Marble sinks for the kitchen: selection of kitchen sinks from artificial and natural marble. Pros and cons of color models


No detail of the kitchen interior can be random, and the choice of such an important element, like sink, must be approached with greater responsibility, because this item performs both practical and decorative function. A not bad option for kitchens in different styles can become marble sink.

Marble sinks for the kitchen: selection of kitchen sinks from artificial and natural marble. Pros and cons of color models 21051_2

Marble sinks for the kitchen: selection of kitchen sinks from artificial and natural marble. Pros and cons of color models 21051_3


Marble is a noble stone that was used for the manufacture of baths still in ancient times. Today, the material is used to decorate luxurious premises, while always harmoniously looks at the kitchen. The shell becomes not just a mandatory object with high operational properties, but also a real decoration of the kitchen.

Currently Marble is gaining popularity, and elite marble shells are offered by many companies. In the rating of claimed materials for mosquito, marble ranks second, however, this is due to the price of the product, and in quality and appearance such a sink will not compare with the leader - budget stainless steel.

The characteristics of the instance also refers to the ability to acquire a color option, which is very important when selecting the colors of the kitchen interior.

Marble sinks for the kitchen: selection of kitchen sinks from artificial and natural marble. Pros and cons of color models 21051_4

Marble sinks for the kitchen: selection of kitchen sinks from artificial and natural marble. Pros and cons of color models 21051_5

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of such shells include the following properties:

  • Sinks from natural marble have a long service life;
  • You can choose a shade that most successfully will fit into the kitchen design;
  • The stone is perfectly harmonized with other materials: with tiles, metal, wood;
  • In case of individual order it is possible to perform marble sink of any shape and size;
  • During the washing of dishes and products on the surface, stains and divorces are not formed;
  • behind the marble product is easy to care for;
  • In case of deformation, the sink can be renovated;
  • For such an instance, environmental safety is characterized, as well as high hygienicity due to the smooth non-porous surface;
  • Good sound insulation will not spread the sound of dripping water to the entire apartment.

Marble sinks for the kitchen: selection of kitchen sinks from artificial and natural marble. Pros and cons of color models 21051_6

Before choosing the marble sink, it is worth studying and its flaws.

  • These are quite expensive products, because even artificial samples with stone crumbs are not suiced.
  • When cleaning the sink, it is impossible to use some chemical detergents capable of damaging the material.
  • If it is a natural stone, then the car wash will have a lot of weight, which makes it difficult to install. In addition, in this case, a special stand may be needed.

Marble sinks for the kitchen: selection of kitchen sinks from artificial and natural marble. Pros and cons of color models 21051_7

Marble sinks for the kitchen: selection of kitchen sinks from artificial and natural marble. Pros and cons of color models 21051_8


Stone shells can be made of natural or artificial material.

  • Marble. These are quite practical sinks that have the ability to push moisture. It is not terrible high temperatures, they are resistant to the formation of mold, fungus and parasites on the surface. However, natural stone has a feature to absorb odors.

Marble sinks for the kitchen: selection of kitchen sinks from artificial and natural marble. Pros and cons of color models 21051_9

  • Marble chips. This option is most popular, as the externally sinks are almost no different from the analogs, but the price of artificial stone is much more affordable. In terms of operational qualities, an artificial sink also does not particularly lose, because it is durable, durable, not deformed under the random hard dishes, resistant to random cuts of the knife, does not absorb fat and moisture.

The marble crumb makes it possible to produce long surfaces, so many owners try to perform the sink and the countertop - such a kit looks harmoniously.

Marble sinks for the kitchen: selection of kitchen sinks from artificial and natural marble. Pros and cons of color models 21051_10

Artificial product is performed from marble fragments mixed with acrylic resin. The larger the amount of crumb is included in production, the higher the quality of the washing. For example, the best are the sinks in which the fraction of crumbs is 94-95%.

Sometimes dyes are added to the composition of raw materials that allow you to create products with a unique colors. The texture of artificial washing, and its drawing depends on the size of the marble crumb.

By hygienicness, the artificial option is also not inferior to natural material, and some models are manufactured with an antibacterial layer.

Marble sinks for the kitchen: selection of kitchen sinks from artificial and natural marble. Pros and cons of color models 21051_11

Marble sinks for the kitchen: selection of kitchen sinks from artificial and natural marble. Pros and cons of color models 21051_12

The disadvantages can be attributed High cost. It is not so agreed as for products from a natural stone, but still requires serious expenses. When using marble crumbs there is a high probability of damage to the surface with chemical compositions and abrasive brushes, so it should be very careful to care for such a coating.

In addition to the manufacturing material, marble sinks may differ and forms.

  • Monolithic. In this case, the design is a single integer with a tabletop. Manufacturing is possible only by individual order. It looks like this pretty aesthetically, but there is no practicality in such a design. For example, in the event of damage to the surface, you will have to change the entire column countertop.
  • Currency . This is a more traditional, practical and functional option. If the hostess wants the countertop and sink in one color scheme, it is recommended to order both products from one manufacturer.

Marble sinks for the kitchen: selection of kitchen sinks from artificial and natural marble. Pros and cons of color models 21051_13

Marble sinks for the kitchen: selection of kitchen sinks from artificial and natural marble. Pros and cons of color models 21051_14

How to choose?

Below is several advice on the choice of marble shell.

  • The most important selection criterion is the size of the sink. It is determined by the installation site and the height of the working surface. According to experts, the sink of less than 90 cm in the width will be inconvenient in operation.
  • It is worth carefully studying the product and make sure that there are no chips, cracks or dents on the surface. The level of the edges of the bottom should not be lower than the drain.
  • It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the warranty and return rules in case of detection of defects in work. Do not forget about the warranty card.

Marble sinks for the kitchen: selection of kitchen sinks from artificial and natural marble. Pros and cons of color models 21051_15

Marble sinks for the kitchen: selection of kitchen sinks from artificial and natural marble. Pros and cons of color models 21051_16

Special attention when choosing a marble shell is given to its design. Color is selected taking into account the overall theme of the room. It is important to know that not for each style it is possible to use this type of sink. For example, Best of all marble sink flies into the classic interior.

It is possible to use such a sink and in the kitchen in modern style, Moreover, both in modern and in its traditional variation.

If the marble sink is selected for the kitchen in the style of minimalism, it is better to give preference to products in soft pastel shades.

Marble sinks for the kitchen: selection of kitchen sinks from artificial and natural marble. Pros and cons of color models 21051_17

Marble sinks for the kitchen: selection of kitchen sinks from artificial and natural marble. Pros and cons of color models 21051_18

      When buying plumbing into the style of style Art Deco It is possible to use articles from marble, but it is important to repeat the same drawing in other objects of the kitchen interior. Full fit marble sink For eclectics allowing the union of a variety of styles and materials.

      If the kitchen is executed in ethno or rustic style, It is better to abandon elite washing - marble will be ridiculous to look in general topics. This wash will not look too harmonious and in styles High Tech, Loft and Urban . But if such a sink is made of artificial stone and in an unusual color, you can present it in these modern styles.

      Tips for choosing washing for the kitchen, see the next video.

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