Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands: How to independently make dry cleaning seats in the car? How to do dry cleaning ceiling? Selection of steam generator


In addition to the usual washing of the outer part of the car, each driver had to clean the car inside with their own hands. In order to bring the salon in order, you need to use the spectrum of receptions, funds, accessories. How to dry cleaning the cabin of the car with your own hands, it will be in the article.

Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands: How to independently make dry cleaning seats in the car? How to do dry cleaning ceiling? Selection of steam generator 21522_2

Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands: How to independently make dry cleaning seats in the car? How to do dry cleaning ceiling? Selection of steam generator 21522_3


Under the dry-cleaner of the car's interior with their own hands, it is necessary to understand the purification of internal surfaces with professional agents. Do not use household chemicals, which will not help in this situation. On the contrary, it can harm.

Even using any chemical agent, you must first test on the not visible eye of the upholstery surface.

Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands: How to independently make dry cleaning seats in the car? How to do dry cleaning ceiling? Selection of steam generator 21522_4

Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands: How to independently make dry cleaning seats in the car? How to do dry cleaning ceiling? Selection of steam generator 21522_5

If you make cleaning cars from specialists, then such pleasure costs a lot of money. Independent cleaning will be much cheaper, but longer than the time. Will be spent only on professional agents. In addition, only you are the owner of your car, and it will not be necessary to leave in an unfamiliar place.

Among the disadvantages of home dry cleaning, we note the following: poorly conducted processing or completely spoiled upholstery, panel, ceiling. A minus is considered a large number of time spent and forces. But everyone chooses the methods of dry-cleaners on the basis of finance, strength, time.

Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands: How to independently make dry cleaning seats in the car? How to do dry cleaning ceiling? Selection of steam generator 21522_6

Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands: How to independently make dry cleaning seats in the car? How to do dry cleaning ceiling? Selection of steam generator 21522_7

What is necessary?

For such a painstaking work will have to prepare in advance, it is possible to visit not one automotive store. But the efforts are worth. Before starting work, the car enthusiast should have the following tools and materials.

  • A car steam generator or pulverizer. Having such devices, it is easy to ensure a uniform distribution of liquid chemistry throughout the area, carry out deeper cleaning. In addition, this is a certain way of savings. Now they often use a Tornador - the device works under pressure. A strong jet of air can get into all difficult places.
  • The foam extractor is needed to clean the seats from the polyester. It acts as a vacuum cleaner and polyspidy. But all these devices will pay off if the owner always has an independent dry cleaning. After all, for once acquired such purchases will be a ruin case.
  • Large vehicle from microfiber. It is better to use rags of light tones, because during its interaction with the solution there may be a molting, and the upholstery will turn into different colors.
  • Foam sponge: it is convenient to apply foam.
  • Several brushes of different stiffness. The choice depends on which upholstery of the car chairs.
  • Wipes polished.
  • Homemade vacuum cleaner. It is he who has a greater power, it will treat all the hard to reach places.
  • Several nozzles to the compressor and on the drill.
  • Personal protective equipment. Gloves are required, it is advisable to use the respirator: it will protect the nose from the impact of many diverse smells of chemical origin.
  • Water bucket.
  • Protective chemistry.
  • Professional chemistry.

Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands: How to independently make dry cleaning seats in the car? How to do dry cleaning ceiling? Selection of steam generator 21522_8

Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands: How to independently make dry cleaning seats in the car? How to do dry cleaning ceiling? Selection of steam generator 21522_9

Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands: How to independently make dry cleaning seats in the car? How to do dry cleaning ceiling? Selection of steam generator 21522_10

Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands: How to independently make dry cleaning seats in the car? How to do dry cleaning ceiling? Selection of steam generator 21522_11

Rating funds from Russian drivers such:

  • Profoam;
  • Autosol;
  • Astrohim;
  • Gunkdetap;
  • Hi-Gear.

Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands: How to independently make dry cleaning seats in the car? How to do dry cleaning ceiling? Selection of steam generator 21522_12

Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands: How to independently make dry cleaning seats in the car? How to do dry cleaning ceiling? Selection of steam generator 21522_13

Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands: How to independently make dry cleaning seats in the car? How to do dry cleaning ceiling? Selection of steam generator 21522_14

Main steps

The optimal option will be considered if the stains immediately remove from the surface. Then you do not have to lead hard struggle. But it is not always possible to produce it. The solar stains are thoroughly entering the fibers of the fabric, they are difficult to clean.

What to choose a cleaner for your car? It all depends on the variety of auto showing fabric, car chairs. Therefore, you need to explore the instructions of the funds used.

The main stages of dry cleaning of the car dealership at home should include such.

  1. Preparatory stage.
  2. Cleaning ceiling.
  3. Cleaning seats, seat belts.
  4. Cleaning doors, glasses.
  5. Front Panel.
  6. Cleaning floors, rugs.
  7. Polishing.

Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands: How to independently make dry cleaning seats in the car? How to do dry cleaning ceiling? Selection of steam generator 21522_15

Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands: How to independently make dry cleaning seats in the car? How to do dry cleaning ceiling? Selection of steam generator 21522_16

Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands: How to independently make dry cleaning seats in the car? How to do dry cleaning ceiling? Selection of steam generator 21522_17


Before self-cleaning, you must properly prepare a car. First you need to remove excess things from the cabin, remove mats, covers. At the same time, the car is better to turn off the ignition lock, make sure that all electrical appliances are turned off. For So that the steel horse is faster, it is necessary that cleaning takes place on a sunny day. If it is a garage room, it should be well ventilated. After preparation is made, you can proceed to detail.

Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands: How to independently make dry cleaning seats in the car? How to do dry cleaning ceiling? Selection of steam generator 21522_18

Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands: How to independently make dry cleaning seats in the car? How to do dry cleaning ceiling? Selection of steam generator 21522_19


The detergent is immediately applied to the entire ceiling surface: it makes no sense to spray chemistry point. When choosing a car chemistry, you must pay attention to the means that form a foam structure. After applying, the tool must be left for a few minutes. It is not recommended to rub it. After the time expires, the remnants are easy to remove the rag. Make it is quite easy: dirt is removed with light movements, the rag is periodically rinsed.

Attention! Do not try to impregnate the ceiling of chemistry through. After wetting it may turn it or will turn off.

Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands: How to independently make dry cleaning seats in the car? How to do dry cleaning ceiling? Selection of steam generator 21522_20

Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands: How to independently make dry cleaning seats in the car? How to do dry cleaning ceiling? Selection of steam generator 21522_21


The second stage, the most complicated - dry cleaning of car seats. You should not immediately take chemistry in the hands, you must first get rid of the garbage, which accumulates between the armrest and the seat. To do this, you can use a small brush, painting brush or toothbrush. Great help will be provided by the household vacuum cleaner. More often car devices have small power. The complexity is that different sources need to be cleaned using various means. You can choose them according to the attached instructions.

  • You can use the foam stain to clean the velor. As with the ceiling, the fluid is applied to the area being processed, a certain amount of time is waiting, and then all residues are removed. If you have old spots, you must additionally apply the tool after all remove the brush.
  • For skin treatment, special means are needed, where the impregnation, extending the life of products, is needed. Use brushes, abrasive substances for leather seats is prohibited. Splitting agents will be needed for the skin or leatherette.

Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands: How to independently make dry cleaning seats in the car? How to do dry cleaning ceiling? Selection of steam generator 21522_22

Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands: How to independently make dry cleaning seats in the car? How to do dry cleaning ceiling? Selection of steam generator 21522_23

When removing the stains should not be diligent, otherwise the upholstery will break. For Floc, Velor, Alcantara will fit the means without alkali, alcohol, bleaching.

We offer to take advantage of special means to remove stains.

  • Wine stains can be removed with water and vinegar solution (one teaspoon per liter of water).
  • Divorces from tea and coffee will help wash the ammonia alcohol 10%.
  • Ethyl alcohol will cope with traces of lipstick and ballpoint pen.
  • Fat trails are easily removed by means of dishwashing.
  • A chewing fabric can be eliminated by a piece of ice.

Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands: How to independently make dry cleaning seats in the car? How to do dry cleaning ceiling? Selection of steam generator 21522_24

Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands: How to independently make dry cleaning seats in the car? How to do dry cleaning ceiling? Selection of steam generator 21522_25

Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands: How to independently make dry cleaning seats in the car? How to do dry cleaning ceiling? Selection of steam generator 21522_26


Door cards are cleaned similarly to chairs: the choice of funds should be carried out on the basis of the upholstery material. In the presence of automotive power windows of an electric type, the means need to be applied: sponge or rag. In this way, you can save the mechanisms.

Also carefully you need to be treated near the window seal. The tool should not be leaked inside.

Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands: How to independently make dry cleaning seats in the car? How to do dry cleaning ceiling? Selection of steam generator 21522_27

Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands: How to independently make dry cleaning seats in the car? How to do dry cleaning ceiling? Selection of steam generator 21522_28

Front Panel

For the front panel you need to choose chemical extension, which are suitable for cleaning plastic. Any suitable: liquid, paste, foam. This uses an aerosol or sponge. Before starting the work, electrical elements are recommended to isolate with construction tape. After cleaning the surface, the finishing polishing is acceptable to apply microfiber.

Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands: How to independently make dry cleaning seats in the car? How to do dry cleaning ceiling? Selection of steam generator 21522_29

Ventilation valves

To cleanse these parts such as ventilating valves, you can resort to the help of cleaning napkins, cotton sticks or toothbrush. This process is long, but the result will delight exactly.

Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands: How to independently make dry cleaning seats in the car? How to do dry cleaning ceiling? Selection of steam generator 21522_30

Seat belts

Before starting work, so that the belts do not arise, they must be pulled out as much as possible, and then clamp the door. Sometimes seat belts just need to treat only a vacuum cleaner. If after that the surface of the belt is a shot of stains, then you will have to apply all those measures as to the upholstery of the chairs.

With severe pollution purified by chemicals. It is always necessary to remember that it is impossible to clean the belts with aggressive means: the strongest chemistry can weaken the fixing property of fasteners. The steering wheel is purified by microfiber, and the resulting dirt between the seams is removed with a toothbrush and a soft cleaner.

Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands: How to independently make dry cleaning seats in the car? How to do dry cleaning ceiling? Selection of steam generator 21522_31

Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands: How to independently make dry cleaning seats in the car? How to do dry cleaning ceiling? Selection of steam generator 21522_32


With the windows, everything is simple: one is first applied to any soap solution, then it is flushed, wipe it, they apply a means for washing the glasses, and then wipe the dry microfiber. Any spots or divorces easily eliminate alcohol-based means, but without ammonia.

Most preferably, the liquid is first applied to the rag, and after wiping glass or mirror.

Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands: How to independently make dry cleaning seats in the car? How to do dry cleaning ceiling? Selection of steam generator 21522_33


The difficulty of cleaning floors is that there are many hard-to-reach places. In addition, the surface is strongly contaminated due to constant contact with dirty shoes. To get rid of complex stains, a household stain fifteer is suitable, dissolved with warm water, for carpet, carpeted coatings. A sponge is injected with a foam, which is applied on the rugs. Foam after a while absorbs, and the remains should be removed by a vacuum cleaner. The stains that remain should be paid more attention to: once again put foam, consider the vacuum cleaner or brush.

Perhaps it is easiest to clean the trunk. First, it is necessary to remove everything from there, and then process the vacuum cleaner. If there is a soft coating, then the processing passes the same as in the case of automotive rugs. In the presence of rubber coating sufficiently wet cleaning.

As an finishing processing, it is recommended to use special impregnation for carpet, rubber: they will create an obstacle to the formation of dirt, stains.

Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands: How to independently make dry cleaning seats in the car? How to do dry cleaning ceiling? Selection of steam generator 21522_34

Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands: How to independently make dry cleaning seats in the car? How to do dry cleaning ceiling? Selection of steam generator 21522_35


Polishing is carried out or using special polishing napkins, or using special auto chemicals. Before starting work, it is necessary to wait for a complete drying of all plastic parts. Then a small amount of means is applied to the rag and active circular movements are applied to the desired surface.

Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands: How to independently make dry cleaning seats in the car? How to do dry cleaning ceiling? Selection of steam generator 21522_36


From moisture in the cabin just so do not get rid of, no matter how much the vehicle would be used, no matter how dry it was wiping. In order to avoid the appearance of rust, the car must be dried. For several hours you need to open the doors, hood, trunk.

Through ventilation is the best way to remove excess moisture, smell from the salon.

Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands: How to independently make dry cleaning seats in the car? How to do dry cleaning ceiling? Selection of steam generator 21522_37

Above the example of how it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning, but many use dry processing. This is the processing of the entire surface with a special chemical composition. First, the salon is also processed by a vacuum cleaner: it is necessary to remove all the extra affordable garbage. After special auto chemicals are applied to all surfaces. After some time, pollution can be removed by the household appliance.

Dry processing has its advantages. If there are people who smoke in the car, it instantly disappears a resistant smoked smell. In addition, after all the work there is no condensate, humidity. So, dry cars do not have to.

Chemical treatment is suitable for the cabin with any cloth, even the most capricious, gentle.

Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands: How to independently make dry cleaning seats in the car? How to do dry cleaning ceiling? Selection of steam generator 21522_38

Useful advice

For a beginner, such a procedure represents some difficulties. Experienced motorists advise to take advantage of some recommendations.

  • In order not to be left, it is necessary to use microfiber-based rods.
  • Do not scratch the surface when cleaning, the soft brush on the vacuum cleaner will help.
  • To protect the skin and leak, after cleaning, air conditioning on a water basis with a neutral level should be applied. In this way, cracks can be avoided.
  • Before the main cleaning of the chairs, it is best to first apply the remedy for the invisible part of the upholstery. This is done in order to avoid the unwanted impact of chemistry on the material.
  • Dry and wet dry cleaning: what are the differences? With wet processing, liquid-based chemistry is used. Dry cleaning involves the use of funds based on volatile solvents.
  • Independent cleaning requires maximum attention to all details. For example, it is very careful to handle the chrome details.
  • Used tools must be applied according to the instructions.
  • Immediately after dry cleaning, the car cannot be operated. Careful drying is a mandatory stage.
  • All surfaces of the cabin are prohibited strongly soaked with water or other liquid. Liquids dry long, and they cause mold, fungus.
  • During cleaning it is impossible to use abrasive cosmetics: it will forever dissemble any surface.

Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands: How to independently make dry cleaning seats in the car? How to do dry cleaning ceiling? Selection of steam generator 21522_39

Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands: How to independently make dry cleaning seats in the car? How to do dry cleaning ceiling? Selection of steam generator 21522_40

    In order to spend less time to dry cleaning, some preventive measures can be performed.

    • Acquisition of dense covers.
    • Conduct frequent ordinary cleaning with the use of vacuum cleaner - as needed.
    • Capital cleaning should take place once every six months. After cleaning, the plastic surfaces need to be applied to the means of protection that will not let moisture, dust, sun rays. Do not purchase products with silicone impregnation.
    • Follow the cleanliness: do not smoke, less or drink in the cabin.

    Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands: How to independently make dry cleaning seats in the car? How to do dry cleaning ceiling? Selection of steam generator 21522_41

    It is important to eliminate foreign odors. For example, the cigarette smoke is very eaten. It will be retreating only when the interior is cleaned to the perfect state. No need to forget about hard-to-reach places. After capital cleaning of the inside of the car, think about changing the salon filter.

    Mold, other acidic odors eliminate if used ozone generator. Now the auto shops sell special means from natural microbes with enzymes. Such means are sprayed in the place where the unpleasant odor comes from: enzymes absorb bad bacteria, the smell disappears.

    Simple effective means, and even cheap is soda. For the night of her dense layer, it is necessary to scatter in place "with a turn": it will absorb all trouble. The next to the owner will only work for a vacuum cleaner.

    Dry cleaning of the car's cabin with your own hands: How to independently make dry cleaning seats in the car? How to do dry cleaning ceiling? Selection of steam generator 21522_42

    About how to spend dry cleaning of the car with your own hands, see the next video.

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