Mattresses with independent springs: their rating. Orthopedic mattresses 160x200 and 90x200, other sizes. Are they better mattresses with a dependent spring block?


Not only the health of the human spine depends on the full sleep, but also the quality of his sleep. The latter depends on many factors: no noise, the amount of fresh air indoors, the softness of bed linen and the properties of the mattress. Let's talk about comfortable mattresses with independent springs.

Mattresses with independent springs: their rating. Orthopedic mattresses 160x200 and 90x200, other sizes. Are they better mattresses with a dependent spring block? 21312_2

Mattresses with independent springs: their rating. Orthopedic mattresses 160x200 and 90x200, other sizes. Are they better mattresses with a dependent spring block? 21312_3

What it is?

Today, manufacturers of mattresses are doing everything possible to ensure that the products provide the necessary support for the human spine, taking into account his physiology and the degree of activity during sleep. Mattresses with independent springs - a revolutionary invention of the XXI century. They are suitable for people with different weights and diseases of the back. Such products do not deliver sleep discomfort not the slightest sound.

If you compare mattresses with an independent spring block with dependent, the key difference will be The presence in the first special insulating covers for each spring. The difference between the two types of products is that the springs of the dependent block are interconnected in one design. With the slightest movement on any side, the entire block will be exposed to oscillations.

The independent block is characterized primarily, in the absence of such oscillations, which allows one of the sleeping to get up or turning, without disturbing the other.

Mattresses with independent springs: their rating. Orthopedic mattresses 160x200 and 90x200, other sizes. Are they better mattresses with a dependent spring block? 21312_4

Mattresses with independent springs: their rating. Orthopedic mattresses 160x200 and 90x200, other sizes. Are they better mattresses with a dependent spring block? 21312_5

Mattresses with independent springs: their rating. Orthopedic mattresses 160x200 and 90x200, other sizes. Are they better mattresses with a dependent spring block? 21312_6

Additional insulation helps extend the service life of expensive purchase. Mattresses are selected depending on the purpose and physiological features of users. Determine how much the springs should be in the product, you can, discussed these moments with a consultant.

Compared with the combined block, the mattresses with independent elements possess weighty pluses:

  • the absence of noise effects when driving due to the presence of tissue covers on each spring;
  • the ability to withstand a large load due to the additional fixing layer of the filler;
  • the ability to distribute the load is evenly and maintaining the natural position of the spine;
  • the presence of a relaxing effect;
  • long service life due to the high quality of materials and fillers;
  • The presence of a depreciation effect with a large difference in the weight of sleeping.

Mattresses with independent springs: their rating. Orthopedic mattresses 160x200 and 90x200, other sizes. Are they better mattresses with a dependent spring block? 21312_7

Mattresses with independent springs: their rating. Orthopedic mattresses 160x200 and 90x200, other sizes. Are they better mattresses with a dependent spring block? 21312_8

Main cons.

  • High price. Many buyers scare this indicator, although in practice the purchase justifies itself for six months.
  • Low quality fakes are common on the market. When buying it is important to test the mattress and carefully consider it.
  • Materials used for the production of cheap mattresses are not distinguished by a high level of wear resistance. For this reason, it is important to acquire the goods from proven sellers, otherwise the optimal option will be purchasing another type of mattress than the cheap variety.

The presence of several drawbacks and the described benefits does not mean that it should immediately buy this type of product. It is important to focus on your own features and needs.

Mattresses with independent springs: their rating. Orthopedic mattresses 160x200 and 90x200, other sizes. Are they better mattresses with a dependent spring block? 21312_9

Mattresses with independent springs: their rating. Orthopedic mattresses 160x200 and 90x200, other sizes. Are they better mattresses with a dependent spring block? 21312_10

Description of species

Mattress manufacturers with independent springs regularly modify their products, adapting them to customers. For example, You can highlight goods according to the degree of rigidity: High, low and medium. To create a solid surface in the product add an additional layer From coconut coyra. Products with a low degree of rigidity are made without bed. There are many types of such goods, among which it is important to allocate two: By type of construction and in terms of orthopedic effect.

