What causation is better: pig-iron or aluminum? Pros and cons of Kazanov from aluminum and cast iron. How to distinguish them? What causale is better to choose for a gas stove?


Kazan is a very popular product, which, however, is not too often you can meet in the kitchens of modern owners. But it can often be seen from tourists, fishermen or just people who love to spend time in nature. Use Kazan both at home and for cooking on fire. Most of all are in demand cast iron and aluminum products. What they differ, what product has more advantages, let's talk in our article.

What causation is better: pig-iron or aluminum? Pros and cons of Kazanov from aluminum and cast iron. How to distinguish them? What causale is better to choose for a gas stove? 21673_2

What causation is better: pig-iron or aluminum? Pros and cons of Kazanov from aluminum and cast iron. How to distinguish them? What causale is better to choose for a gas stove? 21673_3

Difference from the saucepan

Some believe that Kazan is essentially a pan. This statement is not quite fair. This product has appeared in ancient times in Central Asia, and so far, many traditional eats of these peoples are preparing in him. However, Kazan was widespread in different countries.

What causation is better: pig-iron or aluminum? Pros and cons of Kazanov from aluminum and cast iron. How to distinguish them? What causale is better to choose for a gas stove? 21673_4

What causation is better: pig-iron or aluminum? Pros and cons of Kazanov from aluminum and cast iron. How to distinguish them? What causale is better to choose for a gas stove? 21673_5

The difference between cauldron from the pan for the most part in the form. It is a hemisphere, the preparing food is very convenient to put on fire. The form allows you to heat up not only the bottom of the product, but also its walls, which contributes to a more rapid preparation of dishes and uniform weighing products.

Cooking in the Casane can be in any place. The hostess gladly use it on gas and electric stoves.

For cooking in nature, the product can be installed on a special tripog, which is placed directly on fire. In the form of a focus, in this case, the deepening in the ground either the brave.

What causation is better: pig-iron or aluminum? Pros and cons of Kazanov from aluminum and cast iron. How to distinguish them? What causale is better to choose for a gas stove? 21673_6

What causation is better: pig-iron or aluminum? Pros and cons of Kazanov from aluminum and cast iron. How to distinguish them? What causale is better to choose for a gas stove? 21673_7


In general, the differences between the Casans are a bit. However, stores present a variety of species that have different shapes, volume and material manufacturing. Before choosing a specific product, it is necessary to estimate all moments.

The form

The most popular is the classic. Such caulders have the form of the hemisphere and are very convenient for cooking on open fire. Since the bottom is convex, put it on the stove or a flat surface is not possible. However, manufacturers are played by demand, so the Classical Casanes began to appear on sale, but having a flat bottom. This allowed the hosts to indulge the seven delicious and unusual dishes, without leaving for their preparation of the apartments.

What causation is better: pig-iron or aluminum? Pros and cons of Kazanov from aluminum and cast iron. How to distinguish them? What causale is better to choose for a gas stove? 21673_8


The volume in each case is selected individually depending on the needs of the buyer.

The underlying condition is not to place too many products so that there is always a place in place for mixing them.

For example, for a family consisting of dad, mom and child, it will be quite enough causing a capacity of 3 liters. A 8 liter product is enough to feed from 10 to 15 people. However, lovers say that the most delicious and juicy dishes are obtained when they are prepared in large Casans. Therefore, for a very large company, you can purchase a product with a capacity of over 15 liters.

What causation is better: pig-iron or aluminum? Pros and cons of Kazanov from aluminum and cast iron. How to distinguish them? What causale is better to choose for a gas stove? 21673_9


Most often, the cover comes with the same material that he himself. However, there are exceptions. The winner of the cast iron can offer a lid of aluminum or even a tree. In this situation, it should be borne in mind that the material itself is not as important.

A much greater role is played as far as the lid is adjacent to the cauldron. This is a prerequisite, its failure may threaten the violation of the taste and qualitative characteristics of cooked dishes.

What causation is better: pig-iron or aluminum? Pros and cons of Kazanov from aluminum and cast iron. How to distinguish them? What causale is better to choose for a gas stove? 21673_10


The main condition for which buyers pay attention to the choice of cauldron is, what material it is made. The greatest disputes cause products from cast iron and aluminum. At the same time, there are still types of these dishes with teflon coating or enamel, as well as copper. All of them have certain characteristics.

Kazan with a certain type of coating is in demand from the hosts at home. Prepare in it on open fire is a fairly dubious prospect.

The fact is that under the influence of high temperatures, the enamel quickly comes into disrepair, and its cracking can be accompanied by some elements in food.

And also when cooking in such a dishes, it is necessary to use special wooden or plastic devices, which creates additional difficulties.

