Kitchens with a gray table top (42 photos): white and beige glossy kitchen design with a gray table top and apron, concrete table tops in the interior


For a long time, the gray color was undeservedly considered boring, office, too official. Today, the color perception has changed, many chic design projects are based on gray and its capabilities. In any room, in any space, he will be able to become expressive, beautifully emphasize the features of the situation. In the kitchen interior, it works too.

Kitchens with a gray table top (42 photos): white and beige glossy kitchen design with a gray table top and apron, concrete table tops in the interior 21102_2

Kitchens with a gray table top (42 photos): white and beige glossy kitchen design with a gray table top and apron, concrete table tops in the interior 21102_3

Kitchens with a gray table top (42 photos): white and beige glossy kitchen design with a gray table top and apron, concrete table tops in the interior 21102_4

Kitchens with a gray table top (42 photos): white and beige glossy kitchen design with a gray table top and apron, concrete table tops in the interior 21102_5

Color psychology in the interior

If you have a high speed of life, gray is suitable for you. It slows down the nervous system at the moments of its "overheating", balancing. It is believed that if you think about solving the problem in such an interior, the thoughts coming to the head will be as rational as possible.

And in the space, gray is able to recreate elegant rigor, non-pie, pleasant eye. He finally the best background for bright accents. And only one substantial danger lures in this colore: If you overdo it, the room becomes a sullen, not having to activities.

In order not to "load" in such an interior, skillfully use gray. If we are talking about the kitchen, then very interesting will be active color inclusions - for example, a white kitchen with a gray countertop.

Kitchens with a gray table top (42 photos): white and beige glossy kitchen design with a gray table top and apron, concrete table tops in the interior 21102_6

Kitchens with a gray table top (42 photos): white and beige glossy kitchen design with a gray table top and apron, concrete table tops in the interior 21102_7

Kitchens with a gray table top (42 photos): white and beige glossy kitchen design with a gray table top and apron, concrete table tops in the interior 21102_8

Kitchens with a gray table top (42 photos): white and beige glossy kitchen design with a gray table top and apron, concrete table tops in the interior 21102_9

Features of white-gray space

Clean white - color with exceptional character. Deep, expressive, compromise, ordering. Gray tone is not so unequivocal. It has both ash shades, and even dust notes, there is graphite, silver, pearls, stone. Glossy gray and matte create completely different impressions.

Kitchens with a gray table top (42 photos): white and beige glossy kitchen design with a gray table top and apron, concrete table tops in the interior 21102_10

Kitchens with a gray table top (42 photos): white and beige glossy kitchen design with a gray table top and apron, concrete table tops in the interior 21102_11

Gray-white combination Selected for the design of the kitchen is a solution in favor of neutrality, conciseness, dynamism. Note that the kitchen set in such a range can be warm and cold. But that the color combination is definitely not boring and very deterrent, it must be diluted with third color. He will be secondary, but decisive.

Kitchens with a gray table top (42 photos): white and beige glossy kitchen design with a gray table top and apron, concrete table tops in the interior 21102_12

Kitchens with a gray table top (42 photos): white and beige glossy kitchen design with a gray table top and apron, concrete table tops in the interior 21102_13

An example of such a trio - White, gray and brown shades. Perhaps a beige cuisine in such a combination will not go harmoniously, but the kitchen with the power on the sand will be good.

Kitchens with a gray table top (42 photos): white and beige glossy kitchen design with a gray table top and apron, concrete table tops in the interior 21102_14

Kitchens with a gray table top (42 photos): white and beige glossy kitchen design with a gray table top and apron, concrete table tops in the interior 21102_15

Gray countertop must look organically with apron. White color in this sense reconciling. If the apron is also graphite, then it should have a print (white or woody), otherwise visually two planes are solved, and this is not very beautiful. Unless you can combine the tonality of gray: make the tabletop to make a little warmer by tone than the apron.

Kitchens with a gray table top (42 photos): white and beige glossy kitchen design with a gray table top and apron, concrete table tops in the interior 21102_16

Kitchens with a gray table top (42 photos): white and beige glossy kitchen design with a gray table top and apron, concrete table tops in the interior 21102_17

If the table top Dark gray This may be the very third decisive color that the white and medium gray make up. The table top in the color of the concrete will look good in space, where white is much larger than gray. A Here are fragments of chairs or even the handles on the furniture can be arranged in a light wood. This will revive the room, relieve it from cold graphics.

