Round riding on the roadway: features of the cyclists on the road. Which side do they have to go?


Many residents of megacities understand that the bike is the most successful alternative to the car and public transport. First, it is not necessary to stand in traffic jams, secondly, the family budget is significantly saved.

In the nearby past, when very few cars were found on the roadway part, bicycles were the best way to move. They traveled both adults and children. In small towns, villages and villages, two-wheeled vehicles are indispensable to this day.

In the modern world, the bike is a fashionable and useful vehicle. Cyclist, sitting on his "iron horse", is considered a participant in the road, and therefore should know traffic rules and not to break them.

But unfortunately, not every owner of a two-wheeled construction is aware of this fact, which is exposed to itself, drivers of other transport and pedestrians of danger.

Round riding on the roadway: features of the cyclists on the road. Which side do they have to go? 20507_2

Round riding on the roadway: features of the cyclists on the road. Which side do they have to go? 20507_3

Requirements for technical equipment of bike

Unfortunately, most motorists believe that the cyclists cannot be traveled to the road. So that the lack of appropriate protective uniforms from drivers of two-wheeled vehicles and non-compliance with them of the road rules on the road.

In fact, the bike is the most real vehicle that can be used to move on roads. The man who, destroyed by the wheel of the bicycle, automatically becomes a member of road traffic, which means must observe traffic rules.

Cyclist is important to remember that its "Iron horse" must comply with the requirements of the technical condition. Before leaving, it is very important to check the status of the wheels, make sure to correct the brake system and sound signals. Special attention should be paid to the mounting of the steering wheel and the saddle.

Round riding on the roadway: features of the cyclists on the road. Which side do they have to go? 20507_4

Round riding on the roadway: features of the cyclists on the road. Which side do they have to go? 20507_5

It is important to test the operation of lighting equipment. Especially if the trip is scheduled in the evening. On the front of the bicycle there must be a central lamp of white and headlights. On the back side - a red lamp and backgrowers.

The bicycle driver is categorically prohibited to move around the street in the dark time of the day with faulty or completely absent lighting devices. The same applies to the fault of the steering of bicycle and brakes.

Modern bicycle models have a small engine capacity to 0.25 kW With automatic shutdown system when set by high speed cyclist. Such modifications of two-wheeled vehicles are equated with classic bicycle models and allowed to move on roads.

Round riding on the roadway: features of the cyclists on the road. Which side do they have to go? 20507_6

Round riding on the roadway: features of the cyclists on the road. Which side do they have to go? 20507_7

Age restrictions

Few interested information about the age limitations of cyclists. According to the majority, every person can manage two-wheeled transport, and an adult. In principle, it is. Initially, children are sitting on three-wheeled structures, slightly matured, transplanted on two-wheeled bikes. Respectively, The technical characteristics of bikers with each stage of growing children are increasing, and it becomes uninteresting in specially reserved places.

On this account, the PDD is present subsection, in which it is clearly spelled out that the cyclist, who has not reached the age of 14, has no right to ride the roadway and the side of the road. Children in the age period of 7-14 should move exclusively on the pedestrian zone and cycling paths. The kids under 7 years old are allowed to move only on pedestrian zones under adult supervision.

In addition, cycling on the roadway includes not only the age limit, but also knowledge of the rules of the road.

Round riding on the roadway: features of the cyclists on the road. Which side do they have to go? 20507_8

Round riding on the roadway: features of the cyclists on the road. Which side do they have to go? 20507_9

Do the driver's license need?

Despite the fact that the cyclist is a full-fledged participant in the road, the rights are not issued. At the same time, many fans of cycling have a driver's license to driving a car, but there is no need to take a document with you to travel around the city by bike.

Actually, The presence of driving rights speaks of the passage of specialized driving school, where the rules of behavior on the road drivers, pedestrians, cyclists are being studied (And the latter have a unique opportunity to change their own status for the fraction of seconds). Speaking with simple words, while man is on a bicycle - he is a driver. As soon as he tears from a bicycle and take him nearby - he became a pedestrian.

Round riding on the roadway: features of the cyclists on the road. Which side do they have to go? 20507_10

Round riding on the roadway: features of the cyclists on the road. Which side do they have to go? 20507_11

Where and how can you ride?

Many drivers risk each day to get into an accident involving a cyclist, the fault of the last rules of the road. And what to smear, drivers of passenger transport do not always remember where the cyclist can be moved.

To resolve this dispute, you must remember the set of traffic rules, where it is clear and clearly spelled out that the cyclist is allowed to move along the passage of the right of passing vehicles. We are talking about the edge of the road or in general about the right strip with a multibound movement.

In addition, PDDs are defined where the cyclist who has reached a 14-year-old age should move:

  • cycling or cycling paths, as well as stripes intended for bicycles;
  • On the carriageway, the cyclist should go along the right side of the road;
  • The bicycle driver is allowed to ride by the road;
  • on the pedestrian part.

Round riding on the roadway: features of the cyclists on the road. Which side do they have to go? 20507_12

It is important to note that the items presented in the specified order are applied in the absence of previous ones. For example, a cyclist can go through the roadside, if there is no bicycle path, and there is no possibility to go on the road. But, like any rules, traffic rules have a small list of exceptions:

  • The cyclist can move along the roadway if the width of the transport and the trailer possible is more than 1 m;
  • Cyclists can travel along the road column.

There are cases when the cyclist occurs a breakdown of the "iron horse" or he is injured itself. In such cases, the victim is important to behave correctly on the road. First, a cyclist, whipped from a bicycle, automatically turns into a pedestrian. Pedestrians when driving along the road outside of settlements should go against the road.

However, people riding a bike next to them must move towards other cars.

