Frameless glazing of balconies (32 photos): pros and cons of glazing balconies without frames. Features of technology


Whenever it comes to the glazing of the balcony, in the thoughts of people the image of serious, durable frames arises. But sometimes they are at all without frames. This possibility has appeared thanks to modern technologies - and it deserves the most careful consideration.

Frameless glazing of balconies (32 photos): pros and cons of glazing balconies without frames. Features of technology 21355_2

Frameless glazing of balconies (32 photos): pros and cons of glazing balconies without frames. Features of technology 21355_3


Glazing without frames performs the following tasks:

  • achieve an elegant appearance of the facade and the inside of the room;
  • optimally use space;
  • Guarantee skip as many light as possible.

This principle is used over the past 20 years. For the first time, the frameless glazing of balconies and loggias was applied in Finland, so the term "Finnish glazing" is often used. The frame side is formed from a pair of heavy aluminum profiles. One profile is attached to the upper balcony plate, and the other to the floor or parapet.

Frameless glazing of balconies (32 photos): pros and cons of glazing balconies without frames. Features of technology 21355_4

Frameless glazing of balconies (32 photos): pros and cons of glazing balconies without frames. Features of technology 21355_5

Rama collected from profiles It is connected by special plastic rollers and glue. The flaps in which the glass canvases are already built on top of the frame. The edges of the glasses are definitely grinding and carried out another processing. These manipulations allow us to exclude the appearance of cuts.

The formed structures will be durable and easy, so the base of the balcony will not expose high load.

Glazing without a frame can be performed not only on the basis of ordinary transparent glass. Matte and tinted designs are also found. The classification by the discovery method was widespread, namely:

  • Spreadable partitions (open automatically or by hand);
  • Swinging sash;
  • Door of pendulum type.

Frameless glazing of balconies (32 photos): pros and cons of glazing balconies without frames. Features of technology 21355_6

Frameless glazing of balconies (32 photos): pros and cons of glazing balconies without frames. Features of technology 21355_7

Frameless glazing of balconies (32 photos): pros and cons of glazing balconies without frames. Features of technology 21355_8

Positive and negative sides

Obviously, the refusal of the frame Allows you to increase the illumination of the balcony. This circumstance is particularly valuable if it is directly connected to the residential premises. An equally important property is safety and elevated equipment cleaning. Where they are installed opening or pendulum flaps, it is possible to bring glass in order without any risk. This will undoubtedly delight suffering acrofobia.

Frameless glazing of balconies (32 photos): pros and cons of glazing balconies without frames. Features of technology 21355_9

Frameless glazing of balconies (32 photos): pros and cons of glazing balconies without frames. Features of technology 21355_10

Quality frameless balconies are distinguished by increased strength. Such partitions can endure even the strong gusts of the wind. The reason is simple - they use kanenic glasses, designed for air load of at least 200 MPa. The glass thickness varies from 0.6 to 0.8 cm. Experts say that Professionally made frameless design can work up to 30 years.

Frameless glazing of balconies (32 photos): pros and cons of glazing balconies without frames. Features of technology 21355_11

Frameless glazing of balconies (32 photos): pros and cons of glazing balconies without frames. Features of technology 21355_12

These products can be made on any type of balconies. Even in very old houses of various architectural form, reliable retention of dust, liquid or solid precipitation is guaranteed. Of course, the glass remains glass even after quenction, and it can break. But if the frameless design is destroyed, the fragments will not bring any harm . The opening of the balcony is 100% and the same movement of the glass web is provided by the use of roller rollers resistant.

High-quality products guarantee fairly high safety and reduce the threat of criminal invasion to a minimum.

Frameless glazing of balconies (32 photos): pros and cons of glazing balconies without frames. Features of technology 21355_13

Frameless glazing of balconies (32 photos): pros and cons of glazing balconies without frames. Features of technology 21355_14

But it is necessary to take into account the objective weaknesses of the frameless technology. It is always implemented only in the cold version. That's why Inside the loggia will be at best on 2-4 degrees warmer than on the street. Obviously, how uncomfortable to use such balconies. What is even worse, there is no way to expand the useful area in the house, combining the bulk of the dwelling with the balcony.

To some extent compensate for this flaw The use of insulation and sound insulation materials. But they invariably reduce the transparency of the structure, that is, undermine the main advantage of frameless glazing. Compared to the glass packages, it also absorbs 50% less noise.

Frameless glazing of balconies (32 photos): pros and cons of glazing balconies without frames. Features of technology 21355_15

Frameless glazing of balconies (32 photos): pros and cons of glazing balconies without frames. Features of technology 21355_16

Obviously, such a problem does not allow the use of frameless balcony systems in homes located near the automotive or railways. Yes, and many inconvenience arises on a crowded busy street. It should also be remembered that Frameless glazing is incompatible using mosquito net. We will have to use expensive electronic rebakers of the Gnus. One more problem - Insufficient tightness, due to which moisture and snowflakes will fall inside the design.

