Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options


The design of the kitchen space implies not only a very careful selection of furniture and interior items, but also thoughtful illumination of all areas of the room. It is here that the exact diminution of the brightness, the directionality of the light flux. Modern kitchen lamps are quite diverse in design, can harmoniously fit into the interior with different layouts. But how to figure out their features, functional purpose and types of design?

Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track plaffones and models, other options for home lighting equipment designs - how do they differ from each other? Do you need to hang a chandelier under the ceiling and what to replace it in the modern interior? These questions have to solve designers and owners of individual housing. And the more information will be, the easier it will be the choice of suitable lighting.

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_2

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_3

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_4

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_5

Review of species

Among the lamps found in the market for the kitchen, you can find several groups of goods that differ in the type of their location and the directionality of the light flux. Depending on the selected design project In one room there may be not alone, but at once several groups of such products.

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_6

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_7

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_8

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_9


Placed on the ceiling kitchen models of lighting devices can be equipped with plafones or have a different type of housing. Built-in backlight options can be mounted directly into the ceiling construction. Among the most popular solutions can be distinguished by several options suitable for mounting in the kitchen interior. By type of their design, they are mortise, suspended, overhead and can be fixed on different surfaces - from a plasterboard box to conventional concrete overlap.


The most common element of the lighting system used to create a common and scattered light flux. Modern models of chandeliers can have both the usual shape with a suspended fastening and one or more plasters and the original, which occupies the minimum of space. Over the bar counter and in the dining area it is customary to place a row of 3 or 5 devices located linearly.

Chandeliers belong to the suspended type of lamps, in the kitchen version they are most often equipped with several multidirectional lamps with closed or semi-open beams. In single-channel models, lampshades are used, creating a more directed dispersion of the light flux. Modern chandeliers are equipped with light intensity regulators, allowing to control the lighting power and change it at their discretion.

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_10

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_11

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_12

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_13

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_14

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_15

Point lamps and sides

Lighting equipment for kitchen ceiling can have an embedded and overhead design. Most often, spots and point lamps are in this capacity. Usually they are mounted in the working area and form a local directional light over the cabinets. The optimal choice here can become the instrument models that can change the direction - in this case it will be possible to ensure their rational use in large, and in a small kitchen.

Such a backlight can be embedded in wooden furniture facades, choosing the thinnest LED lamps that do not take away a significant area inside the cabinets. Sensory models will trigger from touch without spending excess electricity. Options with a motion sensor will get rid of the need once again click the switch.

In modern performance, it may also be halogen, LED or fluorescent lamps placed in a covered hull and fixed on the ceiling. Such lighting is also considered local, but is suitable for designing rooms in high-tech style, minimalism and other options where the chandeliers are inappropriate. Due to the fact that it is possible to find models of different lengths capable of overlapping even a significant part of the ceiling, these lamps can be replaced by classic suspended ceiling luminaires.

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_16

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_17

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_18

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_19

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_20

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_21

Overhead and mortise panels

LED bulk panels can be mounted in a mortise inwards inside the drywall box or installed in the form of lining. Futuristic appearance The appearance of such designs is well combined with the interiors in the style of Hi-tech. The panels are very thin and lungs, give a lot of light, economical, but expensive and require the right installation.

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_22

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_23

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_24

Suspended lamps on the rail

This category of kitchen illumination is usually mounted over a dining area or a high corner. It is manufactured in the form of sports on a special rail, which is easy to adjust in height.

Such a backlight will be advantageous to look in the modern interior, but from a practical point of view it is not too profitable.

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_25

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_26

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_27

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_28

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_29

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_30

Wall mounted

Local destination lighting devices most often have wall mount. Such models do not give scattered light, but it is well helped to zonate space. They are easy to assemble, can be fixed at different heights. But the wall lighting cannot exist separately from the base.

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_31

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_32


Pretty popular variant of the local wall light. Despite its relevance, the sconium with an angular or straight fastening is suitable except for fastening in the zone of the canteen or soft corner. If this type of lamps still decided to use, It is better to pay attention to attachments that can be easily moved to a new place in case of permutation.

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_33

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_34

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_35

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_36

Tubular or light beams

Lamps, widely used as an element of local or decorative light design. They are easily hidden in specially cutting niches, look aesthetically, differ in energy efficiency. Tubular models are equipped with fluorescent or LED lamps, can be represented as flexible tapes. It is them that they are chosen to illuminate the working area.

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_37

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_38

Track lamps

The track lamps used in the residential interior are radically different from all other species features of their design. The modular system on the guide bus can be linear or closed, the elements on it are freely moved and change the direction. Track lighting systems refer to the category of accentuating, allowing to secure specific viewed zones.

Busbar in such type of equipment may have the following fastening:

  • suspended;
  • overhead;
  • Embedded.

The modularity of the equipment makes it easy to adjust the kitchen lighting for different tasks - to change the number of fixed luminaires, perform their grouping, turn in the desired direction.

The type of lamps can be halogen, luminescent, LED, but always energy efficient.

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_39

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_40

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_41

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_42

Design options

The lamps for the kitchen may well become a bright and stylish emphasis in the interior. Moreover, among the existing design options, you can really find suitable solutions for almost any styles of space design. So, in the futuristic interior of the spacious kitchen-living room, fashionable LED panels of large format will look good. They will decorate the interior, help provide sufficient lighting brightness.

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_43

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_44

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_45

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_46

Among the interesting design options for kitchen lamps, it is precisely worth paying attention to the following topical solutions.

  • Classic wrought chandeliers on a long suspension. They mounted candle lamps that create the effect of palace luxury. It is important to take into account that such a designer solution requires a significant area of ​​the room and the height of the ceilings.

