Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews


ASKONA company is a recognized leader in the production and sale of mattresses and other bedroom accessories. The company's assortment portfolio includes mattresses in different price segments - here you can find both products of economy-class and premium. Every year, the brand products are included in the ranking of the best mattresses in our country.

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_2

Advantages and disadvantages

Full sleep provides high performance, human activity, supports good mood and good health. Mattresses have a big impact on recreation quality. The correctly selected accessory contributes to the uniform redistribution of the load on the muscles and vertebrae. Having connected on such a mattress, even a few hours, a person gets up completely rested and restored his strength.

Askona mattresses are very popular among domestic consumers. This brand has a deservedly good reputation, the name of the brand of hearing is almost all Russians.

Those who are looking for a comfortable and high-quality mattress are certainly faced with the range of this company.

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_3

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_4

You can highlight a number of the main advantages of ASKONA products.

Convenience. The mattresses are comfortable, they are adapted to the individual features of human physiology. Anatomical properties are supported by:

  • Spring systems;
  • latex filler and coconut coyra;
  • Memory effect and other options.

The mattresses of this manufacturer have high orthopedic characteristics and are able to memorize the body shape of a rest.

High quality. Askona mattresses have a long operational resource. They do not lose their elasticity even with regular use. Products are not suggested, and their filler is not pleasant, regardless of the sizes of the mattress. There are no failures formed on it. The manufacturer's warranty is 10 years.

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_5

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_6

Orthopedic properties. The advantage of ASKONA mattresses is their favorable effect on the spine. This is especially true for people who have problems with posture or suffer from pain in the lumbar region. Just choose the optimal stiffener model. The Mattress of the Askona Cardio series will be a good solution for them - this line is specially designed for buyers who have pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

Despite the fact that most of the company's product reviews are positive, nevertheless there are dissatisfied buyers. Some users consider them uncomfortable. However, the company's consultants argue that the reason for this case becomes incorrectly selected stiffness of the product relative to the individual characteristics of the spine and the back of a resting person.

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_7

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_8

Variety of spring models

ASKONA offers a wide selection of children's, single and double mattresses, as well as toppers up to 8 cm high. The assortment range includes models of several sizes:

  • 80x200;
  • 90x190;
  • 90x200;
  • 120x200;
  • 140x200;
  • 160x80;
  • 160x190;
  • 160x200;
  • 180x200 cm.

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_9

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_10

To properly choose the Askona mattress among the existing manifold, you need to stop more on the description of all their varieties.

With independent springs

Products with independent springs are recognized as the best from the quality position in the modern market. In such a design, each spring works in itself, due to which the maximum orthopedic and anatomical effect is achieved. The springs in the mattress autonomous in relation to each other, they are not fastened in any way - when the person is placed on them, only those on which pressure turns out to be. As a result, the mattress repeats the outlines of the body, making holidays more comfortable.

Independent springs have a relatively small size, in one square meter, 512 springs fit on average. This parameter simultaneously provides orthopedic, and anatomical support for the underlying person. And besides, allows the manufacturer to maintain the available cost of the product. If the number of springs is less, it will worsen the orthopedic characteristics of the mattress, and if there are more of them, they will start rubbing together, bending, and eventually begin to creak.

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_11

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_12

Askona mattresses with an independent spring block are produced in several series.

  • Fitness - These products are calculated on the weight load of up to 140 kg. Their surface can be middle-on and hard. Each mattress includes 7 spring zones, springs are grouped in them by elasticity. The total number of independent springs is 550. This design provides the maximum anatomical effect of the mattress. The case is sewn from a dense, breathable material with silver impregnation. Due to this, the air easily passes through the fabric, and the moisture is not absorbed. The fabric is soft, tactful pleasant, the surface is protected from the appearance of rods.

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_13

  • Compact. - The mattresses of this line are designed for load up to 90 kg. The rigidity varies from soft to medium parameters. The advantage of such models is that they are easily rolled into the roll and also quickly return to the original position, so convenient in transportation.

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_14

  • Sleep Style. - Mattresses of exceptional quality, medium and high rigidity. Hold a person with a mass of body up to 140 kg, the springs are separated by 7 zones depending on the degree of elasticity. The coconut coir, latex and orthophos are used as a filler. The cover is soft, to the touch resembles knitwear.

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_15

  • Balance Lux. - product with high orthopedic and anatomical characteristics. Supports full heat exchange, possesses hypoallergenic properties.

Keeps its operational parameters even with high weight load.

