Leather sofas in the kitchen (32 photos): small kitchen sofas from eco-tree, large models with a sleeping place from genuine leather


If in the kitchen it was decided to put a cozy sofa, the owners think about the best type of upholstery. In this regard, the main part of the buyers prefer furniture from the skin. What models from natural and artificial leather today in price and what are the nuances of their choice, let's understand.

Leather sofas in the kitchen (32 photos): small kitchen sofas from eco-tree, large models with a sleeping place from genuine leather 21125_2

Leather sofas in the kitchen (32 photos): small kitchen sofas from eco-tree, large models with a sleeping place from genuine leather 21125_3

Leather sofas in the kitchen (32 photos): small kitchen sofas from eco-tree, large models with a sleeping place from genuine leather 21125_4


The whole range of proposals of leather sofas into the kitchen offered to the buyer can be divided into 3 types: angular, linear and P-shaped. The choice of one or another option is based on the features of the planning, the location of the windows, the square of a particular room. Linear models usually buy for kitchens and living rooms and rooms in which you need to accommodate small sofas. Compact options are kitchen benches with a narrow seat. Analogs for spacious rooms are usually distinguished by large dimensions.

Products of the corner group in most cases have a shape with one elongated side of the angle. They rationally use the placement location, are used by designers as zoning items, more clearly indicating the boundaries of the functional corner. In contrast to the first models, it can be modular, characterized by the possibility of changing the angle at the request of the buyer.

Leather sofas in the kitchen (32 photos): small kitchen sofas from eco-tree, large models with a sleeping place from genuine leather 21125_5

Leather sofas in the kitchen (32 photos): small kitchen sofas from eco-tree, large models with a sleeping place from genuine leather 21125_6

Leather sofas in the kitchen (32 photos): small kitchen sofas from eco-tree, large models with a sleeping place from genuine leather 21125_7

P-shaped sofas from natural or artificial leather are bought for wide and spacious kitchens, in which massive chairs are not used to create a guest space. Usually such sofas are complemented by tea or coffee tables. Together with them create a completely hospitable space for receiving guests or rest after cooking and meals.

Leather sofas in the kitchen (32 photos): small kitchen sofas from eco-tree, large models with a sleeping place from genuine leather 21125_8

Leather sofas in the kitchen (32 photos): small kitchen sofas from eco-tree, large models with a sleeping place from genuine leather 21125_9

Leather sofas in the kitchen (32 photos): small kitchen sofas from eco-tree, large models with a sleeping place from genuine leather 21125_10

Constructive features

Sofas with an upholstery of natural or eco-leaves for the kitchen are distinguished by the degree of functionality. They can be designed for different number of users, differing in sizes and the depth of the seat. Some models are designed exclusively for the rest of the hosts in the guest space. Others provide for the transformation that reverses the owners in cases where there is not enough sleeping places in the house.

Today, it is possible to purchase products on store shelves:

  • with a sleeping place equipped with a convenient mechanism for transformation of the sofa to the unintent bed;
  • with shelves under the seat, due to which the functionality of the furniture increases;
  • with internal boxes in which any items can be removed to maintain the visual order atmosphere;
  • With armrests, one or two backs, located symmetrically and asymmetrically.
  • in the form of a kitchen bench with a transverse barbell and mounted pillows;
  • with an angular module connecting the angular elements;
  • From individual modules that can be rearranged at their own request.

Leather sofas in the kitchen (32 photos): small kitchen sofas from eco-tree, large models with a sleeping place from genuine leather 21125_11

Leather sofas in the kitchen (32 photos): small kitchen sofas from eco-tree, large models with a sleeping place from genuine leather 21125_12

Leather sofas in the kitchen (32 photos): small kitchen sofas from eco-tree, large models with a sleeping place from genuine leather 21125_13

Nuances of material

Leather upholstery is considered one of the best types of material. The skin visually reflects the furniture and makes it high-willed. It is durable, has high strength and durability. This material does not miss moisture and easy to care, it is easier to remove pollution from it than from textiles.

However, over time, the skin loses elasticity due to the drying of the fat substances. Therefore, the owners account for 1 time in 3 months to live the coating of the sofa by means of stearic lubricant. As for the type of material, the best sofa upholstery is genuine leather. In addition to her, there are models with an upholstery of artificial leather. Her quality characteristics are lower, however, such furniture is cheaper.

Leather sofas in the kitchen (32 photos): small kitchen sofas from eco-tree, large models with a sleeping place from genuine leather 21125_14

Leather sofas in the kitchen (32 photos): small kitchen sofas from eco-tree, large models with a sleeping place from genuine leather 21125_15

Leather sofas in the kitchen (32 photos): small kitchen sofas from eco-tree, large models with a sleeping place from genuine leather 21125_16

How to choose?

The main issue, a tormenting buyer, is the reliability of the upholstery material. Unfortunately, today there are increasing cases when under the guise of genuine leather products are selling models from leatherette. Sometimes the quality of the fake is quite high, and the deception is revealed only after some time during operation. And here the buyer can help several tips.

