Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options


Very often in the kitchen furnishings, a couch is used. In the classic version, it is represented as a narrow softener with a headboard, has small dimensions. Initially, the couch was luxury, but today it has become a comfortable object of arrangement of the kitchen. It is worth considering what kinds of couches are possible, what sizes they are, as well as some selection criteria must be adhered to.

Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_2

Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_3

Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_4


The word "couch" went from the French language and translated into Russian sounds like a "small bed". A couch is a narrow bed of a small size, which has a headboard and a back descending to the foot. The couches appeared in ancient times. So, in Greece their owners could be exclusively rich people who belonged to the aristocrats.

This furniture during the time of ancient Greece was the most expensive piece of furniture. She was intended exclusively for recreation. Already in the XVII century, the couches in the kitchen began to put throughout Europe. They were a mandatory element of incarnation in the interior of classicism style.

Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_5

Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_6

Today, the couches in the kitchen are comfortable and functional elements of furniture. With its help, you can not only save space, but also money, because the couch is cheaper than sofas or beds. Quite often, the couch is used to arrange the dining area, attracting attention to elegance and beauty. A variety of coupe just fascinates. Modern models are quite often equipped with a retractable mechanism to be used as an extra bed. But the lower part can be used for storage of bed accessories.

Such furniture looks amazing, it's hard to understand that someone sleeps at night at night.

Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_7

Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_8

The cushover in the kitchen has the following features:

  • Compactity - It takes the minimum number of space, and does not look cumbersome;
  • Rationality and practicality - excellent replacement of a sofa bed or stool;
  • Attractiveness and sophistication.

Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_9

Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_10

Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_11


Today, stores present a wide range of couches, which allows you to choose the optimal option depending on personal preferences. This element of furniture can have a variety of shape, size, style, and even materials. The choice remains for the buyer. Consider more popular species depending on the form.

  • Straight. Such a couch is universal. It perfectly fit into the kitchen of various configurations. It can be placed both under the window and along the wall. An excellent option as a separation of the kitchen on the dining room and kitchen area.

Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_12

Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_13

  • Angle . This form is also pretty popular. Such a couch usually placed near the table, because it perfectly repeats its shape. Sports are available: both small and large-sized. Already depending on the size of the kitchen room, you can find the best option.

Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_14

Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_15

  • Semicircular. If the dining table has a round or oval shape, then it is better to give preference precisely a semicircular couch. With the help of two such sofas, you can create a comfortable place at the table.

Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_16

Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_17

Separate attention deserve transforming models. They are represented by several solutions.

  • Folding. Such a couch is equipped with a place to sleep, which allows you to comfortably sit on the night. This option is perfect to provide a guest bed. The back simply folds away, and the ease of ease is transformed into a comfortable bed.

Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_18

Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_19

  • Semi-temper. This option is also prone to transformation, while the space for sleep increases slightly. It should be lowered armrests and roll out an additional part that is inside the couch when it is folded. Quite often, preferences give models, sliding in length.

Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_20

Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_21

    • Modular . Such couches are in demand, because with their help you can create a variety of configurations. Such a kit can include a bench with backs or without, to have one or more chairs, and some options are supplemented with an appropriate feet. The peculiarity of such a modular couch lies in the fact that it can be placed on his discretion.

    It can be used as a sleeping or landing place, it can be represented by a direct or angular form.

    Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_22

    Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_23

      Quite often, the couches are presented with storage boxes, because in the kitchen there are always many things that need to be located somewhere. The aircraft model is designed for installation in the appropriate niche. Usually such models are made under an individual order. It is necessary that the erker version fully corresponds to the size of the niche.

      Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_24

      Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_25


      It is worth noting that the furniture in the kitchen is always exposed to many external factors, so the choice of its material should be thought out. It should be understood that the kitchen furniture suffers from high humidity, high temperature modes and fatty contaminants. Therefore, the upholstery of the couch should be easily cleaned from contaminants, while withstanding high temperatures. Consider more upholstery options.

