The thermos does not hold heat: how to fix the metal thermos if he stopped keeping the temperature and heats up? What is the reason?


If the thermos stopped holding heat, then this indicates certain problems in his work. When this breakdown touches a new thermos, it rather indicates a factory marriage. But if the device does not save heat after a certain time of use, the breakdown occurred already during operation. Depending on the nature of the malfunction, you can try to correct the situation with various methods.

The thermos does not hold heat: how to fix the metal thermos if he stopped keeping the temperature and heats up? What is the reason? 21702_2

The thermos does not hold heat: how to fix the metal thermos if he stopped keeping the temperature and heats up? What is the reason? 21702_3

Main reasons

There are three main reasons for the thermos to stop keeping the temperature inside itself. The first problem concerns the dishes having a glass flask. The fact is that in such devices is necessarily a silver coating. It is located on the surface of the inner cylinder. This reason refers to new thermos, since such a malfunction is characteristic of the factory marriage.

And the problem may be in failures with a plug and in the absence of a vacuum. These faults can be both factory and acquired already during operation. That is why they should be understood in more detail.

The thermos does not hold heat: how to fix the metal thermos if he stopped keeping the temperature and heats up? What is the reason? 21702_4

The thermos does not hold heat: how to fix the metal thermos if he stopped keeping the temperature and heats up? What is the reason? 21702_5

Internal and external flask

It is no secret that thermos - This is a very fragile design, Therefore, handle it follows the most accurately. So, even with minor mechanical damages on the surface of both the internal and external cylinder, deformations and cracks may form. They will become in the future the reason that the thermos does not hold the temperature.

In each thermos there are two bottoms: external and internal. A thin copper tube is located on the inner, through which air is pumped out from the cavity. If for some reason in this process fails, then, regardless of the material of the dishes (glass, steel, stainless steel), it will stop saving heat.

Check such a breakdown is very simple. Enough in glass or iron thermos pour hot water. If the surface of the device itself begins to heat up, and boiling water is slowly cooling, then the problem lies precisely in the absence of a vacuum.

The thermos does not hold heat: how to fix the metal thermos if he stopped keeping the temperature and heats up? What is the reason? 21702_6

The thermos does not hold heat: how to fix the metal thermos if he stopped keeping the temperature and heats up? What is the reason? 21702_7


The reason that the thermos does poorly retains the temperature, it may become a malfunction both cork and an outer cover (often used instead of a glass). The breakdown of the latter may occur in mechanical damage, for example, when dropping. Cracks and deformations may form on its surface.

If the inner cork is too twisted too much, then after a while it is also possible that it is deformed, or cracks are formed on it . This applies not only to glass thermoses, but also metal.

The thermos does not hold heat: how to fix the metal thermos if he stopped keeping the temperature and heats up? What is the reason? 21702_8

The thermos does not hold heat: how to fix the metal thermos if he stopped keeping the temperature and heats up? What is the reason? 21702_9

What to do?

If the thermos stopped maintaining the temperature, you should not despair and hurry to throw it out. Some breakdowns can easily repair. So, if it turned out that the cause of the defect is in the traffic jam, you can pick up suitable. Buy old thermos with hands. Often people give them in a purely symbolic cost.

And you can also try to make a plug more sealed. To do this, you will need to use a special sealing tape or isolate. Running to such a way, it is important to remember that the repair will not be long-term.

The thermos does not hold heat: how to fix the metal thermos if he stopped keeping the temperature and heats up? What is the reason? 21702_10

The thermos does not hold heat: how to fix the metal thermos if he stopped keeping the temperature and heats up? What is the reason? 21702_11

If the thermos stops working in the right mode Due to the lack of vacuum then this breakdown It is unlikely that you can repair yourself. But with such a problem, you can contact masters engaged in the repair of refrigerators. There, the specialist using special equipment will be able to roll out excess air through the copper tube, and its end reliably sends.

