How to clean a dishwasher? 14 photo How to wash inside the home of citric acid and fat from scale and how to wash filter


Dishwasher - one of the main assistants of the house. Facilitating daily routine work in the kitchen and washing away the mountain of dishes, it needs care and attention. Despite the fact that the device is constantly working with water and detergent, in cavities, stuck on the walls and accumulates fat, food debris, debris, plaque.

How to clean a dishwasher? 14 photo How to wash inside the home of citric acid and fat from scale and how to wash filter 21826_2

How often to clean?

The more often you use the technique, the more regularly should be caring. Recommend to clean once in 10-15 days, and if you turn every day, then focus on the 10 runs.

It is not necessary to wait until there odor and bacterial growth starts. This is a risk that the equipment will come into disrepair, and the threat to your family's health.

Proper gentle handling will prolong service life and will ensure that you use clean utensils.

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Features care and cleaning

There are a number of simple and affordable actions that make life easier for you and your assistant:

  • Ventilate the machine if possible - increased humidity inside leads to unpleasant odors.
  • Get rid of excess moisture will also help wiping the inside conventional desiccant cloth or sponge.
  • When a car has passed the wet cleaning cycle, walk in a dry cloth.
  • Do not forget to clean the gum on the door.
  • You should periodically for hard to reach areas.
  • Fat, which falls on the inner surface, it is recommended to clean on a regular basis - this old fat film lends itself to washing with difficulty.
  • Follow the basic rules of the download. Remove any remnants of food from the dishes before placing it in the machine.
  • If possible, do not save on detergent, salt and rinse aid.

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rules cleaning

During the operation can be useful knowledge about different methods and means of purification. Below we will talk about how to clean the dishwasher from various kinds of dirt: grease, scum, food residues. The first and very important rule - before the start of manipulation, We need to make sure that we are pulling the power cord and the de-energized equipment.

The second rule - a regular and careful approach. We care about the technique of the time, and then we do not have to look for repair themes, ring master and the use of specialized tools. Clean the dishwasher at home will take a reasonable amount of time and money.

Empirically or by reading reviews in forums, you can choose the facility that suit you in terms of price and quality.

Standard application scheme is as follows: place the tool on the label in the machine process. Next, run the program on a 60 degree angle without utensils. Basic cleaning chamber was successful.

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Household chemicals

Here is the list of the most popular funds, but in stores you can find much More options:

  • Calgonit Fusion Power FINISH (liquid);
  • FINISH RINSE (liquid);
  • Uniplus (liquid);
  • Paclan Brileo;
  • CLARO;
  • Frosch soda;
  • Rinnova Lavastoviglie (liquid).

How to use each tool is indicated in the instructions.

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Folk remedies

Among people's ways have increased popularity always present on the shelf Soda, vinegar, lemon. About these sedes and go further speech.


You need to pour into the pallet, run to a short cycle at a maximum temperature. Kills smells, removes old spots.

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It is better to take a white table of 9% solution. Fill a bowl with vinegar, install in the upper basket. Turn on the device to maximum power. After work, leave the door open to weave the smell.

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Lemon acid

Traditionally, it is used to eliminate scale.

300 g of acid fall asleep into the car and run at full power.

After cleaning with special use, it is handed over to the inner surface of the camera, baskets and remove the remnants of contamination. To carry out these manipulations will simply - the detergent softened the dirt.

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How to get rid of food residues?

The machine can wash off any dishes in any volumes, but the remains of food will always remain in the chamber. You need to check and remove them from all elements:

  • On the entire inner surface of the chamber, on the walls.
  • In hard-to-reach corners.
  • On rubber bands.
  • Around the perimeter of the door adjoining.
  • On baskets.
  • With filter.

Dishwasher trays are most effective manually cleaning. They need to get and cleaned using any means for washing. If pollution is significant or not departed, we carry into the pelvis, soaked in the foam and let me mock. Next, the process goes easily, wash off with water and dried by a woven cloth.

