Electroscate speed: maximum and average speed. What develops and how to increase?


Scooter for decades was considered the prerogative of children and adolescents. As the electric scooter models appear on the background of the growing concern for people about ecology in the form of a refusal of personal cars and even public transport in favor of ecological bikes and electrical sinks, this two-wheeled iron horse has become used as a popular fund to get to work.

Electroscate speed: maximum and average speed. What develops and how to increase? 20539_2

Of course, it is a purely urban vehicle, and you will not leave it too far on it without recharging, but sometimes even around the city have to get a lot of kilometers, and I want to spend as little time as possible. In addition, lovers of fast ride are ready to test as a racing mechanism, almost any people are interested, because many people are interested in how this aggregate is strongly accelerated.

Electroscate speed: maximum and average speed. What develops and how to increase? 20539_3


Unfortunately, the officially recognized record of the electric zoom speed record does not exist - if only because the ordinary unit of this type is not equipped with a speedometer. In addition, manufacturers usually do not seek to create a truly fast electronic unit, and they have two weighty reasons.

  • Danger for the passenger . It is difficult to come up with such a type of transport where the ride would be protected even less than on the scooter. The maximum that can be invented for security is the minimum "set of a cyclist" from the helmet and elbow-peasants with knee pads, but at high speed they are from injuries, of course, will not save. In addition, the scooter with the engine, unlike the same bicycle, is noticeably more difficult in controlling on steep turns, because manufacturers prefer to set a relatively low limit speed for the device.

Electroscate speed: maximum and average speed. What develops and how to increase? 20539_4

Electroscate speed: maximum and average speed. What develops and how to increase? 20539_5

  • Increase the mass with increasing speed. Ordinary Mechanical Scooter - Transport is quite lightweight, it is convenient to overcome obstacles with it and move along the stairs, but the electric version is the most severe part of a priori is a battery. Unfortunately, in most cases there is a direct relationship between the capacity of the battery and the power issued by the engine, and the latter depends on how good the transport is gaining speed. Accordingly, the existing models from the number of high-speed weigh quite a lot and are inconvenient, but you can make them even faster, but then they will become completely inconvenient.

Electroscate speed: maximum and average speed. What develops and how to increase? 20539_6

Electroscate speed: maximum and average speed. What develops and how to increase? 20539_7

Considering all of the above, it is not to be surprised that by default the factory scooter (and then not everyone) develops on the electric shirt at best, 60 km / h, and even then if there are ideal conditions, which will be discussed below.

However, in our country there are enough folk craftsmen who want to remove the program limit of speed and increase it due to some modernization of the device, thereby achieving more serious 80 and 90 km / h. An unofficial record and a generally accepted benchmark for each modernized scooter can be considered 100 km / h, But the owner can accelerate so strongly only if 100% trusts the quality of the road, which should be perfectly even, and its ability to control the vehicle in such conditions.

Electroscate speed: maximum and average speed. What develops and how to increase? 20539_8

What factors affect the maximum scooter speed?

The concept of maximum speed for a particular model is somewhat conditional - usually meaning the average maximum speed, to achieve which is relatively easy, but it happens that the manufacturer deliberately overslets the number and the declared maximum can only be achieved in ideal conditions. To understand how to squeeze out of the electrosocata, we consider, which depends on the swiftness of movement.

  • Motor characteristics . It is almost the main criterion, which is one of two steadily affecting the speed. Power and torque is a stock of the power of transport, they do not change under any circumstances (except for upgrading with the replacement of parts). Holding to ride the most quickly as possible, you in any case should pay attention to those models that have the best indicators of these characteristics.

Electroscate speed: maximum and average speed. What develops and how to increase? 20539_9

  • Wheel diameter. The engine spins the wheels to a certain number of revolutions per second. It is clear that the scooter with small wheels the distance passed will be smaller than the model that has a more serious diameter. Of course, the more the wheels, the more harder, and the more difficult to rotate them, however, the factory manufacturer usually takes into account this moment and makes the engine power of the corresponding.

Electroscate speed: maximum and average speed. What develops and how to increase? 20539_10

  • Weight vehicle and passenger. The total mass of the moving transport strongly affects the speed of movement - if it is large, the friction force with the road surface increases, and you will not go so quickly. Fast electrosphamcat should be lighter by itself, without losing other driving qualities.

If you are already without a difficult model, load not only yourself, but also a huge backpack, you should not be surprised that she barely rides.

