How to wash your cotton blanket? Washing blankets at home in a washing machine and manually


Despite the fact that the modern market of bedding is replenished with blankets with hypoallergenic ultra-thin synthetic fillers, many prefer to stop their choice on old good woven blankets. This is not surprising: under such a covering is very warm and cozy. However, like any other detail of the bed kit, the blanket is gradually contaminated. And if the thin synthetone model can easily be laid in a washing machine, not everything is so simple because they weigh quite a lot, especially in wet form. How can you wash and dry the blanket with a cotton pad at home, learn from the article.

How to wash your cotton blanket? Washing blankets at home in a washing machine and manually 21550_2

How to wash your cotton blanket? Washing blankets at home in a washing machine and manually 21550_3

Surface cleaning

If there is no need for global cleaning, you can remove pollution only from the surface of the blanket. We describe how it is done step by step.

  1. First you have to knock out all the dust from the product. To do this, it is recommended to take it into the courtyard (do not do it on the balcony!) And to beat it well. If you are a happy owner of your own homeland area, which is not surrounded by outsiders, leave the blanket hanging out the outdoors at least for a couple of hours so that the breeze can blow out the remnants of dust and get rid of the bad odors.
  2. While the bedroom is on the street, shake a little soap with water, break the mixture into the spray gun. Adjust it to spray with small splashes, and not inkjet.
  3. Enter the blanket back to the house and decompose it on a purely washed floor.
  4. With the help of the pulverizer, the soap composition is pointing to contamination, delicately wipe their rigid part of the sponge.
  5. Do not use too much solution for one spot - it should not be soaked with a package, since it is just a superficial cleansing, and not a complete wash.

This method is suitable for removing not too serious contaminants.

If you need, you can repeat the procedure several times, but after it, the blanket must be carefully dried to avoid the appearance of soap divorces on its surface.

How to wash your cotton blanket? Washing blankets at home in a washing machine and manually 21550_4

How to wash your cotton blanket? Washing blankets at home in a washing machine and manually 21550_5

Is it possible to wash manually

Wash your hands with your own hands, of course, it is possible, but it is worth considering that the process is this right and labor-intensives.

  1. Similar to the previous case, it is good to choose all dust particles from the product. By the way, not to repeat, let's say that the same procedure must be done before washing machine-machine.
  2. Inspect the blanket, look for old spots, highly polluted places. Apply a stain remover and soak for a couple of hours. If you did not find such stains, you should not float the product.
  3. Type water in a large basin (T = 35-40 degrees Celsius). Put the blanket there, pour the liquid tool (not powder!) For washing. Spent a little polluted zones. If you do it with your hands, take a sponge or bristle with a soft bristle.
  4. Carefully, but carefully press the product. In no case do not twist it in order to avoid the combination of cotton filler. It is recommended to put a blanket between the two large terry towels and twist it in the type of roll, slightly pressed. Excessive fluid soak the towels and leaves the blanket.
  5. Now spread out the product horizontally in a warm and intractable place. It will be great if the rays of the sun will fall on it.

How to wash your cotton blanket? Washing blankets at home in a washing machine and manually 21550_6

How to wash your cotton blanket? Washing blankets at home in a washing machine and manually 21550_7

How to wash your cotton blanket? Washing blankets at home in a washing machine and manually 21550_8

How to wash your cotton blanket? Washing blankets at home in a washing machine and manually 21550_9

Steam wash

Another good option for cleaning the surface of a cotton blanket from not too serious contaminants. It has several advantages:

  • very little water is used to produce steam, so the product will dry much faster;
  • Watch package does not crumple, because you will not need to press the blanket;
  • With the help of steam processing, you can kill up to 80% of the pathogenic microorganisms that live inside the filler.

How to wash your cotton blanket? Washing blankets at home in a washing machine and manually 21550_10

Purification by steam room:

  1. Spread the blanket on the horizontal surface;
  2. Direct a steam stream on it using a steam generator, a household saparler or a simple iron;
  3. When the fabric is saturated with a little water, go to the next contaminated area - go through the entire surface of the blanket;
  4. Dry the product.

How to wash your cotton blanket? Washing blankets at home in a washing machine and manually 21550_11

We wash your cotton blanket in the machine

Obstacles to washing cotton blankets in the washing machine are its fairly high weight and large dimensions.

However, if the product climbs into the drum machine, you can wrap it up.

Step-by-step guide:

  1. After getting rid of the product from dust, inspect it for the presence of complex old spots, and if any, then drain them manually;
  2. Place the blanket in the washing machine, close the door;
  3. In the powder compartment, fill the liquid tool for washing - powder to use is prohibited;
  4. Set the temperature of 40 degrees;
  5. Select the "Delicate Wash" mode (focus on how this option is called specifically in your case - on different models of different firms it can and designate in different ways);
  6. Set the minimum number of revolutions (400-500);
  7. Enable optional rinsing option;
  8. Wait for the wash process, pull the blanket out of the machine, send to drying.

We want to draw your attention to the fact that the product is recommended to extract from the drum immediately after sound alert. If it is there to be longer than the laid, cotton pad will betray.

How to wash your cotton blanket? Washing blankets at home in a washing machine and manually 21550_12

How to wash your cotton blanket? Washing blankets at home in a washing machine and manually 21550_13

How to wash your cotton blanket? Washing blankets at home in a washing machine and manually 21550_14

How to wash your cotton blanket? Washing blankets at home in a washing machine and manually 21550_15

Rules of drying

Little to put out a blanket, it still needs to be dried correctly. How to do - read below.

  • The optimal method of drying the product is in the fresh air under the sunny rays. It not only quickly spreads with excess moisture, but also get rid of malicious microorganisms that survived washing (bacteria, dust ticks).
  • Drying a blanket in a suspended state is impossible: the cotton pad will crumple, and the product will be ruined irretrievably.
  • In the drying process, it is recommended to repeatedly produce a filler that it is pretty dry and dealt.
  • In winter, cloudy weather, and indeed, in the absence of a personal yard, you can dry the product in the apartment. For these purposes, heating devices will come to help, which contribute to the more rapid evaporation of moisture. If the blanket will remain wet, mold may appear in it.

How to wash your cotton blanket? Washing blankets at home in a washing machine and manually 21550_16

You have folded the product for all the rules, but the filler still crumpled and did not accept the original type after drying? Well, you will have to wash it again and try to straighten the packing during the drying process.

In general, cotton blanket is better not to bring to a state that requires global washing.

To maintain it clean, it is recommended to air the product in the fresh air, knock it out, process with a vacuum cleaner or steam generator. Then the product will stay fresh longer.

How to wash your cotton blanket? Washing blankets at home in a washing machine and manually 21550_17

How to wash your cotton blanket? Washing blankets at home in a washing machine and manually 21550_18

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