Stand under Kazan (23 photos): How to choose a tripod and holder for a cauldron for a fire and a gas stove?


Kazan is a rather cumbersome structure, which in itself quite much weighs, and even more with content. Of course, the question of how to arrange such a vessel over fire so that cooking was comfortable, and warming uniform. For such purposes there are specially created supports, and today we will analyze more, which one of them is better to choose.

Stand under Kazan (23 photos): How to choose a tripod and holder for a cauldron for a fire and a gas stove? 21656_2

Stand under Kazan (23 photos): How to choose a tripod and holder for a cauldron for a fire and a gas stove? 21656_3

Stand under Kazan (23 photos): How to choose a tripod and holder for a cauldron for a fire and a gas stove? 21656_4

Variety of solutions

First of all, it is worth understanding one very important thing: the classic cauldron does not imply the presence of a stand or even legs. That is why under this cast-iron kitchen utensils need to choose the stands for each case separately. And those can be really a lot, because people use Kazan in a wide variety of places. There are several separate options, including:

  • Stand for a fire or other source of fire;
  • a special substrate that will help to establish the Kazan on the BRAIN;
  • For small Casans there are stands on the gas stove;
  • Hot caulders will be difficult without harm to install somewhere immediately, removing from the fire, therefore, a separate stand for installation on the table is required.

Stand under Kazan (23 photos): How to choose a tripod and holder for a cauldron for a fire and a gas stove? 21656_5

Stand under Kazan (23 photos): How to choose a tripod and holder for a cauldron for a fire and a gas stove? 21656_6

Stand under Kazan (23 photos): How to choose a tripod and holder for a cauldron for a fire and a gas stove? 21656_7

And now consider each of the proposed options.

For fire

In essence, this stand is a classic tripod. It is very comfortable, because when you cook food on the fire, it is necessary to be a little bit alone and only occasionally control the cooking process. An excellent assistant in this case is a classic tripod, allowing you to establish a vessel ideal for access both a person and fire. The basis of such a stand - 3 metal legs, which are located at a low angle. However, you should not be afraid of the actual size of a similar design, because it is easily disassembled and placed even in the shortest luggage compartment of the car.

In addition to the classic option providing for 3 "legs", you can also meet options when there are one more. Such a solution may limit the size of the fire divorced under the Casual. The fastening method is different.

So, in the model for 4 legs there is an option for installing the boiler. But if you are using a tripod, then almost always you have to hang your campaign aggregate on the hook.

Stand under Kazan (23 photos): How to choose a tripod and holder for a cauldron for a fire and a gas stove? 21656_8

Stand under Kazan (23 photos): How to choose a tripod and holder for a cauldron for a fire and a gas stove? 21656_9

Stand under Kazan (23 photos): How to choose a tripod and holder for a cauldron for a fire and a gas stove? 21656_10

On mangal

No one is a secret, how popular the attribute of Sunday holidays in nature or the summer site is a classic brazier. It can be very convenient, because This option creates a clearly limited bonfire, which also provides its optimal heat distribution. . Most often, a kebab is frying on the mangale, however, it can be used simultaneously and as a special stand under Kazan to prepare a delicious pilaf, soup or porridge.

This device is like a square where, actually, the cauldron is installed. But on the sides you can detect special handles for which you can carefully move the vessel as you need. Yes, and holding a stand with such handles will be perfectly on any brand, be it big or small. The only thing is that it is very important to take into account when buying - the diameter of the very square and the bottom of the ass.

It is necessary that it does not fall down, and tightly kept tightly on top, without risk to tilt. It is really very important, because there is not only lunch on Kohn, but also your safety.

Stand under Kazan (23 photos): How to choose a tripod and holder for a cauldron for a fire and a gas stove? 21656_11

Stand under Kazan (23 photos): How to choose a tripod and holder for a cauldron for a fire and a gas stove? 21656_12

Stand under Kazan (23 photos): How to choose a tripod and holder for a cauldron for a fire and a gas stove? 21656_13

On the table

As already described above, the classic cauldron does not mean with a leg or built-in stand. That is why in order to remove the bowler from the fire and install it on a flat and non-smoky surface, it is necessary for some kind of device. Of course, some people put Kazan on a cutting board or even bricks. However, it suffers here as aesthetic component and stability of the structure.

