How to make mattress tougher? Selecting a stiffness overlay on a soft mattress. How to increase rigidity at home?


It used to be believed that the softer bed, the better. In the old days, they preferred to sleep on the downstairs, while the USSR was specially popular with cotton mattresses. Now preferences have changed dramatically, so the last few years are actively promoted by tough mattresses. But despite this, it is not necessary to buy a modern mattress. You can independently increase the rigidity of the available mattress with your own hands. This will require some tools and materials.

How to make mattress tougher? Selecting a stiffness overlay on a soft mattress. How to increase rigidity at home? 20788_2

How to make mattress tougher? Selecting a stiffness overlay on a soft mattress. How to increase rigidity at home? 20788_3

Why increase the rigidity of the mattress?

The popularity of the rigid mattress is explained by the fact that it is more correct to the health of the musculoskeletal system. When choosing the stiffness of the mattress, it is necessary to focus on a number of circumstances:

  • age and weight of man;

  • partner weight (if the bed is calculated for two);

  • health status;

  • The usual posture for sleep;

  • The level of daily physical exertion.

How to make mattress tougher? Selecting a stiffness overlay on a soft mattress. How to increase rigidity at home? 20788_4

How to make mattress tougher? Selecting a stiffness overlay on a soft mattress. How to increase rigidity at home? 20788_5

In addition, a hard mattress can also be recommended by a person for medical reasons. This is who belongs to this category.

  1. Little children aged from birth and up to 3 years. Subsequently, it is permissible to choose the mattress of moderate stiffness.

  2. Children of adolescence. The fact is that it is in this age period that the spine is actively forming. That is why adolescents, in order to avoid problems with the musculoskeletal system in the future, it is recommended to sleep on the mattresses of high rigidity.

  3. The more weight, the tougher there should be a mattress. Those people whose weight exceeds 90 kg, it is recommended to sleep on the mattress of high rigidity.

  4. And also the rigid bed is recommended to those who already have diseases of the spine. Too soft mattress will contribute to deterioration.

  5. If a person sleeps mostly on his stomach, it is also recommended to choose a hard mattress.

How to make mattress tougher? Selecting a stiffness overlay on a soft mattress. How to increase rigidity at home? 20788_6

How to make mattress tougher? Selecting a stiffness overlay on a soft mattress. How to increase rigidity at home? 20788_7

How to make mattress tougher? Selecting a stiffness overlay on a soft mattress. How to increase rigidity at home? 20788_8

If spouses have different medical records, then doctors orthopedes in this case are recommended to purchase two single mattresses. At the same time, they must comply with the requirements and be the same on dimensions.

How to solve the problem?

Usually the mattress is purchased with the bed. And, if there is a need to increase its rigidity (sharp weight gain, high physical exertion, problems with the spine), it is not necessary to buy a new mattress at all. You can try to increase the rigidity of the available mattress. To perform the task, there are several different ways.

The most common and simple is the use of an additional mattress cover, which is called topper . It looks like a low litter, which has sufficient rigidity. The height of the topper rarely exceeds 12 cm. It is fixed on the main mattress with the help of available gum or tapes.

How to make mattress tougher? Selecting a stiffness overlay on a soft mattress. How to increase rigidity at home? 20788_9

How to make mattress tougher? Selecting a stiffness overlay on a soft mattress. How to increase rigidity at home? 20788_10

It is noteworthy that the rigidity of such a neat community directly depends on its height. This indicator varies from 2 to 12 cm. When using a fine neat machine, rigidity will increase slimming. If you want to achieve a tangible effect, It is recommended to use the topper whose height is at least 10 cm.

For moderate stiffness, it is recommended to choose the topper of the middle height. It ranges from 5 to 8 cm.

In addition, one more important nuance should be taken into account - the topper filler. Modern models most often have one of three types of fillers:

  • coconut;

  • Hollofiber;

  • Structifer.

How to make mattress tougher? Selecting a stiffness overlay on a soft mattress. How to increase rigidity at home? 20788_11

Any pad will help to correct the initial stiffness of the mattress. In order to determine the choice of filler, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Coconut mattress covers have recently gained high popularity. It is due to a multitude of positive moments when using exactly this material:

  • environmental friendliness;

  • good ventilability;

  • hypoallergenicity;

  • Coconut does not hold moisture, so it is not a favorable place for the development and life of microorganisms.