      • Scotchgard. This is a special fabric that is manufactured already on the basis of Jacquard. It attracts attention to deep texture and bright color solutions. Quite often, this material has a clear and persistent print. This material is designed specifically for use in difficult conditions. Since scotchgard has a basis impregnated with a synthetic protector, it has fat, water and dust-repellent properties.

      Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_26

      Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_27

      • Folk . Material includes 65% synthetics and 35% cotton. In appearance and to the touch, he has a lot of similar to the velvet. It is worth noting that the folka pile has the basis made of nylon or capron, which provides excellent water repellent properties. Weak link - the fabric is quite easy. Therefore, such a couch should not often use as a bed, otherwise the cloth will acquire many folds and will lose an attractive appearance.

      Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_28

      Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_29

      • Microfiber. This material is one of the varieties of furniture suede. It has a small pile on an artificial basis, but is characterized by soft. For the application of microfiber in the kitchen, it is worth a preference to the variant that is processed by Teflon, which provides water-repellent properties and easy cleaning from fatty spots. Microfiber is characterized by non-infability and hypoallergenia.

      Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_30

      Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_31

      • Artificial leather. This material is quite commonly used for kitchen headcards. Couches from eco-tree today are popular more than ever. Leather models look rich and stylish. Eco-eco today is almost everyone for hearing. If we consider the varieties of the skin, it is worth noting the vinilies, which is inexpensive and is very strong. However, it is amenable to high temperatures and changes its color under the influence of direct sunlight.

      The best choice is made by Arpatek, because it repels fat, is characterized by durability and does not depend on the thermal regime.

      Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_32

      Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_33

        Separate attention deserve fillers of a wooden couch. They should be both dense and soft. The filler should not absorb smells, so nonhygroscopicity is one of the main characteristics. Often the models consist of polyurethane foam or foam rubber, while preference is worth paying the first option.

        Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_34

        Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_35


        Modern couches are represented by a wide selection of dimensions. It is worth repelled from the size of the room, only then you can correctly pick up the dimensions of the furniture. For small kitchens, you can use narrow options. Small-sized rooms do not allow you to arrange a big couch, you should be content with mini-options. Successfully selected transformers will allow you to equip a sleeping place if necessary.

        Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_36

        Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_37


        It is very important to take into account the design of the kitchen when choosing furniture. So that the couch perfectly looked in the interior, it is worth paying attention to several recommendations.

        • For embodiment classic And also Provence or Country will suit the wooden model. Upholstery should also be natural. You can use tissue into a cell or with small ornament on floral topics. Wicker furniture looks very stylish.
        • If the kitchen is executed in the style of Hi-Tech, Avangard, Postmodern or Loft, That is worth to give preference to plastic and metal. It is necessary to buy models without decor so that they are comfortable and ergonomic. A couch with forged elements will be perfectly fitted in the styles "under the old".

        Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_38

        Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_39

        Tips for choosing

            Furniture companies today offer a fairly large selection of couches. They may differ not only by dimensions, but also structures, forms, color solutions, materials, and so on. Even if you first decide on the main aspects, make a design project, it is still quite difficult to choose the optimal option. To choose a kitchen couch easily and quickly, it is worth paying attention to the advice of professionals.

            • It is necessary to correctly identify the dimensions of the product. If there is already a furniture arrangement project, then this is a big plus.
            • To properly pick up the product form, it is worth knowing the sizes of the kitchen, dining table and the zone in which it will be located. It is worth considering it as a place at the table or as a sleeping bed.
            • Choosing an upholstery for the couch, it is recommended to give preference to the fact that it is easy to wash, are safe for health and unspites outsiders. If artificial leather is used, it should be excellent quality. Often, wooden models are used for the kitchen, supplemented by removable covers, which facilitates the process of cleaning them.
            • The style of the kitchen also plays a role when choosing a couch.

            Color execution It is worth choosing on the basis of the color of already existing furniture and kitchen finishes: if the model is bright, it is used as an accent in the interior of the room, but for gentle interiors, the furniture should merge with the color design of the room design.

            Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_40

            Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_41

            Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_42

            Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_43

            Couches in the kitchen (44 photos): Narrow folding couches-sofas with a sleeping place, kitchen models with storage boxes, small angular options 20968_44

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