Hollofiber blankets: pluses and cons of filler. What is the better Singryburg? What is it and how to wash in a washing machine? Reviews


Questions about what holofiber blankets are, what pluses and cons have this filler, it is possible to wash it in the car, more and more people arise from those who first acquire similar bedding. Reviews about the new material for packing, indeed, impressive - it is compared with natural wool or down. A detailed story about how Hollofiber is better than a synthet board, which advantages he possesses, will help choose a blanket with such a filler without unnecessary difficulties.

Hollofiber blankets: pluses and cons of filler. What is the better Singryburg? What is it and how to wash in a washing machine? Reviews 21557_2

Advantages and disadvantages

Hollofiber filler blankets began relatively recently, but such products managed to gain popularity among buyers. Non-woven synthetic material developed and patented in 2005 in Russia at the "Thermopol" enterprise. The English-language version of the name is Hollowfiber, as it is impossible to correspond to its main characteristics, translates as "porous fiber." Material is made of 100% polyester (polyester), can be produced in rolls, sheets or small balls.

Hollofiber blankets: pluses and cons of filler. What is the better Singryburg? What is it and how to wash in a washing machine? Reviews 21557_3

Hollofiber blankets: pluses and cons of filler. What is the better Singryburg? What is it and how to wash in a washing machine? Reviews 21557_4

Among the obvious advantages of holofiber blankets can be distinguished by a number of characteristics.

  1. Low weight. A blanket with such a filler is very easy, "fluffy", because there are many air cavities between the fibers of the material.

  2. Good thermoregulation. The hollofiber blanket is always warm, it is impossible to freeze with him in winter, and in the spring and autumn under such a cover will not be hot.

  3. Hypoallergenic filler composition. The fibers are connected by a volatile manner, do not contain natural components that promote the reproduction of dust mites and pathogenic microflora. This is the safest option for small children, people with increased skin sensitivity.

  4. Air permeability. The material "breathes", allowing packing to quickly give accumulated moisture. This property will be useful when washing bedding. At the same time, the blanket does not absorb foreign smells.

  5. Stability to deformation. Blankets with such a type of filler are not "knocked out", like cotton or dying analogues. Hollofiber quickly restores the former shape when crushing. When complying with the rules of care, the blanket will remain fluffy and air for many years.

  6. Minimum shrinkage. It is no more than 5% even with multiple washing.

  7. Easy to care. It is possible to expose the product to chemical cleaning, washing in drum machines with standard means.

Hollofiber blankets: pluses and cons of filler. What is the better Singryburg? What is it and how to wash in a washing machine? Reviews 21557_5

Hollofiber blankets: pluses and cons of filler. What is the better Singryburg? What is it and how to wash in a washing machine? Reviews 21557_6

Hollofiber blankets: pluses and cons of filler. What is the better Singryburg? What is it and how to wash in a washing machine? Reviews 21557_7

Hollofiber blankets: pluses and cons of filler. What is the better Singryburg? What is it and how to wash in a washing machine? Reviews 21557_8

There are also cons of this filler. These include small hygroscopicity, not exceeding 1%. And the material requires low-temperature washing, it cannot be exposed to too strong heating.

Comparison with synthetone

Most often, holofiber compares with another filler for blankets - syntheps. It also consists of polyester fiber, but is manufactured using glue, most often from recycling products.

Hollofiber blankets: pluses and cons of filler. What is the better Singryburg? What is it and how to wash in a washing machine? Reviews 21557_9

Hollofiber blankets: pluses and cons of filler. What is the better Singryburg? What is it and how to wash in a washing machine? Reviews 21557_10

Understand which embankment option is better suitable for the blanket, it will help comparing the characteristics of these materials.

  • The ability to keep heat. Polyester fibers, not bonded by adhesive way, is better protected from cold. Sintepon worse heats, it is more loose, inclined to the formation of lumps, which also worsens the characteristics of the filler.

  • Elasticity. According to this indicator, Hollofiber is noticeably superior to the Sintepon.

  • Resistance to wear. Here in the leaders also holofiber, better carrying deformation loads. Singry procession under tension is torn, does not restore the former shape.

  • Hypoallergenicity. The presence of adhesive particles in the composition of synthetic trees leads to the appearance of a specific smell. Contact with these substances can cause allergic reactions. Hollofiber - Environmentally friendly polyester, safe for health.

  • Price. Here, the syntheton wins due to the cheaper method of production, the possibility of using the secondary recycled raw materials.

