Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples


Italy is a beautiful country where everything is saturated with a special flavor. Despite the seeming negligence, the Italian style is thought out to the smallest detail. It seems that things and furniture stand in chaotic order, but everything is in their place, and every thing has a special meaning. This design direction is particularly comfortable. And the kitchen is no exception. After all, the hostess is held here for a long time, therefore, in this room, everything should help ensure that the dishes are obtained by the most delicious, and the atmosphere became friendly and spiritual.

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_2

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_3

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_4

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_5

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_6

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_7

Stylistics features

Italian style, like other similar styles, originated in ordinary rustic houses. He is not inherent in the pompousness of rich castles. They mixed together simplicity with classic symmetry. Italian style is otherwise called Tuscan. Due to its location between the sea and the mountains, residents of this area tried to make furniture and other interior items from natural materials. In this region, for a long time, the mining of marble has been engaged, therefore Products made of natural stones are also the basis of Italian style.

Italian masters made hand-made furniture, every year hoping their skills every year. No wonder that Furniture from Italy also uses specially popular today, and is valued for their reliability, beauty and durability.

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_8

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_9

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_10

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_11

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_12

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_13

Going to any Italian house, you can probably see the abundance of stone, products from ceramics, wood and clay. In such a house there is no place for products from plastic or glass, or from chrome steel. Choosing materials, you should give preference to wood, matte stone, terracotta tiles or porcelain stoneware. These materials are more suitable for the floor. Paul in any kitchen used to be only stone. Today, designers prefer coatings from marble or mosaic or variants that mimic expensive materials.

Do not use paint and varnish. The style of style is the natural texture of the coating. So that the parquet was protected from moisture, use special impregnations.

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_14

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_15

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_16

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_17

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_18

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_19

How to arrange?

When designing a kitchen in Italian style, you need to take into account that they are combined here, it would seem that inequate things. So, in one room, chic palace halls with provincial simplicity may be adjacent. Italian style implies:

  • the use of a large number of natural materials;
  • The presence of kitchen furniture with spacious boxes;
  • The central place in the room should occupy a table with good chairs or bench, because the whole large Italian family should be collected in this place for the meal;
  • the use of a large number of decorative elements, mosaic, paintings and panels;
  • Warm tones must prevail in the kitchen.

A small negligence in the interior gives the room of a special coziness and charm.

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_20

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_21

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_22

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_23

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_24

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_25

Choice of furniture

In an Italian-style room, a large number of furniture and interior items made from modern artificial materials should not be present. There is no plastic furniture location in the kitchen. Do not abuse glass products. The optimal option will be the choice of furniture from natural materials. The table and chairs are better made of wood. In this case, you can use different colors of products, the texture of them can also be different. The interior of Italian cuisine wins from a large amount of furniture from the tree of various textures. Usually, the dining group is a large massive table with solid legs, decorated with carved or forged elements.

Choosing chairs, you should not pay attention to small stools or cocktail racks. Italian design implies the presence of comfortable and good chairs made of wood with a back. Often, at the design of the room in this style use special covers for chairs from the fabric. And you can also use good-quality pillows that are attached on the strings. Such additions emphasize the sophistication of the room, give it a special atmosphere and comfort. Fabric covers on chairs are often decorated with floral prints.

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_26

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_27

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_28

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_29

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_30

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_31


Catching up the design of the kitchen in Italian style, do not forget about the lighting, because it plays an important role. The kitchen should be bright, there should always be a lot of sun and light in it. It is appropriate in the room to hang a large crystal chandelier in the center over the dining table. The presence of forged candlesticks will give the room of a special color, add her spirit of modernity, make the kitchenette more cozy. Soft scattered light will emphasize the nobility of furniture made of solid wood.

It is worth making lighting not only over the dining table, but in each zone . Thus, the wall lamp in retrostile will not only decorate the kitchen, but also will help to illuminate the work area. Desktop lamp can be left near the soft corner, if it is provided with the design. Multicular lighting will suit both a small room and for a larger kitchen. For spacious kitchen it is better to choose Additional lighting in the form of imperceptible backlight, What will allow not only to add light to the room, but also decorate the room with additional accessories.

