Orthopedic Mattrices: Mattress Mattress 160x200 and 140x200, 180x200 and other mattress covers. Rating of the best mattress covers. How to choose a hard mattress?


The modern world produces a variety of various accessories for beds and mattresses. One of these useful things is a mattress cover, which is also referred to as a mattress cover or topper. With the peculiarities and varieties of orthopedic matages, you will read further, as well as consider the current rating of the best brands that produce such covers to protect the bedroom.

Orthopedic Mattrices: Mattress Mattress 160x200 and 140x200, 180x200 and other mattress covers. Rating of the best mattress covers. How to choose a hard mattress? 21580_2

Orthopedic Mattrices: Mattress Mattress 160x200 and 140x200, 180x200 and other mattress covers. Rating of the best mattress covers. How to choose a hard mattress? 21580_3


Orthopedic matages are produced in a huge variety of models, but their main difference from all others is that they mostly can adjust the form of the mattress. Make it tougher or soft, and some are at all equipped with the effect of memory. Such models differ even higher comfort while sleeping.

  • Orthopedic matages allow you to align a sleeping place, as well as if necessary, they can smooth out deformations on the mattress and its relief surface. Such mattress covers support the health of the back.

  • Mattress companies from modern and high-quality materials allow you to maintain the optimal bed location microclimate, and also protect the mattresses from various contaminants. Most of the covers of this type are produced from environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic materials that are safe for humans and the environment.

  • Orthopedic mattress covers can update the old mattress, increasing its functionality and significantly improve the quality of recreation. And also with their help, you can slightly increase the height of the mattress.

Orthopedic Mattrices: Mattress Mattress 160x200 and 140x200, 180x200 and other mattress covers. Rating of the best mattress covers. How to choose a hard mattress? 21580_4

Orthopedic Mattrices: Mattress Mattress 160x200 and 140x200, 180x200 and other mattress covers. Rating of the best mattress covers. How to choose a hard mattress? 21580_5

Review of species

To date, manufacturers offer orthopedic mattress companies that differ in between themselves near and, of course, the most importantly filler.

Fillers of soft covers can be natural and synthetic.

  • Natural felt. This material allows air to circulate freely through the material, as well as it has an excellent heat capacity.

  • As a filler Natural or artificial latex can be used.

Orthopedic Mattrices: Mattress Mattress 160x200 and 140x200, 180x200 and other mattress covers. Rating of the best mattress covers. How to choose a hard mattress? 21580_6

Orthopedic Mattrices: Mattress Mattress 160x200 and 140x200, 180x200 and other mattress covers. Rating of the best mattress covers. How to choose a hard mattress? 21580_7

There are also other fillers. Some of them are more expensive, and some cheaper. However, the most popular are the combined compositions of mattress companies, combining the layers of natural and high-quality artificial materials. They can be thin, and thick - it all depends on the model.

As for fillers of medium rigidity and hard mattress covers, they also contain various materials. We list them.

  • Coconut (Coconut Coyra) - This filler is most often found in rigid models.

  • Polyurethan. The material is considered rather profitable and practical, since it is very elastic and elastic, but at the same time hypoallergenic.

  • Foam. This filler is one of the modern and innovative, most often mattress covers with such a filler are called with the effect of memory, they are perfectly adjusted to the anatomical features of the person at any age.

  • As a filler can be used Bamboo fiber . Its plus is that it has bactericidal properties.

Orthopedic Mattrices: Mattress Mattress 160x200 and 140x200, 180x200 and other mattress covers. Rating of the best mattress covers. How to choose a hard mattress? 21580_8

Orthopedic Mattrices: Mattress Mattress 160x200 and 140x200, 180x200 and other mattress covers. Rating of the best mattress covers. How to choose a hard mattress? 21580_9

Orthopedic Mattrices: Mattress Mattress 160x200 and 140x200, 180x200 and other mattress covers. Rating of the best mattress covers. How to choose a hard mattress? 21580_10

Orthopedic Mattrices: Mattress Mattress 160x200 and 140x200, 180x200 and other mattress covers. Rating of the best mattress covers. How to choose a hard mattress? 21580_11

Rigid orthopedic mattress covers and medium hardness options can be rather solid, that is why before buying it is very important to specify what they consist of.