Electroscate speed: maximum and average speed. What develops and how to increase? 20539_11

  • Road features. If the road is perfectly smooth, scooter literally slides, without experiencing special resistance, and this, of course, is a huge plus for transport. Whether the business is a viscous coating that allows some shattering of the scooter and the engagement of the wheels at least in the minimum pits formed under their own weight. In addition, it matters and tilt - how to go uphill is much harder than from the mountain and the electric motor with a lift will spend much more effort.

Electroscate speed: maximum and average speed. What develops and how to increase? 20539_12

  • Headwind . Even this factor that seems insignificant affects the speed, since it creates additional resistance. By itself, it is usually not so influencing, but in a closer to the mountain, the result may be depressing for the one who is in a hurry.

Electroscate speed: maximum and average speed. What develops and how to increase? 20539_13

What speed is needed?

The reasons for which manufacturers do not produce truly racing scooters were described above - it remains to understand how to choose a specific model for its tasks, because even the stated 60 km / h is quite a lot for short trips around the city. There is a special classification of electrical sinks in the context of the one who is driving - it also contains information about the normal power of such transport. Specialists advise the following.

  • Children. It is believed that 5-10 km / h for them is the ceiling. In fact, it is a walking of an adult or unhurried jogging, but for the one who is just learning, no longer needed. For such an indicator, there is enough a motor with a capacity of about 100 W.

Electroscate speed: maximum and average speed. What develops and how to increase? 20539_14

  • Adolescents and adult beginners . For those and other requests may be more serious than simple "pokatushki" in the yard - for them it is already an option of personal transport. At the same time, experience and excerpts are usually lacking such drivers, because the speed above 15 km / h is optional for them, which is 150-250 W in the watt equivalent.

Electroscate speed: maximum and average speed. What develops and how to increase? 20539_15

Electroscate speed: maximum and average speed. What develops and how to increase? 20539_16

  • Adults for everyday life . If you are not surprised by the scooter, and you need an electrosocathkat everyday, because it replaces the car or public transport, focus on the high-speed barrier of about 35 km / h - in the end, you should not just go to the same work. You can expect such acu from a power model in 250-350 W.

Electroscate speed: maximum and average speed. What develops and how to increase? 20539_17

  • Riders. If you consider yourself a lover of fast driving and elementary not afraid to overclock such a rapidity of such a fragile design, it is worth paying attention to models that can accelerate up to 40-60 km / h. In such scooters, manufacturers often make an emphasis that they do not lose their cruising speed even in adverse conditions, and therefore their capacity is impressive - usually it ranges from 700 to the breathtaking 2000 W.

Electroscate speed: maximum and average speed. What develops and how to increase? 20539_18

Electroscate speed: maximum and average speed. What develops and how to increase? 20539_19

Electroscate speed: maximum and average speed. What develops and how to increase? 20539_20

How to pump a vehicle?

No matter how hard you try to choose the most advanced electrosocat, With a huge share of probability, it will happen that the stated characteristics are somewhat exaggerated. For example, when the stroke of 90 km, the battery really grabs only 60-70 km, until the maximum speed, the unit necessarily does not reach at least 2-3 km / h, and with a semi-discharged battery, the problems begin in any ride.

For this reason, many craftsmen consider it reasonable to collect electrical scams on their own to regulate its parameters, or upgrade the model purchased in the box.

Electroscate speed: maximum and average speed. What develops and how to increase? 20539_21

To increase the "endurance" of the scooter, you must purchase for it and install a more powerful battery. The difficulty lies in the fact that many models have individual dimensions individually, and find the model of the same capacity, but the same size is extremely difficult. Well, if the configuration of the housing assumes the installation of additional batteries into special cells - in this case, experiment will be much easier.

Electroscate speed: maximum and average speed. What develops and how to increase? 20539_22

As for the engine, it almost in all cases will normally survive overclocking about 1.5 or even 2 times higher than the factory standard, especially if you do not be messed up over the homemade, rushing on it uphill on a crusher yes with the opposite wind. Another thing is that the motor-wheel controller has certain limitations that do not allow to disperse the scooter greater than the "normal" speed set by the plant. Hence, The essence of the modification is either in replacing the controller to another, or it will have to thoroughly overpass the original fee.

Electroscate speed: maximum and average speed. What develops and how to increase? 20539_23

    Most often it is relevant precisely the second option, and everything for the same reason - due to the lack of space inside the case, which prevents experimenting with the selection of parts. At the same time, for a beginner, a soldering board may be a challenge, and instead of an excellent scooter who has undergone a useful upgrade, a bunch of useless scrap metal will get.

    Please note that the self-alteration of the scooter is not only fraught with non-functionality, but also leads to a guarantee loss.

    Electroscate speed: maximum and average speed. What develops and how to increase? 20539_24

    More information about what is the speed of the electrosocata, you will learn by looking at the next video.

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