Large sofa in the living room (42 photos): Select large straight lines and P-shaped folding sofas 3, 4 meters


It is impossible to present a modern living room without furniture, which would accommodate all family members. If you are the owner of a big and spacious hall, you can safely pick up a dimensional sofa that can accommodate a large number of people and will help you get together the whole family for a joint pastime.

History of origin

The first products similar to modern sofas appeared in ancient times in the West. In the Greeks, such a type of furniture was called Triklin. In the Roman Empire, the sofas acquired headboard, decorated with ornaments and were located in the houses of the rich gentlemen.

Large sofa in the living room (42 photos): Select large straight lines and P-shaped folding sofas 3, 4 meters 21234_2

For oriental culture, it was characteristic of a product with a lot of soft pillows and decorate bright colors with a cloth. Easying on such furniture, representatives of the Eastern cultures took guests and led secular conversations.

However, not everyone could afford to buy this furniture, so it was usually located in rich houses.

The extensive spread of the sofas was obtained in the middle of the XVII - early XVIII century.

Large sofa in the living room (42 photos): Select large straight lines and P-shaped folding sofas 3, 4 meters 21234_3

Large sofa in the living room (42 photos): Select large straight lines and P-shaped folding sofas 3, 4 meters 21234_4

Sofa selection rules

When choosing a sofa, it is important to choose its color gamut and model under the style of the room. Currently it is possible to find furniture of any color: from bright screaming tones, to soft and muted shades. Choosing the color of the product in the hall, It is worth repelled from the style of the room and what purpose you want to give the sofa. If you wish to focus on this part of the interior, it is worth picking bright colored products that will rush into the eyes and will not let go past this object of furniture.

Large sofa in the living room (42 photos): Select large straight lines and P-shaped folding sofas 3, 4 meters 21234_5

Large sofa in the living room (42 photos): Select large straight lines and P-shaped folding sofas 3, 4 meters 21234_6

Large sofa in the living room (42 photos): Select large straight lines and P-shaped folding sofas 3, 4 meters 21234_7

Large sofa in the living room (42 photos): Select large straight lines and P-shaped folding sofas 3, 4 meters 21234_8

The second important factor is Product size Since in a small living room, the overall sofa will look ridiculous. Based on this, Furniture should be selected commensurate room size.

Take into account the overall design of the room to avoid ridiculous combinations.

Large sofa in the living room (42 photos): Select large straight lines and P-shaped folding sofas 3, 4 meters 21234_9

Select the sofa is worth and from its functional purpose. If you want it to be also a sleeping place, then you should stop your choice on folding products. Also worth paying attention to the furniture with wear-resistant upholstery and the presence of an orthopedic mattress.

Large sofa in the living room (42 photos): Select large straight lines and P-shaped folding sofas 3, 4 meters 21234_10

Large sofa in the living room (42 photos): Select large straight lines and P-shaped folding sofas 3, 4 meters 21234_11

Types of unfolding sofas

Depending on which some sleeping place you need, There are several types of unfolding mechanisms:

  • "Dolphin";
  • "book";
  • "accordion".

Type of mechanism "Dolphin" Refers to retractable or roll-out systems. He is the most sought-after. To decompose the sofa, it is enough just to pull out the hinges that are fashioned to the selection of the sofa under the seat and pull it out. Sections form a sufficiently large bed. Such a mechanism is equipped mainly by P-shaped sofas.

Large sofa in the living room (42 photos): Select large straight lines and P-shaped folding sofas 3, 4 meters 21234_12

Large sofa in the living room (42 photos): Select large straight lines and P-shaped folding sofas 3, 4 meters 21234_13

Mechanism "book" Equipped with folding sofas. To get a full-fledged bedroom just to lower the back. Such a sofa cannot be placed close to the wall, as it will make it difficult to lay down.