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_16

With dependent blocks

Some models of Askona mattresses provide for the Bonnel spring block. They were invented more than 150 years ago, but do not lose their demand to this day. It uses steel springs consisting of 4 or 5 turns, they are connected with each other. At the same time, the diameter of each spring is maximum at the top and near the base, in the middle it is thin - due to this, during compression, the coil does not work together and do not cause an unpleasant violence.

This design is called dependent, since all springs are fixed on one common unit. When one of them begged, then together with it and all the neighboring. Between the Bonnel block and the surface of the mattress, layers with multiple fillers are stacked. From their characteristics depend rigidity, product elasticity, thermoregulation, heat exchange, breathable characteristics and other important components of healthy sleep.

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_17

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_18

The advantages of products with dependent springs include:

  • uniform redistribution of the load on the spine;
  • Full moisture and air exchange;
  • ability to withstand high weight;
  • Democratic value.

Nevertheless, such models are recognized as outdated in comparison with independent springs. The reason for this is their obvious disadvantages.

With prolonged use, spring blocks tear the layers and go to the surface of the mattress. Especially often it happens when using mattresses with young children - they jump on the bed, the springs break off the sharp effects, and the spring is straightened.

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_19

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_20

Even with neat operation, dependent springs begin to creak over time.

The Bonnel system is not recommended for double beds, since the dependent springs give a hammock effect. This is especially noticeable if the difference between vacationers is 20 kg and more.

The best in this series recognized several models.

  • ASKONA BALANCE PRACTICE - This mattress is made of high quality hypoallergenic materials. Different with an average hardness level. Thanks to the layer of felt and polyurethane foam, laid over the spring block, the product has a flat elastic surface. The operational period of such a product is 10 years.

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_21

  • Balance Palma. - Comfortable mattress with orthopedic support. Coconut-based filler allows you to use this sleeping accessory to people whose body is exceeding 100 kg.

Such mattresses are shown in some diseases of the spine.

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_22

  • Balance Extra - Mattress with a pronounced orthopedic effect. It has a tough surface and filler from polyurethane foam.

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_23

Overview of flavored mattresses

The assortment list of ASKONA mattresses includes a timing of blackout products. Their advantages are obvious.

The design of such mattresses does not imply metal elements that can be broken. Therefore, serve such accessories will be for a long time.

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_24

Even the best mattress with springs after long-term use begins to make creak. With such a problem, the owners of flawless analogues will never encounter.

The quality of flawless mattresses depends only on fillers, their structures, the total number of layers and the order of their placement . In ASCONA, such products are made from hypoallergenic high-quality materials, all covers have antibacterial impregnation.

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_25

Miscellaneous raw materials use as fillers of flawed mattresses.

  • Latex - it can be natural and artificial. Natural represents a variety of rubber obtained from the tropical tree Gevei. This is a durable, elastic and hypoallergenic breathable material in which dust fungal organisms do not multiply. Artificial latex is more famous as polyurethane foam. Such mattresses are elastic, but at the same time a little tougher. On operational characteristics, natural products are inferior, but it's an order of magnitude cheaper.

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_26

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_27

  • Coconut fiber - The most hard springless mattresses include coconut coir. It is distinguished by high air and water permeability, lack of allergic reactions. The degree of stiffness of the mattress depends on how the coconut fiber layer is located - the closer it will be to the surface of the sleeping accessory, the more hard mattress will be.

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_28

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_29

  • Strettoofiber - material of polymeric origin. It has durability, durability and elasticity. Provides efficient thermal protection of the user.

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_30

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_31

  • Memorix. - Modern material with memory effect. Under the influence of human body, it becomes exactly by repeating all its anatomical bends. Such mattresses during sleep provide a uniform distribution of pressure on the spine and the muscles, due to which throughout the entire vacation time the body of a person is supported in a comfortable position.

If the user gets off the sofa or turn over, the filler will immediately return to its original position.

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_32

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_33

Additional accessories

On the quality of the mattress indicates not only its internal, but also external filling, namely, the quality of the cover and the mattress holder. These accessories are designed to protect the basis of the mattress from abrasion and damage. Experts advise not to save on the acquisition of the cover and select the highest quality products. From the selection of this accessory largely depends on the total service time of your mattress.

Quality covers must meet the following requirements:

  • hydrophobicity - the ability to evaporate moisture;
  • thermoregulation - maintenance of air circulation;
  • Elasticity - the accessory must properly approach the models in size, only as it can provide maximum protection of the mattress;
  • Strength - the case must withstand the weight and mechanical load at regular operation.

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_34

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_35

ASKONA offers covers with removable, as well as a non-removable design. The most practical solution will be removable models - as they are contaminated, they can be erased in a conventional machine machine. However, over time, such a product begins to deform, and the mattress holder adjacent to the filler is not so tight. Failure covers are perfectly fixed and thus extend the period of the product service, and they are inexpensive. But to clean such products will have to resort to dry cleaning services.