Kitchens with a gray table top (42 photos): white and beige glossy kitchen design with a gray table top and apron, concrete table tops in the interior 21102_18

Kitchens with a gray table top (42 photos): white and beige glossy kitchen design with a gray table top and apron, concrete table tops in the interior 21102_19

White top, dark bottom

Another, quite popular solution of kitchen finishing. The facades of the suspended cabinets (and maybe the entire body of the whole) are made in exceptionally white color. No print, no special texture, no spraying. Glossy classic kitchen with clear geometry, in minimalist style.

The lower lockers and the countertop are made in color graphite. The floor can be made in the reconciliation of colore, which represents the mixing of the perfect top white and lower dark gray.

Kitchens with a gray table top (42 photos): white and beige glossy kitchen design with a gray table top and apron, concrete table tops in the interior 21102_20

Kitchens with a gray table top (42 photos): white and beige glossy kitchen design with a gray table top and apron, concrete table tops in the interior 21102_21

If you have another color to such a kitchen, it is very point and delicate. For example, it can decorate her white orchids, their green stems and leaves will make the smallest dynamism in the interior, which is conceived strict and calm. With natural green, do not be afraid to play - his role is small, but significant. It is plants that make the kitchen in strict shades of living and gentle. Wherein Do not let into the space of vanity and chaos, that is, withstand his mood.

Kitchens with a gray table top (42 photos): white and beige glossy kitchen design with a gray table top and apron, concrete table tops in the interior 21102_22

Harmonious combinations

In the kitchen space with a gray countertop, other colors are possible in the interior. Consider the most successful combinations.

    Sweep red

    Gray, white, red - colors that do not need fashion and rethinking. Very pretty can get the kitchen space in which they will stay away. And this is possible: white upper lockers, red bottom lockers and gray table top. Pretty bright, but at the same time strictly, sustained, stylish. There is no unbalance, do not need other accents.

    But since the headsets in such a red kitchen will be very bright and expressive, certain requirements are put forward to the rest of the situation. Namely: you need to make space by weightless.

    More glass, more transparent objects, unobtrusive finish, minimum of furniture and decor.

    Kitchens with a gray table top (42 photos): white and beige glossy kitchen design with a gray table top and apron, concrete table tops in the interior 21102_23

    Kitchens with a gray table top (42 photos): white and beige glossy kitchen design with a gray table top and apron, concrete table tops in the interior 21102_24

    Blue and warm shade of gray

    Fashionable and very pretty option - a kitchen with active blue, with the addition of warm gray. Imagine that a little cocoa with milk added in gray. It turns out such a gentle gray-brown, warm and pleasant color. If you use it dosed in a room where other colors reign, it will be excellent colors.

    Kitchens with a gray table top (42 photos): white and beige glossy kitchen design with a gray table top and apron, concrete table tops in the interior 21102_25

    Kitchens with a gray table top (42 photos): white and beige glossy kitchen design with a gray table top and apron, concrete table tops in the interior 21102_26

    Active, noble blue (a little with a retro raid), a refreshing space of white (lockers and apron) and a gray countertop - a very beautiful and elegant headset. Support Gray in this interior can be found in the floor finish.

    Gray with a white tile reconciles the tops of the headset, balancing the image of the kitchen as a whole so much that another calm and noble color it can let - for example, dark chocolate. The dining table in such a color arrives in the space of blue and white, and somewhere will even be consonant with a brown-gray countertop.

      Kitchens with a gray table top (42 photos): white and beige glossy kitchen design with a gray table top and apron, concrete table tops in the interior 21102_27

      Add yellow

      For those who are afraid of a sleepy mood, which can set color, it is worth diluting it uncompromisingly bright. For example, yellow. It's by the way Very good solution for small cuisine. E. If you want to distract attention from the modest pattern of the kitchen, make it calm, but as a relevant seasoning, add some cheerful color.

