Sofas with left angle (34 photos): how to determine the angle when buying? Features, pros and cons of angular models, overview of their transformation mechanisms and selection nuances


The sofas have long been and firmly entered our life. It is impossible to imagine a modern apartment without this basic household item. In offices, receptions and cabinets of managers can also do without comfortable upholstered furniture.

Today in the furniture salons you can see a huge number of corner sofas. In our article we will talk about their features, we will analyze the pros and cons of corner models, we will make a small overview of transformation mechanisms and let us discuss the nuances of choice in more detail.

Features, Advantages and Disadvantages

The main feature of the angular models of sofas is their ability to ergonomically fill in the empty angle of the room. Depending on the design, they can be with the right or left angle, as well as universal, modular and P-shaped.

If you want to divide the room into zones, the corner sofa will perfectly cope with this task, bringing your unique style to your home.

Sofas with left angle (34 photos): how to determine the angle when buying? Features, pros and cons of angular models, overview of their transformation mechanisms and selection nuances 20890_2

Sofas with left angle (34 photos): how to determine the angle when buying? Features, pros and cons of angular models, overview of their transformation mechanisms and selection nuances 20890_3

Sofas with left angle (34 photos): how to determine the angle when buying? Features, pros and cons of angular models, overview of their transformation mechanisms and selection nuances 20890_4

Sofas with left angle (34 photos): how to determine the angle when buying? Features, pros and cons of angular models, overview of their transformation mechanisms and selection nuances 20890_5

Benefits include:

  • the ability to use space as efficiently as possible;
  • the ability to turn such a sofa into bed;
  • In the case of a modular device, it is easy to change the elements in places at its discretion;
  • Some models are equipped with countertops, shelves, minibars and others.

Sofas with left angle (34 photos): how to determine the angle when buying? Features, pros and cons of angular models, overview of their transformation mechanisms and selection nuances 20890_6

Sofas with left angle (34 photos): how to determine the angle when buying? Features, pros and cons of angular models, overview of their transformation mechanisms and selection nuances 20890_7

Sofas with left angle (34 photos): how to determine the angle when buying? Features, pros and cons of angular models, overview of their transformation mechanisms and selection nuances 20890_8

Sofas with left angle (34 photos): how to determine the angle when buying? Features, pros and cons of angular models, overview of their transformation mechanisms and selection nuances 20890_9

Among the disadvantages can be called High cost. And these models are quite massive and require free space.

Sofas with left angle (34 photos): how to determine the angle when buying? Features, pros and cons of angular models, overview of their transformation mechanisms and selection nuances 20890_10


Depending on how the room is intended for one or another model, the angular sofas are divided into two large groups: for office and for home.

Office sofas are characterized by large size and upholstery material, it is usually skin or leatherette.

Sofas with left angle (34 photos): how to determine the angle when buying? Features, pros and cons of angular models, overview of their transformation mechanisms and selection nuances 20890_11

Sofas with left angle (34 photos): how to determine the angle when buying? Features, pros and cons of angular models, overview of their transformation mechanisms and selection nuances 20890_12

Sofas with left angle (34 photos): how to determine the angle when buying? Features, pros and cons of angular models, overview of their transformation mechanisms and selection nuances 20890_13

Objects of furniture for the house, in turn, are divided into subgroups:

  • For bedrooms - necessarily equipped with a folding mechanism, the upholstery is made in calm colors;
  • For children - differ in their compact dimensions, bright coloring and lack of solid angles;
  • For the living room - characterized by a greater representativeness, and also provide for the possibility of re-equipment in place for sleep;
  • for kitchen - the advantage of the models are spacious storage boxes for home utensils located under the folded seats.

Sofas with left angle (34 photos): how to determine the angle when buying? Features, pros and cons of angular models, overview of their transformation mechanisms and selection nuances 20890_14

Sofas with left angle (34 photos): how to determine the angle when buying? Features, pros and cons of angular models, overview of their transformation mechanisms and selection nuances 20890_15

Sofas with left angle (34 photos): how to determine the angle when buying? Features, pros and cons of angular models, overview of their transformation mechanisms and selection nuances 20890_16

Sofas with left angle (34 photos): how to determine the angle when buying? Features, pros and cons of angular models, overview of their transformation mechanisms and selection nuances 20890_17

Depending on the design, angular sofas are:

  • Monolithic - all parts of them are securely bonded among themselves;
  • modular - consist of individual elements that can be rearranged in any order by changing the side of the angle, to remove or install armrests.

Sofas with left angle (34 photos): how to determine the angle when buying? Features, pros and cons of angular models, overview of their transformation mechanisms and selection nuances 20890_18

Sofas with left angle (34 photos): how to determine the angle when buying? Features, pros and cons of angular models, overview of their transformation mechanisms and selection nuances 20890_19

Transformation mechanisms

Of great importance in the selection of the sofa is the type of transformation mechanism.

A number of devices are considered the most famous and reliable mechanisms.

