The best kitchen faucets (42 photos): how to choose? Quality manufacturers rating. Cranes of Russian and Italian production, other models


If you choose such a place in the apartment, where the day is used most cold and hot water - it will definitely be a kitchen. Mixers installed in the kitchen are open and closed by households at 100, or even more than once a day. It is for this reason that they are presented with quite stringent requirements, they are selected much more carefully than many other elements of modern plumbing. Before buying a mixer to the kitchen, you should carefully examine the full range of products offered by various manufacturers, in an affordable financial segment.

The best kitchen faucets (42 photos): how to choose? Quality manufacturers rating. Cranes of Russian and Italian production, other models 21030_2

The best kitchen faucets (42 photos): how to choose? Quality manufacturers rating. Cranes of Russian and Italian production, other models 21030_3

What kind of preferred?

High-quality kitchen plumbing fittings must be 100% compliant with the following important criteria.

  • High resistance to wear. The crane you have chosen must have guaranteed strength. Eminent brands give this indicator of great importance, so most of the mixers will serve as long as possible.
  • Efficiency. For many people, it is extremely important that water in their home is spent more economical. Mixers are complemented by special aerators - they feed the jet slightly foam, filling it with small air bubbles. In this case, water consumption is really significantly reduced, while the hygienic properties of water are not lost. Today, the market has become popular models of mixers, which can serve a stream of liquids with small spirals, as if drawing around the circle a mesh of water. Such a pressure looks not quite usually, but at the same time reduces financial spending for using water.
  • Easy to use. The most successful taps that can be quickly open and set the desired water temperature at the output. Just a great model can be considered a touch of a touch form, since in it the degree of heated water can always be installed in advance, so there is no need to adjust it from time to time. It is only possible to bring hands to the hand to such a device as the water itself will immediately flow from the crane.
  • Strength. A truly well made product will not be afraid of serious mechanical effects, such as constant pressure or friction.
  • Stylish design. The newly acquired crane should not spoil its original appearance already available interior in the kitchen. Ideally, the device should harmoniously fit into the design of washing and kitchen. Therefore, you will have to search the crane made of similar material and in appearance suitable for the surrounding environment.

The best kitchen faucets (42 photos): how to choose? Quality manufacturers rating. Cranes of Russian and Italian production, other models 21030_4

The best kitchen faucets (42 photos): how to choose? Quality manufacturers rating. Cranes of Russian and Italian production, other models 21030_5

Any mixer, which is offered today by the Plumbing Market, will be their pros and cons.

If you choose a crane according to water supply methods, then you should know that Any modern mixer can be attributed to one of the three types:

  • double-handed mixers having two valves (cold and hot water);
  • Single-art, who have only one locking lever;
  • Contactless models.

Double-click devices are the most simple and familiar. To obtain heated or cool water, you just need to open the necessary valves at a certain angle. The main advantages of this type of product:

  • low price, if compared with other named types of cranes;
  • Easy to repair - any faulty crane elements can be easily changed.

Cons - Such cranes look too simple, familiar and do not fit into modern design of the kitchen interior, and also require a long adjustment to obtain the water of the desired temperature.

The best kitchen faucets (42 photos): how to choose? Quality manufacturers rating. Cranes of Russian and Italian production, other models 21030_6

The best kitchen faucets (42 photos): how to choose? Quality manufacturers rating. Cranes of Russian and Italian production, other models 21030_7

Instruments with one lever are quite comfortable during operation. Many people stop their final choice on these devices for their kitchen. With the help of a single handle, you can adjust the suitable fluid temperature, and the power of the pressure itself. For this, you just need to turn the handle into the left or right side, and the pressure of the pressure is adjustable when it is up.

The advantages of this type of devices:

  • Some of the most economical;
  • Easy to use even for children;
  • have stylish design.

As deficiencies, you can mention the rapid wear of certain elements and the price, which is not always available to the ordinary inhabitant. The disadvantage of such a crane can also be considered the fact that due to the complexity of the design during its breakdown, the same expensive repair will be required.

