Hinged shelves in the kitchen (40 photos): Open kitchen shelves on the wall, original decorative wall structures, suspended closed shelves, wooden and metal models


Traditionally, the kitchen furnishings use dimensional furniture modules, but in recent years, more and more users prefer mounted shelves instead of cumbersome upper lockers. This solution makes the kitchen brighter, spacious and stylish. Let us dwell on more on the pros and cons of the shelves, their varieties, design and selection intricacies.

Hinged shelves in the kitchen (40 photos): Open kitchen shelves on the wall, original decorative wall structures, suspended closed shelves, wooden and metal models 21141_2

Hinged shelves in the kitchen (40 photos): Open kitchen shelves on the wall, original decorative wall structures, suspended closed shelves, wooden and metal models 21141_3

Hinged shelves in the kitchen (40 photos): Open kitchen shelves on the wall, original decorative wall structures, suspended closed shelves, wooden and metal models 21141_4

Hinged shelves in the kitchen (40 photos): Open kitchen shelves on the wall, original decorative wall structures, suspended closed shelves, wooden and metal models 21141_5

Hinged shelves in the kitchen (40 photos): Open kitchen shelves on the wall, original decorative wall structures, suspended closed shelves, wooden and metal models 21141_6

Hinged shelves in the kitchen (40 photos): Open kitchen shelves on the wall, original decorative wall structures, suspended closed shelves, wooden and metal models 21141_7

Advantages and disadvantages

Wall shelves are considered the best solution for storing dining rooms, kitchen utensils, croups, spices and other products. Among the main advantages of such structures, the following factors can be noted.

  • Practicality. They occupy quite a bit of space, visually expand the room, make it much lighter and volumetric. In addition, the open shelves allow you to quickly find any desired thing.
  • Multifunctionality. On the shelves can always be placed both kitchen items and decorative elements, such as vases with flowers, porridge with indoor plants, figurines and even cooking books. Such constructions are not only part of the storage system, but also the element of the interior.
  • Big choice. Shelves are produced in a wide range of species, use wood, plastic, metal, glass and other materials for their production. They can have a variety of sizes, forms and design, which is why everyone can choose for themselves the option that will maximize the representations of the owners of the room about functionality and at the same time correspond to the stylistry of the room.
  • Ergonomic. Open wall shelves can be hung at any height, often they perform the function of the link between the hinged lockers. Unlike models whose doors have to constantly open and close, the shelves are more convenient to use. In addition, they are easy to clean.

Hinged shelves in the kitchen (40 photos): Open kitchen shelves on the wall, original decorative wall structures, suspended closed shelves, wooden and metal models 21141_8

Hinged shelves in the kitchen (40 photos): Open kitchen shelves on the wall, original decorative wall structures, suspended closed shelves, wooden and metal models 21141_9

Hinged shelves in the kitchen (40 photos): Open kitchen shelves on the wall, original decorative wall structures, suspended closed shelves, wooden and metal models 21141_10

Hinged shelves in the kitchen (40 photos): Open kitchen shelves on the wall, original decorative wall structures, suspended closed shelves, wooden and metal models 21141_11

At the same time, it is impossible not to note some drawbacks that for many owners become a reason for refusing the idea of ​​using such structures.

The capacity of the shelves is much less than the lockers. For example, it is unlikely that it is unlikely to place large pots, frying pan, cast-iron and other elements of the kitchen utensils.

Hinged shelves in the kitchen (40 photos): Open kitchen shelves on the wall, original decorative wall structures, suspended closed shelves, wooden and metal models 21141_12

Hinged shelves in the kitchen (40 photos): Open kitchen shelves on the wall, original decorative wall structures, suspended closed shelves, wooden and metal models 21141_13

Shelves are open to the review, they attract attention, so it is necessary to think through the items of accommodation items on them. So, not everyone can like the dishes, packages with products and kitchen utensils.

The contents of the shelves quickly contaminate dust, so cleaning has to be carried out more often.

In addition, with open shelves, any defects of repair and cleanliness immediately stride, which significantly worsens the aesthetics of the kitchen as a whole.

Hinged shelves in the kitchen (40 photos): Open kitchen shelves on the wall, original decorative wall structures, suspended closed shelves, wooden and metal models 21141_14

Hinged shelves in the kitchen (40 photos): Open kitchen shelves on the wall, original decorative wall structures, suspended closed shelves, wooden and metal models 21141_15

Types of structures

Depending on the structural features, wall shelves of several types are distinguished.

  • Open. Such products can be attributed to the category of decorative-functional, they provide operational access to the dishes and make it possible to organize the storage of many necessary objects in the kitchen without creating cabinets.

At the same time, such structures make quite stringent requirements for stored things in size, form, form and material production.

