Thick mattress covers: 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200 on the bed, choose a soft high elastic mattress covers


Sleep is of paramount importance to maintain the health and normal functioning of the human body. Sleep quality depends largely on the degree of sleep comfort. Convenience during the rest can provide such an affiliation as a mattress staff.

Thick mattress covers: 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200 on the bed, choose a soft high elastic mattress covers 21571_2

Thick mattress covers: 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200 on the bed, choose a soft high elastic mattress covers 21571_3


There are thick and subtle mattress covers. Both species protect the fringe of the mattress from pollution and deformations, prevent its premature wear. In addition, the thick mattress holder performs other functions:

  • Provides alignment of the bug art surface of the old sofa or bed;

  • makes the surface more rigid or soft;

  • It gives the body to take a convenient correct position during sleep.

Thick mattress covers: 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200 on the bed, choose a soft high elastic mattress covers 21571_4

Thick mattress covers: 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200 on the bed, choose a soft high elastic mattress covers 21571_5

Thin mattress covers are usually divided into protective and waterproof, thick, as a rule, are orthopedic. Thick coat masters are always three-layer products. From the inner layer - filler - this characteristic depends as rigidity. The topper will be soft if he has inside a synthet or holofiber, coconut coir gives stiffness. And also as filler can be used:

  • polyurethane foam;

  • Struttiferber;

  • Foam with the effect of memory;

  • wool;

  • latex;

  • bamboo fiber;

  • horsehair;

  • foam;

  • Other natural or synthetic materials.

Thick mattress covers: 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200 on the bed, choose a soft high elastic mattress covers 21571_6

Thick mattress covers: 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200 on the bed, choose a soft high elastic mattress covers 21571_7

Thick mattress covers: 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200 on the bed, choose a soft high elastic mattress covers 21571_8

Thick mattress covers: 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200 on the bed, choose a soft high elastic mattress covers 21571_9

The type of fastening the product is also different.

  • The fiscal option is Topper on the rubber band. Gum, sewn in the corners, fix the product on the mattress of the bed.

  • More reliable are the models with the so-called sidewalls . A rubber band is sewn over the entire edge of the product, the sidewalls protect its ends.

  • Tight fixation provide covers on zipper . The process of their wear will be time consuming, their size should be selected with special care.

Thick mattress covers: 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200 on the bed, choose a soft high elastic mattress covers 21571_10

Thick mattress covers: 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200 on the bed, choose a soft high elastic mattress covers 21571_11


The product size should strictly coincide with the size of the mattress. Usually manufacturers use standard parameters. For single beds, 80x90, 80x120, 90x200 cm are characteristic, for double-room - 140x200,160x200, 180x200 cm. There are other dimensions, for example, 80x200, 90x190, 150x200, 80x186 cm.

Thick mattress covers: 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200 on the bed, choose a soft high elastic mattress covers 21571_12

Thick mattress covers: 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200 on the bed, choose a soft high elastic mattress covers 21571_13

Many firms will produce a product to order by individual measurements. As a rule, the order is not more expensive to buy a finished product.

In addition to sizes, manufacturers indicate the thickness of the products. On average, the high mattress holder can have a thickness of up to 6-8 cm. There are and higher options, they usually serve to increase the height of the bed.

Thick mattress covers: 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200 on the bed, choose a soft high elastic mattress covers 21571_14

How to choose?

When choosing a mattress cover on the bed, you need to take into account several nuances.

  • First of all, you need to decide on the purpose of purchase. If you need to protect a new bed from pollution, it makes no sense to acquire an expensive orthopedic article.

  • In order for nothing to disturb comfort during sleep, the topper size must match the size of the bed. And too small, and an overly large product is inconvenient, it will slide. In addition, a small product with sidewalls or in the form of a cover you just can not wear on the mattress. When buying, consider the height of the mattress and the design of the bed. Make sure that the fastening type will be convenient, and you can install the mattresser without much effort.

  • Be sure to pay attention to the filler. It can be both artificial and natural, to be soft or tough. Modern synthetic materials depending on manufacturing technology and additives may have different stiffness. A good option may be purchasing a bilateral version, which uses a combination of 2 types of fillers. And also need to keep in mind that hyper-sensitive people may be allergic to some natural materials.

  • It will be important to evaluate the quality of the fabric from which the outer layer of the product is made. . Artificial and natural materials are used. Cotton coatings, bosses, bamboo or silk are pleasant to the body, hygroscopic, permeable to air, but are short-lived. Artificial fabrics have these qualities of at least, but they are easier to care, less susceptible to abrasion and wear. The optimal solution is a coating of blended tissues.

Thick mattress covers: 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200 on the bed, choose a soft high elastic mattress covers 21571_15

Thick mattress covers: 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200 on the bed, choose a soft high elastic mattress covers 21571_16

Tips for care

In order for the product to light as long as possible, you need to care for it. As a rule, the manufacturer specifies the necessary parts on the label and gives instructions. However, there are a number of general recommendations.

Most often, the way to care depends on the type of filler. Latex products, for example, do not require washing. It is enough to ventilate them, and wash the cover.

Thick mattress covers: 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200 on the bed, choose a soft high elastic mattress covers 21571_17

Thick mattress covers: 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200 on the bed, choose a soft high elastic mattress covers 21571_18

Many synthetic materials are convenient because they can be erased by both hands and in the car. With machine washing you need to use a delicate mode. The washing temperature should not exceed 60 °. It should not be used very aggressive cleaning products, chlorine, bleaching. To wash the covers of thick mattress holders to methods suitable for this type of fabric.

Thick mattress covers: 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200 on the bed, choose a soft high elastic mattress covers 21571_19

Thick mattress covers: 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200 on the bed, choose a soft high elastic mattress covers 21571_20

Very neatly apply to the Coconut Coyra product. The product cannot be folded, when stored it should be in painting form to avoid deformation and breakdown of fragile fibers.

Thick mattress covers: 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200 on the bed, choose a soft high elastic mattress covers 21571_21

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