Important moment! To return the thermos for the previous performance, should not be resorted to the use of superclause and other similar compositions (for cracking the cracks). They are potentially hazardous chemicals.

Even if the thermos failed to repair, still do not despair. It can be used for products that do not require heat conservation, for example, for cold tea or compote.

The thermos does not hold heat: how to fix the metal thermos if he stopped keeping the temperature and heats up? What is the reason? 21702_12

The thermos does not hold heat: how to fix the metal thermos if he stopped keeping the temperature and heats up? What is the reason? 21702_13

Prevention measures

As already mentioned, with the problem of heat conservation, it is possible to encounter both under the new, and with the thermos already in operation. In order not to purchase a thermos with a breakdown, you need to carefully check it in the purchase process. Check consists of several stages.

  1. The thermos must be carefully examined on all sides. Special attention must be paid to the density of adjustment of the plug and the cover to the main case. When twisting and spinning, it should not publish any extraneous sounds.

  2. Oddly enough, the thermos need to smell. Poor-quality dishes will make an unpleasant smell.

  3. The material from which the dishes are made visually and to the touch should be durable. From buying down-quality goods it is best to refuse.

  4. It is noteworthy that thermoses with a flack of tempered glass rightfully considered the highest quality and durable . But in the process of choosing such an appliance it is very important to pay attention to the silver coating, which in this case is necessarily present. If it is substantial, then such a thermos will initially not be maintained properly.

  5. If there is such an opportunity You can pour a little hot water into a thermos and see how the device can cope with the main task (saving temperature).

The thermos does not hold heat: how to fix the metal thermos if he stopped keeping the temperature and heats up? What is the reason? 21702_14

The thermos does not hold heat: how to fix the metal thermos if he stopped keeping the temperature and heats up? What is the reason? 21702_15

Choose good and high-quality thermos is not enough. Since the design of the dishes of this type is quite fragile, then during operation it is necessary to treat it as carefully.

Before filling the container with hot liquid, it must be prepared. Pre-training process is simple:

  • In the container you need to pour a small amount of hot water and leave for 5-10 minutes;

  • Then water must be gently shaken and pour;

  • Now you can fill the main fluid.

The thermos does not hold heat: how to fix the metal thermos if he stopped keeping the temperature and heats up? What is the reason? 21702_16

The thermos does not hold heat: how to fix the metal thermos if he stopped keeping the temperature and heats up? What is the reason? 21702_17

This procedure is necessary to warm up the seams that are available in each thermos. And also preheating the surface will save from a sharp temperature difference, which also addicted to the operation of the device.

During operation, it is necessary to minimize any mechanical damage not only for glass, but also metallic dishes . Of course, iron thermos will not break, but cracks may form in the seams. Even minor deformation can cause a violation of the vacuum. With such damage, the operation of the thermos will be finally broken.

Important moment! It is extremely recommended to acquire a thermos from hand or in dubious places (subway, small kiosks). In such outlets, the chance to purchase a bad product product increases several times.

The thermos does not hold heat: how to fix the metal thermos if he stopped keeping the temperature and heats up? What is the reason? 21702_18

The thermos does not hold heat: how to fix the metal thermos if he stopped keeping the temperature and heats up? What is the reason? 21702_19

Nobody is insured against the factory marriage. But if you follow the instructions on the choice, you can buy a completely high-quality thermos, which properly serves more than one year. In the process of purchase, it is important to navigate both appearance and producer. It is better to abandon cheap options for dubious production. In order for the thermal to serve for a long time, it should not save on it.

Even if you were lucky to purchase goods of proper quality, it is important to treat it in the process of operation carefully. It is impossible to drop and apply any mechanical damage to dishes. The plug should be swirling in moderation strongly. Excessive twisting may result in subsequent deformation. If you comply with all the rules and recommendations, then the thermos do not have to repair.

The thermos does not hold heat: how to fix the metal thermos if he stopped keeping the temperature and heats up? What is the reason? 21702_20

Features of repair are also presented in the following video.

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