White leather sneakers (41 photos): Models of leather, how to wash and clean, whiten


The history of the appearance of sneakers is rooted by the end of the 19th century. This shoes at the beginning of its path had nothing to do with the sport and was produced in the UK as an element of forming uniforms of polismen.

Much later sneakers have become exclusively footwear for sports. Marks appear, which are consequently becoming global giants for the release of modern sneakers. In parallel, the popularization of sports shoes - they are already worn not only with appropriate clothing.

White leather sneakers (41 photos): Models of leather, how to wash and clean, whiten 2073_2

White leather sneakers (41 photos): Models of leather, how to wash and clean, whiten 2073_3

White leather sneakers (41 photos): Models of leather, how to wash and clean, whiten 2073_4

The next stage is 1992 - the Prada fashion house first included sneakers in the show, thereby "lit green light" for experiments to combine sneakers with various clothes styles.

White leather sneakers (41 photos): Models of leather, how to wash and clean, whiten 2073_5

White leather sneakers (41 photos): Models of leather, how to wash and clean, whiten 2073_6

White leather sneakers (41 photos): Models of leather, how to wash and clean, whiten 2073_7

Since then, sports shoes conquered many fashionistas. Often you can meet a girl not in elegant boats, namely in white sneakers. There are several reasons for this:

  • Fashion trends. Designers erected sneakers to the discharge of universal shoes, which are not only with sports suit, jeans, but also with skirts, dresses, trousers;
  • White sneakers are able to add brightness and courage to the image, make it youth and playful;
  • Convenience and comfort. They are easy to move around the city, overcoming long distances.

White leather sneakers (41 photos): Models of leather, how to wash and clean, whiten 2073_8

White leather sneakers (41 photos): Models of leather, how to wash and clean, whiten 2073_9

White leather sneakers (41 photos): Models of leather, how to wash and clean, whiten 2073_10

White leather sneakers (41 photos): Models of leather, how to wash and clean, whiten 2073_11

Today, sneakers are not just shoes. This is part of the image, an element of style that emphasizes the taste of their owner. This provision of affairs contributed to the emergence and development of a number of brands that are fashion lawmakers in the world of sports. Consider popular from them:

White leather sneakers (41 photos): Models of leather, how to wash and clean, whiten 2073_12

Nike. Release sneakers falling under the definition of immortal classics. They are reliable and universal. Brand shoes complement any image: for a romantic walk, jogging in the forest, shopping hike. The result is always one: it turns out a stylish combination. Nike regularly replenishes the collections, making focus on colors, prints, models.

White leather sneakers (41 photos): Models of leather, how to wash and clean, whiten 2073_13

Reebok. connoisseurs are known for their exclusivity, quite strict, but bright. Fitness room, running, volleyball and much more - there are sneakers for all sports. Thanks to the color scheme and concise finish, they become universal.

White leather sneakers (41 photos): Models of leather, how to wash and clean, whiten 2073_14

White leather sneakers (41 photos): Models of leather, how to wash and clean, whiten 2073_15

Adidas. Does not need a submission. All his sneakers turn fashionable in the style icon, and the legendary three stripes talk about quality and comfort.

White leather sneakers (41 photos): Models of leather, how to wash and clean, whiten 2073_16

American manufacturer NEW BALANCE He became popular thanks to fashionable bloggers. It was they who influenced many girls who wear brand sneakers with skirts, trousers, jeans, dresses and shorts.

White leather sneakers (41 photos): Models of leather, how to wash and clean, whiten 2073_17

The species diversity of sneakers amazes an inexperienced buyer, in stores you can find:

  • Running models. Ideal to overcome large distances not only in the hall, but also on the street. They have special depreciation elements that protect the foot from damage;
  • Gym. They are high with a stable sole, which allows you to securely fix and hold the ankle;
  • For fitness - light, breathable, with a special relief, dense sole and depreciation;
  • For walking, designers are developing lightweight models with orthopedic insoles and a simple fixation system on the leg.