Hinged shelves in the kitchen (40 photos): Open kitchen shelves on the wall, original decorative wall structures, suspended closed shelves, wooden and metal models 21141_16

Hinged shelves in the kitchen (40 photos): Open kitchen shelves on the wall, original decorative wall structures, suspended closed shelves, wooden and metal models 21141_17

  • Closed. These models have rear and side walls, and also additionally supplied with doors (they can be swollen, sliding or lifting). As a rule, closed structures are optimal for storage of sharp smelling spices, fragile items, croup and other bulk products.

Hinged shelves in the kitchen (40 photos): Open kitchen shelves on the wall, original decorative wall structures, suspended closed shelves, wooden and metal models 21141_18

  • Corner shelves. These devices are optimal for small rooms. They differ compactness and ergonomic, because used with maximum rationality, especially in limited space. Usually they are hanging in the corner above the worktop or near the corner sofa.

Most often use multi-level shelves that allow you to place a large number of the most diverse kitchen utensils.

Hinged shelves in the kitchen (40 photos): Open kitchen shelves on the wall, original decorative wall structures, suspended closed shelves, wooden and metal models 21141_19

Hinged shelves in the kitchen (40 photos): Open kitchen shelves on the wall, original decorative wall structures, suspended closed shelves, wooden and metal models 21141_20

  • Shelves lattice. These products are produced in a large variety of design, they differ in shape, dimensions and color solutions. Such structures are able to withstand fairly tangible weight loads, which makes them very convenient for storage of dining room utensils.

Hinged shelves in the kitchen (40 photos): Open kitchen shelves on the wall, original decorative wall structures, suspended closed shelves, wooden and metal models 21141_21

  • Shelves with built-in boxes. These designs in their own way are as close as possible to traditional kitchen cabinets, but they do not clutter the space and do not prevent the spread of light, and therefore contribute to visual expansion of the kitchen and more comfortable stay in it.

Hinged shelves in the kitchen (40 photos): Open kitchen shelves on the wall, original decorative wall structures, suspended closed shelves, wooden and metal models 21141_22

Hinged shelves in the kitchen (40 photos): Open kitchen shelves on the wall, original decorative wall structures, suspended closed shelves, wooden and metal models 21141_23

  • Hells with backlit. This is a very interesting stylish solution, besides quite practical. Such shelves can become an independent source of light, usually the LED ribbons, dot lamps or small scaves are built into them.

As a rule, the rear wall of such structures is performed from the mirror, so that the light dissipates and creates the atmosphere of mystery and coziness.

Hinged shelves in the kitchen (40 photos): Open kitchen shelves on the wall, original decorative wall structures, suspended closed shelves, wooden and metal models 21141_24

Hinged shelves in the kitchen (40 photos): Open kitchen shelves on the wall, original decorative wall structures, suspended closed shelves, wooden and metal models 21141_25

Materials manufacturing

For the manufacture of wall shelves, different materials and their combinations are used, while each of them has its advantages and disadvantages.

The most common decision is the shelves from laminated chipboard. This is a cheap material that is easy in molding and assembly - boards are easily cut by a circulation saw, so in the manufacture of shelves you can implement the most unusual fantasies and designer ideas. Products can have any shape, from standard rectangular to radius. At the same time, this material is considered less durable than everyone else.

Hinged shelves in the kitchen (40 photos): Open kitchen shelves on the wall, original decorative wall structures, suspended closed shelves, wooden and metal models 21141_26

Metal products usually have a rather elegant configuration. Due to the increased strength characteristics of the metal, such devices can withstand significant loads, they are extremely practical and durable. The metal is best fits into the kitchen interiors, decorated in the style of High-tech or modern, chrome lattices give the product with refinement and sore, emphasize the impeccable taste and high income of the room owners.

The best metal shelves look in the kitchen, where objects with metal and glass surfaces are already installed.

We draw attention to the fact that when buying it is necessary to give preference to materials resistant to corrosion, otherwise the view of the rusted shelf is unlikely to decorate your interior.

Hinged shelves in the kitchen (40 photos): Open kitchen shelves on the wall, original decorative wall structures, suspended closed shelves, wooden and metal models 21141_27

Hinged shelves in the kitchen (40 photos): Open kitchen shelves on the wall, original decorative wall structures, suspended closed shelves, wooden and metal models 21141_28

Wooden is the most common solution. The tree is considered to be environmentally friendly material, and in addition, it allows you to fill the kitchen with a feeling of heat and family comfort. Wooden shelves are often decorated with carved openwork elements, so they harmoniously fit into traditional classic interiors, such as country and Provence. Especially spectacular wood looks in combination with shebbi-chic style elements and eco-style.

However, it is not necessary to forget that under the action of enemies, wood swells greatly, so you should not use such objects for drying just a washed utensils. It is also not recommended to place pots on them with flowers.