The best kitchen faucets (42 photos): how to choose? Quality manufacturers rating. Cranes of Russian and Italian production, other models 21030_8

The best kitchen faucets (42 photos): how to choose? Quality manufacturers rating. Cranes of Russian and Italian production, other models 21030_9

Contactless type sensory devices appeared in the sanitary ware market not so long ago and significantly differ from their mechanical analogues. The main function that such a crane will be performed is the supply of fluid with a predetermined temperature. Today you can find both energy-dependent and autonomous devices. The first - through a special adapter in 12 V will function from the usual network, the autonomous models are powered by batteries.

With the final choice, it is best to stop on such a device that can duplicate manually in the control of the aggregate.

The main advantage of contactless cranes is a huge economy of liquid, as well as the absence of traces from the fingers on it (there are no need to concerns the cranes). Weighing drawback - they are too expensive.

The best kitchen faucets (42 photos): how to choose? Quality manufacturers rating. Cranes of Russian and Italian production, other models 21030_10

The best kitchen faucets (42 photos): how to choose? Quality manufacturers rating. Cranes of Russian and Italian production, other models 21030_11

You can also pay attention to the original nozzles, which will enhance the usual mixer. This kind of device should be fixed on the spout spout, and it will be functioning from the batteries. If you believe the manufacturers, the contactless mixer will save your liquid consumption by 20-25%.

In addition, you can familiarize yourself with the classification of kitchen cranes according to the methods of their final installation. The location and installation method of the crane will affect what model you should pick up for your kitchen.

Install the unit can be three popular ways. We list them.

  • Installing the crane in a separate hole washing - The most common way to install, which can easily be done without calling a specialist. For this method, any crane devices are suitable.
  • In the tabletop - Here you can place the models of valve, lever type or sensory - but they must have a swivel. In the table it will be necessary to drill a hole that will correspond to the diameter of the device you purchased.
  • Installation in the wall - For this, wall-mounted mixers are purchased. The case for this type of installation should be as massive as possible, and the connection to all pipes hidden in the wall must be rigid.

The best kitchen faucets (42 photos): how to choose? Quality manufacturers rating. Cranes of Russian and Italian production, other models 21030_12

The best kitchen faucets (42 photos): how to choose? Quality manufacturers rating. Cranes of Russian and Italian production, other models 21030_13

The best kitchen faucets (42 photos): how to choose? Quality manufacturers rating. Cranes of Russian and Italian production, other models 21030_14

What material is better?

According to its design, the plumbing mixer is considered a rather complex device consisting of parts of the most different manufacturing material. The body is most often done from alloys, most often occurring from them - steel and brass. These metals known to all provide good reliability for such products. Beautifully looks like model from bronze and copper, but also the price will be much higher.

The device is most in demand with a case of a stable metal and elements inside from high-quality ceramics. And also in the salon plumbing you can find a set of mixers, which are made of ceramics or plastic with a heat resistance effect.

They differ in durability, although we give up in this products from metal.

The best kitchen faucets (42 photos): how to choose? Quality manufacturers rating. Cranes of Russian and Italian production, other models 21030_15

The best kitchen faucets (42 photos): how to choose? Quality manufacturers rating. Cranes of Russian and Italian production, other models 21030_16

When choosing, it is important that the metal mixer is covered. The most durable are chrome parts, but they will not be able to give you the opportunity to choose the necessary color, as well as too fast on them they show noticeable eyes of dirt and fat stains.

Enamel coatings have no problems with the choice of colors, but enamel is not the most durable material. Since a short period of time begins to peel or loses its original color. A great solution is a surface that was covered with bronze. It will not see various spots on it, and everyday care does not cause much effort.

The best kitchen faucets (42 photos): how to choose? Quality manufacturers rating. Cranes of Russian and Italian production, other models 21030_17

The best kitchen faucets (42 photos): how to choose? Quality manufacturers rating. Cranes of Russian and Italian production, other models 21030_18

If you dream to choose the best product, check it on weight. A really high-quality mixer that will serve the maximum number of years, will not be easy.