White leather sneakers (41 photos): Models of leather, how to wash and clean, whiten 2073_18

White leather sneakers (41 photos): Models of leather, how to wash and clean, whiten 2073_19

White leather sneakers (41 photos): Models of leather, how to wash and clean, whiten 2073_20

White leather sneakers (41 photos): Models of leather, how to wash and clean, whiten 2073_21

White leather care

White Leather Sneakers - Fashion Unautable Classic . But they have one big drawback - impracticality, since the skin is soft and vulnerable. Special care is needed. It will allow for a long time to save shoes in its original form.

White leather sneakers (41 photos): Models of leather, how to wash and clean, whiten 2073_22

White leather sneakers (41 photos): Models of leather, how to wash and clean, whiten 2073_23

White leather sneakers (41 photos): Models of leather, how to wash and clean, whiten 2073_24

Stylists advise adhere to the following instructions:

  • Pay attention not only to pollution. Traces from damage are also very noticeable on a white background. So no one has canceled the neatness.
  • For white sneakers, it is better to highlight a separate place where they could not touch the other shoes.
  • The brush and sponge should only be for white skin, there is still a special foam synthetic substance. It will remove dust from the surface and cope with deep pollution.
  • Before placing a storage requires careful dryer, after the package in the package.
  • After each socks, be sure to clean the shoes with soapy water, wipe with a dry soft cloth.
  • Local spots, if they are not deckless, will remove the folk, all available means. For example, the toothpaste is a whitening powder. Or lemon juice and food sodes are able to whiten the skin.
  • An old stains are easy to launder with a bakery powder. It is poured on a stain and drip some water, as a result of the reaction that has occurred, pollution simply dissolves.
  • Processing of shoes with special cream. It contains special substances that stitch stains will make them less visible. The cream still has a water-repellent property, which will allow longer to keep clean.

White leather sneakers (41 photos): Models of leather, how to wash and clean, whiten 2073_25

White leather sneakers (41 photos): Models of leather, how to wash and clean, whiten 2073_26

White leather sneakers (41 photos): Models of leather, how to wash and clean, whiten 2073_27

White leather sneakers (41 photos): Models of leather, how to wash and clean, whiten 2073_28

White leather sneakers (41 photos): Models of leather, how to wash and clean, whiten 2073_29

White leather sneakers (41 photos): Models of leather, how to wash and clean, whiten 2073_30

What to wear

Today, white sneakers have lost the status of exclusively sports shoes. We are combined with many outlets of the wardrobe, getting stylish and modern bows.

White leather sneakers (41 photos): Models of leather, how to wash and clean, whiten 2073_31

  • Sneakers with dress or skirt. It used to seem that it is not combined. But for girls there are no barriers, especially the boilers - they combine sneakers even with evening outfits.

White leather sneakers (41 photos): Models of leather, how to wash and clean, whiten 2073_32

White leather sneakers (41 photos): Models of leather, how to wash and clean, whiten 2073_33

White leather sneakers (41 photos): Models of leather, how to wash and clean, whiten 2073_34

White leather sneakers (41 photos): Models of leather, how to wash and clean, whiten 2073_35

  • Sneakers and classic straight pants have long been in trend. The image acquires the shade of courage, attracts attention. On the top you can throw the jacket.

White leather sneakers (41 photos): Models of leather, how to wash and clean, whiten 2073_36

  • In summer, sneakers with shorts are perfect. Mike, T-shirt or Tunic - In any modification, the image will become mischievous and very alive.

White leather sneakers (41 photos): Models of leather, how to wash and clean, whiten 2073_37

  • Sneakers are harmoniously enter the tandem with a coat or a triple, while the bow looks comfortable and cozy.

White leather sneakers (41 photos): Models of leather, how to wash and clean, whiten 2073_38

White leather sneakers (41 photos): Models of leather, how to wash and clean, whiten 2073_39

  • Jeans are universal clothing, beautiful to combine with white leather sneakers. Skinny, shoes, fight friends, straight - they will all suit the sports shoes.

White leather sneakers (41 photos): Models of leather, how to wash and clean, whiten 2073_40

White leather sneakers (41 photos): Models of leather, how to wash and clean, whiten 2073_41

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