Hollofiber blankets: pluses and cons of filler. What is the better Singryburg? What is it and how to wash in a washing machine? Reviews 21557_11

Hollofiber blankets: pluses and cons of filler. What is the better Singryburg? What is it and how to wash in a washing machine? Reviews 21557_12

Hollofiber blankets: pluses and cons of filler. What is the better Singryburg? What is it and how to wash in a washing machine? Reviews 21557_13

Hollofiber blankets: pluses and cons of filler. What is the better Singryburg? What is it and how to wash in a washing machine? Reviews 21557_14

Hollofiber blankets: pluses and cons of filler. What is the better Singryburg? What is it and how to wash in a washing machine? Reviews 21557_15

We can say that Hollofiber is an improved polyester fiber-based material with less weight and improved performance characteristics. He loses to Sintepona only in one - in value, but the rest of the advantages clearly outweigh this little disadvantage.

Hollofiber blankets: pluses and cons of filler. What is the better Singryburg? What is it and how to wash in a washing machine? Reviews 21557_16

Hollofiber blankets: pluses and cons of filler. What is the better Singryburg? What is it and how to wash in a washing machine? Reviews 21557_17

Hollofiber blankets: pluses and cons of filler. What is the better Singryburg? What is it and how to wash in a washing machine? Reviews 21557_18


The main classification of holofayber blankets assumes their division according to the degree of filler density. This indicator should be specified on the package in the form of characters-points (they can be from 1 to 5, with an increase as values ​​increase) or numbers in grams per square meter. The main classification looks like this:

  • Summer - up to 180 g / m2;

  • Easy - up to 220 g / m2;

  • All-season - up to 350 g / m2;

  • Warm - up to 500 g / m2;

  • Superploom or winter - up to 900 g / m2.

Hollofiber blankets: pluses and cons of filler. What is the better Singryburg? What is it and how to wash in a washing machine? Reviews 21557_19

Hollofiber blankets: pluses and cons of filler. What is the better Singryburg? What is it and how to wash in a washing machine? Reviews 21557_20

Hollofiber blankets: pluses and cons of filler. What is the better Singryburg? What is it and how to wash in a washing machine? Reviews 21557_21

Hollofiber blankets: pluses and cons of filler. What is the better Singryburg? What is it and how to wash in a washing machine? Reviews 21557_22

Hollofiber blankets: pluses and cons of filler. What is the better Singryburg? What is it and how to wash in a washing machine? Reviews 21557_23

The density of the filler laying directly affects what mass will have a product. The thinnest will be as easy as possible. Options for blankets consisting of 2-layers are also available. Usually, light and summer products are combined, which can be used together or separately, varying the degree of preserved heat.

The second way to classify blankets with a holofayber filler is based on how polyester fibers are distributed inside the case.

Hollofiber blankets: pluses and cons of filler. What is the better Singryburg? What is it and how to wash in a washing machine? Reviews 21557_24

Hollofiber blankets: pluses and cons of filler. What is the better Singryburg? What is it and how to wash in a washing machine? Reviews 21557_25

There are 3 main options, each of which has its differences.

  1. Stew. In this performance, the packing is stitched through the material of the cover. This is an inexpensive solution that allows you to noticeably reduce the production process. At the same time, as the packing starts to "migrate," shifted, failures appear.

  2. Kaostetetep. This method of filler fixation implies the creation of a figured stitch, patterned or as a clear pattern. It helps to fasten the holofiber inside the cover. This variant of the distribution of fibers does not imply their offset. The more frequent and challenging the stitch, the better the package will be fixed.

  3. Cassette. Blankets of this type are formed from separate isolated compartments with filler inside. In this case, the packing is not shifted, and the product is obtained as long as possible and durable. Cassette blankets are the most expensive, but are considered the highest quality.

Hollofiber blankets: pluses and cons of filler. What is the better Singryburg? What is it and how to wash in a washing machine? Reviews 21557_26

Hollofiber blankets: pluses and cons of filler. What is the better Singryburg? What is it and how to wash in a washing machine? Reviews 21557_27

Hollofiber blankets: pluses and cons of filler. What is the better Singryburg? What is it and how to wash in a washing machine? Reviews 21557_28

By type of fabric covers, all bedding can also be divided into synthetic and natural. Most often cotton fabrics are used - hawk, satin, less often flax or synthetics.


Hollofiber blankets manufactured by modern manufacturers are presented in a wide range of sizes. There are certain standards that define these settings for bedding.

Hollofiber blankets: pluses and cons of filler. What is the better Singryburg? What is it and how to wash in a washing machine? Reviews 21557_29

Hollofiber blankets: pluses and cons of filler. What is the better Singryburg? What is it and how to wash in a washing machine? Reviews 21557_30

In the Russian classification, they are divided into the following categories:

  • children's - 110x140 cm;

  • single - 140x205 cm;

  • Family or 1.5-bedroom - 155x215 cm;

  • 2-bedroom - 170x205 cm;

  • Euro - 220x240 cm.

These standards are characteristic of the products of domestic production. When buying products from foreign companies, you can encounter other sizes. For example, the width of the blanket can be 5 cm more or less, and the difference in length and often reaches 20-25 cm. This can significantly affect the convenience of using bedding.

