Girls sofa beds (35 photos): Choose in the room Girls 7, 10 years old and other age, soft, pink, with drawers and other sofas beds


Modern sofas beds for girls are often becoming the best solution for sleeping equipment in the children's room. Soft furniture with transforming or folding elements helps rationally use free space, and the diversity of design solutions is pleasing to children and parents. Soft and fluffy, white, pink, with drawers and armrests - bed sofas can be completely different.

Girls sofa beds (35 photos): Choose in the room Girls 7, 10 years old and other age, soft, pink, with drawers and other sofas beds 20874_2

Girls sofa beds (35 photos): Choose in the room Girls 7, 10 years old and other age, soft, pink, with drawers and other sofas beds 20874_3

Girls sofa beds (35 photos): Choose in the room Girls 7, 10 years old and other age, soft, pink, with drawers and other sofas beds 20874_4

Not lost in such a variety - a complex and large-scale task. Choosing a sofa bed in the room of girls 7, 10 years old and another age, It is important to take into account the comfort of the young owner, the orthopedic properties of the bed . Well, if, as the child grows, there will be no inconvenience in adapting bed to its needs. Besides, It is important to draw attention to the practicality and simplicity of upholstery in care, otherwise the most beautiful sofa will soon lose its presentability.

Girls sofa beds (35 photos): Choose in the room Girls 7, 10 years old and other age, soft, pink, with drawers and other sofas beds 20874_5

Girls sofa beds (35 photos): Choose in the room Girls 7, 10 years old and other age, soft, pink, with drawers and other sofas beds 20874_6

Advantages and disadvantages

The sofa bed for the girl is traditionally considered the first step for self-sleeping separately from the parents. He is often bought on the eve of the school or when moving to the older group of kindergarten. We note the following advantages of such furniture.

  • Compact dimensions. In the collected form, the sleeping place remains compact, as the child grows it, it can be increased without additional costs.
  • Comfort. Children's sofa bed with high-quality orthopedic base is able to guarantee the same sweet dream as the usual bed.
  • Easy care, practicality. Modern children's sofas are manufactured with an upholstery of anti-vandal type of microfiber or with teflon impregnation. It is easy to clean, maintain in order.
  • Simple transformation mechanisms. To disassemble children's sofa, his young hostess will be able without any assistance.
  • Wide selection of design and design options. You can choose options for the interior design or in accordance with the tastes of the girl.

Girls sofa beds (35 photos): Choose in the room Girls 7, 10 years old and other age, soft, pink, with drawers and other sofas beds 20874_7

Girls sofa beds (35 photos): Choose in the room Girls 7, 10 years old and other age, soft, pink, with drawers and other sofas beds 20874_8

Disadvantages are also there. By installing the sofa into the child's room, it is necessary to make sure that it is suitable for sleep. Not all models are equipped with a sufficiently strong orthopedic base. High-quality sofas are quite expensive, costsly more expensive than a regular bed.

With incorrect selection there is a risk of worsening the posture of the child.

Girls sofa beds (35 photos): Choose in the room Girls 7, 10 years old and other age, soft, pink, with drawers and other sofas beds 20874_9

Girls sofa beds (35 photos): Choose in the room Girls 7, 10 years old and other age, soft, pink, with drawers and other sofas beds 20874_10

Girls sofa beds (35 photos): Choose in the room Girls 7, 10 years old and other age, soft, pink, with drawers and other sofas beds 20874_11


Among the varieties of soft sofas beds can be allocated Several most popular design options.

  • With sideboards. The most sought-after decision. Provides comfort to use, suitable for younger. High sides of 3 sides can be rigid, supplemented with soft upholstery or overhead rollers. Such a sofa bed can be folded forward or have a standard single execution and constant length.

Girls sofa beds (35 photos): Choose in the room Girls 7, 10 years old and other age, soft, pink, with drawers and other sofas beds 20874_12

Girls sofa beds (35 photos): Choose in the room Girls 7, 10 years old and other age, soft, pink, with drawers and other sofas beds 20874_13

  • With boxes. The own storage system inside the sofa bed is the optimal solution for a small children's room. Retractable boxes are convenient for storing bed linen and toys, easily advance, but with careless handling, you can dwell. Retractable options are more reliable and help to quickly teach a child to order.

Girls sofa beds (35 photos): Choose in the room Girls 7, 10 years old and other age, soft, pink, with drawers and other sofas beds 20874_14

Girls sofa beds (35 photos): Choose in the room Girls 7, 10 years old and other age, soft, pink, with drawers and other sofas beds 20874_15

Girls sofa beds (35 photos): Choose in the room Girls 7, 10 years old and other age, soft, pink, with drawers and other sofas beds 20874_16

  • Mr. . Sofa beds of this type consist of several modules, they are comfortable when several children live in the room. However, the angular module can become a good addition to the children's for one owner. In this case, part of the furniture is used as a sleeping place, and on the second soft block you can play or receive guests.

Girls sofa beds (35 photos): Choose in the room Girls 7, 10 years old and other age, soft, pink, with drawers and other sofas beds 20874_17

Girls sofa beds (35 photos): Choose in the room Girls 7, 10 years old and other age, soft, pink, with drawers and other sofas beds 20874_18

  • With transformation mechanism . The transformation mechanism is most often used, with which it is possible to get a sleeping place without folds and folds. But it will have a small height and thickness. Among the folding sofas with a sleeping place, the designs of the "Dolphin" type, forming a large bed and easily folded.