Frameless glazing of balconies (32 photos): pros and cons of glazing balconies without frames. Features of technology 21355_17

Selection and use

The popularity of frameless glazing led to the fact that it began to falsify it widely. In order not to get caught in the fake, you need to pay attention to the following rules:

  • Choose only products with a glass of a certain thickness (for opening 2 m height, 0.8 cm or more);
  • watch not the slightest stains, mechanical deformations and irregularities;
  • Check the quality of grinding edges;
  • evaluate the literacy of the manufacture of aluminum profiles;
  • Check the characteristics of the accessories and the advantage of the materials used in it.

Frameless glazing of balconies (32 photos): pros and cons of glazing balconies without frames. Features of technology 21355_18

Frameless glazing of balconies (32 photos): pros and cons of glazing balconies without frames. Features of technology 21355_19

Frameless glazing of balconies (32 photos): pros and cons of glazing balconies without frames. Features of technology 21355_20

Designs for frameless glazing supply not only Finnish, but also Russian firms. Moreover, products of such brands, as STS and Estelle, are not inferior to Scandinavian samples. The sash of the two of these options for the frameless balcony are fixed both to the top and to the lower profiles. Therefore, they are resistant to the usual wind load, and the parts wear out evenly. As a result, the total time of operation grows significantly.

Frameless glazing of balconies (32 photos): pros and cons of glazing balconies without frames. Features of technology 21355_21

Frameless glazing of balconies (32 photos): pros and cons of glazing balconies without frames. Features of technology 21355_22

    ESTEL Prefers to use not light aluminum alloys, but stainless steel. Therefore, the anti-vandal properties of products are significantly rising. If they are insufficient, customers can always order additional protection. In the standard execution of the sash, they have a width of 0.5 to 0.8 m. When applying for an individual application, these sizes can be changed.

    Frameless glazing of balconies (32 photos): pros and cons of glazing balconies without frames. Features of technology 21355_23

    Frameless glazing of balconies (32 photos): pros and cons of glazing balconies without frames. Features of technology 21355_24

    Other Russian factory attention does not deserve at all. They use outdated equipment that does not allow to withstand tolerances within the required limits. From foreign companies should be closed to LUMON products. In this factory, a particularly resistant aluminum alloy is used. Accurate adjustment of the chemical composition of metal parts increases their resistance to corrosion. Advanced products are equipped with ultraviolet filters. Thanks to them, the danger of sunburn is minimized.

    No matter what kind of frameless glazing is chosen, it is required to carefully think about and prepare. Each case here is strictly individual. Metallic or made from fine reinforced concrete Parapedes, which prevail in the old multi-storey building, are not obviously designed for the load generated by frameless balconies. Therefore, such parapets will remain only dismantled and change to modern options. Before making it, you need to inspect the bearing panels of their own and upper balconies. If there are deficiencies in them, structures will have to strengthen.

    Important! Both inspection and strengthening can be assigned only to professional builders. An independent execution of them is fraught with serious consequences, up to the collapse of the entrance.

    Frameless glazing of balconies (32 photos): pros and cons of glazing balconies without frames. Features of technology 21355_25

    Frameless glazing of balconies (32 photos): pros and cons of glazing balconies without frames. Features of technology 21355_26

    Frameless glazing of balconies (32 photos): pros and cons of glazing balconies without frames. Features of technology 21355_27

    Frameless glazing of balconies (32 photos): pros and cons of glazing balconies without frames. Features of technology 21355_28

      Metal parapets as a base for frameless glazing are not suitable. Much better show themselves structures of bricks or lack of tight building blocks. It is necessary to remember the action of urban planning standards of the national and local level. It is necessary to referred to them in advance, in order not to face the sanctions of supervisory authorities and recovery in court. The easiest way is the installation of frameless glazing on the first floor.

      But there is its subtlety - under the supports it will be necessary to form columnar foundations, as well as protect the supports from the soil bright. At higher floors, the reinforcement bookmark is practiced in the hole in the stove. Be sure to be a hardening concrete belt. This is the case when the rule is "the more concrete, the better" does not work. The thickness of the belt and its mass must be strictly calculated in advance.

      Frameless glazing of balconies (32 photos): pros and cons of glazing balconies without frames. Features of technology 21355_29

      Frameless glazing of balconies (32 photos): pros and cons of glazing balconies without frames. Features of technology 21355_30

      Frameless glazing of balconies (32 photos): pros and cons of glazing balconies without frames. Features of technology 21355_31

      Frameless glazing of balconies (32 photos): pros and cons of glazing balconies without frames. Features of technology 21355_32

      We offer you the video from the manufacturer of frameless structures for balconies, in which the advantages of this type of glazing are described in detail.

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