The original suspension solutions on the chains in combination with massive wooden beams and country-style furniture are particularly spectacular.

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_47

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_48

  • Bright and stylish cascade chandeliers. They are often used transfusing suspensions, similar to falling jets of water. Do not be afraid of such spectacular models, they are well harmonized with interiors in the spirit of modern and mirror ceilings. You can find both compact models and quite massive chandeliers for the dining area.

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_49

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_50

  • Complex geometric models. Triangular, polygonal, square lamps for the kitchen are most often found in the form of scaves or small suspended options located in a row. Such a designer solution is combined with minimalist or high-tech interiors.

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_51

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_52

  • Braided pendant lamps. They are usually placed in a row of 2-3, attach to the ceiling on the suspension, complement similar curtains. A spherical shape gives such an unusual cementing a particularly spectacular appearance. Weaving is performed from the rattan and is a real fashion hit, harmoniously combined with ethnic styles, loft and an eco-friendly direction in design.

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_53

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_54

  • Multicolored spots with a changing tint of backlight. Systems managed from the console require professional installation. But it is precisely such overhead or embedded lamps look especially effectively in the combined living room space.

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_55

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_56

  • Retro crystal chandeliers. They triumphantly returned to fashion and are not going to give their place to other trends. The abundance of suspensions, creating a complex game of light, looks solemn and solemnly.

Such lighting is well suited to the interior of the spacious kitchen-dining room.

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_57

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_58

  • Ceiling chandeliers with floral ornament. Such lamps are attached directly on the surface of the ceiling, remain a truly stylish decoration of even a small kitchen and give a sufficiently soft scattered light.

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_59

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_60

  • Luminaires in modern style. They use the simplest materials - glass, plastic, use unusual forms and colors. Such an addition will harmoniously fit into vintage, and in the avant-garde interior.

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_61

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_62

  • Luminaires with dark fabric plafones. They do not scatter light on the sides, but is well harmonized with a dining, dining area. Such a designer solution is harmonized with chrome-plated fasteners, kitchens in the style of high-tech or minimalism.

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_63

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_64

  • Bright and light dome-shaped chandeliers with metal plates. They are designed to serve as an unusual accent in the interior. If the kitchen lacks freshness, sometimes it is enough just to replace the lamps.

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_65

Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_66

How to choose?

Selection of kitchen lighting devices should take their location in the interior, some other features of the product itself and the method of its placement. Among important points can be noted by several.

  • Design type. The classic chandelier will be needed to organize overall lighting. The modular lamp or spot will provide the required backlight in separate kitchen zones. It is necessary to take into account the features of the location of the lamps. It can be unambiguous to say that it will not work for auxiliary illumination only.
  • Energy Efficiency . LED lamps are considered the most profitable, which can be replaced, and unintended lamps, which after burning off the LEDs will have to be sent to the pit. In addition, fluorescent lighting devices have increased energy efficiency, which have a long service life and spend much less electrical energy. In comparison with them, ordinary incandescent lamps look much less attractive.
  • Management method . The time of classic switches derived in the corridor or located at the door has long passed. Modern lamps are equipped with built-in switches, with which it is easy to easily and quickly regulate the illumination intensity in separate zones. In the working, bar zones, you can set sensory models with a motion sensor. They will respond to the appearance of a moving object, but if there are animals in the house, the option can lead to an increase in electricity costs.
  • Type of light stream. Basically, this moment is important for LEDs, but when choosing other lamps it is worth paying attention to that, warm or cold will be a glow. Yellow soft light give incandescent lamps. Cold bluish - halogen lamps, clean daytime provide luminescent illumination options. LED lamps are better to choose with warm and cold white glow - they are the brightest and comfortable for the eyes.
  • The height of the ceilings indoors . Luminaires for the kitchen in a typical apartment is better not to choose among models on a long suspension. You can compensate for the lack of brightness of the chandelier in a small kitchen with the help of LED ceiling lights or built-in luminaires.
  • Feature organization of lighting. To form a common light flux, devices with scattered or reflected light can be used. For local suitable models with directional illumination type.
  • Type of diffuser. This indicator affects the light-resistant and safety of the backlight. The optimal solution is considered easy to maintain glass scattering elements, fully non-combustible with high transparency. Plastic products over time lose their presentability, possess less transmissions, combustion. Paper and tissue diffusers need to be used with great caution and only in places where long-term burning of lamps are not required.

      These criteria for choosing kitchen lamps are not limited. But the rest of the aspects are mainly associated with the individual preferences of each owner of the house or apartment

      Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_67

      Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_68

      Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_69

      Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_70

      How to post?

      The features of the placement of lamps for the kitchen also need to be considered. Depending on the selection of the model, it can be designs with different mounts.

      1. On the wall. As a rule, the height of their placement is selected based on the design features. Headset or soft corner. Corner models are better to position not too high by choosing a score with several multidirectional plates.
      2. Embedded method or mortise . It uses a plasterboard or tension base, you can use the Ceiling panels from PVC and MDF. Embedded lamps are permissible to mount furniture and podium items, complex elements of multi-level ceilings, bar racks.
      3. Suspended. They are fixed on special suspension adjustable in height. This category includes chandeliers that decorate the dining area of ​​the kitchen.
      4. Overhead . Can be mounted on ceilings, walls, furniture housing. Easily fixed, usually have a built-in switch. Easily move when repairing or permuting in the house.

      The right choice and placement of lamps in the kitchen makes it possible to get comfortable space for cooking, homemade gatherings or reception at any time of the day.

      Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_71

      Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_72

      Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_73

      Kitchen lamps (74 photos): Kitchen sconce and wall-mounted sensor lamps, overhead and track lamps and ceiling, other options 21003_74

      The next video will help you choose lighting in the kitchen.

      Read more