick layer of soot, old grease and rust from the dishes 21846_17

The essence of the second way is to use a soldering lamp. Impact on the Nagar in this case is the same (high temperature) - heating, fat becomes soot, which can be removed quickly and easily. However, this method is sufficiently dangerous, precautions are needed. As a rule, this method of frying pan is clean in workshops, garage premises - such places are best suited for such work. Do not experiment in a residential room, otherwise you can spoil anything or even arrange a fire.

The cast-iron frying pan is burned using a conventional fire for this. During a trip to nature, you can not only relax, but also solve some household questions.

Procedure Next:

  • If the chipboard knob is not a cast iron, it will have to be removed;
  • It will be necessary to put the subject directly into the flame;
  • Wait fifteen minutes, carefully remove the pan, using a stick, remove the Nagar with a knife;
  • If there is a need, repeat the procedure again. Cast iron is distinguished by resistance to the effects of fire.

How to clean a cast-iron frying pan of a deposit in the home? 32 photos How and what to wash a thick layer of soot, old grease and rust from the dishes 21846_18


You can prepare a mixture that has been known to our parents. Previously, non-sticky products were not, so everyone had to find efficient and affordable ways to remove contaminants. If the necessary solution is created, considering all the rules, the solar nagar will be easily and quickly.

This tool consists of the following components:

  • silicate glue;
  • calcined soda;
  • soap.

How to clean a cast-iron frying pan of a deposit in the home? 32 photos How and what to wash a thick layer of soot, old grease and rust from the dishes 21846_19

How to clean a cast-iron frying pan of a deposit in the home? 32 photos How and what to wash a thick layer of soot, old grease and rust from the dishes 21846_20

How to clean a cast-iron frying pan of a deposit in the home? 32 photos How and what to wash a thick layer of soot, old grease and rust from the dishes 21846_21

To wash the product from cast iron from rust and nagar, it is better to use the usual Dark business soap . It allows you to achieve better results than modern flavors.

Take a small container, soda soap there. Place there also calcined soda (200 g), add one silicate adhesive tube. Add some water, thoroughly mix everything.

Then you need to choose the container in which you will boil the composition. It should not be very deep. At the same time, it is necessary to choose enough width so that the tank can be put into the container. Many water should not be, otherwise the digestion will become less efficient, active substances will be less.

How to clean a cast-iron frying pan of a deposit in the home? 32 photos How and what to wash a thick layer of soot, old grease and rust from the dishes 21846_22

How to clean a cast-iron frying pan of a deposit in the home? 32 photos How and what to wash a thick layer of soot, old grease and rust from the dishes 21846_23

How long to boil the pan - it depends on how much it is polluted. In some cases, one boiling does not cost, and completely cleaned the burnt food and fat is obtained only with the help of a person. It will be necessary to lose the dishes, then re-boil. You need to digest object items from the cast iron with an open window, otherwise the room will smell very badly.

Vinegar, soda, stone salt

To laundel pig-iron dishes, you can use a mixture of soda, vinegar and salt. It will be necessary to mix all these components (proportions should be equal). Add water - several liters. Place the cast iron into this mixture and boil about thirty minutes.

How to clean a cast-iron frying pan of a deposit in the home? 32 photos How and what to wash a thick layer of soot, old grease and rust from the dishes 21846_24

How to clean a cast-iron frying pan of a deposit in the home? 32 photos How and what to wash a thick layer of soot, old grease and rust from the dishes 21846_25

If there is a lot of car, it is so much, then boil twice the longer. In the end, you still can well wash the old frying pan outside and inside.

How to clean a cast-iron frying pan of a deposit in the home? 32 photos How and what to wash a thick layer of soot, old grease and rust from the dishes 21846_26

How to clean a cast-iron frying pan of a deposit in the home? 32 photos How and what to wash a thick layer of soot, old grease and rust from the dishes 21846_27

Metal brush

Even if you use special means, allowing you to effectively cope with pollution, or boil the pan, without mechanical influences it will not work out. It is recommended to choose a good metal brush to clean such dishes.

How to clean a cast-iron frying pan of a deposit in the home? 32 photos How and what to wash a thick layer of soot, old grease and rust from the dishes 21846_28

How to clean a cast-iron frying pan of a deposit in the home? 32 photos How and what to wash a thick layer of soot, old grease and rust from the dishes 21846_29

Of course, the metal product can be left on the surface of scratches, traces. This can be avoided If it is correct to use such an object as much as possible. You spare with the footsteps of the soot, fat - and at the same time save the surface of the frying pan.

To linse a frying pan from the thick layer of Gary, you can use a special nozzle from metal and drill.

Thanks to this tool, you save forces - which could be spent when using a conventional brush.

Surface recovery

Regardless of whether you choose a modern or folk way of cleaning a pan, then the product surface will need to be restored. Procedure Next:

  • Put the subject to strong fire, split it;
  • Apply on the product oil using a brush for this;
  • Hold the frying pan in the air, then slip it under the jet of warm water (cleaning products are not needed) and wipe using a towel.

How to clean a cast-iron frying pan of a deposit in the home? 32 photos How and what to wash a thick layer of soot, old grease and rust from the dishes 21846_30

How to clean a cast-iron frying pan of a deposit in the home? 32 photos How and what to wash a thick layer of soot, old grease and rust from the dishes 21846_31

How to clean a cast-iron frying pan of a deposit in the home? 32 photos How and what to wash a thick layer of soot, old grease and rust from the dishes 21846_32

Regularly causing a cast-iron frying pan, you can achieve what it will keep the primordial appearance and will last as long as possible. To avoid problems, you need to take into account all useful recommendations and do not forget about safety rules.

On how to properly clean the cast-iron pattern from Nagara, see the next video.

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