The working chamber from the inside can simply be cleaned with a wet sponge with any means for dishes, it is desirable with a good dissolving fat effect. For these cases, agents like Morning Fresh, It acts on deposits killyo. It is common as a rule for 5-10 minutes, in particularly launched cases, we leave for 20 minutes, turn the sponge with a rigid face or use a brush with non-metallic bristles and wash off the outer residues of fat and dirt.

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Do not forget about the sealing material, the side sides of the doors - here they remain unnoticed and accumulated into the laborious layer of fat stains and food particles. To clean the dishwasher, it is preferable to choose products on a liquid basis, powders contain abrasive particles and can scratch the surface.

To care for technique from the outside, we recommend to take the usual detergent or use glass cleaner for easy cleaning.

At least once a month pay attention to cleaning the filter. We often forget about it - it is in it that smells can emerge, because there is a large amount of dirt. At this stage, you can consider cleaning completed if there is time, you can run a cycle with a special cleansing agent.

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How to Clean Fat?

Next, we will share the options for cleaning from a fatty. Such pollution is laundered with difficulty and add the work of hostesses. Fat sediments, as a rule, accumulate on rotating blades, in the area of ​​the ceiling, on baskets and around the perimeter of rubber.

Above, we talked about basic home cleaning. If it and special funds are not effective, we recommend cleaning with a manual way, armed with a detergent for dishes or cleaning, hot water, sponges and an old toothbrush.

Fat removal methods:

  • Based on the properties of soda and vinegar to enter into the reaction, in the process of which not only fat, but also other pollution is removed. We apply soda on the surface inside the typewriter so that you can not sleep with water can be slightly. We put on the bottom of the container with vinegar, start the intensive detergent mode at the maximum temperature.
  • As a home, it is also recommended to use a boor instead of soda. The principle is the same - apply inside and run the maximum mode.
  • Another "folk" recipe looks like this: to soda add essential oil, for example, eucalyptus, lemon or sage (in the proportion of 2 glasses of soda, 0.5 teaspoons of oil). Sleep 40 grams of hydrogen peroxide in powder. Mix the mixture on the bottom of the machine, in the upper part we put a couple of glasses of 9% vinegar.

If you are not an alchemist in the shower and not an experimenter, there is a sufficient selection of special tools for cleaning dishwashers from fat.

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As the final stage for control, go through rockers, for example, toothpick. After all the procedures, you can be sure that you managed to clean the dishwasher from fat as much as possible. Blunder will also help these tools.

Pretty wash the dishwasher is quite simple.

Cleaning from scale

Hard water is not uncommon in our apartments, so it is recommended to add a special salt when sinking. But we do it not all and not regularly, without thinking that scale, the covering heating element worsens its properties and efficiency coefficient. The consumption of electricity increases, the kitchen utensils is descended worse.

Clean the dishwasher from scale can be used by the means:

  • Special preparations that are on sale in household chemicals.
  • Antinequipine is a tool that can be bought at any store. Different marks have varieties depending on the device. We take for dishwasher, put on the bottom, run.
  • Table vinegar - pour several glasses directly inside the typewriter, run to a maximum. We have already written about citric acid above, to use, like vinegar. After use, you can additionally run a short cycle to eliminate the residues of the acid.

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How to return the dishwasher fresh smell?

After cleaning the machine above, you can run another cleaning cycle, Which will help remove unpleasant odors:

  • Machine filter in soap solution, having previously removed from the machine. We rinse, install in place.
  • Next, pour 1 glass of vinegar into the tray and launch a full wash cycle without dishes.
  • I fall asleep at the bottom of the unit soda 2-3 cups, we leave for 3-4 hours, you can at night.
  • We launch another final cycle.

Care for dishwasher is quite simple and the issue of habit. In exchange for the fact that you will regularly clean the dishwasher, the technique will delight you for many years with its quality work.

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About any other means for cleaning the dishwasher can be found in the following video.

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