How to clean the toilet? 24 photos How and what to wash the drain tank from the inside, as at home to get rid of the blockage, as far as effective in the fight against the collapse of Coca-Cola


Sparkling bathroom and toilet are an indicator of the main owners. But, unfortunately, you can not always boast shining plumbing, and the reason for this can be a different circumstance. Someone simply does not remove, and someone cannot cope with complex pollution. In our article we will tell you in detail how to clean the toilet, which modern and folk remedies can be used to remove the most complex dirt.

How to clean the toilet? 24 photos How and what to wash the drain tank from the inside, as at home to get rid of the blockage, as far as effective in the fight against the collapse of Coca-Cola 21799_2

Ready toilet fluids

Currently, cleaning products are capable of laundering from the toilet to almost any kind of pollution. In addition, they help to fight an unpleasant smell and do not allow the growth of various microorganisms that harm human health. As a rule, these funds are produced as a cream or gel. In its composition, they most often have substances such as salt and orthophosphoric acid, oxalic acid, as well as alkali and chlorine (other acids and aromatic fragrances are possible). These components help to deal with the following problems:

  • limestone, which provokes the deposition of urinary stone - pollution appear as a result of salt deposits contained in water and urine;
  • Rust - also a consequence of poor water quality, dirty and faulty drain tank;
  • Surface pollution from life products;
  • Unpleasant odor and bacteria are a consequence of listed problems.

How to clean the toilet? 24 photos How and what to wash the drain tank from the inside, as at home to get rid of the blockage, as far as effective in the fight against the collapse of Coca-Cola 21799_3

How to clean the toilet? 24 photos How and what to wash the drain tank from the inside, as at home to get rid of the blockage, as far as effective in the fight against the collapse of Coca-Cola 21799_4

Consider the most popular fluids that will help quickly clean the toilet from these types of pollution:

  • Domestos 100% - gel that contains hydrochloric acid. Helps remove rust and blade stone. The average cost is 180 rubles. Customer reviews suggest that the tool is perfectly coping with its task. From minuses noted the fact that the limestick is practically not removed and there is a very caustic smell.
  • COMET "7 days of purity" - Gel with sulfuric acid. When working with it, it is necessary to comply with security measures! It helps to clean the toilet from all types of pollution, including fighting with a limescale. The average price is from 150 rubles. Consumers respond about this tool as the most efficient and economical. Among the minuses indicate too much the smell.
  • SARMA 7V 1. - Means in the form of a gel, contains oxalic acid. Effectively purifies all types of contaminants, including a yellow flare. The average price is about 100 rubles. Buyers are satisfied with the result, as well as the ratio of price and quality. In addition, most noted that the tool has a pleasant aroma of lemon, which will keep freshness in the apartment for a long time.

How to clean the toilet? 24 photos How and what to wash the drain tank from the inside, as at home to get rid of the blockage, as far as effective in the fight against the collapse of Coca-Cola 21799_5

How to clean the toilet? 24 photos How and what to wash the drain tank from the inside, as at home to get rid of the blockage, as far as effective in the fight against the collapse of Coca-Cola 21799_6

How to clean the toilet? 24 photos How and what to wash the drain tank from the inside, as at home to get rid of the blockage, as far as effective in the fight against the collapse of Coca-Cola 21799_7

  • Cilit. - gel with hydrochloric acid. When working with it, it is necessary to comply with security measures! Gel removes all kinds of contaminants for counting minutes, saves from lime plates and rust. The average price is from 280 rubles. Buyers respond about this tool as the most effective. When using it, the toilet becomes more brilliant, the result obtained is preserved for a long time.
  • Sanfor Universal - A means containing chlorine. Helps whiten the toilet, fights mold, dissolves fat, perfectly disinfect. The average price is from 80 rubles. Buyers note that this is a good tool that can be used not only for toilet bowl, but also for cleaning the bath and floor. Among the minuses are the fact that the gel is poorly coping with a limescale and rust, and also unpleasantly smelling with chlorine.

Some hostess cleans the toilet "White". As you know, this remedy has a pronounced chlorine smell, but perfectly helps to cope with all the mud, limestone, rust, kills microbes and whitens the surface.

To achieve an effective result, one liter of "Whiteness" is necessary to pour into the toilet to the night. In the morning, with the help of the brush, clean the walls and bezel to the toilet, then it is good to wash off with plenty of water.

How to clean the toilet? 24 photos How and what to wash the drain tank from the inside, as at home to get rid of the blockage, as far as effective in the fight against the collapse of Coca-Cola 21799_8

How to clean the toilet? 24 photos How and what to wash the drain tank from the inside, as at home to get rid of the blockage, as far as effective in the fight against the collapse of Coca-Cola 21799_9

Folk remedies

But not only the purchase fluid is able to cope with pollution in the toilet. There are several effective folk remedies worth a penny, and the result from their use will just surprise you.

Get rid of rust and lime plaque Food soda and vinegar. To do this, it is necessary to abundantly to apply soda to the surface of the toilet, leave for a longer exposure for thirty minutes. Then, on top of pouring about 50-100 grams of vinegar, after which a rich foam is formed, which must be intensively read by a brush or airy, then washed with water.

