Black faucets for kitchen (23 photos): Overview of kitchen cranes of black granite, pluses and cons ceramic black models with a sliding watering can


In the design of the kitchen, mixers play not the last role. Today, chromed silver taps are already departed in the past, and their place is occupied by stylish multicolored models from a variety of materials. An interesting design solution can be a black mixer, whose features will consider below.

Black faucets for kitchen (23 photos): Overview of kitchen cranes of black granite, pluses and cons ceramic black models with a sliding watering can 21054_2

Black faucets for kitchen (23 photos): Overview of kitchen cranes of black granite, pluses and cons ceramic black models with a sliding watering can 21054_3


Black color has always been an indicator of luxury, wealth and fine taste. This applies not only to the decoration of walls, gender or textiles, but also to mixers. Such products are immediately visible in the kitchen, they harmoniously complete a lot of style directions. In addition, such cranes are unusual, and they are not everyone that becomes an additional advantage.

Black mixers are performed from high-quality materials, so their only drawback is the price. However, on such models is not visible fingerprints, small damage, scratches and dust.

A special enamel is used for the coating, which protects the crane from damage, because it turns out very strong.

Black faucets for kitchen (23 photos): Overview of kitchen cranes of black granite, pluses and cons ceramic black models with a sliding watering can 21054_4

Black faucets for kitchen (23 photos): Overview of kitchen cranes of black granite, pluses and cons ceramic black models with a sliding watering can 21054_5


Dark mixers in the kitchen are distinguished by different parameters: form, design, functionality. As for the form, everything is quite simple here: the cranes are presented in the form of letters C, S, J, R,


Here you can mark four main types.

  • Single-piece. Very easy to use products. The lever rises up and moves to the sides, thus adjusting the water temperature.

Black faucets for kitchen (23 photos): Overview of kitchen cranes of black granite, pluses and cons ceramic black models with a sliding watering can 21054_6

  • Valve . These are mixers familiar since the time of the USSR, and now they have many. On the sides of such a device there are two valves, one of which is responsible for hot water, and the second is for cold.

Black faucets for kitchen (23 photos): Overview of kitchen cranes of black granite, pluses and cons ceramic black models with a sliding watering can 21054_7

  • Sensory. A new model that allows you to wash your hands, just touching the electronic sensor on the crane.

Black faucets for kitchen (23 photos): Overview of kitchen cranes of black granite, pluses and cons ceramic black models with a sliding watering can 21054_8

  • Contactless . Such products are equipped with infrared sensors programmed to trigger in case of movement, that is, you will need to bring your hands to the crane so that it turns on it myself.

Black faucets for kitchen (23 photos): Overview of kitchen cranes of black granite, pluses and cons ceramic black models with a sliding watering can 21054_9


Here we will talk about the form and height of the gland, which is very important for modern cuisines. The water jet must necessarily get into the center of the washing, so that when washing dishes, the liquid is not flying in all directions. To do this, you need to remember a simple rule: the deeper the washing is located, the higher the emission should be. In addition, there are some more types of design.

  • Double. This is a nozzle with two holes, from where different types of water come from. From one will raise the usual, used for washing dishes or hands, and from the second - filtered, suitable for drinking.
  • With retractable expulsion. By its design, such a model resembles a normal shower. The length of the watering can reach the one and a half meters, and during the use of the improvised souls extends. Thanks to this solution, you can use a watering can be used nearby, as well as a large amount of dishes. Also in such products there is a mode of aeration, which allows you to quickly wash the greens.
  • With flexible expulsion . Flexible cranes are suitable for those who wash some dishes. Such types of infuses are a flexible and durable hose, thanks to which water goes in any direction.

Black faucets for kitchen (23 photos): Overview of kitchen cranes of black granite, pluses and cons ceramic black models with a sliding watering can 21054_10

Black faucets for kitchen (23 photos): Overview of kitchen cranes of black granite, pluses and cons ceramic black models with a sliding watering can 21054_11

Black faucets for kitchen (23 photos): Overview of kitchen cranes of black granite, pluses and cons ceramic black models with a sliding watering can 21054_12


Black faucets can be made from different materials, each of which has advantages and disadvantages.

  • Ceramics. Ceramic models are incredibly sophisticated and beautiful. They immediately rush into the eyes, attracting their appearance. Nevertheless, it is important to remember that such products are as fragile as elegant. Behind them, you need to carefully care, protect against shock, because the spoiled and flowing tap will not be able to repair - you have to buy a new one.
  • Metal . The optimal solution here will be models made of brass or bronze coated with enamel. Such cranes are quite heavy, they serve for a long time. Another option will be stainless steel and chromium products. They are very wear-resistant, but the price for the purchase will have to pay considerable.
  • Stone . Granite faucets every year are gaining increasing popularity. They are beautiful, stable, practically not affected by damage. They do not affect constant humidity, care does not cause difficulties. But there are several "pitfalls": the same washing is needed to the granite mixers, and if the pull-out spread, then double.

In addition, similar models are pretty heavy and very expensive.

