Boomarshrutes of Moscow and Moscow region: bike at Lopatin careers and other cycling rugs, picturesque exit days


Currents in Moscow and Moscow region not only make it possible to outdoor activities. They expand the horizons, acquainted with interesting places - historical or just very beautiful. This communication with like-minded people, gaining friends, knowledge of themselves and its physical opportunities.

Boomarshrutes of Moscow and Moscow region: bike at Lopatin careers and other cycling rugs, picturesque exit days 20680_2

Boomarshrutes of Moscow and Moscow region: bike at Lopatin careers and other cycling rugs, picturesque exit days 20680_3

Boomarshrutes of Moscow and Moscow region: bike at Lopatin careers and other cycling rugs, picturesque exit days 20680_4

One-day cycling in Moscow - a memory for life. Whether you are at least three times of the Native Muscovite, this city has so much beauty in itself, stories that no citizen can say: "I know everything here, I'm not interested in anything."

Moscow is inexhaustible, it is beautiful and mysterious, unrecognizable and infinite. And if you are a lover of cycling, be sure that this can be devoted to all your life, always find an interesting and new route around the city and Moscow region.

Many popular routes for cyc travel are already laid on the map.

Boomarshrutes of Moscow and Moscow region: bike at Lopatin careers and other cycling rugs, picturesque exit days 20680_5

Boomarshrutes of Moscow and Moscow region: bike at Lopatin careers and other cycling rugs, picturesque exit days 20680_6

Lovers of a non-disconnectable trail can always come up with new ways on their own, make your own bikes.

To the attention of those who do not want to bother themselves with the compilation of an individual plan, routes are offered at interesting places. Ride on the wonderful embankment, see many bridges, to visit Domodedovo, admire the temples, old and new Moscow.

There are quite a few bicycles designed for experienced travelers. Some of them take several days, others are laid on difficult areas with complex road conditions. For example, 40 kilometers of sand roads were experienced cyclists equates to 70 km on solid primer or at a flat highway.

Boomarshrutes of Moscow and Moscow region: bike at Lopatin careers and other cycling rugs, picturesque exit days 20680_7

Boomarshrutes of Moscow and Moscow region: bike at Lopatin careers and other cycling rugs, picturesque exit days 20680_8

Weekend routes, cycle machine on night prospects overflowing multicolored lights of Moscow, Fabulous Arbat, Red Square and much more . For those who like nature, but do not want to go beyond the city trait, park routes are laid. Among them Manor Kuzminki - Lublin Park - Manor Lublin and so on . For experienced, ready-made routes with a length of 50 or more kilometers, with overnight stays in hotels or open-air in tents, if there is a desire to go on a trip with a lifting.

Boomarshrutes of Moscow and Moscow region: bike at Lopatin careers and other cycling rugs, picturesque exit days 20680_9

Boomarshrutes of Moscow and Moscow region: bike at Lopatin careers and other cycling rugs, picturesque exit days 20680_10

4 bridge

The route unites Yakimanka, Khamovniki, Dorogomilovo, Arbat. The authorities of the city argue that this is the main and extended cycle trace of Moscow. Its length is 16 kilometers, the route originates from the Museum Park and the Crimean Bridge, finishes in Victory Park. All over the route, widths expect a comfortable relaxed ride on a wide three-meter track. Traffic unhurried, nasty and collision.

Boomarshrutes of Moscow and Moscow region: bike at Lopatin careers and other cycling rugs, picturesque exit days 20680_11

You can safely admire all through the trip to the surrounding landscape, sometimes urbanistic, sometimes pastoral, when the track dives into a non-piece garden, passes through the sparrow mountains. The route goes along the magnificent embankments, bypassing the path of 4 bridges than and earned such a name.

Those who have already tried the route, you can slightly change it. From Vorobyevskaya embankment to roll to the right and drive around Berezhkovskaya and the waterfront Taras Shevchenko. Then go to the side of Moscow-City, having loved by the bridges Bagration, Borodinsky, Novoarbatsky. Such a decision will reduce the road by 3 kilometers, but it will be possible to admire the magnificent view of the Ukraine Hotel.

Boomarshrutes of Moscow and Moscow region: bike at Lopatin careers and other cycling rugs, picturesque exit days 20680_12

8 Soviet parks

One of the most exciting urban routes . The wallate path begins from Izmailovsky Park and leads to Sokolniki. Then, crossing the park and the melankovsk station, the track smoothly will bring to the EDSH, along the star boulevard and Sheremetyevskaya street to the festival, then to the Catherine Parks. In the large Georgian street to Presnensky Park. After that, there will be a minor of the embankments, the Khamovnikovnikov shaft, a mischievous garden and finish on Leninsky Prospect.