Large sofa in the living room (42 photos): Select large straight lines and P-shaped folding sofas 3, 4 meters 21234_14

Large sofa in the living room (42 photos): Select large straight lines and P-shaped folding sofas 3, 4 meters 21234_15

Type of retractable mechanism "accordion" They have mainly straight products, because to turn it into a bed, it is necessary to stretch the sleeping space of furniture. In decomposed state, this subject of the interior occupies a significant place.

Large sofa in the living room (42 photos): Select large straight lines and P-shaped folding sofas 3, 4 meters 21234_16

Large sofa in the living room (42 photos): Select large straight lines and P-shaped folding sofas 3, 4 meters 21234_17

Materials for upholstery

Currently, there are many furniture upholstery options. Before stopping the choice on some specific option, It is necessary to take into account the presence factor in the house of domestic animals, because then you should not choose the upholstery from some materials.

Large sofa in the living room (42 photos): Select large straight lines and P-shaped folding sofas 3, 4 meters 21234_18

As materials for upholstery, both artificial and natural fabric are used - this directly affects the cost of this furniture subject. The advantage of using natural tissues is their comfort at any temperature, as they have breathability.

Large sofa in the living room (42 photos): Select large straight lines and P-shaped folding sofas 3, 4 meters 21234_19

Large sofa in the living room (42 photos): Select large straight lines and P-shaped folding sofas 3, 4 meters 21234_20

Natural tissues include:

  • cotton;
  • jacquard;
  • tapestry;
  • silk;
  • leather.

Large sofa in the living room (42 photos): Select large straight lines and P-shaped folding sofas 3, 4 meters 21234_21

Large sofa in the living room (42 photos): Select large straight lines and P-shaped folding sofas 3, 4 meters 21234_22

Large sofa in the living room (42 photos): Select large straight lines and P-shaped folding sofas 3, 4 meters 21234_23

Large sofa in the living room (42 photos): Select large straight lines and P-shaped folding sofas 3, 4 meters 21234_24

Large sofa in the living room (42 photos): Select large straight lines and P-shaped folding sofas 3, 4 meters 21234_25

To artificial;

  • Arpatecha;
  • Scotchgard;
  • Flock;
  • Shenil;
  • microfiber;
  • Forest;
  • Kurtisan

Large sofa in the living room (42 photos): Select large straight lines and P-shaped folding sofas 3, 4 meters 21234_26

Large sofa in the living room (42 photos): Select large straight lines and P-shaped folding sofas 3, 4 meters 21234_27

Large sofa in the living room (42 photos): Select large straight lines and P-shaped folding sofas 3, 4 meters 21234_28

Large sofa in the living room (42 photos): Select large straight lines and P-shaped folding sofas 3, 4 meters 21234_29

Sofas with hurts from cotton harmless and safe. The service life of such upholstery is about 6 years. The price range is rather low, so everyone can afford them.

Furniture covered with jacquard, spectacular and expensive. Choosing this type of fabric, it is worth remembering that it does not suit every living room. This fabric is wear-resistant and does not fade if the ultraviolet hit.

Excellent, such furniture will fit into the classic style of the interior, because it looks expensive and stylish.

Jacquard upholstery has a set of shades, which can be attributed to the undoubted pluses of the material. Of the minuses: Jacquard is sensitive to moisture and refers to a high price category.

They are tightened by silk basically antique furniture. The material itself is very smooth and durable. The fabric has hypoallergenic properties and easy to care.

Large sofa in the living room (42 photos): Select large straight lines and P-shaped folding sofas 3, 4 meters 21234_30

Skin sofas can be found in people who want to emphasize their financial position. Furniture with such an upholstery is quite expensive, but has a number of advantages, namely:

  • natural;
  • durable;
  • durable;
  • moisture-resistant;
  • Light in care.

Large sofa in the living room (42 photos): Select large straight lines and P-shaped folding sofas 3, 4 meters 21234_31

Furniture coating Roget It gives her an increased elasticity, thanks to which it remains in the whole day on the furniture. In care, such a fabric is unpretentious. However, such sofas are most often monophonic.

