Single mattresses (29 photos): dimensions of standard mattresses on the bed, width and height of models. How to choose an adult?


Man's sleep should be full and comfortable. From the material of this article you will learn how to choose a single mattress, considering the types of products, their parameters, the level of rigidity and other nuances.


Single mattresses on the bed are the most diverse. By type of execution, they are divided into 2 types: spring and flawed. Each species has its subgroups.

Single mattresses (29 photos): dimensions of standard mattresses on the bed, width and height of models. How to choose an adult? 20769_2

On springs

Such mattresses are characterized by the type of springs. They may be dependent and independent.

Options of the first type are equipped with springs connected to each other in a single canvas.

  • Such products enjoy special purchasing demand due to availability. . In practice, they are not so durable, since they react to the entire weight load. They are jammed.
  • Faster begin to creak Due to contact springs and their fixtures.
  • According to orthopedic indicators losing an analogues of an independent type. In the course of operation create a hammock effect.

Single mattresses (29 photos): dimensions of standard mattresses on the bed, width and height of models. How to choose an adult? 20769_3

The spring alpha block of an independent view consists of springs attached to a metal frame. Each of them is packed in an individual breathable case.

  • Such structures are particularly flexible They provide the right position of the body during sleep and rest. They relate to products anatomical and orthopedic type. Repeat the body shape with load and devoid of hammock effect.
  • Independent type models are not so noisy as analogs on dependent springs.
  • They are suitable for point repair . May have springs of different shapes and size. The more springs per 1 m2, the hardest product.

Single Mattress Filter Filters are different materials. The best of them is the thermocouple felt and spandbon.

Single mattresses (29 photos): dimensions of standard mattresses on the bed, width and height of models. How to choose an adult? 20769_4


Single Mattresses without springs are simple, anatomical and orthopedic . Depending on the type of filling, they can be classic single-layer and combined. Second-type products may contain from two to several layers of various filler.

Single mattresses (29 photos): dimensions of standard mattresses on the bed, width and height of models. How to choose an adult? 20769_5

Single mattresses (29 photos): dimensions of standard mattresses on the bed, width and height of models. How to choose an adult? 20769_6

Flameless single mattresses produce from natural and synthetic materials.

  • Monolithic Products are made of natural and artificial latex, wool, foam rubber, coconut coir.
  • V Combined Analogues use a combination of polyurethane foam and foam rubber, bed and latex, holofayber, as well as special foam with memory effect. The worst type of filling is batting, because it rolls and does not have elasticity.
  • Also in the production of mattresses use Strettoofiber, Sheep and camel wool, viscoelastic foam.

The structure of materials varies. Some of them are soft, others have elasticity.

Single mattresses (29 photos): dimensions of standard mattresses on the bed, width and height of models. How to choose an adult? 20769_7

Characteristics Fill Teles also vary.

  • For example, PPU foamed It has a budget value, but is short-lived. He is a fuel and absorbs different smells.
  • Natural Latex. Practical, eco-friendly and harmless to humans. It is often used for springless mattresses. Artificial analogue is cheaper, but has similar operational performance.
  • Hollofiber - a sufficiently soft filler with a volumetric structure. It weighs little, refers to the filling of the environmental type.
  • Strettoofiber - Nonwoven material with spring structure of fibers. In terms of its characteristics, it is not inferior to Hollofiree.
  • Koyra A rather rigid, made of coconuts made of fibers. It perfectly holds the form, is considered a durable material. The quality is slightly inferior to sisal, compressed in the stove.

Single mattresses (29 photos): dimensions of standard mattresses on the bed, width and height of models. How to choose an adult? 20769_8

Depending on the execution technology, the perforated type of filler can be used. Models from the interlayers of different composition can have different rigidity from both sides.

They can be typical and possessing thermoregulation. Bilateral thermostat mats are used as winter-summer mattresses.

They are bought by those who need additional warming in winter and cool in the summer.

Single mattresses (29 photos): dimensions of standard mattresses on the bed, width and height of models. How to choose an adult? 20769_9

Single mattresses (29 photos): dimensions of standard mattresses on the bed, width and height of models. How to choose an adult? 20769_10

Threaded mattresses also include inflatable products. They are mobile and convenient in transportation, but are not suitable for permanent use. Such single mattresses are bought for picnics, fishing with overnight, sleep in a tent.

Single mattresses (29 photos): dimensions of standard mattresses on the bed, width and height of models. How to choose an adult? 20769_11

Single mattresses (29 photos): dimensions of standard mattresses on the bed, width and height of models. How to choose an adult? 20769_12


Based on the degree of rigidity, several varieties of single mats are distinguished.

  • Soft Mattresses are distinguished by a comfortable immersion in Perin. These are products for people with a slight weight. They are suitable for older people, pregnant women. Designed to create maximum comfort.
  • Mid-independent Analogues have a low degree of rigidity. Designed for middle-aged people. They do not support the body in the right position. Suitable for everyone who has no health problems.
  • Mattresses with an average degree of rigidity refer to options Universal Type. Military mats may have an orthopedic effect. These are options for most people without departure in weight.
  • Hard Mattresses - products for adolescents and all those who have overweight. Different with orthopedic effect, suitable for sleep on the stomach. They have proper support for the spine, enjoy special purchasing demand.

