Lazurit mattresses: orthopedic, flawed and other types of factory mattresses. Customer Reviews


Lazurit has been producing furniture. Anatomical and orthopedic mattresses are produced in addition to their own and any other beds. Premium products comes to markets, highly appreciated by buyers.

Lazurit mattresses: orthopedic, flawed and other types of factory mattresses. Customer Reviews 21338_2

Lazurit mattresses: orthopedic, flawed and other types of factory mattresses. Customer Reviews 21338_3


Lazurit is a group of companies with different focus. Many factories produce furniture, pass along the release of high-quality mattresses. Several firms have a logistics, transport and construction orientation, which helps at the expense of their own capacity to open branded shops throughout the country. Today they are already more than 500 in 170 cities of Russia.

Besides, The company has entered the international level. And all in 1992 began with one Kaliningrad company, which opened its production on German equipment. Today, Lazurit mattresses are manufactured using progressive European technologies.

Automated and manual delicate work is involved in production, a strict control system for the quality of the goods is organized.

Lazurit mattresses: orthopedic, flawed and other types of factory mattresses. Customer Reviews 21338_4

Lazurit mattresses: orthopedic, flawed and other types of factory mattresses. Customer Reviews 21338_5

The features of Lazurit mattresses should be considered more.

  • All of them have anatomical and orthopedic properties. Models are oriented on high or average degree of rigidity. Often there are combined modifications or double-sided mattresses with a distinguished level of stiffness and seasonality from different sides. There are no soft products among the company's products.
  • The firm for improving the quality of operational properties often uses mixed fillers - natural and synthetic.
  • Independent spring blocks are used in the production of mattresses.
  • The simplicity of product design makes it possible to pay attention to more important characteristics.
  • A large range of products allows you to choose a product of different price categories. The average level models produced on imported raw materials cost 8000 rubles, and elite products can be purchased for 85,000 rubles.

Lazurit mattresses: orthopedic, flawed and other types of factory mattresses. Customer Reviews 21338_6

Lazurit mattresses: orthopedic, flawed and other types of factory mattresses. Customer Reviews 21338_7

Assortment and types of models

As we have already found out, the company does not produce soft mattresses. All its products relates to anatomical and orthopedic species of medium and hard category.

The anatomical models of Lazurit are endowed with medium rigidity, but despite this, they have an orthopedic effect.

  • Products are capable of repeating the contour of the human body, maintain the spine and joints in the usual state, without giving them the opportunity to fake, take an unnatural shape, conjugate with painful sensations. These properties of mattresses make it easy to make pain and normally sleep for people suffering from osteochondrosis, pains in the joints, neck, back, chest, in the shoulder belt.
  • Mattresses create minimal pressure on the sleeping person, allow blood to circulate normally, do not squeeze the muscles, which will be removed from numbness.
  • Lazurit anatomical mattresses are needed to people with insomnia, with problematic pain syndromes. They will suit pregnant women, athletes, people engaged in severe physical labor, and everyone who just loves a comfortable stay.

Lazurit mattresses: orthopedic, flawed and other types of factory mattresses. Customer Reviews 21338_8

Lazurit mattresses: orthopedic, flawed and other types of factory mattresses. Customer Reviews 21338_9

Lazurit orthopedic products belong to the hardware models. They can have springs with independent blocks or represent an expectant version that holds rigidity through special elastic and dense fillers. Mattresses do not give the back of the back to fuse, deforming the line of the spine, they protect against curvature.

Lazurit orthopedic products are needed not only to users who have problems with their backs, but also young growing people who have a bone and muscular system underdeveloped. For them, sleep on soft mattresses is contraindicated, it can lead to an incorrect development of the skeleton. Orthopedic models will be helped by people who are accustomed to slouch and do not know how to keep posture, those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, suffer from excess weight.

In the range of Lazurit products there are mattresses for double, one-time, single and baby beds. In their creation, both natural and synthetic materials are involved.

Lazurit mattresses: orthopedic, flawed and other types of factory mattresses. Customer Reviews 21338_10

Lazurit mattresses: orthopedic, flawed and other types of factory mattresses. Customer Reviews 21338_11

The company has set the goal to produce safe products having a positive preventive and even therapeutic effect. All its hypoallergenic mattresses, thanks to the dominant percentage of artificial fillers. As is known, Most of the natural components are contraindicated allergic and asthmatics. The covers, on the contrary, are made of natural cotton fabrics with a "cool" basis for the summer and with the addition of wool for winter. Most mattresses have two-way variance "Winter-Summer".

Lazurit mattresses have good moisture exchange and breathable indicators, they consist of "breathable" materials absorbing moisture and not having a "greenhouse" effect. Products are capable of maintaining the temperature of the human body and not to create a situation for sweating even in the hot season. Especially carefully selected the composition for flawless children's mattresses.

Lazurit mattresses: orthopedic, flawed and other types of factory mattresses. Customer Reviews 21338_12

Lazurit mattresses: orthopedic, flawed and other types of factory mattresses. Customer Reviews 21338_13

The company produces many types of high-quality mattresses with different component composition. Most often there are models endowed with the following components:

  • Eurocarkas, not allowing the deformation of the surface and allows you to maximize the life of the product;
  • Independent spring block "Bonnel", having good elasticity, evenly distributing the external load;
  • Singypron, thermoplastic material, spunbond;
  • Polyurethan.

Lazurit mattresses: orthopedic, flawed and other types of factory mattresses. Customer Reviews 21338_14

Lazurit mattresses: orthopedic, flawed and other types of factory mattresses. Customer Reviews 21338_15

As an example, we give several types of most popular Lazurit sleeping models.

  • Mattresses with 5-zone and 7-zone blocks of independent springs, system 3D-aeration. The equipment includes natural latex, coconut fiber, which performs the role of a hard filler, thermal felt. Linen knitted case is endowed with a volumetric screed.

Lazurit mattresses: orthopedic, flawed and other types of factory mattresses. Customer Reviews 21338_16

Lazurit mattresses: orthopedic, flawed and other types of factory mattresses. Customer Reviews 21338_17

  • The model contains the elastic spring block Bonnel, reinforced with cylinders. The density of the springs is 119 pieces per square. m. The snap-in includes polyurethane foam, hard felt, coconut layer, spunbond. Luxury Cotton Jacquard Case Safety Treasure. Bill is made on hollofiber.

Lazurit mattresses: orthopedic, flawed and other types of factory mattresses. Customer Reviews 21338_18

Review reviews

Positive customer feedback refers mainly to orthopedic and anatomical properties of products. Especially there are two-way options, on the one hand, orthopedic foam with a massage effect, on the other - a rigid surface. Mattresses remove the load and relax really, they are comfortable and firmly poured on them. Nevertheless, the claims are available to the durability of products, although it is declared by the manufacturer. The mattresses spread, the sides were formed, the pits formed on the third year of service, some even break the springs and coconut stove. Many believe that the ratio of "price-quality" is not about Lazurit.

After examining the company's products, it can be said that their furniture actually does not have any complaints, but with mattresses, the opposite is contradictory. Here either depends on the luck (someone got a high-quality mattress, someone - no), or from the intensity of operation (a large family, overweight users).

Buyers pleases interest-free installments in Lazurit branded stores, but it is better to pay attention to another aspect, whether the manufacturer gives a guarantee for its products.

Lazurit mattresses: orthopedic, flawed and other types of factory mattresses. Customer Reviews 21338_19

Lazurit mattresses: orthopedic, flawed and other types of factory mattresses. Customer Reviews 21338_20

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