Curtains in the Blue Bedroom (27 photos): What shades are suitable for wallpaper of blue?


Curtains are an important element of the decor of any room. Without them, the room looks uncomfortable, and the situation is unfinished. The article will talk about how to choose a curtain for a blue bedroom.

Curtains in the Blue Bedroom (27 photos): What shades are suitable for wallpaper of blue? 21285_2

Curtains in the Blue Bedroom (27 photos): What shades are suitable for wallpaper of blue? 21285_3

Features Color Gamma

Blue and all of its shades as it is impossible to suit the bedroom better. He is always associated with rest, calm, peace, this color and coolness.

It is believed that in space, in the design of which the shades of blue and blue prevail, even breathing somehow easier.

Therefore, many people often choose blue wallpapers for decoration of residential premises, including bedrooms. They do not irritate the eyes, do not bother and combine almost with all other colors.

Curtains in the Blue Bedroom (27 photos): What shades are suitable for wallpaper of blue? 21285_4

Curtains in the Blue Bedroom (27 photos): What shades are suitable for wallpaper of blue? 21285_5

Therefore, pick up the interior in the bedroom with blue wallpaper is quite simple. However, as in any creative process, there are subtleties here. Let's try to figure out what exactly the curtains are suitable in the bedroom with blue wallpaper, which shades give preference, and which should be avoided.

Curtains in the Blue Bedroom (27 photos): What shades are suitable for wallpaper of blue? 21285_6

How to choose?

Designers advise choosing clothes for windows, given several factors.

Room size

With the help of a curtain, you can visually expand the space or, on the contrary, to reduce it, add lights or make the lighting more muted. For example, if the window opening is small, and it must be visually "pushing", it is recommended to choose the curtains lighter than the wallpaper. Conversely, dark or very bright curtains will seem to bring the window, so such colors are better to choose for a large bedroom.

Curtains in the Blue Bedroom (27 photos): What shades are suitable for wallpaper of blue? 21285_7

Curtains in the Blue Bedroom (27 photos): What shades are suitable for wallpaper of blue? 21285_8

Wallpaper color

The bedroom in a single blue gamma looks very gentle and pacifying. However, that the room does not merge into one shapeless space, A shade of a curtain must contrast a few walls - differ on one or more tones.

Winewings are considered combinations of blue with white, gray, sandy, yellow and beige.

Such tandems created Nature itself - immediately recall the water and sand or heavenly blue and white clouds floating on it.

Curtains in the Blue Bedroom (27 photos): What shades are suitable for wallpaper of blue? 21285_9

Curtains in the Blue Bedroom (27 photos): What shades are suitable for wallpaper of blue? 21285_10

Curtains in the Blue Bedroom (27 photos): What shades are suitable for wallpaper of blue? 21285_11

Location windows

If the northern side, and the sun is rarely peeking into the bedroom, it is possible to limit the lightest curtains of pastel tones. Pale pink, light lilac, moderately beige, pale yellow - All of them are perfectly harmonized with blue wallpaper on the walls and add warmth and coziness to the room. Not bad union of blue with brown - He creates atmosphere of home comfort, configures on vacation.

Curtains in the Blue Bedroom (27 photos): What shades are suitable for wallpaper of blue? 21285_12

Curtains in the Blue Bedroom (27 photos): What shades are suitable for wallpaper of blue? 21285_13

If there is a lot of sun in the bedroom, tight curtains will need, so that the light from the windows does not interfere with sleep. In this case, you can consider more rich shades - Thick blue, dark green, rich red, noble burgundy, royal purple. All of them will create a feeling of additional coolness and intima, which is so necessary in the bedroom.

The combination of blue wallpapers and bright curtains looks spectacular and elegant, but before choosing such an accessory, think if it will not irritate vision.

First of all, the bedroom is a place to relax, although in some cases it can perform other functions.

Curtains in the Blue Bedroom (27 photos): What shades are suitable for wallpaper of blue? 21285_14

Curtains in the Blue Bedroom (27 photos): What shades are suitable for wallpaper of blue? 21285_15

Curtains in the Blue Bedroom (27 photos): What shades are suitable for wallpaper of blue? 21285_16


When choosing a bedroom curtains, the style of design is also taken into account.

For Classic Bedrooms usually choose calm muted tones. Curtains, for example, olive or beige colors, moderate green and many other colors will be appropriate here. As for the ornament, they are better not to abuse. The drawing on the curtains will look better against the background of monochromatic wallpaper and, on the contrary, one-photon curtains look more noously in a pair with wallpaper, where there is a drawing. This rule concerns not only classics, but also all other interior styles.

Curtains in the Blue Bedroom (27 photos): What shades are suitable for wallpaper of blue? 21285_17

Curtains in the Blue Bedroom (27 photos): What shades are suitable for wallpaper of blue? 21285_18

For blue bedroom in the style of Provence Traditionally choose a floral ornament, which can be repeated both on the walls and on the curtains. In such a bedroom, you can hang white tulle with a vegetable print, and tight curtains to suspend with special pickups on both sides.

Curtains in the Blue Bedroom (27 photos): What shades are suitable for wallpaper of blue? 21285_19

Curtains in the Blue Bedroom (27 photos): What shades are suitable for wallpaper of blue? 21285_20

Bedroom Barochko style Reminds the poison of the queen. White, pink, lilac - all these colors will be more than by the way. And there must be gold or silver splashes - the more, the better. It can be a gold embossing on the wallpaper - on a blue background it looks great, golden chalks on the curtains, all sorts of brushes, fringe and other elements of the curtain finish.

Curtains in the Blue Bedroom (27 photos): What shades are suitable for wallpaper of blue? 21285_21

Curtains in the Blue Bedroom (27 photos): What shades are suitable for wallpaper of blue? 21285_22

But the bedroom In the style of minimalism is the opposite of the previous type. Restraint and asceticism reigns here. Wallpapers most often in gray-blue gamma, curtains can be dense. The colors of steel metallic, dark brown and even black will suit this interior. The drawing is either no, in general, or some abstract geometry is allowed.

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Curtains in the Blue Bedroom (27 photos): What shades are suitable for wallpaper of blue? 21285_24

Alternatively, traditional tissue curtains for a blue bedroom with a minimalist interior can be selected Metal Blinds Color Steel . This is a particularly good option for those who have a bedroom at the same time is a cabinet. Such curtains emphasize the rigor of the situation and will not distract from the extra details.

Curtains in the Blue Bedroom (27 photos): What shades are suitable for wallpaper of blue? 21285_25

Whatever curtains you choose, It is desirable to supplement their similar accessories - plaid or bedspread on the bed, lampshade in a table lamp, decorative pillows and much more. Then the setting will be completed and harmonious.

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Curtains in the Blue Bedroom (27 photos): What shades are suitable for wallpaper of blue? 21285_27

In the next video you will get acquainted with what curtains will be combined with a blue interior in the bedroom.

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