Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options


Marble is one of the natural materials that is often used in the design of bathrooms. When they are design, both natural marble and its imitation are used. The latest technologies in the field of injection molded artificial stone allow masters to implement even the most bold ideas. Designers apply marble in the manufacture of plumbing and in the design of walls, ceiling and floor.

Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_2

Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_3


The marble tile is rightfully considered one of the luxurious finishing materials. It is used for cladding walls and floors in the bathroom and in other rooms. It is durable and can be operated for not one decade.

Natural marble is a unique material. Residents give it a varied unique pattern, saturated or less pronounced. The structure of the residences and the saturation of the shade on marble depend on the place of production and the inclusion of various substances in it. The most expensive is the material with a small number of residences.

Color range of such tiles can be different: beige, black, green, pink, gray.

Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_4

Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_5

Marble of natural origin is an expensive material. A more affected price is a marble tile made of artificial mineral. Modern technologies allow you to give a tile as natural shades and a color not occurring in nature. It should be noted that High-quality simulation material in its characteristics and appearance is not inferior to natural mramor, it is much cheaper.

Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_6

Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_7

Main advantages.

  • The marble tile will give the room an aesthetic appearance and originality. Products of light or dark tones look great.
  • Well suited for spacious bathrooms and small shower.
  • The marble tile is made mainly of natural ingredients - marble crumbs, clay, sand and additional components. Then the resulting mass is burned to achieve the highest strength of the product.
  • The tile does not absorb odors and is not toxic.

Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_8

Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_9


Bathroom marble tile - universal material . The unique properties inherent in this material make it possible to extend the life of its operation for many years. A wide range of tiles of various colors allows you to implement any designer ideas.

Depending on the scope of application, the following types of marble tiles can be distinguished:

  • outdoor;
  • wall;
  • Low-temperature.

Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_10

Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_11

Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_12

As an outdoor, most often use matte tiles with light roughness. It is better consistent with the appointment, has an anti-slip effect. If necessary, install the warm floor in the bathroom does not occur. The cable is packed under the tile, it skips warmly.

The glossy tile under marble looks on the walls harmonious. It perfectly reflects light rays, respectively, visually expands the space, which is important for small bathrooms.

It is believed that it is the wall tile that determines the design of the bathroom.

Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_13

Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_14

Low-temperature tile is characterized by even higher operational qualities. Manufacturers label it with a snowflake sign. Such a tile is used for external work, cladding summer shower or other rooms for which temperature differences are characterized.

In the bathroom it is used extremely rare.

By origin, the marble tile is divided into natural and artificial.

Natural material

Marble tile is manufactured From natural components. One of its main components is calcium - metamorphidal limestone. It is mined in quarries. Initially, limestone is a large block from which the slabs of a certain size cut.

Natural marble is used for cladding floor and walls. Even despite the fact that the marble tile weighs more than artificially created, it is used without problems on the walls. The fact is that the load is not on the overlap, but on the wall, which makes it possible to use this bathroom finish in apartments, and not just in private houses.

Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_15

Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_16


The best imitation of natural marble is a tile, as a filler of which is used marble chips. The use of crumb turns the processing process of natural marble into wasteless.

More often manufacturers make tiles, imitating marble, from ceramics. Similar to the marble texture, it helps to give fillers and dyes. Ceramic tile outwardly resembles a natural stone, while it is no less wear-resistant. A positive point is its low cost compared to natural marble. This adds popularity to artificial coatings. Features such tiles are Moderate cost, durability, a wide range of colors, refractoriness, color stability to the solar rays.

Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_17

Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_18

It should be noted that Modern technologies make it possible to produce a marble imitation, not inferior to the qualities of natural stone . It is not always possible to distinguish them, and it is more convenient to care for ceramic tiles. The imitation of marble cannot be considered completely artificial. Its main part is a marble crumb, which complement the hardeners, acrylic and other components, adding strength and aesthetics to its structure.

Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_19

Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_20

Colors and design options

In order for the interior of the bathroom to be harmonious, You should know a few simple rules.

  • Light shades visually expand the space. For this reason, the masters of small bathrooms are better to look at the white, beige tile, light gray and blue. In addition, light marble tiles are not inclined to the appearance of divorces after using detergents.

Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_21

Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_22

  • Usage Terracotta, beige or pink shades Make the interior warmer and cozy. But blue, gray or green colors will help create a calm, peaceful atmosphere.

Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_23

Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_24

  • Light and air interior can be created, applying for walls of walls, floor and ceiling marble The same light shade and use the same texture. This technique will smooth the corners.

Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_25

Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_26

  • Contrast when placing floor, walls and ceiling visually reduce the room. For the floor it is better to choose matte, and for walls and ceiling - glossy tiles. Designers recommend avoiding accents in the corners.

Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_27

  • The use of black tiles for marble is not very popular, but if dilute it with white elements The interior will look restrained and stylish. Do not forget that divorces are more noticeable on the dark surface during cleaning.

Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_28

The color of the bathroom depends on the color of the bathroom. The headset must be combined with a common interior.

Design options

Marble is used in the facing of bathrooms for many years, but, nevertheless, new fashion directions are constantly emerging, for which designers recommend paying attention to.

Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_29

One of the new devices in the field of interior design - Marble with horizontal stripes. Using this tile, you can make a luxurious bathroom, as if in an expensive hotel.

Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_30

Enjoy popular Whole marble countertops Along the wall with built-in sinks, mixer and other elements. They appropriately look with wall tiled under marble.

Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_31

To zoning the room it is recommended to combine Two contrasting colors tiles. But this design option is suitable for large premises, in the compact bathroom it will only reduce the space. Today, the emerald color is very popular and even enclosures on the floor. So you can revive the space, add to it new paints.

Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_32

What is it combined?

Tile under natural stone is perfectly combined with wood structures. This option is widely practiced in the style of the Scandinavian countries and throughout Europe. The combination of marble light or light gray tones with wooden furniture or elements of the tree decor will decorate both small and spacious bathrooms.

Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_33

Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_34

In addition, designers at interior design often Combine marble with plaster or concrete. The interior is attractive and at the same time restrained. Such design is often used in megalopolis.

Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_35

Recommendations for choosing

Specialists recommend purchasing products of well-known firms. Low price does not talk about high quality marble coatings.

In Russia, the most demanding products of firms enjoy the greatest demand. Kerama Marazzi and Uralkeramics. Due to the affordable price, a wide selection of colors and quality, these firms constitute a decent competition to European manufacturers.

Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_36

Products of consistently high quality offer Italian manufacturers. Their products are presented in a wide range of ornaments and colors. Firms enjoy the greatest popularity Atlas Conkorde, Imola . Spanish firm Urbatek. Over the years, it produces tiles for floors from marble. Their collections are designed and neutral by their stylistics.

The products from China are increasingly popular. Firms from the Middle Kingdom have both classic collections and bright models with interesting colors.

Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_37

Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_38

When choosing a tile, specialist advice should be taken into account:

  • For small bathrooms it is better to choose a light glossy tile - so you visually increase the size of the room.

Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_39

Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_40

  • For gender, you should choose a matte tile. Anti-slip surface will make the bathroom safe.

    Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_41

    Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_42

    • In small rooms, the medium sized tiles are successfully located, large products will visually reduce the space.

    Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_43

    Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_44

    • To give the placement of freshness and easily, it is better to choose gray-blue tones, but for a romantic setting, use pink-purple shades. The severity of the room will help to give black and white colors.

    Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_45

    Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_46

    How to care?

    To care for such a tile is easy. The main rule is regular cleaning and the use of special funds. When purchasing them, the tile manufacturer tips should be taken into account. It should be noted that natural marble is forbidden to purify household chemicals. The acid contained in it can damage the products, deprive them of gloss and contribute to the appearance of spots and pulp. It is necessary to simply regularly flush the tile with ordinary water and rub with natural cloth.

    Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_47

    Beautiful examples of interior

    • Restrained design option.

    Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_48

    • Bathroom option in warm beige shades.

    Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_49

    • A variant of the chic spacious bathroom with marble tiles on the floor and marble podium.

    Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_50

    • Stylish bathroom in dark colors.

    Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_51

    Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_52

    • The combination of marble tiles with textured plates.

    Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_53

    Marble tile for the bathroom (54 photos): ceramic tile under the marble bathroom, design of white and green marble tiles in the interior, other options 21357_54

    Specialist advice about the simulation of natural stone in the interior, see the following video.

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