Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options


Someone will say that the purchase of the oilcloth on the table is the last century, and will not be right. How can it be out of the subject that simultaneously performs practical and aesthetic functions? Especially since the range of these products every year is expanding, the design becomes more and more modern, there are more interesting forms. In this article, consider all the features of the oilcloth on the kitchen table.

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_2

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_3

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_4

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_5

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_6

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_7

Advantages and disadvantages

High-quality oilcloth on the table It has the following advantages.

  • This is a high-strength product that has durability and resistance to various mechanical stress. There are options, the quality of which does not suffer even when cutting a knife or when using hot dishes on its surface.

  • A high-quality copy is resistant to cracking, strain and peeling the coating due to an additional lacquer layer.

  • A good oilcloth is sticking to the surface of the table and does not damage its coating, it has elasticity.

  • All offered modern products are distinguished by moisture resistance.

  • The main function of any cape - protection of the table surface. Even low-quality product usually copes with its task.

  • Stores offer a wide range of oil design, among which each hostess can pick up the most appropriate option for a particular kitchen interior.

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_8

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_9

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_10

Before you go beyond the kitchen glue, read the disadvantages of this product.

  • If it is a cheap tablecloth of low quality, it will last long. Firstly, damage is quickly formed on it, which are not capable of protecting the table coating, and secondly, the paints will soon fade, so such oils require frequent updates.

  • There are low-grade copies, which themselves quickly deteriorate, and are able to damage the surface of the table. For example, the oilcloth can stick to the coating, and when it is eliminated, the stains will remain on the worktop.

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_11

Materials varieties

Cleaned can be bought as a daily table cover or as a tablecloth only for solemn cases. Products made from the following materials are popular.

  • Cotton. Attractive colorful products with bright drawings are most often purchased for use during a festive dinner. Due to such a oilcloth, the table looks luxurious, in addition, the material is easily dispersed and strokes. The minus they are rapid wear. If you take a modern instance with polyester or viscose, then with such a tablecloth it will be easier to remove flax flax or wine.

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_12

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_13

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_14

  • Teflon. Due to the additional Teflon layer, these samples are distinguished by high quality and water repellent properties, have a long service life.

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_15

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_16

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_17

  • Silicone. The optimal option for daily use. In stores, such copies are presented both in a transparent form and with an interesting design. The oilbox is made on a dense stand-based basis and is characterized by wear resistance.

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_18

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_19

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_20

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_21

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_22

  • Oil. High quality product obtained by cooking olifa and subsequent manufacture of kaolin and colorful soils. The base is covered with a multilayer soil and is treated with varnish.

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_23

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_24

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_25

  • Polyvinyl chloride. Made from emulsion and suspension polyvinyl chloride, which provides products to wear resistance and strength. Suitable for any table, even glass.

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_26

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_27

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_28


When choosing a cape, it is important to pay attention to its form.

It should be noted that there is no need to purchase a coating in accordance with the table form, that is, for a round table, it is not necessary to buy a round linen.

Sometimes the distinction of forms, on the contrary, looks very original and is specifically used to maintain a certain style of the kitchen interior. In general, designers give their recommendations for the selection of forms of the oil.

  • For the oval table, the oilcloth is quite suitable, but try to add interesting sets that emphasize the shape of the general image. It turns out a very spectacular appearance.

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_29

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_30

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_31

  • Even if the oilcloth is already there, do not pass by oval and rectangular napkins, which will aesthetically look at the surface of the tablecloth.

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_32

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_33

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_34

  • Round or oval oilcloths are suitable for any forms of the table. For example, you can place a round tablecloth on the table top, and in its center there is a square tissue napkin. This option of serving looks modern and original.

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_35

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_36

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_37

  • Square product can be seized in the form of a rhombus, but it is important to observe symmetry.

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_38

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_39

  • For a solemn event, the tracks are suitable for the table.

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_40

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_41

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_42


The glued parameters are determined by the size of the table top. Therefore, before buying it is important to measure the length and width of the table. Another important factor is the length of hanging edges.

That is, if the hostess is required to a tablecloth, which will not just cover the tabletop, but also drops below the edge of the table, then it is important to add 10-50 cm on each side of the cape.

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_43

Usually, such a bulk option is selected for festive dinners, and a silicone pad is suitable for daily use, which should be perfectly coincided with the size and configuration with the table.

In general, the size of the tablecloths are offered in accordance with the standard kitchen table parameters, but if the table is made to order individually and it is not possible to choose the ideal overlay, then you can buy a product slightly more in the midst of and at home cut off the extra edge. For everyday use, many prefer to buy PVC oilcloths in rolls, which allows you to absound so much material as a tabletop requires.

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_44


As a rule, the design of the tablecloth is selected taking into account the overall stylistics of the kitchen room. It can be modern ornaments and prints in the style of Patchwork. Beautiful fit into the kitchen interior Summer motifs with a picture of vegetables and fruits, such a design is a symbol of wealth in the family. He is especially appropriate in the style of Rustic.

If the hostess prefers with modest inexpensive oilcloths from simple materials, it is recommended to buy products with holographic volumetric prints.

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_45

Such a design will fill the kitchen by the mythical atmosphere and distract the attention of guests from the simplicity of the tissue surface.

For the winter you can purchase a tablecloth with summer ornaments, they will create a pleasant, warm, home furnishings and warm up their comfort in the winter evening. In the summer, on the contrary, the room needs freshness and ease, and then the coatings with air frosty patterns are suitable. To give luxury, buy a soft-based oilcloth with elegant embossed and colorful landscape.

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_46

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_47

How to choose?

By buying a oilcloth on a dining table, first of all, take into account the style of the room. It is better not to buy contrasting products in color and do not make the oilcloth with an accent, the color scheme should fit into the general topic of design. So, if the interior is created in cool snow-white or blue colors, then the tablecloth should be transparent. For the room made in warm brown or yellow, the instance is more suitable in warming shades.

You do not need to save on the tablecloth. The more expensive the product, the higher its quality and the longer it will be used in the kitchen. Kitchen conditions do not differ simplicity, here is constant humidity, the oilcloth is regularly exposed to thermal and mechanical exposure, and therefore its quality is very important to take into account when buying. In addition, cheap low-quality options can be made from chemical components, inappropriate in the kitchen, and have an unpleasant smell.

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_48

For example, these disagreeable properties have polystyrene samples.

The most stringent option is the oilcloth on a tissue basis or on a nonwoven canvas. The upper coating of polyvinyl chloride protects the surface from cuts, deformation, water absorption. For a solemn feast, it is better to give preference to elegant openwork loaves, for daily use this option is not recommended, as it is problematic to wash it. Check the linen on elasticity. The higher this indicator, the higher the performance properties has a product.

Kitchen Table (49 photos): Transparent silicone kitchen tablecloth, beautiful oilcloth in rolls and other options 21465_49

Care and operation

Even if the oilbox is made of high quality materials, it needs careful care. In terms of competent operation, the product will last in the kitchen as long as possible, its integrity will continue, and the paints do not eat in time. The main rules for the care of the kitchen oil.

  • After purchasing, rinse the loop with soap solution and wipe out well. Also act with severe pollution during use.

  • Do not wash the oilcloth with abrasives, do not use aggressive chemistry and means, as part of which are acids and alkali. Under their influence, the upper layer will quickly lose the integrity, besides, it is harmful to people who have to have behind this table.

  • Put hot dishes on special stands. It is possible to replace them with ordinary patches or even heat-resistant cutting boards.

Overview PVC oil-based on a non-marked basis, see the video below.

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