Black faucets for kitchen (23 photos): Overview of kitchen cranes of black granite, pluses and cons ceramic black models with a sliding watering can 21054_13

Black faucets for kitchen (23 photos): Overview of kitchen cranes of black granite, pluses and cons ceramic black models with a sliding watering can 21054_14

Black faucets for kitchen (23 photos): Overview of kitchen cranes of black granite, pluses and cons ceramic black models with a sliding watering can 21054_15

Best models

To date, the range of black mixers is quite wide, so there is from what to choose. Consider several models that have earned good customer reviews.

Webert Conic

This is a vertical mixer, characterized by excellent quality. During production, the product passes many tests, which ensures its durability and efficiency. Crane is one-dimensional, has a classic high spout. Color - black granite. Mounting such a mixer is very easy, it is quite possible to cope with it yourself.

Black faucets for kitchen (23 photos): Overview of kitchen cranes of black granite, pluses and cons ceramic black models with a sliding watering can 21054_16


This German firm has long established itself as one of the best manufacturers of mixers. A good solution will be a crane Grohe Minta. Made from brass and possessing swivel expulsion. Included there is a flexible hose. Another interesting model will be Grohe Veris. With the colors "Black Velvet". The crane has a ceramic cartridge, there is a swivel spill and aerator.

Black faucets for kitchen (23 photos): Overview of kitchen cranes of black granite, pluses and cons ceramic black models with a sliding watering can 21054_17

Franke 750.

This is a stainless steel model lined with granite. The usual, swivel, inside is a ceramic cartridge. There is a aerator, but there are no leaks. By design, this model is a single-art.

Black faucets for kitchen (23 photos): Overview of kitchen cranes of black granite, pluses and cons ceramic black models with a sliding watering can 21054_18


Models of color "Graphite" are superbly suitable connoisseurs of all modern. These are single-art faucets with ceramic cartridges of excellent quality, ensuring durability and ease of use.

Black coating makes new technologies, so it is not visible fingerprints. It is also not affected by acids and moisture.

Black faucets for kitchen (23 photos): Overview of kitchen cranes of black granite, pluses and cons ceramic black models with a sliding watering can 21054_19

Subtleties of choice

Selecting the kitchen faucet, first of all you need to take into account its design. The valve models will be remarkably fit into the kitchen in retro style, there are also modern options with different types of fouls and an additional complete set. Sneakers will suit those who appreciate simplicity. Before buying such mixers, it is worth sure that the tap does not give water immediately strong pressure. Contactless and sensory models will become a real find for ultra-modern kitchens, where cooks often need speed. But consider that the water temperature in such products after the configuration is the same, so it is worth thinking if you can constantly reconfigure the device.

Besides, It is very important to take into account the geometry of the gland. High allow no problem to wash the dishes, dial water into a bottle or canister. Short will come in handy in small kitchens, where the task is not worth the problem of washing a large number of dishes and is not needed. If we talk about choosing additional features of black mixers, then one of them will become a filter.

Black faucets for kitchen (23 photos): Overview of kitchen cranes of black granite, pluses and cons ceramic black models with a sliding watering can 21054_20

It will help to avoid the formation of plaque and get clean water suitable for cooking. And the retractable shower is the perfect purchase for double mossets, it also allows you to rinse the greens and vegetables well without damaging them. Also, the retractable watering can be filled with a large saucepan, which is not placed in the sink due to the sizes.

Another important point is the ability of a black mixer to fit into the kitchen interior. For example, a similar model is absolutely unacceptable in classic light designs: it will be shed out of the overall style. But in modern kitchens, black cranes are more than appropriate. These are Modern Styles, High Tech, Loft, Fusion. However, it should be borne in mind that the crane cannot be the only black spot in space. Be sure to complete it with dark elements in the finish, black textiles, technique. The coverage plays an important role. It can be glossy or matte. The gloss will best look among chrome surfaces, matte texture - among natural stone.

Black faucets for kitchen (23 photos): Overview of kitchen cranes of black granite, pluses and cons ceramic black models with a sliding watering can 21054_21

Care rules

Black faucets, if they are made of high-quality materials, quite a long time do not need cleaning. If there are still spots on the surface of the crane, it became fat, then special funds will come to the rescue. However, it is important to take into account the type of surface, because what is suitable for brass can be unacceptable for ceramics. As a rule, on all care products is written, where they can be applied. Avoid only too aggressive or powder compositions: divorces appear on gloss from them, and the stone can scatter.

If we talk about home methods, a vinegar or lemon comes to the rescue. The surface of the crane is wiping by one of the selected funds, then wash off and wipe dry. After such manipulations, the surface of the crane is blobbed as on the day of purchase. Soap solution will be a good solution, many also use dishwashing liquid.

Black faucets for kitchen (23 photos): Overview of kitchen cranes of black granite, pluses and cons ceramic black models with a sliding watering can 21054_22

Black faucets for kitchen (23 photos): Overview of kitchen cranes of black granite, pluses and cons ceramic black models with a sliding watering can 21054_23

At the same time, you should use a soft sponge - it is impossible to clean with any brushes or scrapers.

Summing up, we can say that The black mixer is a wonderful and unusual option for modern kitchens whose owners take into account every trifle. Thanks to a huge range, everyone can choose a crane to their taste, as well as get a variety of additional functions that facilitate cooking and washing dishes at times.

In the next video you will find a brief overview of the kitchen mixer black velvet GROHE MINTA 32917KS0.

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