  • Leather housing upholstery, she has natural marks in the form of a branch pattern. This skin is inhabitured non-working surfaces (armrests, kinggu, back back).

Leather sofas in the kitchen (32 photos): small kitchen sofas from eco-tree, large models with a sleeping place from genuine leather 21125_17

Leather sofas in the kitchen (32 photos): small kitchen sofas from eco-tree, large models with a sleeping place from genuine leather 21125_18

Leather sofas in the kitchen (32 photos): small kitchen sofas from eco-tree, large models with a sleeping place from genuine leather 21125_19

  • In genuine leather there is Namina (wrinkles and folds without layers), giving it softness. This skin is used for working surfaces: seats, pillows, armrests, backs.

Leather sofas in the kitchen (32 photos): small kitchen sofas from eco-tree, large models with a sleeping place from genuine leather 21125_20

Leather sofas in the kitchen (32 photos): small kitchen sofas from eco-tree, large models with a sleeping place from genuine leather 21125_21

Leather sofas in the kitchen (32 photos): small kitchen sofas from eco-tree, large models with a sleeping place from genuine leather 21125_22

  • The leather upholstery has knutovins (stripes with a darker projection) - this material is inhabitured non-working surfaces.

Leather sofas in the kitchen (32 photos): small kitchen sofas from eco-tree, large models with a sleeping place from genuine leather 21125_23

Leather sofas in the kitchen (32 photos): small kitchen sofas from eco-tree, large models with a sleeping place from genuine leather 21125_24

  • The skin can have folds, this material is used on non-working surfaces. Easy crime gives her a shape. Artificial leather is smooth and smooth, she has no folds.

Leather sofas in the kitchen (32 photos): small kitchen sofas from eco-tree, large models with a sleeping place from genuine leather 21125_25

Leather sofas in the kitchen (32 photos): small kitchen sofas from eco-tree, large models with a sleeping place from genuine leather 21125_26

  • There are skin and native spots that look just darker. Processes of artificial leather more smooth.

As for choosing the best model, there are nuances here. For example, the color of the upholstery should echo with the background design of a particular room. Hint of upholstery must be clean, color combination is allowed. In the fashion, the combination of white and chocolate, beige and coral, peach and wood, white and yellow, light gray and brown-marsh. In addition, the contrasts of white with blue, wine, lemon, pistashkovy, black.

Leather sofas in the kitchen (32 photos): small kitchen sofas from eco-tree, large models with a sleeping place from genuine leather 21125_27

Leather sofas in the kitchen (32 photos): small kitchen sofas from eco-tree, large models with a sleeping place from genuine leather 21125_28

    Before buying the appropriate option, you need to consider a number of nuances that often fly out of the head when we come to the furniture store.

    • Small premises buy small sofas with a narrow seat. It can be a double version that can be installed in the corner.
    • The smaller the kitchen and place under the sofa, the easier it should be furniture design. Narrow and low backs, laconic supports, minimum decor.
    • When buying, you need to bet on the texture of the material. Sometimes it gives the furniture a bigger status than the color of the upholstery.
    • If the sofa is planned to be used both as a bed, consider the transformation mechanism: its reliability, easy operation. Do not take options with folding backs - they are not suitable for accommodation at the walls.
    • When buying transforming models, pay attention to the number of space required to lay the sofa.
    • If the practicality is important, pick up colors with dark seats and light backs.
    • When buying modular furniture, take into account the possibilities of its transformation. Not all options allow the corner change.
    • If you like the option with mounted pillows, do not buy it without fitting. Not all these models are convenient for the back of users.
    • When buying options, pay attention to the depth of the seats. It must be sufficient for a comfortable user seat. If you plan to use additional pillows under the back, the depth must be greater.
    • Furniture should be selected based on the stylistry of the interior of a particular kitchen-living room. So it will not be knocked out on a general background, but will be able to become an accent of the interior composition.
    • Watch out the sofa from all sides: if the skin of the rubber and has obvious defects, it is not worth the product. Be sure to spread the model to estimate the quality of the upholstery in all places.
    • The attention is worthy of the model suitable for color and shape to the kitchen headset. If it is compact, the sofa should not be big.

    Leather sofas in the kitchen (32 photos): small kitchen sofas from eco-tree, large models with a sleeping place from genuine leather 21125_29

    Leather sofas in the kitchen (32 photos): small kitchen sofas from eco-tree, large models with a sleeping place from genuine leather 21125_30

    Leather sofas in the kitchen (32 photos): small kitchen sofas from eco-tree, large models with a sleeping place from genuine leather 21125_31

    Leather sofas in the kitchen (32 photos): small kitchen sofas from eco-tree, large models with a sleeping place from genuine leather 21125_32

    About what is better - leather, eco-leave or leatherette, see the next video.

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