Covers for Askona mattresses are made of smooth soft knitwear, they wear on the mattress like a hat. Allow washing and drying at high temperatures. Other benefits include:

  • Reliable fixation with a rubber band throughout the perimeter;
  • maintaining a comfortable thermal regime;
  • ability to pass air;
  • protection against dust mites;
  • Pleasant surface.

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_36

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_37

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_38

Child Nuances

ASKONA offers a wide range of mattresses for a different budget. So, if you select a sleeping accessory in the price range up to 10 thousand rubles, then the manufacturer will offer you a wide selection of models with a block of dependent springs. For a relatively low price, you can find a durable and high-quality mattress, which will meet all medical and hygiene requirements for the organization of the bedroom. Such models have high anatomical characteristics, made from hypoallergenic and durable materials.

The best from the point of view of users in this price group are models from the Balance series.

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_39

If, in addition to an anatomical effect, you want to get an orthopedic, then you should look at mattresses worth from 10 to 20 thousand rubles. This category shows the line of mattresses with a block of independent springs, as well as blackout products.

MEGATREND HARD and COMPACT HIT Plus are considered leaders among springless models.

In Top Spring Mattresses, users include TERAPIA AVANTA, GOOD FOR YOU, as well as Fitness Liga.

With special scrupulsity, you need to approach the selection of mattresses to people who have problems with the spine - in this case it is best to make a choice after consulting with your doctor. In any case, they will need mattresses with anatomical effect. Such products must contend the body of a vacationer person, repeat each bend each and at the same time not to have a significant pressure on patients of the spine.

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_40

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_41

It is very important to choose the degree of rigidity. If discomfort is localized in the lumbar department, preference is better to give up a soft surface. The same products are optimal for senior users who often face the problems of vessels and joints. With pain in the thoracic spine, the optimal solution will be mattresses with medium rigidity. If the painful sensations are associated with pelvic and cervical sections, you will need the most hard mattresses. Most often people with such problems acquire models of the Promo Victory series, Basic High and Emotion.

Separate attention deserves the choice of a mattress for children and adolescents. It is known that the human vertebra is formed up to 25 years, so users of this group need to pick up solid surfaces. At the same time, the maximum stiffness is required for the kids of the first year of life. Pre-school children are not recommended products with dependent springs. During active games, the beds are exposed to high loads, the springs are straightened and a child can make it possible. The optimal choice for young users will be the Baby Flex Sleep and Baby Flex Smile model.

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_42

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_43

When choosing mattresses for a couple, you must proceed from the requirements of comfort.

Therefore, it is necessary to measure the distance between the elbows of each pair. To do this, you need to lie on the mattress and put the hands bent in the elbows under the head. It is important that the width of the mattress is at least the amount of distances between their elbows.

ASKONA double mattresses are represented in several categories:

  • With an independent springs block - the most popular models from this line are Askona Trend and Askona Balance Forma;
  • Explosive budget models - Trend Roll, Effect Low.

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_44

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_45

But the mattresses with the springs "Bonnel" will not be the best choice. Such structures involve the interaction of the springs among themselves and the deflection under the weight of the human body. This leads to the appearance of a hammock effect - if the spouses have a different weight group, then the easiest of them will experience significant discomfort during sleep. However, such products have a relatively low cost, so they can become a good acquisition if the difference in weight among spouses is small.

Askona, unlike many of its competitors, has established production of products for family pairs with a weight difference between spouses. For them, models are offered in which half differed in varying degrees of rigidity. Such products can be used in the event that one of the participants in the pair have spinal pathology, and there are no them.

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_46

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_47

Review reviews

To date, Askona is recognized as one of the most popular manufacturers of mattresses in our country. More than 70% of their reviews are positive. They indicate high quality, good orthopedic and anatomical effect. Resting on such a mattress is quite short, a person feels a tide of strength and an increase in activity.

Nevertheless, there are also dissatisfied users. They claim, the Askona mattresses have an unnecessarily overwhelmed value and are short-lived. However, despite this, the company remains a sales leader in our country, pushing the model of American and European manufacturers.

In order to avoid problems with mattresses, acquire products needed, taking into account its physiological features and health status. Do not chase as cheap.

All purchases do only from official distributors - do not trust online shopping or intermediaries, in this case the risk of buying a fake, which will not cope with the functions entrusted to it.

Askona mattresses (48 photos): orthopedic mattresses 160x200, 180x200 and 140x200, children's and adult mattresses, flares and spring, customer reviews 20743_48

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