How to choose in size?

Forms and parameters of the poles differ in variety, and it is worth considering when purchasing a product to make your choice as correct as possible.

Regardless of the flash form, the nozzles of the aggregates can be rounded, slightly distilled or even have a square shape - the type of water flow will be directly dependent.

Sulfyped by type of layout location are classified for such:

  • Low - from 15.5 to 18.4 cm long;
  • Average type is 23.5, 21.6 and 20 cm;
  • High - 28 cm.

The best kitchen faucets (42 photos): how to choose? Quality manufacturers rating. Cranes of Russian and Italian production, other models 21030_19

The best kitchen faucets (42 photos): how to choose? Quality manufacturers rating. Cranes of Russian and Italian production, other models 21030_20

The best kitchen faucets (42 photos): how to choose? Quality manufacturers rating. Cranes of Russian and Italian production, other models 21030_21

    Products with high bending and nozzles are best to choose for deep sills. If the flow falls from a high height into a shallow sink, it will be mandatory to splash fluid throughout the kitchen. The choice of a low-type unit is also associated with certain difficulties. If the hostess needs to be filled with a high saucepan or vase.

    At the same time, the problem can be easily solved by the acquisition of exhausting with operational geometry, which can be changed (for example, telescopic vul.). The retractable types of mixers are much better and very comfortable with active use. Inside the crane there is a flexible hose, it is through it and a flow of water will go. Most often, this hose is completely recessed in the mixer, for this reason, it looks like a regular crane.

    The best kitchen faucets (42 photos): how to choose? Quality manufacturers rating. Cranes of Russian and Italian production, other models 21030_22

    Spill product with a height from 25 cm will be the best choice if you want to use the sink and for other procedures, in addition to wash your hands or ordinary dishes.

    It is necessary to take into account that the scum, located high, is suitable only for the sink, which will be the maximum in-depth bowl, otherwise the splashing of the liquid from the crane around the room you cannot avoid.

    Faucets with expulsion, which has a height of 12-15 cm or 15-25 cm, fully arrange the owners If the sink they used to use only in direct appointment - for washing and cleaning the dishes, a set of water in dishes for cooking dinner.

    The best kitchen faucets (42 photos): how to choose? Quality manufacturers rating. Cranes of Russian and Italian production, other models 21030_23

    The best kitchen faucets (42 photos): how to choose? Quality manufacturers rating. Cranes of Russian and Italian production, other models 21030_24

    Rating of domestic producers

    When choosing a good mixer, you need to watch not so much on the price, but also on the brand, so as not to regret your acquisition.

    Famous domestic companies produce both inexpensive, so the luxury models of various types of mixers. At the same time, an existing reputation for these companies today means much more than some small economy. For this reason, mixers of eminent brands always differ from the analogues by excellent performance.

    The fact of the manufacturer's brand depends on the fact that your new plumbing will be your new plumbing, how long will it last you. Among the many domestic companies, which produce good plumbing, high-quality kitchen faucets produce the following range of companies.

    The best kitchen faucets (42 photos): how to choose? Quality manufacturers rating. Cranes of Russian and Italian production, other models 21030_25

    The best kitchen faucets (42 photos): how to choose? Quality manufacturers rating. Cranes of Russian and Italian production, other models 21030_26


    The main feature of this manufacturer from Russia is a huge selection of parameters of various cranes, which allows them to purchase them for any kind of kitchens - large, small, stylish and not very.

    The best kitchen faucets (42 photos): how to choose? Quality manufacturers rating. Cranes of Russian and Italian production, other models 21030_27


    Mixers of this brand have reliable ergonomic characteristics and stylish functionality, what to buyers like, since they are not inferior to famous foreign models.

    The best kitchen faucets (42 photos): how to choose? Quality manufacturers rating. Cranes of Russian and Italian production, other models 21030_28


    This company guarantees the highest quality kitchen devices, their long exploitation while maintaining appearance and functionality.