Mattresses with independent springs: their rating. Orthopedic mattresses 160x200 and 90x200, other sizes. Are they better mattresses with a dependent spring block? 21312_11

Mattresses with independent springs: their rating. Orthopedic mattresses 160x200 and 90x200, other sizes. Are they better mattresses with a dependent spring block? 21312_12

By type of construction

Products with independent springs block - This is a design from a variety of elements and layers to ensure maximum sleep comfort. Each of the components of the goods is responsible for performing a specific function, without which the load distribution effect does not work.

Components of a mattress design with an independent springs block.

  • Block isolated with special covers springs.
  • Side foam walls, to create a frame.
  • Fillers produced from durable synthetic or natural components. Fillers are responsible for the degree of rigidity of finished products. Depending on the type of construction, it can be used both one and several fillers.
  • External linen case, to improve sleep comfort and increasing the wear resistance of the goods.

Mattresses with independent springs: their rating. Orthopedic mattresses 160x200 and 90x200, other sizes. Are they better mattresses with a dependent spring block? 21312_13

Mattresses with independent springs: their rating. Orthopedic mattresses 160x200 and 90x200, other sizes. Are they better mattresses with a dependent spring block? 21312_14

An important role, both in the distribution of the load and in the creation of the depreciation effect, play the varieties of spring elements:

  • Zonal spring block makes it possible to navigate the mass of each part of the body to create an optimal supporting effect;
  • TFK-Springs - a block with a large number of (256) independent springs of medium sized;
  • microbacket - designed specifically for people who suffer from obesity to compensate and competently distribute the load, each square meter of the product includes more than a thousand small spring elements;
  • "duet" - a combined version with large isolated elements inside which are smaller springs, this option is ideal when partners are in different weight categories;
  • Multipape Includes about five hundred averages of medium size for additional support in excess weight or large sleeve dimensions.

Mattresses with independent springs: their rating. Orthopedic mattresses 160x200 and 90x200, other sizes. Are they better mattresses with a dependent spring block? 21312_15

Mattresses with independent springs: their rating. Orthopedic mattresses 160x200 and 90x200, other sizes. Are they better mattresses with a dependent spring block? 21312_16

In terms of orthopedic effect

The orthopedic mattress effect may depend on many factors, ranging from the quality of raw materials and the density of materials to the stiffness of the goods themselves. Focusing on the hardness indicator, the mattresses can be divided into the following categories.

  • Soft products. Such products are manufactured specifically for the elderly and persons with weight lack. Most popular soft components: natural and artificial types of latex, foam with memory effect. Natural latex - soft and elastic material with foamed structure in the form of small cells. Artificial latex is a type of polyurethane foam. Foam with a memorization effect is a type of filler, which is able to take the original shape as a foam rubber, whose type is considered.
  • Products with an average degree of rigidity - An option that fits most adults and teenagers. Manufacturers buy the following types of raw materials for medium-fashioned products: Hollofiber, Strettotofiber, Polyurethan. Hollofiber is a series of interconnected by means of glue polyester fibers, which are distinguished by a vertical type of accommodation. Stustofiber is a material that combines cellulosic elements and natural components, providing a mitigating effect.
  • Hard species Designed for persons whose spine is still not fastened enough. In the production of rigid species, a number of materials that increase this indicator are used: sisal, coconut coir, thermal and bicocos. Sizal - filler created from Agava leaves. Coyra - brown thin coconut skin from the inside. Thermal flock is a polyester composition of high density with a number of natural and artificial components. Bicocos includes low elastic synthetic material in combination with coconut coirs.