That's why There is a special solution that visually reminds the same Trenalog. Only now the cauldron is fixed not on the hook, but it will be steadily standing on a special circle - it will provide you with peace of mind for its contents.

Such supports are the most different - forged and cut-down metal or even wooden. And the last option is sometimes preferable, because the table scratch is quite simple, if we put a metal heavy design from above.

Stand under Kazan (23 photos): How to choose a tripod and holder for a cauldron for a fire and a gas stove? 21656_14

On the gas stove

Thanks to special designs, similar options for using the cauldron are easily accessible. It would seem that there is already enough special metal supports under the gas stove. However, in this case, everything is due to the presence of a convex semicircular bottom of a convex semicircular bottom, and therefore, if they put it simply on the standard burner, the design will be released very unstable.

So that such incasions did not occur, it was invented A special ring holder that helps utensils remain stable. It can look like this thing as a ring, bowed to a robe with vertically located legs so that the cauldron is more comfortable to resist this place.

The other option provides a product similar to a tripod, just not so high. In this case, there would be a stand, which is made of the same material as the cauldron itself.

Stand under Kazan (23 photos): How to choose a tripod and holder for a cauldron for a fire and a gas stove? 21656_15

Stand under Kazan (23 photos): How to choose a tripod and holder for a cauldron for a fire and a gas stove? 21656_16

Materials manufacturing

Suid for cooking on open fire can make out of 3 main materials:

  • cast iron;
  • steel;
  • aluminum.

Based on how the material is used in your specific solution, you need to choose a stand for the cauldron. It is best for this suitable, of course, cast iron. The heat distribution will start from the stand and go even throughout the boiler. In the case of an aluminum solution, it does not matter from which the stand will be made.

On the contrary, the cast-iron tripod will not complete with light and fragile aluminum. After all, such a dishes are very lightweight, and the cast iron is rather heavy. Therefore, choose steel options or solutions with wooden legs in the case of a backup on the table.

Stand under Kazan (23 photos): How to choose a tripod and holder for a cauldron for a fire and a gas stove? 21656_17

Stand under Kazan (23 photos): How to choose a tripod and holder for a cauldron for a fire and a gas stove? 21656_18

Stand under Kazan (23 photos): How to choose a tripod and holder for a cauldron for a fire and a gas stove? 21656_19

The importance of the right selection of the stand

It is very important to remember that among kotelets, Kazan and real boilers there are the most diverse volume: from 3 to 100 or more liters. The most common solution is cast iron dishes on 12 liters - it is under this solution that most fixings are created.

But it is possible to find the appropriate option completely for any capacity. The best solution will choose the necessary stands immediately when buying directly the boiler for cooking, so as not to carry it into the store, trying on and picking up the sizes. Yes, and in the store, where they sell the Casans, the supports of the appropriate size will be definitely.

Stand under Kazan (23 photos): How to choose a tripod and holder for a cauldron for a fire and a gas stove? 21656_20

How to install holders right?

You will get to install the entire design correctly and remove the maximum benefit from this if you remember the following. During the cooking process it will be necessary to periodically and repeatedly stir the future dish. That is because Check that the design is not only securely assembled, but also that the causa can stand the movement of the spoon inside it and did not overturn.

In the case of a fire, mangal and other methods of preparation, where the combustion of solids is used, the free circulation of air is necessary and mandatory. In particular, smoke must fully and freely leave the source of fire. Otherwise, the heat will be rapidly unevenly, it is not excluded even the fall of smoke under the cover right into the food.

Stand under Kazan (23 photos): How to choose a tripod and holder for a cauldron for a fire and a gas stove? 21656_21

Stand under Kazan (23 photos): How to choose a tripod and holder for a cauldron for a fire and a gas stove? 21656_22

That's why Collect the design as much as possible, fasten the cauldron on it and check it all on stability. Fuck the legs tightly in the ground, but so that none of them accidentally bent. Please note that you should not put the legs into the wet soil. An important point is the bonfire. Concentrate heat inside - sort fire by stone. Below the caulders so that the flame does not take directly to the bottom of the dishes.

If the stand will be chosen correctly, then you will definitely get a delicious dish, and the utensil will serve you for a long time.

Stand under Kazan (23 photos): How to choose a tripod and holder for a cauldron for a fire and a gas stove? 21656_23

About how to make a stand under Kazan, look next.

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