      Kitchens with a gray table top (42 photos): white and beige glossy kitchen design with a gray table top and apron, concrete table tops in the interior 21102_28

      Kitchens with a gray table top (42 photos): white and beige glossy kitchen design with a gray table top and apron, concrete table tops in the interior 21102_29

      Gray lower lockers and a gray countertop is beautiful, withstanding, calm . But the upper yellow lockers are dynamic, sunny, fun. Together it turns out a beautiful formula of a cozy and warm room, which will become the point of attraction of all households.

      Well, if you know the basic colors of the kitchen to beat in trifles. For example, the graphite color of the countertops and lockers can be transferred in identical napkins, and the yellow color of the headset - in the same chain. These cute design rolls will save all parts of the kitchen (and large, and small) in one beautiful, harmonious fabric.

      Kitchens with a gray table top (42 photos): white and beige glossy kitchen design with a gray table top and apron, concrete table tops in the interior 21102_30

      On pink kitchen

      Pink color is dozens of variations from screaming to aristocratic. The muffled pink, pink with milk - these options are very relevant, they like the same and men, and women. A good assistant pink in this interior will become metallic. Wonderful if the countertop is consonant with the refrigerator (although this is an optional condition).

      Pink although muffled in this case, but still active color, it must be diluted. But it is possible to make it a neutral light trim of walls, as well as a beautiful strict dishes (made in gray shades, for example).

      But you should not pick up other color options to noble pink, it deprives the space of clarity, conciseness, style.

      Kitchens with a gray table top (42 photos): white and beige glossy kitchen design with a gray table top and apron, concrete table tops in the interior 21102_31

      Kitchens with a gray table top (42 photos): white and beige glossy kitchen design with a gray table top and apron, concrete table tops in the interior 21102_32

      Who does not fit?

      Not everyone is suitable gray, present in the interior of residential space. And it would be nice to understand it even before the repairs started.

      It will not suit your kitchen if:

      • The room is on the north side, it is externally cold, and you are a real Merzlyak;
      • You love bright, warm, dynamic, and only in such conditions are ready for culinary experiments;
      • In the office you have gray walls, and you want coming home, change the picture before your eyes;
      • You love floral prints and natural, bright color.

      Kitchens with a gray table top (42 photos): white and beige glossy kitchen design with a gray table top and apron, concrete table tops in the interior 21102_33

      Kitchens with a gray table top (42 photos): white and beige glossy kitchen design with a gray table top and apron, concrete table tops in the interior 21102_34

      If you decide to compromise, you can play with color temperature. Cold gray is achieved by adding blue, blue, as well as purple tones. Warm shades can be obtained in combination with green, yellow, red. Cold gamut prefer very calm and even closed people, often enthusiastic with something limiting contacts with people. In such a space they are comfortable.

      Kitchens with a gray table top (42 photos): white and beige glossy kitchen design with a gray table top and apron, concrete table tops in the interior 21102_35

      Kitchens with a gray table top (42 photos): white and beige glossy kitchen design with a gray table top and apron, concrete table tops in the interior 21102_36

      Kitchens with a gray table top (42 photos): white and beige glossy kitchen design with a gray table top and apron, concrete table tops in the interior 21102_37

      Kitchens with a gray table top (42 photos): white and beige glossy kitchen design with a gray table top and apron, concrete table tops in the interior 21102_38

        Warm shades are inherent in more communicable and friendly people. Choose your option and transform space. If at the time of cooking you see before your eyes the worktop of the perfect, beloved shade of gray, dishes will definitely get tastier. Do not go!

        Kitchens with a gray table top (42 photos): white and beige glossy kitchen design with a gray table top and apron, concrete table tops in the interior 21102_39

        Kitchens with a gray table top (42 photos): white and beige glossy kitchen design with a gray table top and apron, concrete table tops in the interior 21102_40

        Kitchens with a gray table top (42 photos): white and beige glossy kitchen design with a gray table top and apron, concrete table tops in the interior 21102_41

        Kitchens with a gray table top (42 photos): white and beige glossy kitchen design with a gray table top and apron, concrete table tops in the interior 21102_42

        About what material to choose a countertop for the kitchen, see the next video.

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