Mattresses with independent springs: their rating. Orthopedic mattresses 160x200 and 90x200, other sizes. Are they better mattresses with a dependent spring block? 21312_17

Mattresses with independent springs: their rating. Orthopedic mattresses 160x200 and 90x200, other sizes. Are they better mattresses with a dependent spring block? 21312_18

Mattresses with independent springs: their rating. Orthopedic mattresses 160x200 and 90x200, other sizes. Are they better mattresses with a dependent spring block? 21312_19

Sizes and weight

Despite the fact that there are several standard sizes for orthopedic models of mattresses, many manufacturers are ready to meet customers and make a product suitable for them in size:

  • 160x200 cm - classic parameters for double-room products;
  • 140x200 cm - a variety created for adult spouses;
  • 180x200 - a double option for large-sized users;
  • 90x200 - Single variety mattress with additional centimeters in width;
  • 80x190 - single product, one of the most common;
  • 120x200 - goods of the semi-gun category;
  • 80x200 is a single option, increased in length;
  • 90x190 - view of a single-handed product with an additional width size;
  • 160x80 - orthopedic option for children.

Mattresses with independent springs: their rating. Orthopedic mattresses 160x200 and 90x200, other sizes. Are they better mattresses with a dependent spring block? 21312_20

Mattresses with independent springs: their rating. Orthopedic mattresses 160x200 and 90x200, other sizes. Are they better mattresses with a dependent spring block? 21312_21

Standard double mattress with an orthopedic effect weighs approximately 30 kg. With an increase in the thickness of the product, the weight can increase by another 20 kg.

Parameters that determine the weight of the goods:

  • type of filler - natural components add weight products;
  • Mattress thickness - usually the weight of the product is directly proportional to its thickness, but should be amended for a variety of materials;
  • Stiffness of the product - here is similar to the thickness of the goods situation.

Mattresses with independent springs: their rating. Orthopedic mattresses 160x200 and 90x200, other sizes. Are they better mattresses with a dependent spring block? 21312_22

Mattresses with independent springs: their rating. Orthopedic mattresses 160x200 and 90x200, other sizes. Are they better mattresses with a dependent spring block? 21312_23

Rating the best models

Due to the comfort and long service life, the model with an independent spring unit is acquired every year more and more admirers. Manufacturers offer elite and inexpensive products that match the quality of the claimed value.

Overview of high-quality products that entered the top for sleep last year.

  • Comfort Line Hard Classic S1000 - Model created from latex component with coconut coir. It has durability and durability. The material is hypoallergen and has antibacterial properties. 500 average springs per square meter will provide the necessary support for weight up to 140 kg per sleeping place.

Mattresses with independent springs: their rating. Orthopedic mattresses 160x200 and 90x200, other sizes. Are they better mattresses with a dependent spring block? 21312_24

  • Dimax Mega Hard - The product with high rigidity allows load to 150 kg. Latex coconut material layers will provide the necessary anatomical effect on each side.

Mattresses with independent springs: their rating. Orthopedic mattresses 160x200 and 90x200, other sizes. Are they better mattresses with a dependent spring block? 21312_25

  • Dreamline Memory Latex Smart Zone - orthopedic soft model with an independent unit, which includes 7 springs zones to provide high-quality support. The model withstands up to 150 kg per place. The outer material is breathing, and the filler has a memory effect, which increases the degree of comfort.

Mattresses with independent springs: their rating. Orthopedic mattresses 160x200 and 90x200, other sizes. Are they better mattresses with a dependent spring block? 21312_26

  • DreamLine Eco Foam Hard TFK - Average version capable of withstanding up to 120 kg per sleeping place. To increase strength on each side, the thermal fiber layer is added.

Mattresses with independent springs: their rating. Orthopedic mattresses 160x200 and 90x200, other sizes. Are they better mattresses with a dependent spring block? 21312_27

  • Ascona Sleep Style Feel - Model without limitations on weight, which suits people with hypodynamines. Thanks to the special micro-massage effect, the sleeping muscles retain the tone and the normal blood circulation is restored. As part of polyester filler and cotton felt.

