How to smooth up a cloth-oil? How to straighten the folds of a new PVC tablecloth for the Water Table? How to straighten it from the lies of the iron?


Smoothing with a confused when buying a tablecloth is a mandatory effect: the product that is hardly smoothed, it looks untidy, despite the fact that it bought quite recently and did not receive any damage. Different skins and tablecloths require a special approach - due to the type of plastic, involved in their manufacture.

How to smooth up a cloth-oil? How to straighten the folds of a new PVC tablecloth for the Water Table? How to straighten it from the lies of the iron? 21589_2

How to smooth up a cloth-oil? How to straighten the folds of a new PVC tablecloth for the Water Table? How to straighten it from the lies of the iron? 21589_3

Ironing iron

Vinyl, polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene glue, unlike natural tablecloths, do not tolerate heating above 40 degrees. At elevated plastic temperature, the plastic exudes the unpleasant odor and it is breached over time. It is forbidden to erase the linsel from a polymer in automatic mode and at a temperature of more than 40 degrees, Because the decorative image on the product is erased, then the polymer itself is gradually.

Towards having a natural "grid" tissue, with a negligent circulation, exceeding the temperature of the iron and in the wash process will be swam.

How to smooth up a cloth-oil? How to straighten the folds of a new PVC tablecloth for the Water Table? How to straighten it from the lies of the iron? 21589_4

Any plastic does not carry heating - for comparison, the product from high temperature and ultraviolet in a year-three is scattered under the hot sunny rays. And considering the interests of sellers, plastic produced as a biodegradable product - humidity, microbes, heat and ultraviolet turn it into a duch.

Heating the liner with iron, you do it at your own risk. The structure of the polymer from which the product is manufactured, loses its properties. If we put the linen on the hot battery, it will begin to highlight the smell of plastic, which indicate the starting decomposition of polymer chains on the volatile hydrocarbon compounds, harmful to human health. Heaving under the hot dishes, the stand transmits part of the heat (the temperature is selected to 80 degrees) the adhesive, which loses the colors and gloss: the dyes that the drawing is printed, fade.

How to smooth up a cloth-oil? How to straighten the folds of a new PVC tablecloth for the Water Table? How to straighten it from the lies of the iron? 21589_5

How to smooth up a cloth-oil? How to straighten the folds of a new PVC tablecloth for the Water Table? How to straighten it from the lies of the iron? 21589_6

How to straighten with steam?

Polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride and other synthetic fibers are able to straighten with short-term steam exposure. The fact is that any plastic is thermoplastic: the heated canvases made from it change the form - and retain it at the end of the temperature. An adhesive tablecloth align from the folds, to straighten from the chances (during transportation) is still possible.

How to smooth up a cloth-oil? How to straighten the folds of a new PVC tablecloth for the Water Table? How to straighten it from the lies of the iron? 21589_7

To smooth out the tablecloth, you need from the wrong side - the facial with the slightest heating quickly would have fallen, lost its trade look. It is necessary to straighten it with the help of a heated wet rag - the resulting couple soften plastic slightly soften, and the races on the new PVC glue will leave.

How to smooth up a cloth-oil? How to straighten the folds of a new PVC tablecloth for the Water Table? How to straighten it from the lies of the iron? 21589_8

Instead of an iron, a steam generator is sometimes used.

other methods

If you need to quickly remove with mint cylinder bend - use, for example, a hairdryer. Install on it warm blowing mode. Do not bring the hair dryer closer than 25 cm - otherwise heating will be excessive. Do not stand the hair dryer on the same heating site - plastic doubt. The thin coating is melted quickly and efficiently - which you can not say about the thick material.

How to smooth up a cloth-oil? How to straighten the folds of a new PVC tablecloth for the Water Table? How to straighten it from the lies of the iron? 21589_9

The nonwoven foundation is preferably not at all try to straighten - you can put something flat and heavy, for example, packing with any technique. Dry long heating for any plastic is contraindicated.

Holding the tablecloth over the pan with warm water, it is suspended to the rope using clothespins. To the bottom, the hanging edges can be brought to a small cargo - but not so that the material is broken. Thus, it will be possible to smooth out the bend after transport or storage.

Silicone tablecloth can be "glued" to the table - before it is to spread, a small amount of moisture is applied to the tabletop from the sprayer. Silicone has a property that distinguishes it from other types of plastic - it sticks to the surface, at the expense of Keellus sticks to the tabletop and smoothes. Silicone does not make long heating and stretching - the drained material can irreversibly damage.

How to smooth up a cloth-oil? How to straighten the folds of a new PVC tablecloth for the Water Table? How to straighten it from the lies of the iron? 21589_10

Thermal film - the most heat-resistant material . It can be heated to 80 degrees. It is an exception to the rule - it can be held over the ferry or turn on the iron with an exhalation on the average temperature. But to redistribute this material at elevated temperature is impossible - a value of more than 80 degrees will lead to its folding. It can withstand hot cups and plates, but the pots and frying pan can not put on it. The thermople is for sale in a prayer - you can buy 2m2 and use it as a tablecloth, besides, there are no openwork edges on such a cut.

How to smooth up a cloth-oil? How to straighten the folds of a new PVC tablecloth for the Water Table? How to straighten it from the lies of the iron? 21589_11

How to smooth up a cloth-oil? How to straighten the folds of a new PVC tablecloth for the Water Table? How to straighten it from the lies of the iron? 21589_12

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