"Green" routes are offered to the attention of connoisseurs of silence and pristine. For those who are tired on weekdays to breathe urban dust, there is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy clean air, a vehicle's aroma, bird singing. To be with nature alone, or to arrange a picnic with family, in the company of friends.

At the same time, it is necessary to remember the rules of security - not to breed fires in the wrong places, do not leave behind the garbage.

Boomarshrutes of Moscow and Moscow region: bike at Lopatin careers and other cycling rugs, picturesque exit days 20680_13

Boomarshrutes of Moscow and Moscow region: bike at Lopatin careers and other cycling rugs, picturesque exit days 20680_14

  • Borisov ponds . The length of the route is from 8 to 30 km. After a serious reconstruction in the park there were many new bicycle tracks located near the ponds. The beach is equipped, lounge chairs are installed, where you can relax, have lunch, relax, swim.
  • Izmailovsky Park. The length of the track of 11 kilometers, runs through the territory of the park, goes to the three metro stations: "Izmailovskaya", "Highway of enthusiasts", "Partizanskaya".

  • Fil - Filevsky Park, part of the natural historical complex of the Moskvoretsky Park. Bicycle tank Park was built by new technology. Its coating does not absorb water, so driving on it after the rain gives special feelings. From the same route you can get to the Krylat hills.

  • Bitsevsky Park. There are many tracks, some run around the outskirts, others deepen into the thick of the forest, but in any case it is the most convenient to take the start from the metro station. After that, you can decide exactly how to distribute the route.

Boomarshrutes of Moscow and Moscow region: bike at Lopatin careers and other cycling rugs, picturesque exit days 20680_15

Boomarshrutes of Moscow and Moscow region: bike at Lopatin careers and other cycling rugs, picturesque exit days 20680_16

Along the Yauza to the city center

This track covers many metro stations, including Cherkizovskaya, "Sokolniki", "Partizanskaya" and so on. The cyclists characterize her track with a not too good coating, but it does not interfere with its popularity. Despite the disadvantages, the coating is quite suitable for use, and as an apology, the route gives a trip without traffic lights, overlap and pedestrians. The route is 17 kilometers long in the city center.

Boomarshrutes of Moscow and Moscow region: bike at Lopatin careers and other cycling rugs, picturesque exit days 20680_17

From Yuvao in charge

The route begins from the station "Marino" in Lublin Street, heading towards the center, turns to the break. According to the reboot to Graphite-Ilovayskaya, then an effort will be required to transfer bicycles (let them rest) through the overpass. After travelers are sent to the Protnikovsky Park. In the park you can relax, enjoy the green twilight, bird singing, forest air aroma, and again. The road lies on the Embankment of the Moscow River towards the center.

Boomarshrutes of Moscow and Moscow region: bike at Lopatin careers and other cycling rugs, picturesque exit days 20680_18

Losinoostrovsky Park

One of the largest forest arrays of the capital . There is a bicycle rental, excellent bicycle faces, on the Babaev pond observation deck. From here, excellent species are opened, and here usually everyone starts their own route. Abrahantsevskaya Prosek leads to paper pros. But if the travelers will go from the paper requests by the Northern way, they will fall on the messenger biostation.

Next after it is some more wonderful places: a bird garden, an arboretum. If the cyclists are not tired, then driving above and further, they will see a beautiful pond called Else. A little left will be a glade fairy tales. In general, all the routes of the Losina Islands can be considered family, as, however, and heard.

Here rides and resting a lot of family couples with children.

Boomarshrutes of Moscow and Moscow region: bike at Lopatin careers and other cycling rugs, picturesque exit days 20680_19

Boomarshrutes of Moscow and Moscow region: bike at Lopatin careers and other cycling rugs, picturesque exit days 20680_20

Parks in the West and the road to the center

The western part of the capital provided two excellent cycling in parks for recreation and skating. The Krylat hills serve as the beginning of the route, then an amazing panoramic review of the capital follows as a continuation. Immediately in the park there is a skiing complex "Lata Track", it can be descended from it to the phileastic embankment, bypassing three fleets along the way. These are green arrays with courageous names: Soldatenkovsky, Suvorovsky, Voroshilovsky. From the fleet of the Fili Track will lead to the Krasnopresnensky Park.

Boomarshrutes of Moscow and Moscow region: bike at Lopatin careers and other cycling rugs, picturesque exit days 20680_21

Western aristocracy

Two more parks are proud of new cycleheads of excellent quality. Victory Park, SETUN Park, where rides will be able to admire the Mosfilm Lake. After that, bypassing the Embassy of Sweden, the cyclists come to the Vorobyevskaya embankment, further to the Moscow State University or Sparrow Mountains.

