Chemistry for Turnadora: What liquid is used for dry cleaning of the car's interior? Turnador cleaning detergent and others


Tornador is used by both professional car wash and car owners for dry cleaning salon. Huge importance is fluid fill in the device. A properly chosen remedy for Tornadora will help to cope with all pollution and achieve perfect purity.

Review of species

Machine owners are quite often faced with problems when cleaning the cabin. Inside the car there are many hard-to-reach places in which dust accumulates, dirt and emerged spots appear. Tornador comes to help motorists, which allows you to get rid of the most complex pollution in just a few seconds. At the same time, complete cleaning of the cabin will only take 10-15 minutes.

Chemistry for Turnadora: What liquid is used for dry cleaning of the car's interior? Turnador cleaning detergent and others 21528_2

It is worth noting that this professional apparatus can not only cleaner absolutely all surfaces in the cabin (textiles, plastic, leather), but also clean the engine.

The principle of operation of the device consists in clearing inaccessible places with a fluid flow that comes out of high pressure taperner. This process allows you to make a deep cleaning of surfaces that remain almost dry after the end of the device.

To clean the car's interior into the apparatus, a special chemistry for a taperner is poured, divorced in a certain proportion to water. The choice of autochemistry should pay special attention, because it is from the detergent depends on the result of cleaning.

Chemistry for Turnadora: What liquid is used for dry cleaning of the car's interior? Turnador cleaning detergent and others 21528_3

Universal concentrated compositions are commonly used as a cleaning fluid for dry cleaning. The remedy in the following proportions: 1: 10 for normal cleaning and 1: 4 to eliminate strong contaminants.

In addition to universal funds, there are specialized types of auto chemicals for Turnadora:

  • Funds for the care and cleaning of plastic surfaces;
  • skin care products;
  • Machine cleansing agents;
  • Means to remove unpleasant odors.

Chemistry for Turnadora: What liquid is used for dry cleaning of the car's interior? Turnador cleaning detergent and others 21528_4

With the growing popularity of dry cleaning of the cabin with the help of a taperner, professional auto chemicals becomes all demanding. New liquids for the device are produced. And in order not to spoil the car dealership, it is better to refer to the products of proven brands.

German brand Koch Chemie. It is a favorite among the means for the Turnurpore and other auto chemicals. The products of this manufacturer approved the "Audi" and Mercedes plants.

Chemistry for Turnadora: What liquid is used for dry cleaning of the car's interior? Turnador cleaning detergent and others 21528_5

It is worth paying attention to the liquid Mehrzweckreiniger 86001. universal orientation. The high-speed alkaline cleaner will effectively remove contamination on the upholstery, skin and plastic surfaces.

Chemistry for Turnadora: What liquid is used for dry cleaning of the car's interior? Turnador cleaning detergent and others 21528_6

Product Top Star Designed for cleansing and care for plastic details in the car. With regular use, protects against burnout and gives a matte effect of plastic surfaces.

Chemistry for Turnadora: What liquid is used for dry cleaning of the car's interior? Turnador cleaning detergent and others 21528_7

Liquid Fresh Up. Designed specifically to eliminate unpleasant odors in the cabin, such as cigarette smoke. Protects from their appearance during the week.

Chemistry for Turnadora: What liquid is used for dry cleaning of the car's interior? Turnador cleaning detergent and others 21528_8

Golden Star Used for car wash. It is considered to be the safest means, since it does not oxidize the elements of the engine compartment. Protects from rust and removes moisture from electrical components.

Chemistry for Turnadora: What liquid is used for dry cleaning of the car's interior? Turnador cleaning detergent and others 21528_9

Domestic brand NERTA Represents professional chemistry of Belgian production. Means Interior Cleaner It is used for dry cleaning of the entire car interior, including textiles, rugs, plastic and skin.

Chemistry for Turnadora: What liquid is used for dry cleaning of the car's interior? Turnador cleaning detergent and others 21528_10

Universal fluid OT COMPLEX TANTUM. Remove the most complex pollution. Suitable for cleaning upholstery, plastic, leather, metal and glass. Does not harm the insane salon and leaves no divorces on the glass.

Chemistry for Turnadora: What liquid is used for dry cleaning of the car's interior? Turnador cleaning detergent and others 21528_11

What better to use?

If there are no hard-water spots in the cabin and in general it is only necessary to get rid of dust - it is best to use a universal remedy for a taperner in a minimum proportion with water. In the event that the car seen not the best of times and is in the started state, it is necessary to apply a liquid aimed at removing stains, or increase the proportion of the universal means.

Choose a better product that does not have in chlorine, since chlorine cleaners can burn plastic or textiles.

Chemistry for Turnadora: What liquid is used for dry cleaning of the car's interior? Turnador cleaning detergent and others 21528_12

For use in smoked salons or in case the car has long been simple and the smell of dampness appeared in it, they will fit specialized means to eliminate odors. Such a cleaner will help get rid of unwanted amber and prevent its further appearance.

The main criterion of auto chemicals to clean the engine compartment is to protect against rust and oxidation. The means intended for cleansing windows should not leave divorces, and for use in the leather cabin it is better to choose a special composition that will provide protection.

Chemistry for Turnadora: What liquid is used for dry cleaning of the car's interior? Turnador cleaning detergent and others 21528_13

Liquid for cleaning and care for plastic surfaces should Not only to clean, but also protect elements from burnout.

The use of tornadors complete with professional tools allows you to achieve high-quality dry cleaning results with minimal risk for delicate car dealers.

Chemistry for Turnadora: What liquid is used for dry cleaning of the car's interior? Turnador cleaning detergent and others 21528_14

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