Hollofiber blankets: pluses and cons of filler. What is the better Singryburg? What is it and how to wash in a washing machine? Reviews 21557_31

Hollofiber blankets: pluses and cons of filler. What is the better Singryburg? What is it and how to wash in a washing machine? Reviews 21557_32

How to choose?

The choice of a suitable blanket with a holofayber filler is quite easy to do, if you consider all the important factors. First of all, it is worth to give preference to factory production from a well-known brand. The material of the filler is patented in Russia, so domestic manufacturers deserve more trust. Buy a blanket is better personally to be able to estimate its density and quality to the touch, see the line type.

With a personal inspection, it is also easier to pay attention to the possible signs of the factory marriage - the curvature of stitches, traces of the fiber filler, knocked down lumps.

Hollofiber blankets: pluses and cons of filler. What is the better Singryburg? What is it and how to wash in a washing machine? Reviews 21557_33

It will be worthwhile to pay attention to the composition of the material from which the case is made. It is better to give preference to the dense satina or bosy, a silk shell is appropriate for summer products. When examining the product it is quite possible to sniff. There should be no extraneous smells - they indicate that inside is not hypoallergenic polyester, but cheaper syntheps.

No less important is the dimensional characteristics and density of the filler. It is important to choose products for the season or from the very beginning to give preference to multi-layer models that can be adapted to the desired temperature mode. When determining the size, it is worth navigating the dimensions of the bed.

Hollofiber blankets: pluses and cons of filler. What is the better Singryburg? What is it and how to wash in a washing machine? Reviews 21557_34

Hollofiber blankets: pluses and cons of filler. What is the better Singryburg? What is it and how to wash in a washing machine? Reviews 21557_35

Tips for care

Blanket with holofiber as a filler does not require complex care. It can be written manually, to handle ferry in hygienic purposes. It is worth considering the type of material material that may require a delicate circulation. In the washing machine, the product can also be processed at low temperatures not higher than 60 degrees. The filler is not afraid of intense wear, it moves well drying and spinning the unit in the drum.

Hollofiber blankets: pluses and cons of filler. What is the better Singryburg? What is it and how to wash in a washing machine? Reviews 21557_36

Hollofiber blankets: pluses and cons of filler. What is the better Singryburg? What is it and how to wash in a washing machine? Reviews 21557_37

You can select a number of useful recommendations for the care of a blanket with a holofiber filler.

  1. Refusal from full washing with small pollution. You can carry out local cleaning or removal of stains. The more often the product is exposed to full wet, the faster the fiber will lose elasticity.

  2. Pre-laying. It helps to process strongly polluted places. First, they are soaked in soap solution, then worry a brush or hands. After that, you can send the product to washing.

  3. Study of the manufacturer's recommendations. They may be important, because each product has a case, to clean and wash which the requirements are also presented. It is important to take into account all the subtleties to avoid possible errors. The main recommendations are always indicated on the label.

  4. Using tennis balls. They will be useful when washing the blankets with a filler consisting of non-solid canvas. The balls loaded into the drum will prevent the material rolling into the lumps inside the cover.

Hollofiber blankets: pluses and cons of filler. What is the better Singryburg? What is it and how to wash in a washing machine? Reviews 21557_38

Hollofiber blankets: pluses and cons of filler. What is the better Singryburg? What is it and how to wash in a washing machine? Reviews 21557_39

Given all these recommendations, you can support the materials from which the blanket is sewn, in good condition throughout the entire period of their operation. Often to erase or clean the products with aggressive chemicals is not worth it. It is better to choose a delicate care that allows you to save the blanket comfortable for sleep.

Review reviews

Hollofyber blankets, according to the people purchasing their people, today make up serious product competition with other types of fillers. They are highly appreciated for ease, comfortable sensations during sleep, as well as for the variety of presented options - from thick winter to thin summer.

Hollofiber blankets: pluses and cons of filler. What is the better Singryburg? What is it and how to wash in a washing machine? Reviews 21557_40

Hollofiber blankets: pluses and cons of filler. What is the better Singryburg? What is it and how to wash in a washing machine? Reviews 21557_41

Such blankets occupy a minimum of places on storage shelves, easily placed in the drum of the usual washing machine, quickly restore the form during drying.

Buyers noted that there are options for baby cottages and adult bedrooms, you can choose the optimal size to your liking.

To spoil the impression from buying a new blanket can any trifle. If buyers do not occur to the HolloFaybeer itself, the customers do not occur, then to the fabric, from which the products are sewn, there are questions. Cheap products with polyester inside sew from synthetic materials separating static electricity, quickly wearing. This purchase may well become a reason for disappointment.

Hollofiber blankets: pluses and cons of filler. What is the better Singryburg? What is it and how to wash in a washing machine? Reviews 21557_42

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