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_32

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_33

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_34

Registration of ceilings and walls

The characteristic feature of the Italian-style premises is the presence of stucco on the ceiling and walls. These can be various columns, sculptures and moldings. Often, an arch is used as a doorway, because such a decor looks very unusual. In the Italian decor may be present Moderation and grace, but there is no place of cord.

The ceiling in such a kitchen is more similar to the ceilings in country houses or villas. The surface is most often decorated with massive beams of wood, or use their imitation. The placement of point lights between the beams allows you to add the premises of soft and Italian warmth.

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_35

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_36

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_37

If earlier the ceiling in Italian kitchers was vaulted and made of natural stone or ceramic cladding, today it can be well shuffled and use the rash balks. When choosing stretch ceilings, it is worth a preference to drawings in the form of wood or imitation of the surface of marble or mosaic.

Decorative plaster, as well as stone or ceramic tiles, structural paint, mosaic or wood panels are used for wall design. When choosing a tile, it is better to use interpretations similar to the mosaic. Materials that mimic old stones with trace trails and chip are well.

When decorating the kitchens in Italian style, a rustic coating for walls under a non-stroke tree is often used.

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_38

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_39

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_40

Selection of color gamma

Considering the fact that Italy is sunny country, It should fit it and turn on warm tones. The color gamut in this room can be diverse from the shades of ivory to pastel, white and cream colors. For the Mediterranean style, other, brighter shades, giving the room of bright colors, making it coloring. So, the white kitchen will be perfectly combined with furniture or accessories of bright contrasting shades. Blue, green and bright yellow "revive" the room and make paints to wake a new way.

Combining the olive background of the wall with white furniture can be the perfect option for the kitchen in Tuscan style. No less effectively, this room with terracotta or cream walls in combination with dark furniture will look.

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_41

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_42

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_43

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_44

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_45

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_46

Various accessories will complement the room. Live flowers in various voutes and porridge will be appropriate in the kitchen, as well as bright monophonic curtains. The Italian style kitchen will decorate curtains and curtains with patterns or stripes. In the event that the kitchen comes out on the sunny side, Curtains with curtains are suitable - it will prevent the burnout of furniture when sunlight hitting it, as well as hide from the heat.

Patterns on the curtains can be combined with tissue capes for chairs or other elements of the decor.

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_47

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_48

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_49

Interesting examples

And now let's look at interesting examples for imitation.

  • Option decoration of small kitchen in Italian style.

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_50

  • Kitchen-lounge, made in this style.

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_51

  • The use of wrought interior items makes the room stylish. In this case, you can add forged candlesticks or lamps to the situation, as well as the feet of furniture.

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_52

  • Considering that the interior of the kitchen made in Italian style should be as close as possible to natural color and texture, then for a kitchen apron, it is worth using a tile or mosaic that repeats the pattern of natural stone, marble or granite. The same principle is suitable for both countertops.

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_53

  • To decorate the walls and the ceiling, you can use mosaic and frescoes.

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_54

  • The presence of the arch contributes to the creation of a special atmosphere resembling a relaxed rest in a country house or villa. Arched opening can be used for both doors and windows. Such a reception will add the premises of respectability.

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_55

  • Various decorative little things will enhance the feeling of Italy. For a larger effect, you can use wicker baskets, souvenir dishes, amphoras. As a supplement, it may even be wine in beautiful bottles, cheese or olives.

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_56

  • The table is a mandatory attribute in the kitchen. In this case, the dining table should be long, because a large Italian family was placed behind him. Previously, in Italian families, dining tables never painted and not covered with varnish. Currently, the hosts often use it as a decor, giving furniture by falling small vintage, artificially eating furniture.

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_57

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_58

  • Wardrobe with shelves where many kitchen utensils are stored is an Italian style highlight. In such closets there are always many beautiful dishes, decorative products made of ceramics or wood. On the shelves there is a place for all sorts of jars with seasonings and spices, olive oil.

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_59

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_60

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_61

  • To give the premises of a special color, hanging onions or garlic hanging, put baskets with greens, flowers.

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_62

Italian-style kitchens (63 photos): Little kitchenware design options for kitchens-living rooms, interior examples 21172_63

About how to arrange the kitchen in Italian style, see the next video.

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