Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models


Balcony space should be used as profitable as possible with furniture. Since the shape and size of large premises often do not allow storage of various things, the optimal option is to install the rack in this room. In furniture stores, such structures are presented in a large number of options, so it is difficult to stop the choice on a particular product.

Also, many buyers do not know what materials this furniture is produced, how it can be its design, as well as, where it is better to place such attributes on the balcony. All these and other nuances will be discussed in detail in this article.

Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_2

Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_3

Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_4

Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_5

Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_6

Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_7

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any object of furniture, the rack on the balcony has a number of positive and negative characteristics. It is worth considering the advantages of such a design.

  • She is able to keep a place on the balcony. Racks in contrast to cabinets do not overload space. Even the place they occupy visually still seems actively used part of the loggia with proper decoration of the shelving.
  • Many prefer to keep part of things on loggias, and it is the rack that can become the place of their compact and convenient location. This attribute takes away from the mess on the balcony as a place of the repository.
  • With the help of such a shelters, you can easily complement the interior of the balcony room. If the design design corresponds to the selected interior direction, this element will create a real harmony on the territory of the balcony space.
  • The rack is such a piece of furniture that is easy to build even on their own. Some varieties of such furniture can create even very experienced users on their balcony. The assembly directly on the balcony will save from the need to drag and drop heavy structural elements or its solid housing.

Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_8

Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_9

Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_10

    However, it should be remembered about the negative sides of the installation of a similar object of furniture on the balcony.

    • The capacity of the feeds is completely dependent on the dimensions of the loggia . Designs that can place all the items necessary for storage are not always able to fit into the area of ​​your balcony. On small-sized logs, only small shelters are often acceptable.
    • Such furniture in most cases requires insulation on the balcony. Otherwise, both the shelves themselves and the things that are on them will be exposed to the effects of temperature and humidity drops, which is why they can easily come into disrepair.
    • Color range of design of such products is usually limited Light colors, as well as design depends on the illumination of the balcony room and its orientation.

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_11

    Review of species

    The design of the balcony rack can be embodied in various kinds. Depending on how much the shelves are on the review, the shelves are closed and open. Closed designs are equipped with doors and side walls, due to which it is not seen that it is located on the shelves.

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_12

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_13

    Such models are good in that less dust accumulates inside the shelf space, as well as the facade, it is interesting to decorate. Usually closed models are prefabricated.

    Open products suggest the finding of the entire contents of the shelves on the review . Good similar models by the fact that due to the competent location on them, you can create a successful composition that will complement the interior and give the room to the coziness. The need for dust cleaning the owners of such shears occurs more often, but due to the absence of side and rear walls Access to all necessary things will be easy.

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_14

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_15

    There is an angular type of balcony racks. Some of their compartments are perpendicular to each other, which allows you to place them on a wide balcony. Also, similar places can be represented as triangular shelves, which are located over each other, connecting two adjacent balcony walls. This case is suitable for small-sized loggias.

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_16

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_17

    There are also such options as Built-in stellags . They look like shelves, which are located in the arched space of the loggia. However, sometimes racks of this type are masked by supplying the structure with rolling shutters. Omitting them, you can exhaust part of the space in which the rack is located, the very creating protection against negative impacts for it. This option is also appropriate if the shelf does not very harmonize with the common balcony design and it is necessary to disguise it.

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_18

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_19

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_20

    Racking products for loggia are also classified in height. There are models that occupy almost the entire wall in height, and there are low structures whose height is equal to the balcony partition.


    For the manufacture of shelving structures, various types of raw materials use, each of which gives the furniture to a unique set of signs. There are materials that are considered the most popular.

    • Metal For which the strength combined with simplicity and grace is characteristic. Buthes of this type will be perfectly looked in industrial concepts. Most often, it is open structures that are made from this type of raw materials. However, the iron construction in the case of high humidity indoors may suffer from rust. However, there are varieties of aluminum products characterized by their light weight, and stainless steel, less susceptible to moisture.

    At the same time, the steel can be covered with paint polymer type, which will protect the metal structures from the appearance of rust.