Girls sofa beds (35 photos): Choose in the room Girls 7, 10 years old and other age, soft, pink, with drawers and other sofas beds 20874_19

Design and colors

A variety of sofa bed design options for girls can also hit experienced parents. Modern manufacturers offer Bright colors and accents, upholstery with cartoon characters. Shabel girls will like the soft white casing of a sofa from a plush or artificial fur, but such a solution is not very good for children with allergies, because the fur collects a lot of dust.

Girls sofa beds (35 photos): Choose in the room Girls 7, 10 years old and other age, soft, pink, with drawers and other sofas beds 20874_20

Girls sofa beds (35 photos): Choose in the room Girls 7, 10 years old and other age, soft, pink, with drawers and other sofas beds 20874_21

Stylish Pink Coach or Princess Castle - Good idea for preschool . In addition, today you can find design options in the form of animals or models stylized under the wild jungle. Focusing is exclusively for the interests of the child and the ease of use of the bed, because sometimes in favor of beauty manufacturers sacrifice comfort. When choosing a color scheme, it is better to pick up pastel colors: peach, pink, lilac.

You can choose bright, but natural: herbal-green, crimson, strawberry.

Girls sofa beds (35 photos): Choose in the room Girls 7, 10 years old and other age, soft, pink, with drawers and other sofas beds 20874_22

Girls sofa beds (35 photos): Choose in the room Girls 7, 10 years old and other age, soft, pink, with drawers and other sofas beds 20874_23

Girls sofa beds (35 photos): Choose in the room Girls 7, 10 years old and other age, soft, pink, with drawers and other sofas beds 20874_24

We choose by age

The sofa bed for the girl must correspond to the age category of the child. The first baby's first furniture between the ages of 1.5-2 years can be a mini-sofa with a bed-size up to 120 cm long and up to 1 m wide. In the design of such furniture usually there are retractable boxes for toys, safety and boosters. Form - just straight.

Girls sofa beds (35 photos): Choose in the room Girls 7, 10 years old and other age, soft, pink, with drawers and other sofas beds 20874_25

Girls sofa beds (35 photos): Choose in the room Girls 7, 10 years old and other age, soft, pink, with drawers and other sofas beds 20874_26

The girl from 5 years can already choose sofas of different shapes, including angular. It will be enough to use a single option with a high orthopedic mattress to form a correct posture. Sometimes such models are combined with additional shelves on the back or in a population of the sofa. The filling for such a sofa is better to take a monolithic, dense, from the foamed elastic material.

Girls sofa beds (35 photos): Choose in the room Girls 7, 10 years old and other age, soft, pink, with drawers and other sofas beds 20874_27

Girls sofa beds (35 photos): Choose in the room Girls 7, 10 years old and other age, soft, pink, with drawers and other sofas beds 20874_28

The girl is 7 years old - this is a schoolgirl, which is important to get enough sleep well. To get the desired results, it is worth choosing angular or direct transforming sofas with a fairly high bed. Among the variants, asymmetric structures can be distinguished by delight of junior girls. Given the active growth of the child, you can choose a sofa bed with a back only on the one hand, in the headboard, and a deaf rear wall.

Girls sofa beds (35 photos): Choose in the room Girls 7, 10 years old and other age, soft, pink, with drawers and other sofas beds 20874_29

Girls sofa beds (35 photos): Choose in the room Girls 7, 10 years old and other age, soft, pink, with drawers and other sofas beds 20874_30

The girl is 10 years old you can buy a full-fledged place to sleep, which in the future can be used in adolescence. In this case, the sofa is better to take with the mechanism of transformation "Eurobook", "Dolphin", "Kangaroo". In the width, the sleeping place should be at least 130 cm, and in length - 180-200 cm. The orthopedic base is better to choose the highest quality, high, with spring block.

Girls sofa beds (35 photos): Choose in the room Girls 7, 10 years old and other age, soft, pink, with drawers and other sofas beds 20874_31

Girls sofa beds (35 photos): Choose in the room Girls 7, 10 years old and other age, soft, pink, with drawers and other sofas beds 20874_32

Beautiful examples

Single version of the sofa bed in bright execution. This option is suitable for girls from 10 years, allows you to competently plan the placement of furniture and does not require complex transformation.

Girls sofa beds (35 photos): Choose in the room Girls 7, 10 years old and other age, soft, pink, with drawers and other sofas beds 20874_33

Bright sofa bed for preschool or younger schoolgirl. In the interior of the children's smooth upholstery texture and the combination of pink and white tones looks very attractive.

Girls sofa beds (35 photos): Choose in the room Girls 7, 10 years old and other age, soft, pink, with drawers and other sofas beds 20874_34

    Sofa on the type of ottoman in the interior of the room for the girl. A bright upholstery of the soft part brings a touch of paints to the interior, the soft cushions of the middle format will be invisible.

    The storage system in the lower tier allows you to easily solve the problem of placing unnecessary toys.

    Girls sofa beds (35 photos): Choose in the room Girls 7, 10 years old and other age, soft, pink, with drawers and other sofas beds 20874_35

    About how to choose a children's sofa, see the next video.

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