It is important to note that many orthopedic covers contain a special waterproof layer. Such models of covers are particularly relevant for children, they are often choosing for pensioners, as well as sick people with special needs. The effect of waterproof is achieved through the use of special innovative materials. As a rule, such a layer is located with the wrong side of the product.


Orthopedic mattress covers are represented by the widest dimension nearby. Choose the mattress required by measurements will not be any difficulty. The main thing is that the mattress holder in length and width corresponded to the mattress. Besides, In addition to standard rectangular varieties, in the range of some brands you can find both round mattresses for round beds.

Orthopedic Mattrices: Mattress Mattress 160x200 and 140x200, 180x200 and other mattress covers. Rating of the best mattress covers. How to choose a hard mattress? 21580_12

The standard sizes of covers for mattresses (in cm) are considered:

  • 60x120, 90x190 and 90x200 - as a rule, these are children's matages and teen options;

  • half - 120x200;

  • double - 140x200, 160x200, 180x200;

  • Eurovarians - 200x200 and 200x220;

  • You can find options for mattresses with dimensions of 130x200, 140x190.

Orthopedic Mattrices: Mattress Mattress 160x200 and 140x200, 180x200 and other mattress covers. Rating of the best mattress covers. How to choose a hard mattress? 21580_13

Orthopedic Mattrices: Mattress Mattress 160x200 and 140x200, 180x200 and other mattress covers. Rating of the best mattress covers. How to choose a hard mattress? 21580_14

Rating of the best brands

Consider the most popular domestic and foreign brands that produce high-quality orthopedic mattress covers.

  • Askona. This domestic brand has an excellent choice of mattresses of the most different size. For example, mild models from the range combine high-quality elastic latex and high-elastic foam. Such a composition allows the desired level of softness and necessary elasticity to give a bed.

Orthopedic Mattrices: Mattress Mattress 160x200 and 140x200, 180x200 and other mattress covers. Rating of the best mattress covers. How to choose a hard mattress? 21580_15

  • ORMATEK. Another domestic brand, which deservedly falls into all the ratings of the best brands for the production of orthopedic mattresses and accessories associated with them. A variety of mattresses on mattresses are available in the assortment, which perform a variety of functions, including moisture protection, hygienic, as well as the increase function and reduction of rigidity.

Orthopedic Mattrices: Mattress Mattress 160x200 and 140x200, 180x200 and other mattress covers. Rating of the best mattress covers. How to choose a hard mattress? 21580_16

  • Comfort Line. Mark specializing in the production of high-quality sleep goods, including orthopedic mattress covers with a variety of filler. More than 20 orthopedic covers for mattresses are available in assortment.

Orthopedic Mattrices: Mattress Mattress 160x200 and 140x200, 180x200 and other mattress covers. Rating of the best mattress covers. How to choose a hard mattress? 21580_17

  • Lordflex's. This famous brand come from Italy to date is one of the leaders in the production of innovative mattresses and related accessories. This brand has many interesting patented systems that they use for the manufacture of their products. In the assortment you can find excellent orthopedic mattress covers, but it is worth noting that their price tag is above average.

Orthopedic Mattrices: Mattress Mattress 160x200 and 140x200, 180x200 and other mattress covers. Rating of the best mattress covers. How to choose a hard mattress? 21580_18

  • Magniflex. Another Italian brand, producing mattresses and premium quality mattresses. They are famous for being produced at best production in Italy, and when creating only proven and modern materials are used, which will bring comfort to people after buying finished products.

Orthopedic Mattrices: Mattress Mattress 160x200 and 140x200, 180x200 and other mattress covers. Rating of the best mattress covers. How to choose a hard mattress? 21580_19

  • Dreamline. This brand can find high-quality orthopedic covers on mattresses at quite affordable prices. Buyers will also probably please a wide size range.