Many cleans the surface of the toilet Electrolyte for batteries. Maybe this will seem strange for you, but this tool is an acid that is capable of fighting with a raid and rust. To do this, it is necessary to apply the electrolyte on the surface, wait around a quarter of an hour and rich to rush with water with the help of the hero.

Remember that this is a very caustic fluid, so when working with it, security measures must be observed. Note that the electrolyte is not suitable for plastic pipes.

How to clean the toilet? 24 photos How and what to wash the drain tank from the inside, as at home to get rid of the blockage, as far as effective in the fight against the collapse of Coca-Cola 21799_10

How to clean the toilet? 24 photos How and what to wash the drain tank from the inside, as at home to get rid of the blockage, as far as effective in the fight against the collapse of Coca-Cola 21799_11

Everyone has long known that a popular drink Coca-Cola. Can remove the most soothed stains. This is due to the fact that there is citric acid in the gas meter, which is capable of quickly cope with deposits. To do this, pour into the toilet to the toilet one and a half or two liters of drink, wait about 20 minutes, rub the surface with a brush or brush and rush to riveted with water.

Clean various deposits can be used of hydrochloric acid . This is one of the most efficient, but dangerous funds. Therefore, when working, always observe precautions! Acid is applied to the surface literally for 3 minutes, after which it is thoroughly washed with plenty of water. You should not leave the tool for more time, as you can damage the enamel of the toilet.

Rain flare and get rid of rust possible citric acid. For this, 2-3 bags are distributed over the surface of the toilet bowl, leave for two hours, after which the contaminated places wipe the brush and are rich in water.

When using these methods, you must pay attention to the area inside the rim and the "bed" of the water flow. They must be asked to remove the possible mold, microbes and rust traces. Thanks to more thorough cleaning, you can save fresh toilet for a longer time.

How to clean the toilet? 24 photos How and what to wash the drain tank from the inside, as at home to get rid of the blockage, as far as effective in the fight against the collapse of Coca-Cola 21799_12

How to clean the toilet? 24 photos How and what to wash the drain tank from the inside, as at home to get rid of the blockage, as far as effective in the fight against the collapse of Coca-Cola 21799_13

Clean surface

Of course, when cleaning the toilet, you should pay attention not only to its condition, but also on the surface toilet room. They should be in perfect condition so that in the restroom it was pleasant to be. First of all, it is a seat toilet bowl. Very often, traces remain on it, stains, which are subsequently hard to delete. Perfectly Each family member must remove immediately. Unfortunately, it does not always happen, in addition, in families, for example, there are children who often do not pay attention to pollution.

Wash wet napkin and wet sideways from urine Concentrated dishwashing liquid. Pretty wipe the seat and rush with plenty of water. With the spots, vinegar will help you to cope. Water your cotton disk and wipe the surface thoroughly. Leave for a longer exposure for 5-10 minutes, after which we rush the seat with water. Also try using Food soda. It is necessary to apply it with a wet sponge to the surface and intensively lose the pollutants, then rinse thoroughly with water.

How to clean the toilet? 24 photos How and what to wash the drain tank from the inside, as at home to get rid of the blockage, as far as effective in the fight against the collapse of Coca-Cola 21799_14

How to clean the toilet? 24 photos How and what to wash the drain tank from the inside, as at home to get rid of the blockage, as far as effective in the fight against the collapse of Coca-Cola 21799_15

Very often the seat cover becomes yellow. This happens, for example, with poor-quality materials or simply with a burnout from a long time of use. Clean the lid from yellowness will help gel Domestos. This method has tried many mistresses, and each of them marks a really good result. When applied it is necessary to apply a means on the lid and leave for about a quarter of an hour. Then carefully lose polluted places with a brush and rinse with plenty of water.

Often, under the brine, the toilet remains, which can be cleaned with the help of liquid tools or people's methods that we described above. Only when cleaning should pay particular attention to these places. You can additionally use old toothbrushes - their small heads are better penetrated into hard-to-reach places than, for example, the enshik. Also, it can be lined with food soda or soft powders like Pimolux, COMET or BREF. They do not contain abrasive substances, therefore they do not scratch the surface of the toilet, but quickly and effectively cope with unpleasant spots.

How to clean the toilet? 24 photos How and what to wash the drain tank from the inside, as at home to get rid of the blockage, as far as effective in the fight against the collapse of Coca-Cola 21799_16

How to clean the toilet? 24 photos How and what to wash the drain tank from the inside, as at home to get rid of the blockage, as far as effective in the fight against the collapse of Coca-Cola 21799_17

When cleaning the toilet, do not forget about two things - it is a washler and a drain tank cover. They often accumulate dust, microbes from rare washing appear. For cleaning, you need only a wet cloth. If there are more intense contaminants, use powders and liquid tools for their washing.

How to wash the drain tank?

From the inside the drain tank can also be very dirty. It is covered with rust or lime deposits. These contaminants are associated directly with water quality. Old tank need to be cleaned more intensively, as it is often It is there a highly emerged dirt which is even for one - two times washed very hard.