What causation is better: pig-iron or aluminum? Pros and cons of Kazanov from aluminum and cast iron. How to distinguish them? What causale is better to choose for a gas stove? 21673_11

Copper cauldron is a rather rare phenomenon. However, in countries such as Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan, they are considered the best. Others do not appreciate copper for its disadvantages, for example, this material is easily corrosion, is unable to keep the temperature well, it is poorly cleaned.

What causation is better: pig-iron or aluminum? Pros and cons of Kazanov from aluminum and cast iron. How to distinguish them? What causale is better to choose for a gas stove? 21673_12

Aluminum Casanes are one of the most popular. Their spectrum of application is quite wide. Not only hostesses in the kitchen enjoy such products, they are great for cooking in tourist conditions.

What causation is better: pig-iron or aluminum? Pros and cons of Kazanov from aluminum and cast iron. How to distinguish them? What causale is better to choose for a gas stove? 21673_13

Finally Most common caulders made of cast iron . Among their features, you can note the impressive weight and long heating. However, consumers celebrate an incredible taste and aroma of such dishes.

What causation is better: pig-iron or aluminum? Pros and cons of Kazanov from aluminum and cast iron. How to distinguish them? What causale is better to choose for a gas stove? 21673_14

Advantages and disadvantages

When choosing an aluminum or cast-iron cauldron, you need to take into account many factors. Be sure to compare the advantages and disadvantages of each type of product. Consider them in more detail.

From cast iron

From a long time, it is the opinion that food made in the dishes from the cast iron is the most delicious, as it languishes for a long time on fire, while maintaining its best qualities.

Casuals are exactly from this material - the perfect thing in which you can cook a stunning borsch or put out gentle pilaf.

Among the advantages it is necessary to note the low thermal conductivity, which is responsible for the ability to maintain heat for a long time. Despite the fact that the cast-iron cauldron will be heated longer, he distributes the heat evenly and slowly, which allows the products to reach ready. In the presence of the cover, hot steam will make your own business.

What causation is better: pig-iron or aluminum? Pros and cons of Kazanov from aluminum and cast iron. How to distinguish them? What causale is better to choose for a gas stove? 21673_15

It is impossible not to note the long-term operation of such dishes. Over the years in such Kazan will be prepared only more convenient and more pleasant. This occurs due to the fact that the inner surface originally has pores. Over time, they are clogged with oil and fat, which is why the natural protective layer is formed, respectively, the products will burn less.

Cast iron utensils are often transmitted to the family by inheritance.

What causation is better: pig-iron or aluminum? Pros and cons of Kazanov from aluminum and cast iron. How to distinguish them? What causale is better to choose for a gas stove? 21673_16

However, it is impossible not to say about the minuses. Such products are very heavy, which causes difficulties in use, not to mention the fact that they are not intended for hiking. It is possible that they can crack with significant mechanical exposure. Externally, these caulders do not look too beautiful. They can affect corrosion and rust.

With part of these troubles, it will help to cope with the right care for dishes. But it is also very important to competently prepare it for operation.

It is very important to carefully wash and calcining with the use of vegetable oil and salt.

What causation is better: pig-iron or aluminum? Pros and cons of Kazanov from aluminum and cast iron. How to distinguish them? What causale is better to choose for a gas stove? 21673_17


This object more resembles a saucepan, but has thick walls. The advantages of aluminum caulders are sufficient. First of all, it is impossible not to note their available cost. Such products are pretty light, perfectly suitable for cooking at home and in nature, and they are not difficult to carry them.

What causation is better: pig-iron or aluminum? Pros and cons of Kazanov from aluminum and cast iron. How to distinguish them? What causale is better to choose for a gas stove? 21673_18

As for minuses, this is a high thermal conductivity that allows the product to be heated and cool very quickly, which is a special interference for the preparation of some dishes.

They will easily rush from mechanical exposure, as the manufacturer's material is quite soft.

Preparations for first use does not cause hassle, causing is simply washed with water and wipes. It should be abandoned hardworms and sponges for washing dishes, otherwise it is easy to damage the protective layer.

What causation is better: pig-iron or aluminum? Pros and cons of Kazanov from aluminum and cast iron. How to distinguish them? What causale is better to choose for a gas stove? 21673_19


We looked at the features of the advantages and disadvantages of each of the options. What exactly to stop which choose should be solved in each case individually. It all depends on the goals, tasks and requirements that will be imposed on the Kazan. However, tasty and fragrant dishes can be prepared both in iron and aluminum dishes. The main thing is the desire and craftsmanship of the cook!

What causation is better: pig-iron or aluminum? Pros and cons of Kazanov from aluminum and cast iron. How to distinguish them? What causale is better to choose for a gas stove? 21673_20

In this video you will learn how to prepare and hire a new cauldron before using.

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