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_21

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_22

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_23

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_24

    • The raw material is equally popular for racks. Massive is made very aesthetic in appearance, strong structures suitable for many interior styles. But solid wood is quite expensive material, which requires the lack of humidity and temperature differences. More budgetary analogues of raw materials with wooden components are chipboard and MDF. They also do not carry the impact of humidity very well, but are quite strong and durable.

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_25

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_26

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_27

    • Very light and resistant to moisture are plastic racks . They can be decorated in various colors, very simple in care. However, such material is not particularly resistant to mechanical stress.

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_28

    • In some cases, options from combined materials are manufactured. For example, a metal frame may have wooden shelves. Such models are particularly appropriate if they are selected under a certain style of the interior, for example, loft.

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_29

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_30


    The way the shelf on your balcony room will look like and harmoniously looks like a functional side, but also design products. An interesting design can be made at the expense of the form. The angular option can be made more smooth, the shelves of the open design will arrange in the form of a zigzag, supply metal products with suitive elements.

    The combination of materials can be thought out based on the concept of the room. Wood, glass and metal can be combined with each other, turning the shelf into a real work of art and giving the structures of weightlessness.

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_31

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_32

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_33

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_34

    Pay attention to the door decor of closed racks . By adding mirrors, patina or other decorative elements in them, you can emphasize the design style, as well as create a unique piece of furniture.

    You can adjust the rack compartments under a predetermined composition of the arrangement of objects. In such an ensemble, each element occupies a specific shelf, which makes a general view harmonious. And so that things on open models do not look boring, add such feeds with alive plants in pots.

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_35

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_36

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_37

    Features of choice

    Choosing the finished design of the shelving, it is worth remembering about certain criteria, Which will help you find the perfect model to your loggia model.

    • Relate the dimensions of the product with an area of ​​space, which in advance should be left under the shelf. If the balcony is narrow, please note that its width does not grind even more from the additional furniture item.
    • Plan in advance what exactly you will be stored on the rack. It is, based on this, the type of its design is selected. For storing wheels or tools, for example, closed options are suitable, and to place plants to optimally select open shelves. Interesting options are to use such a shelving for storing books on loggia, as well as creating a dressing room along the entire wall of a long balcony.
    • Pay attention to the color of the product. It must be combined with the balcony finish, as well as the rest of the furniture, if present.
    • It is better if the material is equipped with special layers of impregnation or protective coating.

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_38

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_39

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_40

    Location options

    So that the rack brings maximum benefits and a minimum of discomfort when used, you should think about its correct location on the balcony. The main rules for placing the shelf are So that it does not interfere with the mobble in the balcony, and convenient access to all its compartments was provided.

    In addition, this design should not prevent the use of other balcony elements, such as linen ropes, windows should also be freely open.

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_41

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_42

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_43

    As options for location, you can consider such.

    • The most popular type of accommodation is along the end balcony wall. It is optimal for narrow and long balconies, the area of ​​which will not change due to the presence of a shelf. However, remember that by choosing a rack with swing doors, you will overlap part of the light when you open them, due to which the rack space will be shaded.

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_44

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_45

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_46

    • If the width of the balcony allows, then you can place a shelf design along the long wall. In this case, it usually stands near that section where there is no window connecting the loggia with a room.

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_47

    • If there is a niche in a balcony room, it greatly facilitates the choice of location. Shelves can be made directly in it, if it allows its depth.

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_48

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_49

    • On larger loggias can be placed Rack in the corner.

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_50

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_51

    Beautiful examples

    If you are still hard to choose a suitable rack for your loggia, Pay attention to the ideas of the design of such an interior item on the balcony.

    • A dark contrasting rack on a white loggia can be diluted with an abundant amount of plants, combined with light accessories and books.

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_52

    • On the shelves with rounded edges will be perfectly looking at book compositions. Due to the division of the shelves, two sections can be placed literature and accessories in a checker order.

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_53

    • The rack located along a large balcony wall can smoothly switch to the workspace, creating a sembling cabinet on the balcony.

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_54

    • Open compartments can also be combined with closed, due to which the space will be easier to organize.

    Balcony Rack (55 photos): Metal and Wooden Flowers for Loggia, Closed Corner Shelving Wheel Storage and Other Models 20844_55

    About how to make a rack with your own hands, look next.

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