Boomarshrutes of Moscow and Moscow region: bike at Lopatin careers and other cycling rugs, picturesque exit days 20680_22


The above paths are just a small part of what can provide the capital to fans of bicycle walks.

  • Short, But a wonderful route for the Botanical Garden, Where it will be possible not only to listen to birds and admire rare plants. Holidaymakers will be happy to breathe aromatic air, they will enjoy a silence, a Japanese garden, ponds with water lily and an amazing rosary. After a walk in the garden, they go to the Ostankinsky Park and finish a trip from the VDNH.

  • Acquaintance with the history of the city, modern and past centuries will be held on the route : Smolenskaya Square - Patriarchal Ponds - Self-Single - Ekaterininsky Park - Colored Boulevard - Mossecka - Kitchensky Passage - Moskvoretskaya Embankment. On this highway you can see both new Moscow and old.

Boomarshrutes of Moscow and Moscow region: bike at Lopatin careers and other cycling rugs, picturesque exit days 20680_23

Boomarshrutes of Moscow and Moscow region: bike at Lopatin careers and other cycling rugs, picturesque exit days 20680_24

Review of cycling routes of the Moscow region

Not only and not so much Moscow can boast of beauty - the suburbs are overflowing with picturesque landscapes, unique historical places. The cycling rugs in the Moscow region can be performed on many routes. All of them are designed to meet the varying degrees of complexity. We can use novice, inexperienced cyclists, as well as lovers of mountain bikes, for which tens of kilometers of complex traces of rough terrain and various types of soils are what they dream of long winter.

Lopatin careers

A rather complex route to the Lopatin careers, where travelers are waiting for only 10% asphalt, the rest are ground roads, of which a considerable part is sandy. It is difficult to keep the balance on the sand, with slow ride you have to be laid out physically, and an unprepared cycle tutorial to withstand the track will be extremely difficult. But the landscapes and the atmosphere of the ultimate goal are worth noting the strength, to get there.

The impression is awesome - as if people get to another planet. Despite the reclamation of phosphoritic quarries, and, perhaps, thanks to her, the careers turned into something expedited. Multicolored lakes - blue, blue, yellow, deep gutter, snow-white mountain, high steep "shores", covered with a pine forest planted after the cessation of work, create a unique atmosphere.

Boomarshrutes of Moscow and Moscow region: bike at Lopatin careers and other cycling rugs, picturesque exit days 20680_25

Boomarshrutes of Moscow and Moscow region: bike at Lopatin careers and other cycling rugs, picturesque exit days 20680_26

Binds the unrealistic picture of a rusting walking excavator height with a five-storey house and resembles the era of the huge monster of the Kaliyuga era. Smaller equipment nearby aggravates this feeling. The length of the track is 48 km, an area of ​​88 km, a thread of the route: Moskvoretskaya - Khlovo - Lopatin careers - about. Berezovka - Chelohovo - Moskvoretskaya.

Boomarshrutes of Moscow and Moscow region: bike at Lopatin careers and other cycling rugs, picturesque exit days 20680_27

Lake Torfyanka

The route is more suitable for bicycle rugs in beautiful places in the Moscow region. Make this tour can beginner cyclists. The route runs mostly on the asphalt road, which turns into a solid ground. It begins in Moscow, passes through the parks and goes to the city of Queen.

Coming out at the stop of Bolshevo and visiting the peat lake, the reaches, tourists go to the Park Losinai Island look at beautiful places. Throughout the path there is only one difficult place. Approximately with a kilometer will have to go through the dirt, places to transfer the bike. Route length 36 km: Moscow - Bolshevo - Peathanka - Losyina Island - Botanical Garden.

Boomarshrutes of Moscow and Moscow region: bike at Lopatin careers and other cycling rugs, picturesque exit days 20680_28

Boomarshrutes of Moscow and Moscow region: bike at Lopatin careers and other cycling rugs, picturesque exit days 20680_29

Boomarshrutes of Moscow and Moscow region: bike at Lopatin careers and other cycling rugs, picturesque exit days 20680_30

Options for cycling with children

To families where children are still small and are not able to ride their own bicycles with parents around the city, it is best to spend time in parks, such as VDNH, Fili and others, where there are rental items. There you can take not only adult bicycle options per one, but also tandems.

They will be offered funny family three, four-seater bikes with a stretched trend. They can be fun to ride the whole family. There is always the opportunity to take children's child for your baby. There would be a desire, the possibilities will always be.

Boomarshrutes of Moscow and Moscow region: bike at Lopatin careers and other cycling rugs, picturesque exit days 20680_31

Boomarshrutes of Moscow and Moscow region: bike at Lopatin careers and other cycling rugs, picturesque exit days 20680_32

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