Mattresses with independent springs: their rating. Orthopedic mattresses 160x200 and 90x200, other sizes. Are they better mattresses with a dependent spring block? 21312_28

  • Benartti Prime Optima TFK - Average product capable of withstanding 130 kg per seat, has an orthopedic effect. Standard composition in the form of latex and coconut coyra and a jacquard coating for models of this company.

Mattresses with independent springs: their rating. Orthopedic mattresses 160x200 and 90x200, other sizes. Are they better mattresses with a dependent spring block? 21312_29

  • DreamLine Dream Massage S1000 - bilateral model with orthopedic effect and two types of rigidity. The model contains 500 springs in each square. meter. As part of Coyra Coconut and Latex filler. The kit shows a removable soft velor cover. The product has high strength and wear resistance, which allows you to significantly extend the service life.

Mattresses with independent springs: their rating. Orthopedic mattresses 160x200 and 90x200, other sizes. Are they better mattresses with a dependent spring block? 21312_30

Child Nuances

Buying an orthopedic goods is a multi-step process that provides several criteria for selecting a suitable product. The rules of the selection of the orthopedic product for the bed are.

  • Select the product, depending on the stiffness of the materials. Before going to the store, it is important to estimate the state of human health to whom to sleep on the mattress, its age and the degree of mobility during sleep. If a person has disorders of posture or spinal disease, it is very important to choose a product with this information.
  • Take into account the mass of the body of a sleeping person.
  • Measure the length and width of the bed, orient consultant at the preferred purchase altitude. High products will be able to compensate for excess weight, while slim people will suit lower options. Standard height of mattresses with independent springs - 18-19 cm.
  • Consultant Spring size and type of block.
  • In the selection of filler material according to the degree of hardness, allege, composition.

Mattresses with independent springs: their rating. Orthopedic mattresses 160x200 and 90x200, other sizes. Are they better mattresses with a dependent spring block? 21312_31

Mattresses with independent springs: their rating. Orthopedic mattresses 160x200 and 90x200, other sizes. Are they better mattresses with a dependent spring block? 21312_32

Choosing a certain category of orthopedic goods, It should be paid attention not only to its value, but also for compliance with the needs of the user . Often high quality products remain unclaimed due to an error at the selection stage. In addition, it is necessary to study the characteristics on their own, fascinate material and test the mattress.

Varieties with independent springs, as a rule, are acquired for a bedroom bed, although there are cases when the mattress is necessary as a spare bed. At such a case, a suitable option will be the product with a minimum height that will be convenient to store in the closet in the rolled state.

Mattresses with independent springs: their rating. Orthopedic mattresses 160x200 and 90x200, other sizes. Are they better mattresses with a dependent spring block? 21312_33

Mattresses with independent springs: their rating. Orthopedic mattresses 160x200 and 90x200, other sizes. Are they better mattresses with a dependent spring block? 21312_34

Care rules

Operating time mattress with independent springs - from 10 to 16 years, subject to proper use. Important rules for the care of the orthopedic mattress are as follows.

  • Compliance with the size of the bed and the presence of a gap between the plates.
  • The need to turn the product to the other side monthly, after half a year of use - once every six months.
  • Furning the mattress not only horizontally, but also vertically.
  • The presence of ventilation or daily air ventilation.

Despite large dimensions, mattresses with independent springs can be twisted and stored in a rolled state. Of course, high types will be folded quite difficult, so the need for storage should be taken into account in the process of selection of goods.

Mattresses with independent springs: their rating. Orthopedic mattresses 160x200 and 90x200, other sizes. Are they better mattresses with a dependent spring block? 21312_35

Mattresses with independent springs: their rating. Orthopedic mattresses 160x200 and 90x200, other sizes. Are they better mattresses with a dependent spring block? 21312_36

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