    The best kitchen faucets (42 photos): how to choose? Quality manufacturers rating. Cranes of Russian and Italian production, other models 21030_29

    The best kitchen faucets (42 photos): how to choose? Quality manufacturers rating. Cranes of Russian and Italian production, other models 21030_30


    This Russian company has long been popular among Russian consumers who prefer to support their manufacturers. More than 100 most popular chromium and nickel coating devices are presented in the modern market.

    The best kitchen faucets (42 photos): how to choose? Quality manufacturers rating. Cranes of Russian and Italian production, other models 21030_31

    The best kitchen faucets (42 photos): how to choose? Quality manufacturers rating. Cranes of Russian and Italian production, other models 21030_32

    Top overseas brands


    Production is located in Germany. In the manufacture of mixers of this brand, the latest technologies are used that allow you to produce the most functional and maximum ergonomic devices of excellent quality.

    The best kitchen faucets (42 photos): how to choose? Quality manufacturers rating. Cranes of Russian and Italian production, other models 21030_33


    The cezares mixer is a product of a famous Italian manufacturer, manufacturing equipment for the kitchens of a medium price segment and premium class. Cezares production bases are located in Northern Italy, the region, known production of high-quality ceramics.

    Fully automated European equipment, the use of brass alloys with high copper content, monogating quality control, collaboration with designers guarantee the production of excellent quality and design products.

    The best kitchen faucets (42 photos): how to choose? Quality manufacturers rating. Cranes of Russian and Italian production, other models 21030_34

    The best kitchen faucets (42 photos): how to choose? Quality manufacturers rating. Cranes of Russian and Italian production, other models 21030_35


    Imprese mixers from the Czech Republic have always differed in increased reliability and excellent quality of their mixers, as they are produced from a high-quality brass alloy.

    The best kitchen faucets (42 photos): how to choose? Quality manufacturers rating. Cranes of Russian and Italian production, other models 21030_36

    The best kitchen faucets (42 photos): how to choose? Quality manufacturers rating. Cranes of Russian and Italian production, other models 21030_37


    This is a Czech brand that specializes in the production of stylish color devices, which is painted in the tone of modern granite sinks. Typically, these are aggregates with a rather high type of spinning and one lever, which is responsible for the power of the jet and the temperature of the liquid used.

    The best kitchen faucets (42 photos): how to choose? Quality manufacturers rating. Cranes of Russian and Italian production, other models 21030_38


    As part of Chinese Kitchen Mixers Zegor contains an extremely low level of lead, which is why this kind of mixers are completely safe for active operation. The evidence of these products can easily turn around their axis without any problems. Unusual design made these valves and levers are quite simple and very convenient in home everyday, and thanks to the presence of a special aerator, these cranes allow significant funds when paying for accounts for consumed water.

    The best kitchen faucets (42 photos): how to choose? Quality manufacturers rating. Cranes of Russian and Italian production, other models 21030_39


    Omoikiri is a famous Japanese manufacturer who offers its permanent and new car wash clients, as well as mixers and various kitchen devices. The special style of Japan is seen in any proposed product unit. Warranty for 5 years of operation and the present Japanese quality of devices have long won love and recognition of consumers in most countries of the world.

    The best kitchen faucets (42 photos): how to choose? Quality manufacturers rating. Cranes of Russian and Italian production, other models 21030_40


    Vidima can produce brass itself, so he keeps the quality of the available casting under control, reducing almost zero the possibility of the appearance of various hidden defects in devices. Leading German engineers are engaged in the development of the most complex mechanisms of sanitary products, which makes it possible to provide the best quality and increased reliability of structures.

    The best kitchen faucets (42 photos): how to choose? Quality manufacturers rating. Cranes of Russian and Italian production, other models 21030_41


    The products of the ORAS brand are produced in enterprises that are located in Finland and Poland, as well as Norway. Products are distinguished by an attractive design, they save liquid consumption through the use of modern electronics inside the unit, which is as much as the highest standards of world quality.

    The best kitchen faucets (42 photos): how to choose? Quality manufacturers rating. Cranes of Russian and Italian production, other models 21030_42

    On how to choose a kitchen mixer, see the following video.

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