How to make mattress tougher? Selecting a stiffness overlay on a soft mattress. How to increase rigidity at home? 20788_12

How to make mattress tougher? Selecting a stiffness overlay on a soft mattress. How to increase rigidity at home? 20788_13

Coconut Coyra is a rather wear-resistant material that can withstand large weight loads. But all these positive qualities remain only in compliance with two important conditions.

  1. The filler must be high quality.

  2. Standards must be complied with production. So, the coconut fiber in no way should be processed using formaldehydes.

The only one flaw Coconut topper lies in its high cost. So, the smallest mattress staff will cost about 3 thousand rubles. But according to the quality of the coconut filler, there are practically no competitors.

How to make mattress tougher? Selecting a stiffness overlay on a soft mattress. How to increase rigidity at home? 20788_14

Hollofiber It is also often used in mattress covers intended for increasing rigidity. He is practically not inferior in quality and fulfilling its function Coconut . The only drawback is synthetic origin. If you want to save and buy a cheaper option, the holofayber mattress holder is the optimal solution.

But when buying, two important points should be taken into account: such a topper is not suitable for allergies, and it is best not to buy it for children.

Strettoofiber - This is something mean between natural and synthetic filler. The fact is that in the production of such a neat community, synthetic fibers are used with the addition of natural (algae, wool, coconut, cotton). In the production of toppers with such a filler, glue compositions are categorically not used. Such mattress covers are easy and inexpensive, but are able to have an effect only on people with a slight weight.

How to make mattress tougher? Selecting a stiffness overlay on a soft mattress. How to increase rigidity at home? 20788_15

Topper - This is a universal means to increase the rigidity of the mattress cover. Such a device, regardless of the dimensions and internal composition, has a number of significant advantages.

  1. Quick solution to the problem of changing the stiffness of the main mattress.

  2. Minimum financial investments.

  3. Performs a protective function, preventing pollution of the main mattress.

  4. Significantly increases the service life of the main mattress.

  5. Aligns the surface of the bed, so it becomes more convenient to sleep.

It should be borne in mind that the topper should coincide with the main mattress. Otherwise, the bed will be uncomfortable.

How to make mattress tougher? Selecting a stiffness overlay on a soft mattress. How to increase rigidity at home? 20788_16

How to make mattress tougher? Selecting a stiffness overlay on a soft mattress. How to increase rigidity at home? 20788_17

How to make the mattress yourself at home?

If you can buy a topper for some reason, it is impossible to increase the stiffness of the mattress, then in such cases you can try to do it yourself with the help of girlfriend.

Minor shopping will still have to commit. So, in a specialized store you need to purchase a compressed sponge or the same coconut coir. And also to create stiffness will be required:

  • big scissors;

  • case or mattress cover of the desired size;

  • roulette.

How to make mattress tougher? Selecting a stiffness overlay on a soft mattress. How to increase rigidity at home? 20788_18

In fact, you will have to make the same topper, only homemade . To do this, it will be necessary to begin measuring the coconut coir or sponge (depending on the material selected), and cut off the required volume. It must be put on the main mattress and fix with the help of the mattress cover. This is an economical and simple option available to everyone. Material costs will be significantly lower than when buying a topper.

Low cost is the only advantage of this method. . Do not think that the material will hold onto the main mattress as smoothly and tight as the topper. This is not true. Periodically, they will have to unbutton the mattress and correct the filler, because during the use of the bed it will be knocked back or move aside.

How to make mattress tougher? Selecting a stiffness overlay on a soft mattress. How to increase rigidity at home? 20788_19

How to make mattress tougher? Selecting a stiffness overlay on a soft mattress. How to increase rigidity at home? 20788_20

At the same time, a compressed foam rubber has some more peculiarities . This material will gradually sit down. Therefore, it is not recommended to use people with great weight.

And also it has a property to crumble and deform with time, so do not count on a long period of operation.

There is another interesting option. It is to be as a seal Use pressed straw. Such material also refers to the category of natural, but it is very difficult to buy it. And also in it can multiply microorganisms.

The choice of each of the proposed options is purely individual. At the same time, before buying a filler or topper, it is recommended to study the positive and negative sides of each of them.

How to make mattress tougher? Selecting a stiffness overlay on a soft mattress. How to increase rigidity at home? 20788_21

How to make mattress tougher? Selecting a stiffness overlay on a soft mattress. How to increase rigidity at home? 20788_22

How to make mattress tougher? Selecting a stiffness overlay on a soft mattress. How to increase rigidity at home? 20788_23

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