Before proceeding with direct cleaning, it is necessary to drain the water from the tank and block it in such a way that it is not filled for some time. For thorough cleaning, you can remove the float and siphon and rinse them in a soap solution from rust and plaque. To clean the tank from the inside, you can pour about four liters of hot water into it, adding into it 50 grams of any washing powder . This liquid is left for a long exposure for about 20-30 minutes. Then water must be drained.

How to clean the toilet? 24 photos How and what to wash the drain tank from the inside, as at home to get rid of the blockage, as far as effective in the fight against the collapse of Coca-Cola 21799_18

To get rid of stronger pollutants, use gentle cleaning powders PEMOLUX, "COMET" or "BREF" . They must be applied to the surface and thoroughly rub the brush. You can also use any liquid tools that we wrote above. Best of them helps gels Cilit and Sarma. . These funds need to be applied to pollution, leave for 15-20 minutes and carefully cleaned the brush. After that, gain water into the tank and merge it in the usual way.

To prevent the formation of plaque and rust, you can purchase special pills. They are placed on the bottom of the tank and are there for a long time until complete dissolution. These funds help to fight not only with lime and rust, but also disinfect the toilet.

Such pills can be of different colors (blue, green, pink), they possess pleasant flavors, because the feeling of purity will remain in the toilet room for a long time.

How to clean the toilet? 24 photos How and what to wash the drain tank from the inside, as at home to get rid of the blockage, as far as effective in the fight against the collapse of Coca-Cola 21799_19

How to clean the toilet? 24 photos How and what to wash the drain tank from the inside, as at home to get rid of the blockage, as far as effective in the fight against the collapse of Coca-Cola 21799_20

Get rid of stamuing

In the process of exploitation of plumbing equipment, the toilet may occur, which in itself is an extremely unpleasant situation and may result in further to the flooding of neighbors. You can get rid of such a problem at home, but if something does not work with you, Better consult professionals.

One of the most common ways to combat clouds is to use Vantuza . It must be installed in the place of drain of water, then you need to make progressive movements up and down to the elimination of the problem. Such a method can be used with simple contaminants when, for example, water is poorly out. In more complex cases, it will have to use a plumbing metal cable. To get rid of deposits in the knee of the toilet and the pipe, it is necessary to introduce a cable into a drain hole and move it backward. This will allow you to clean the clogged place and eliminate the blockage. In difficult cases, it is necessary to enter the cable several times and remove pollution in stages.

How to clean the toilet? 24 photos How and what to wash the drain tank from the inside, as at home to get rid of the blockage, as far as effective in the fight against the collapse of Coca-Cola 21799_21

If you do not have a vanza, you can use a conventional plastic bottle. This method is very popular among the owners. You will need a two-liter bottle. It needs to trim the bottom and this design to be installed in a drain hole. Then press the bottle of the bottle slightly below, so that at the expense of the pressure the zoom flowed down.

Of this method, it is worth noting the presence of a very large number of splashes. Therefore, pre-lay rags and napkins to immediately eliminate the problem.

How to clean the toilet? 24 photos How and what to wash the drain tank from the inside, as at home to get rid of the blockage, as far as effective in the fight against the collapse of Coca-Cola 21799_22

Often the cause of the blocking in the toilet is to enter it various objects, such as paper towels, children's toys, etc. To eliminate this problem, it is necessary to first pump water as much as possible (for example, a small bucket), after which, Owing household gloves, pull the object of the block.

In this case, it is necessary to be neat, as a very easy in the neck of the toilet can be stuck, and with this problem will already be done much more difficult.

Also to eliminate the blocking you can use special fluids that are manufactured precisely for these purposes. For example, gel Tiret, Sanfor and Domestos Excellent coped with such tasks. For this, the liquid is poured into the toilet, leave for 15-20 minutes, after which it is thoroughly washed with hot water. Then you need to clean the toilet well, so as not only to get rid of dirt, but also to disinfect the surface. Applying this method, you need to follow the precautions, as the composition of liquids contains caustic acids that can leave burns on the skin.

How to clean the toilet? 24 photos How and what to wash the drain tank from the inside, as at home to get rid of the blockage, as far as effective in the fight against the collapse of Coca-Cola 21799_23

Useful advice

To wash the toilet to not give you trouble, it is necessary to carry out preventive cleaning once or twice a week. To do this, choose the right fluid and cleaning powders necessary to eliminate specific problems. Remember the range of rules so that Plumbers always please the eye:

  • Make sure that the water from the tank has not led (so it will be less formated and rust on the surface);
  • Do not throw away food to the toilet to the toilet that can form a blockage;
  • We regularly use the brush to clean the bowl;
  • Do not forget to remove the surface of the plumbing and make preventive cleaning inside the tank.

How to clean the toilet? 24 photos How and what to wash the drain tank from the inside, as at home to get rid of the blockage, as far as effective in the fight against the collapse of Coca-Cola 21799_24

It is better to maintain cleanliness constantly than then repeatedly use potent liquids to get rid of pollution, spend your time and mood.

On how to wash the toilet from plaque and rust, see the next video.

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