  • "Dolphin" - Frequently found mechanism in angular models. A spacious and comfortable bed for night sleep is formed.
  • "Accordion" - no less well-known type of folding mechanism. Smooth and useful for sleeping beds are without any connections and joints.
  • "Eurobook" - A very popular and reliable transformation mechanism. The seat goes forward, the back is lowered - a spacious bed for sleep is ready.
  • "Tik-so" - Improved Eurobook. Movement is performed using a lifting device, due to which the scratching of the parquet or linoleum is possible.
  • "Puma" - Smooth operation of the mechanism makes the process of turning the corner sofa into a full-fledged bed very fast and easy.
  • "French and American clamshells" - Sleeping is formed by turning the movable part hidden under the seat.

Sofas with left angle (34 photos): how to determine the angle when buying? Features, pros and cons of angular models, overview of their transformation mechanisms and selection nuances 20890_20

Sofas with left angle (34 photos): how to determine the angle when buying? Features, pros and cons of angular models, overview of their transformation mechanisms and selection nuances 20890_21

Sofas with left angle (34 photos): how to determine the angle when buying? Features, pros and cons of angular models, overview of their transformation mechanisms and selection nuances 20890_22

Tips for choosing

In order to properly select a model that meets your requirements, you must first measure the parameters of the room, as well as determine the angle of such a sofa.

As already mentioned Corner sofas can be with a right or left angle, as well as universal, that is, those whose design provides for the ability to change the angular part.

To determine the angle, you need to sit on its long part - if the angle will be on your left hand, it means that you are left-hand sofa, if right - right-handed.

Sofas with left angle (34 photos): how to determine the angle when buying? Features, pros and cons of angular models, overview of their transformation mechanisms and selection nuances 20890_23

The durability of the thing affects the quality of the material from which it was made.

  • The best material for the frame is wood. Such sofas are the most durable and environmentally friendly.
  • A good material is the metal, however, these sofas are quite cumbersome.
  • The short-lived and non-dislike, but the cheap material is chipboard.

Sofas with left angle (34 photos): how to determine the angle when buying? Features, pros and cons of angular models, overview of their transformation mechanisms and selection nuances 20890_24

A very important indicator of the quality of the sofa is the material of its filler.

  • The best filler for sofas are Independent spring blocks, Possessing excellent orthopedic properties.
  • Polyurethane foam is also considered a good filler. It has sufficient rigidity and helps those who already have problems with his back.
  • Porolon and Sintepon Quickly lose their shape, besides are not eco-friendly materials. They are used to fill the mattresses of cheap furniture options.

Sofas with left angle (34 photos): how to determine the angle when buying? Features, pros and cons of angular models, overview of their transformation mechanisms and selection nuances 20890_25

Upholstery material should also be chosen quite carefully. Upholstery material is leather or fabric: the first option is used for premium models, the second is more democratic.

Among the variety of fabrics for upholstery is allocated:

  • velours;
  • Flock;
  • Rhozhod;
  • Shenil;
  • tapestry;
  • jacquard.

Sofas with left angle (34 photos): how to determine the angle when buying? Features, pros and cons of angular models, overview of their transformation mechanisms and selection nuances 20890_26

Sofas with left angle (34 photos): how to determine the angle when buying? Features, pros and cons of angular models, overview of their transformation mechanisms and selection nuances 20890_27

The upholstery fabric should be durable, the colors of the fabric each chooses, relying on its taste and the basic tone of the interior of the room.

An important indicator of the quality of the sofa is the trouble-free operation of its transformation mechanism. Be sure to check the product before buying, decompose several times and fold it. If the mechanism works smoothly and without jams - everything is in order, but with the slightest doubt it is better to find another option for yourself.

Sofas with left angle (34 photos): how to determine the angle when buying? Features, pros and cons of angular models, overview of their transformation mechanisms and selection nuances 20890_28

Examples in the interior

Consider several beautiful examples of corner sofas in the interior:

  • left-sided corner sofa in the living room interior;

Sofas with left angle (34 photos): how to determine the angle when buying? Features, pros and cons of angular models, overview of their transformation mechanisms and selection nuances 20890_29

  • Modular P-shaped corner sofa;

Sofas with left angle (34 photos): how to determine the angle when buying? Features, pros and cons of angular models, overview of their transformation mechanisms and selection nuances 20890_30

  • equilateral kitchen corner sofa;

Sofas with left angle (34 photos): how to determine the angle when buying? Features, pros and cons of angular models, overview of their transformation mechanisms and selection nuances 20890_31

  • right-hand corner sofa with a ottoman in the interior of the children's;

Sofas with left angle (34 photos): how to determine the angle when buying? Features, pros and cons of angular models, overview of their transformation mechanisms and selection nuances 20890_32

  • right-hand corner sofa in the interior of the bedroom;

Sofas with left angle (34 photos): how to determine the angle when buying? Features, pros and cons of angular models, overview of their transformation mechanisms and selection nuances 20890_33

  • Corner leather sofa in office interior.

Sofas with left angle (34 photos): how to determine the angle when buying? Features, pros and cons of angular models, overview of their transformation mechanisms and selection nuances 20890_34

Video review of the modern model of the left-pole sofa, see below.

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