Orthopedic Mattrices: Mattress Mattress 160x200 and 140x200, 180x200 and other mattress covers. Rating of the best mattress covers. How to choose a hard mattress? 21580_20

It is worth noting that this is not all firms that produce matages of excellent quality. This rating can be called only approximate, because every year many brands produce truly worthy of attention.

Child Nuances

To properly choose an orthopedic mattress staff for his bedroom, it is very important to pay attention to a number of moments.

  • Rigidity. The rigidity of the mattress cover, like the mattress itself, plays a big role. Not only comfort will depend on it during sleep, but even human health. Stiffness is chosen according to your own preferences or recommendations of the doctor if there are problems with the back and neck. Options are inferior to the elderly, as well as to people who are very often sporting, and those whose weight is less than 50 kg. If there are no restrictions, it is optimal to choose a standard version - medium stiffness. But users weighing over 90 kg usually prefer hard options.

  • Height. When choosing a cover on the mattress, it is very important to pay attention to its height. In the range of modern stamps, options from 1 cm and up to 10 cm are available. There are options that come out for these digital frames. The height choices, as a rule, depends on personal preferences. But experts recommend to adhere to the following: the greater the mass of the body, the thicker it is necessary to choose the network.

Orthopedic Mattrices: Mattress Mattress 160x200 and 140x200, 180x200 and other mattress covers. Rating of the best mattress covers. How to choose a hard mattress? 21580_21

Orthopedic Mattrices: Mattress Mattress 160x200 and 140x200, 180x200 and other mattress covers. Rating of the best mattress covers. How to choose a hard mattress? 21580_22

Before buying a mattress cover, it is extremely important to first measure your mattress. Many brands offer the manufacture of individual measurements.

It is also important to pay attention to the filler. The mattress covers usually have special moisture resistant interlayers or a layer with a special material that allows you to adjust the rigidity or softness of the mattress.

And, of course, It is important to pay special attention to fastening such a product to the mattress. Often covers on the mattress are attached with special rubber bands, buttons, straps or other devices located around the perimeter or in the corners of the product.

Orthopedic Mattrices: Mattress Mattress 160x200 and 140x200, 180x200 and other mattress covers. Rating of the best mattress covers. How to choose a hard mattress? 21580_23

Orthopedic Mattrices: Mattress Mattress 160x200 and 140x200, 180x200 and other mattress covers. Rating of the best mattress covers. How to choose a hard mattress? 21580_24

Before buying, it is necessarily important to know the fastening system, since it will depend on it how reliably and firmly will be fixed on the mattress.

Operating tips

Mattress covers are convenient and practical things that, with proper use and care, can significantly extend the life of the mattress, as well as increase its capabilities.

The case on the mattress is very easy to wear, its undoubted advantage is simple care. In most cases, this kind of thing can be washed in a washing machine according to the instructions attached to them. You can check the information on a special tag that is necessarily attached to the product, as well as any other thing.

Orthopedic Mattrices: Mattress Mattress 160x200 and 140x200, 180x200 and other mattress covers. Rating of the best mattress covers. How to choose a hard mattress? 21580_25

The washing temperature may vary depending on the fabric from 30 to 90 degrees. After washing, the fabric very often spare itself, so there is no need for ironing. The main thing is to suck the product, put it on the mattress and fix it.

So that the mattress holder does not deteriorate, experts advise him to occasionally venture and turn over. This allows you to refresh the product and extend its life.

Orthopedic Mattrices: Mattress Mattress 160x200 and 140x200, 180x200 and other mattress covers. Rating of the best mattress covers. How to choose a hard mattress? 21580_26

Orthopedic Mattrices: Mattress Mattress 160x200 and 140x200, 180x200 and other mattress covers. Rating of the best mattress covers. How to choose a hard mattress? 21580_27

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