Large sofa in the living room (42 photos): Select large straight lines and P-shaped folding sofas 3, 4 meters 21234_32

Another popular furniture coating is velours He has a number of benefits: easy to care and hypoallergen. Also velor is resistant to abrasion, thanks to which he has a long service life. However, products from such fabric are quite expensive and unstable to mechanical effects.

Large sofa in the living room (42 photos): Select large straight lines and P-shaped folding sofas 3, 4 meters 21234_33

Picking up the sofa in the living room from natural materials, it is worth remembering that They are quite expensive, but have a long service life.

The advantage of artificial materials is their value in comparison with natural, but such materials have a number of minuses.

Modern tissue Scotchgard externally similar to Jacquard, however, it burns out in the sun, and the fabric cleaning is desirable not to spend at home, but use the services of dry cleaning.

Large sofa in the living room (42 photos): Select large straight lines and P-shaped folding sofas 3, 4 meters 21234_34

According to many designers, Flock fabric is the perfect coating for the sofa. It is similar to velvet and has refractory. Its advantages can be attributed to:

  • water resistance;
  • easy cleaning of wool;
  • Carry out temperature differences.

This furniture is perfectly suitable if you have pets. Also this fabric has a large color palette, which allows you to choose furniture in any interior.

Large sofa in the living room (42 photos): Select large straight lines and P-shaped folding sofas 3, 4 meters 21234_35

Dipping popularity with coated furniture from Shenill This material has good strength, hypoallergenia and wear resistance. However, its price is high enough, and he absorbs moisture well.

Large sofa in the living room (42 photos): Select large straight lines and P-shaped folding sofas 3, 4 meters 21234_36

Perhaps one of the most durable artificial materials is Forest. It is not deformed during the entire service life, well withstands the temperature differences. The surface is processed by a special composition, due to which it has a dust-repellent property.

Large sofa in the living room (42 photos): Select large straight lines and P-shaped folding sofas 3, 4 meters 21234_37

Modern material that can be cleaned by any means and wash in a typewriter without fearing the loss of the initial type is Microwlever. It has a porous structure, which makes it breathable.

Large sofa in the living room (42 photos): Select large straight lines and P-shaped folding sofas 3, 4 meters 21234_38

Models of sofas

Currently, there are many varieties of upholstered furniture diverse shape. For large living rooms and a large family, excellent options will be a sofa letter "P", because it can accommodate a large number of people.

The dimensions of such a product are quite solid, the width of such sofas is usually 3 meters, in some cases 4 meters, which requires a significant area of ​​the room.

Sometimes such sofas models can be produced with a large table, which allows you to place various snacks or decorative interior items on it.

Large sofa in the living room (42 photos): Select large straight lines and P-shaped folding sofas 3, 4 meters 21234_39

There are models that are sofas-beds that are with ease are transformed into a sleeping place. Typically, such products are performed with a bed-sized 140 x 195 cm, or 150 x 210 cm. Such models are sufficiently soft, which makes it easy to fall on them.

Large sofa in the living room (42 photos): Select large straight lines and P-shaped folding sofas 3, 4 meters 21234_40

Some models of angular sofas have removable orthopedic mattresses. This makes it possible to replace them at any time. There are also products with removable covers and upholstery, which can be passed into a dry cleaning or wipe in a typewriter if the quality of the fabric allows.

Large sofa in the living room (42 photos): Select large straight lines and P-shaped folding sofas 3, 4 meters 21234_41

Many models have a box for storing bedding, which makes it possible to save space in the cabinets and always have the necessary things at hand.

Large sofa in the living room (42 photos): Select large straight lines and P-shaped folding sofas 3, 4 meters 21234_42

You can learn more about the features of the selection of the sofa in the living room in the following video.

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