Wax candles (41 photos): from natural bees and palm wax, white and colored (black, green, red), other candles


Candles are an integral attribute of numerous holidays, romantic dates, and just a cozy pastime. Use for all these goals is best wax products sold in specialized stores or created with your own hands.

Wax candles (41 photos): from natural bees and palm wax, white and colored (black, green, red), other candles 20813_2

Wax candles (41 photos): from natural bees and palm wax, white and colored (black, green, red), other candles 20813_3

Wax candles (41 photos): from natural bees and palm wax, white and colored (black, green, red), other candles 20813_4


Today to meet high-quality wax candles is quite difficult - as a rule, preference is given to more budgetary paraffin varieties. This solution is quite dangerous: when combustion, products from derivative oil isolated such toxic substances such as benzene and tallol, which fall into the body through the respiratory system.

Against, Candles made of untreated natural wax are not only eco-friendly, but in some cases even useful. Such products have a pronounced natural aroma of wax, which is felt when they approach their nose.

However, if the purified wax is involved in the production, the smell is practically absent due to the removal of smelling impurities.

Wax candles (41 photos): from natural bees and palm wax, white and colored (black, green, red), other candles 20813_5

Wax candles (41 photos): from natural bees and palm wax, white and colored (black, green, red), other candles 20813_6

To the touch wax candles are pleasant and natural: either rough or smoother. They are easily bent and cut, like plasticine, without breaking and cut. The products are bright, smoothly and slow. They do not form the flows, but periodically publish the crackle. The burning is accompanied by melting and the formation of the wax droplets inside the candle.

If you place the glass above the light, then the soot will not appear at all, or it will be practically imperceptible. Alluring will be accompanied by the emergence of natural smell. It is worth mentioning about the fact that wax candles are considered rather cheap, if it is not about designer copies made by hand.

Wax candles (41 photos): from natural bees and palm wax, white and colored (black, green, red), other candles 20813_7

Wax candles (41 photos): from natural bees and palm wax, white and colored (black, green, red), other candles 20813_8

What wax do?

The production of candles can be carried out from several types of wax.

From beeland

Beeswax, which is natural natural material, has long been used to create lighting devices. Such honey samples even favorably affect the organism in the absence of allergies to the key component and its derivatives. The plastic material, in turn, also has a series of varieties. Thus, the sheproof or fused bee wax is extracted at the dafeques by processing cells, crumbs or intake. Production wax is created on specialized enterprises by industrial processing of deposits from the apiary.

Kapaneta, the highest quality material is formed due to raw materials collected on a well-lit wax furnace. To create a bright beeswax, it will be necessary to organize a water bath and protect wax from water. There are also raw beeswax, peasant, non-thendation, containing impurities with propolis, presses and others.

Wax candles (41 photos): from natural bees and palm wax, white and colored (black, green, red), other candles 20813_9

Wax candles (41 photos): from natural bees and palm wax, white and colored (black, green, red), other candles 20813_10

From Soyo

Soy wax is based on soybeans. This natural product is not toxic and long burns without the selection of soot . Melting of raw materials is carried out at a temperature of 70-85 degrees, since when the indicator is raised above 90 degrees, it is discolored, gaining ugly jaundice shade. Soy wax is suitable for creating candles in containers, as well as candle-columns. In the first case, the material should adhere tightly to the box and appear rather mild. In the second - it is easy to move away from the walls of the form and differ in high density.

Wax candles (41 photos): from natural bees and palm wax, white and colored (black, green, red), other candles 20813_11

Wax candles (41 photos): from natural bees and palm wax, white and colored (black, green, red), other candles 20813_12

From Palmovoy

Palm wax is a good alternative to bee wax, made from palm tree fruits. A solid substance melts at a temperature of 60 degrees. After the frozen, its surface is covered with "frosty" patterns, like a frozen window.

Wax candles (41 photos): from natural bees and palm wax, white and colored (black, green, red), other candles 20813_13

Wax candles (41 photos): from natural bees and palm wax, white and colored (black, green, red), other candles 20813_14

From coconut

Coconut wax is not poisonous and burns cleaner than paraffin, without producing a dangerous carbon black. In any condition, including during thermal processing, it has a pleasant, but specific smell. The melting point of coconut raw materials is rather low, so it burst longer than other varieties of wax, and almost 60% longer than paraffin. The consistency and shade of the substance resemble coconut oil. It is worth mentioning that the process of producing coconut wax is considered more environmentally friendly than soy.