Hinged shelves in the kitchen (40 photos): Open kitchen shelves on the wall, original decorative wall structures, suspended closed shelves, wooden and metal models 21141_29

Hinged shelves in the kitchen (40 photos): Open kitchen shelves on the wall, original decorative wall structures, suspended closed shelves, wooden and metal models 21141_30

Plastic - these products refer to the economy class category. Plastic struts to the effects of moisture, because such devices will be indispensable for drying kitchen utensils. In addition, plastic shelves are presented in a wide variety of color palette, so that everyone can choose the best option for its kitchen. Plastic has low weight, it is easy to clean, but under the action of heat can be deformed, so such shelves are worth keeping away from the stove.

Hinged shelves in the kitchen (40 photos): Open kitchen shelves on the wall, original decorative wall structures, suspended closed shelves, wooden and metal models 21141_31

Hinged shelves in the kitchen (40 photos): Open kitchen shelves on the wall, original decorative wall structures, suspended closed shelves, wooden and metal models 21141_32

Glass wall shelves at first glance seem fragile, but in fact it is not so - for their manufacture, not usual, and specially tempered glass thickness with a thickness of at least 6 mm, it can withstand rather impressive loads.

As a rule, the installation of such shelves is made using a special hidden fastener, thereby creating a feeling that the designs are like hanging in the air.

Hinged shelves in the kitchen (40 photos): Open kitchen shelves on the wall, original decorative wall structures, suspended closed shelves, wooden and metal models 21141_33

Stone shelves - a similar solution in the interior uses extremely rarely Since the stone has a significant weight, which creates an increased load on the walls and attachments. Of course, a marble or granite shelf has a decorative, dear and impeccable view that immediately attracts attention, but with insufficient quality of installation, the likelihood of falling such structures is high, and they are very expensive.

Hinged shelves in the kitchen (40 photos): Open kitchen shelves on the wall, original decorative wall structures, suspended closed shelves, wooden and metal models 21141_34

How to choose?

If you firmly decide to abandon standard kitchen cabinets in favor of the shelves, it is important to make the right choice. First of all, it should be declared for the purpose of your purchase: what function will perform design in the kitchen, What products do you intend with on it and which will be an exemplary weight load.

  • Be sure to take into account the size of the room and the stylistic design of the interior. So, for small-sized cuisine, the best choice will be a narrow shelves that do not unhand the perception of the room, and for spacious kitchens you can choose more massive wide models.
  • The appearance of the shelf must certainly harmonize the design of other items located in the kitchen.
  • With a certain selection, preference is better to give models with hanging fasteners - you can dismantle this shelf at any time to wash and clean from contamination.
  • When choosing options, it is better to purchase a narrow multi-level shelf instead of a wide single-level one - this design will allow you to place a large number of the most diverse items.

Hinged shelves in the kitchen (40 photos): Open kitchen shelves on the wall, original decorative wall structures, suspended closed shelves, wooden and metal models 21141_35

Hinged shelves in the kitchen (40 photos): Open kitchen shelves on the wall, original decorative wall structures, suspended closed shelves, wooden and metal models 21141_36

Use in the interior

    The shelves become not only the functional part of the storage system of kitchen objects, but also a decor element that can either emphasize the design concept, or to reduce all efforts to design an internal interior. That is why when choosing the shelves, consider the overall idea of ​​decorating the kitchen.

    So, Classic style and Provence are perfectly combined with open mounted shelves made of wood . And if you make them artificially aged or carved, they will fit well into Shebbi-Chic style. Shelves decorated with original plant ornaments will help to arrange the necessary accents in country interiors or ecosil.

    Hinged shelves in the kitchen (40 photos): Open kitchen shelves on the wall, original decorative wall structures, suspended closed shelves, wooden and metal models 21141_37

    Hinged shelves in the kitchen (40 photos): Open kitchen shelves on the wall, original decorative wall structures, suspended closed shelves, wooden and metal models 21141_38

    High-tech and modern lovers can advise products from ferrous metal or glass. Such surfaces in tandem with chrome elements will give some mysteriousness to the kitchen decoration and even a slight sense of stay on an alien space object. Breakfasts, dinners and dinners in such a room will invariably be perceived as part of a fantastic adventure.

    As a rule, such shelves are mounted to the walls, but some manufacturers have adjusted the production of shelves for the rail, they are characterized by compact sizes and simplicity of placement on the support.

    Hinged shelves in the kitchen (40 photos): Open kitchen shelves on the wall, original decorative wall structures, suspended closed shelves, wooden and metal models 21141_39

    Supporters of super-modern interiors, as well as fans to mix styles, you can recommend the shelves with different types of backlight. In addition to the spectacular appearance, they will create additional lighting of the working area.

    Hinged shelves in the kitchen (40 photos): Open kitchen shelves on the wall, original decorative wall structures, suspended closed shelves, wooden and metal models 21141_40

    About how to make a shelf in the kitchen with your own hands, see the next video.

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