Single mattresses (29 photos): dimensions of standard mattresses on the bed, width and height of models. How to choose an adult? 20769_13

Single mattresses (29 photos): dimensions of standard mattresses on the bed, width and height of models. How to choose an adult? 20769_14

Single mattresses (29 photos): dimensions of standard mattresses on the bed, width and height of models. How to choose an adult? 20769_15

Products with the greatest degree of rigidity have a prophylactic effect. They are bought on the recommendation of doctors in order to relieve pain syndromes or as part of complex therapy.

In the rules of individual manufacturers there are options with different rigidity of the parties. They allow you to vary the degree of rigidity at the request of the owner.

Single mattresses (29 photos): dimensions of standard mattresses on the bed, width and height of models. How to choose an adult? 20769_16

Sizes and weight

The dimension range of single mattresses includes several dimensions.

The standard mat per person is 80x190, 80x200 cm. A narrow mattress is designed for a small bed.

Single mattresses (29 photos): dimensions of standard mattresses on the bed, width and height of models. How to choose an adult? 20769_17

In addition, there are models with dimensions of 90x200 cm. Matte width can be 85, 90, 95 cm. Non-standard length - 195 cm. Single models for children and adolescents less. Their dimensions are 70x140 and 80x160 cm.

Single mattresses (29 photos): dimensions of standard mattresses on the bed, width and height of models. How to choose an adult? 20769_18

The height of mattresses is different. Thin single-layer models it is 2-5 cm and more.

Toppers do not replace full-fledged mattresses, they are bought for yoga, picnics, car travel, and also often use both guest or country mattresses. They can adjust the rigidity of the bed. If they are stored in the rolls.

Also buy toppers for clamshells and sofas, creating a more convenient place to sleep.

Single mattresses (29 photos): dimensions of standard mattresses on the bed, width and height of models. How to choose an adult? 20769_19

Single mattresses (29 photos): dimensions of standard mattresses on the bed, width and height of models. How to choose an adult? 20769_20

The average height of the single mattress is 5-20 cm. In separate models, it reaches 35-40 cm. Particularly thick options are combined multi-layer mattresses consisting of fillers from different materials.

Most often, products with a height of 12-19 cm are found on sale. The average thickness of the hard mattresses is 8-10 cm.

Single mattresses (29 photos): dimensions of standard mattresses on the bed, width and height of models. How to choose an adult? 20769_21

Single mattresses (29 photos): dimensions of standard mattresses on the bed, width and height of models. How to choose an adult? 20769_22


Packaging of single mattresses is typical and removable. Single models need to buy removable covers. They increase the wear resistance and aesthetic type of mattresses, protect products from pollution.

Cotton, hawk, tick, polycotton are used as upholstery materials. For sewing a removable case, jacquard cloth is often used.

Single mattresses (29 photos): dimensions of standard mattresses on the bed, width and height of models. How to choose an adult? 20769_23

Single mattresses (29 photos): dimensions of standard mattresses on the bed, width and height of models. How to choose an adult? 20769_24

Upholstery can be simple or volumetric. On sale there are options for classic and steady type. They are equipped with a synthetic barn layer, thanks to which they have additional softness and volume.

Color gamma covers on single mattresses are diverse. Options for teenagers and children Bright and colorful . Adult models have monophonic covers. Most often they are white or pale gray, however, there are options in shades of pastel gamma (for example, blue, beige, cream, pinkish).

Single mattresses (29 photos): dimensions of standard mattresses on the bed, width and height of models. How to choose an adult? 20769_25

Single mattresses (29 photos): dimensions of standard mattresses on the bed, width and height of models. How to choose an adult? 20769_26

Criterias of choice

Choosing a single mattress for an adult, it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances.

  • The product should approach a specific person. The mattress should not be too soft or rigid. The older the person, the very softer there should be a product. Teenagers need hard models. They contribute to the proper formation and strengthening of the spine.
  • Buy the product is needed, based on physical features, your own preferences. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the maximum allowable weight load, since it is different from different mattresses. With a weight of 60-90 kg, you can buy a mattress of almost any type. It can be orthopedic or anatomical. Options from the Memorix foam are distinguished by special comfort. They remember the shape of the body, without loads take the initial form. With a weight of 40-60 kg, products are needed with an average rigidity level. If a person weighs more than 90 kg, he needs a hard model taking into account his age. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, you need to pay attention to the label. It indicates the mass of the user. A man with overweight should not take a mattress on dependent springs. He will quickly bend, creating a hammock effect.
  • The size of the user must be approached not only to the specific bed. . Ideally, the magnitude of the mattress should exceed the human growth by 20-30 cm.
  • If you need to buy a product with therapeutic effect It is worth considering a double-sided mattress.
  • Determining with the height of the mat, it is worth considering: What it is more, the greater the amount of layers inside the product, the higher its cost. Basically, flavored mattresses are height from 2 to 15 cm. The average thickness of the analogs on the springs varies in the range of 17-30 cm.
  • When buying is needed take into account the level of own physical activity. For example, athletes and everyone who leads an active lifestyle, it is better to take hard-type products.
  • If a person has medical testimony (for example, chronic diseases of the spine), the mattress is selected On the recommendation of the doctor . Not always at the same time, the specialist advises to choose a single stained mat. Somewhere it is better to buy a two-way version.

Single mattresses (29 photos): dimensions of standard mattresses on the bed, width and height of models. How to choose an adult? 20769_27

Single mattresses (29 photos): dimensions of standard mattresses on the bed, width and height of models. How to choose an adult? 20769_28

Single mattresses (29 photos): dimensions of standard mattresses on the bed, width and height of models. How to choose an adult? 20769_29

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