Wax candles (41 photos): from natural bees and palm wax, white and colored (black, green, red), other candles 20813_15

Wax candles (41 photos): from natural bees and palm wax, white and colored (black, green, red), other candles 20813_16

From artificial

If the candle states that it is created from an artificial wax, we are talking about the cooker produced from paraffin and similar compositions. The disadvantage of such a material is the allocation of a large amount of carbon dioxide during the burning, which causes harm and human health, and the environment.

Wax candles (41 photos): from natural bees and palm wax, white and colored (black, green, red), other candles 20813_17

Forms and sizes

Today and industrial production, and small firms, and needlewomen create candles of any shapes and sizes. Selection of one or another variant is carried out depending on your own preferences. For example, the largest candle in the world that has fallen into the Guinies Book of Records, possessed 73 meters high. Conventional instances, as a rule, have a diameter of no more than 10 centimeters.

Wax candles (41 photos): from natural bees and palm wax, white and colored (black, green, red), other candles 20813_18

For interior design, both flat options and thin or thick high candles are used. As for the form, classic models are performed in the form of a circle, square or cone. However, an increasing number of manufacturers attracts a buyer with candles in the form of silhouettes of people, animals, dishes and abstract figures.

Wax candles (41 photos): from natural bees and palm wax, white and colored (black, green, red), other candles 20813_19

Wax candles (41 photos): from natural bees and palm wax, white and colored (black, green, red), other candles 20813_20

Wax candles (41 photos): from natural bees and palm wax, white and colored (black, green, red), other candles 20813_21


Although wax candles and in pristine looks look very interesting, some people choose their colored varieties to decorate their home. . For example, White will look great in the Scandinavian interior or minimalism space. They are most often used for meditation or protective rituals.

Wax candles (41 photos): from natural bees and palm wax, white and colored (black, green, red), other candles 20813_22

Wax candles (41 photos): from natural bees and palm wax, white and colored (black, green, red), other candles 20813_23

Decorative red candles are needed to create a romantic atmosphere. Green products, money color can be lit to improve the financial position. Golden and other shiny candles help to attract a variety of gray everyday life, and thick black - add style with a laconic interior.

Wax candles (41 photos): from natural bees and palm wax, white and colored (black, green, red), other candles 20813_24

Wax candles (41 photos): from natural bees and palm wax, white and colored (black, green, red), other candles 20813_25

Wax candles (41 photos): from natural bees and palm wax, white and colored (black, green, red), other candles 20813_26

By the way, wax candles can be large and small, as well as simple cylindrical and curly.

Special shika possess the models, when creating which dry leaflets, grass or buds were added to the wax. An options decorated with burlap will be organically fit into the ecosyl. It is quite easy to transform a simple candle by covering it with a glitter planted on simple glue. No less often encounters with inscriptions or decoupage style elements.

Wax candles (41 photos): from natural bees and palm wax, white and colored (black, green, red), other candles 20813_27

Wax candles (41 photos): from natural bees and palm wax, white and colored (black, green, red), other candles 20813_28

Wax candles (41 photos): from natural bees and palm wax, white and colored (black, green, red), other candles 20813_29

How to choose?

When choosing wax candles, it is important to carefully study their composition: there should not be paraffin, as well as dubious dyes of incomprehensible shades. The highest quality samples are painted either by food dyes in a small concentration, or remain not painted at all. If the candle is represented in the container, it should be durable glass, not plastic or other low-quality material. In a well-performed product, smooth wick without zinc thread is located in the core.

Wax candles (41 photos): from natural bees and palm wax, white and colored (black, green, red), other candles 20813_30

Wax candles (41 photos): from natural bees and palm wax, white and colored (black, green, red), other candles 20813_31

How to do at home?

Make your own hands the candle is possible in different ways, but at home it is recommended to choose the most secure and easy way. For example, it may be macania - the process during which the wick is lowered several times in the molten wax until the product reaches the required thickness. When riding, the proprietary wave rolling with a cylinder containing inside the wick.

There are also a consecution - uniform enclosure of the wick melted in a water bath with wax, pulling the wick through a bath with liquid raw materials, as well as pouring the wick. To give the wax, the color of them will have to be immersed in melted color wax or after cooling to paint with a brush.