Round riding on the roadway: features of the cyclists on the road. Which side do they have to go? 20507_13

Secondly, to get to the intended goal cyclist is extremely important to correctly build a route. In order to avoid emergency situations, it is preferable to choose roads with a low automotive stream. Of course, you can go on a public track, for example, in the Moscow Ring Road or on the highway, if the end item is a remote village. But even holding the right of the total flow of cars, the probability of getting into an accident is great.

With children and adolescents that have not reached 14 years old, the question of behavior on the roadway does not even rise. They can ride in sidewalks, pedestrian and cycling stripes. The kids are obliged to ride their transport only under the supervision of parents. But even children should follow the road in front of themselves. They should not be a hindrance for other people.

Parents are recommended in advance to teach the child to the manner of the behavior of the driver of two-wheeled vehicles and first explain that the location of his Iron horse should be on the right side.

Round riding on the roadway: features of the cyclists on the road. Which side do they have to go? 20507_14

By motorway

Most of the cyclists, knowing that they can be moved along the roadway, incline into the car movement, not paying attention to the road significance. For this reason, many emergency situations arise, where the culprit most often recognize the driver of a passenger car. But There are cases when wines in an accident falls on the shoulders of the cyclist. In this case, it is said about the ride of the cyclist on the motorway.

According to an approved PDD cyclist, it is forbidden to move around the roadway, where the signs "Road for cars" and motorways are exhibited. Otherwise, the cyclist can receive an administrative penalty.

Round riding on the roadway: features of the cyclists on the road. Which side do they have to go? 20507_15

By sideboard

If the bike meets the technical requirements, and the driver himself reached a 14 year old age, it is allowed to leave for a roadway, but to move exclusively by road. Holding the right of the total car stream, the cyclist will be able to safely move forward, while not to interfere with other road users.

But this does not mean that The owner of the bicycle must be kept as close as possible to the curb or go through the edge of the asphalt road. And, most importantly, do not be nervous. Some carved motorists start signaling with the requirement to move from the road and skip them. The cyclist in a similar situation is still the right to the right. Road marking is calculated with a sufficient stock, so that all the transport it is convenient to move forward.

Round riding on the roadway: features of the cyclists on the road. Which side do they have to go? 20507_16

On a pedestrian crossing

As mentioned earlier, the cyclist is a full-fledged road participant. But as soon as he gets from his "iron horse" - automatically turns into a pedestrian.

If the cyclist had the need to be on the other side of the road, He is obliged to get to a pedestrian crossing, get away from his vehicle and within walking, Katya is near the bike, cross the road. Cross the road, sitting in the saddle, is strictly prohibited. Peeling from a bicycle, a person automatically changes its legal status and gets a pedestrian priority.

In the case when the cyclist on the passage in a pedestrian crossing falls into an accident, the driver of a knocking transport can safely call the traffic police to draw up the protocol and identify the degree of guilt of each road accident.

Round riding on the roadway: features of the cyclists on the road. Which side do they have to go? 20507_17

What to do is prohibited?

Cyclist before sitting behind the steering wheel of two-wheeled transport, should familiarize yourself with the rules of the road and learn how to apply them in practice. But Even experienced cyclists, being on one road with a stream of passenger cars, allow traffic violations.

The most common violations of cyclists are the movement and travel on the cycling in a pedestrian crossing. In such situations, the cyclist itself does not understand that being behind the wheel of two-wheeled vehicles, he is a driver, and not a pedestrian.

Both presented violations of traffic rules are extremely dangerous and can lead to the death of the bicycle driver. Motorists, according to the rules of the road, should be passed only by pedestrians, the riding cyclist has nothing to do with them.

Round riding on the roadway: features of the cyclists on the road. Which side do they have to go? 20507_18

Some cyclists can afford to manage two-wheeled transport in a state of alcoholic intoxication. Do it is categorically prohibited. Of course, Select the driver's license to the owner of the bike will not work, but traffic police can write an administrative penalty.

In addition, the cyclist is prohibited to make reversal and turn left if the road is designed for 2 bands and more. The same applies to the presence of tramways. Cyclists cannot be transported by passengers if the design of the bike transport is not designed for an additional place. Road rules prohibit cyclists to engage in cargo transportation, whose dimensions perform from different sides by more than 50 cm.

Cyclists, like other road users, are forbidden to talk on the phone while driving. Cannot be engaged in any other things at which the driver must completely release the steering.

Round riding on the roadway: features of the cyclists on the road. Which side do they have to go? 20507_19

Among other things, the drivers of two-wheeled transport extremely rarely pay attention to road signs, for example, "brick" or "bicycle movement is prohibited."

Penalties for violations of the rules

    To find out how much the biker wallet will be empty for the Penalty officer, it is possible using the latest version of the project's rules. Almost at the end of the book there is a section with deciphering an incriminated article and the amounts of administrative penalties. The minimum penalty is 800 rubles. At the same time, monetary punishment is designed only for easy offenses. If the damage to private property was caused or harm to the health of other participants in the movement, the amount of the penalty written out several times.

    Much stricter, traffic police officers are punished by cyclists caught by the management of bike transport in a state of alcoholic intoxication. The amount of the fine fluctuates within 1000-1500 rubles. Of course, such a size of the administrative offense cannot be called large, but according to traffic police, very effective.

    From every year the amount of payment for administrative offenses increases depending on the lifting of 1 MPP. A couple of years ago, the minimum penalty was some 200 rubles, and for serious offenses, the cyclist was supposed to pay 500 rubles. And in most cases, the driver of the curricul transport was able to get rid of the warning of traffic police. Today it is so easy to avoid punishment.

    Round riding on the roadway: features of the cyclists on the road. Which side do they have to go? 20507_20

    On how to move the cyclists in the city correctly, see below.

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