Wax candles (41 photos): from natural bees and palm wax, white and colored (black, green, red), other candles 20813_32

Before starting the creation of a homemade candle, it is necessary correctly organize a home workshop . For work, it will be necessary to take a wide horizontal table protected by newspapers, packaging paper or an old tablecloth. Ideally, the floor is also covered with something like a loss carpet or a linoleum fragment.

Choir the wax is more convenient on a cutting board or a piece of plywood. Heat the raw material safer around the water bath warmed on the kitchen cooral. An alternative to her a rice cooker, a multicooker or a similar device. Paper towels will be suitable for eliminating waxes.

Wax candles (41 photos): from natural bees and palm wax, white and colored (black, green, red), other candles 20813_33

Warm melting with their own hands can be carried out on a water bath, built from a metal pan and the container of smaller diameter placed inside it. The latter may be made of stainless steel, aluminum or heat-resistant glass. It is imperative that in the process the substance does not interact with black metal or copper, as the color will deteriorate. Control the process accepted fine bamboo skewers. In a large saucepan, it will be necessary to pour water, and to a smaller - chopped with small pieces wax. For melting, a small saucepan will have to put in a big one, after which it is placed on the fire.

Wax candles (41 photos): from natural bees and palm wax, white and colored (black, green, red), other candles 20813_34

Acquaintance with handmade candles is better to start with casting, that is, filling the hot substance of suitable molds. Experts recommend to prepare seamless aluminum designs, transparent polycarbonate or elastic silicone . To grind the wax, a hammer or a flat screwdriver will be required, as well as a knife.

Fitil is more convenient to cut the usual scissors. For the alignment of the Punchka candles after frozen, a construction hairdryer can be useful. Basic materials for creativity should become beeswax and eco-friendly wick from twisted cotton ropes. By the way, the more it is planned to make the diameter of the lighting device, the thread should turn out.

Wax candles (41 photos): from natural bees and palm wax, white and colored (black, green, red), other candles 20813_35

Before starting direct casting, it will be necessary to think about the phytyl will be fixed in a vertical position. For example, this can be done with clothespins, hairpins, homemade wire or wooden structures. In fact, the entire process of creating candles with their own hands is the installation of a wick inside the shape and the flooding of molten wax. If the container is made of glass or porcelain, then it costs a drop of a little wax to fix the thread. Next, it is wound on a wooden wand or a pencil laid from above.

So that inside did not form empties, a thin stick in the substance can be made a couple of holes until it froze . Cell homemakes will be from 2 to 6 hours at room temperature. For the candles to just extract from the forms, in the latter it is recommended to make a couple of cuts. The upper part of the thread is correct to shorten, leaving about a centimeter in length, after which it is dipped into liquid wax for a simpler igniter.

Wax candles (41 photos): from natural bees and palm wax, white and colored (black, green, red), other candles 20813_36

Wax candles (41 photos): from natural bees and palm wax, white and colored (black, green, red), other candles 20813_37

It is worth mentioning that the candle filips can be made color, if you use natural moulin, pre-closed in salt and boric acid solution. As a rule, the glass of water accounts for a tablespoon of the first component and a pair of second tablespoons. An exhaled thread will need to dry, then twist the flagella or braid a pigtail. Also, instead of purchased molds, any hollow objects made of material withstanding the temperature of 100 degrees are suitable.

Alternatively, it can be a glass wine glasses, glasses, cans from coffee and canned and even orange peel or mandarin.

Wax candles (41 photos): from natural bees and palm wax, white and colored (black, green, red), other candles 20813_38

Wax candles (41 photos): from natural bees and palm wax, white and colored (black, green, red), other candles 20813_39

How to use?

All wax candles are used on the same scheme. The wig is litient on the lighter or matches, during the burning, he slowly melts wax. For safety, the product must be placed on flat, reliably fixed surfaces away from flammable items, for example, curtains. The fire is not left unattended, especially if there are children in the house. In addition, the candle can not be taken to the street or terrace into windy weather.

Wax candles (41 photos): from natural bees and palm wax, white and colored (black, green, red), other candles 20813_40

Wax candles (41 photos): from natural bees and palm wax, white and colored (black, green, red), other candles 20813_41

How to make candles from the coaster, look in the video.

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