Which bike computer is better to choose? Top wireless computers bicycle. Overview of brands most accurate cost models


Modern man has little live without a variety of gadgets, and if it is also a cyclist with the habit of traveling in unfamiliar places - even more so. Cars are equipped with on-board computers for a long time, and manufacturers have realized that the two-wheeled transport, too, is worthy of advanced equipment. Of course, the majority of active contemporaries have tech smartphone, capable of providing virtually any useful information, but the bike computer is fixed directly on the steering wheel, whatever one may say, it is more convenient.

Another thing is that the unit must be properly selected, and its novelty does not allow anyone to consider myself an expert in this industry.

Which bike computer is better to choose? Top wireless computers bicycle. Overview of brands most accurate cost models 20436_2

Which bike computer is better to choose? Top wireless computers bicycle. Overview of brands most accurate cost models 20436_3

Criterias of choice

It is possible that many of our readers have never heard about a bike computer, so you might begin to understand what it is all about. This device is capable of collecting and display various useful information, whether overcome distance for today or for the season, the current location or condition of the cyclist like his heart. This information is often not only interesting, but useful - if you ride not only for pleasure but also with the expectation of health benefits, such statistics can not hurt.

Theoretically, with the task handle and a smartphone, if you put him on a special program, but the cycling computer in this plan a little better - it is adapted for use in specific circumstances, to a lesser extent afraid of rain and snow, may have additional sensors, conveniently mounted on the steering wheel.

Which bike computer is better to choose? Top wireless computers bicycle. Overview of brands most accurate cost models 20436_4

Which bike computer is better to choose? Top wireless computers bicycle. Overview of brands most accurate cost models 20436_5

As in most such cases, before choosing a particular model you have to answer the questions about what information you want to receive from the onboard computer and why, what additional features are seen as potentially useful and how much money you have. Depending on the answers, you are likely to classify themselves as one of the three groups.

  • lovers . Bike for you - just transport, there you drive to work, or is it one of the variants of your holiday. Overcome distance, current speed and time spent on the trip - that's all the information that you need.

Which bike computer is better to choose? Top wireless computers bicycle. Overview of brands most accurate cost models 20436_6

  • Semi-professionals. You can not be called a professional, but volunteered with the bike you do not peel - it's your favorite hobby. Such a person will not intimidate multi-day cycling trip and though he did not participate in the competition, is ambitious. This means that the bike computer, in addition to the above information, is obliged to remember the best moments such as the mileage for the entire season, the best speed (and secondary as well), the maximum height above sea level.

Which bike computer is better to choose? Top wireless computers bicycle. Overview of brands most accurate cost models 20436_7

  • professionals . Bicycle ride is not just entertainment, but serious workouts. Everything is already important here, including your own state: have the value of the pulse, the flow rate of kilocaloria and much more.

Which bike computer is better to choose? Top wireless computers bicycle. Overview of brands most accurate cost models 20436_8

Theoretically, any of these tasks decides the smartphone with software, but its battery is quick, you will not attach it to the screen, and moisture and mechanical damage are fraught with the death of the device. The fitness monitor is already a little better, however, the scope of its application is too diverse, because it is also suitable for running, hiking and swimming. It is both plus, and minus: on the one hand, the gadget is useful, even when you are not on two wheels, on the other hand, it needs to configure it every time when a type of activity is changed, and in a hurry you can forget about it.

Accordingly, it is better to choose a good cycle computer, which is already sharpened precisely under the use of cycling travel, has special attachments, compact, it is not afraid of water or shocks.

Which bike computer is better to choose? Top wireless computers bicycle. Overview of brands most accurate cost models 20436_9

Which bike computer is better to choose? Top wireless computers bicycle. Overview of brands most accurate cost models 20436_10

Globally cycompers are divided into magnetic and GPS, the difference between them is colossal. Magnetic models are a magnet that is secured with the needle, and the sensor installed on the fork: the distance traveled and the speed is determined by the number of "flaps" of the magnet past the sensor, and although this is a very economical, reliable and durable unit, all its data suffer about the approximation.

Magnetic cycomputers on the type of connection with the visualization unit are divided into wired and wireless, the lack of the first is obvious: the transport looks like by exclusive wires, and they can also rush or cling to obstacles. Models based on GPS and weigh more, and are more expensive, and need regular recharging, but with such an aggregate you never get lost, you can effectively build routes and even use the device outside the bike.

Which bike computer is better to choose? Top wireless computers bicycle. Overview of brands most accurate cost models 20436_11

Which bike computer is better to choose? Top wireless computers bicycle. Overview of brands most accurate cost models 20436_12

Additional functions are needed to someone, and someone will seem to be overwhelmed with overpayment. Suppose Backlight - Useful thing if you often drive around the dark, but not even having a bike lantern, you are hardly useful.

Many consumers are ready to pay extra Battery. that does not discharge longer, but for short trips it is meaningless, because the same smartphone pulls 5-8 hours, the GPS-cycle computer is up to 20 hours, and the magnetic models are generally "immortal" and on one battery live for several years.

For serious data processing, their exports to PC may be needed - the magnetic models of such an option does not happen almost never, but in terms of type of display, they are usually better than any other, even bright sunlight does not interfere with the excellent readability of information.

Which bike computer is better to choose? Top wireless computers bicycle. Overview of brands most accurate cost models 20436_13

Which bike computer is better to choose? Top wireless computers bicycle. Overview of brands most accurate cost models 20436_14

Best brands

In all over the world, consumers, not wanting to go into the debris of the technical characteristics of a particular equipment, prefer to simply trust the brand that would be tested by decades and has been demanding right now. This is not an ideal correct approach to the choice of goods, which allows the possibility of an error when determining a suitable model, but the buyer is usually not disappointed as an acquisition.

Another thing is that cycomporters - technique are relatively new and not produced by soupelized firms like Samsung. All manufacturers started in the specifically taken industry recently, and therefore have approximately equal positions.

Having highlighting some of them, we are based on the data no longer than several years and is largely an advance, so be careful.

  • Echowell. The Taiwan manufacturer is interesting to at least the fact that a significant part of its products make up precisely by the cycle computer, although the history of the company began almost forty years ago. It also produces pocket radio and some small accessories, but in our country there were definitely known devices for cyclists, which already attracts attention.

Which bike computer is better to choose? Top wireless computers bicycle. Overview of brands most accurate cost models 20436_15

Which bike computer is better to choose? Top wireless computers bicycle. Overview of brands most accurate cost models 20436_16

  • Sigma. The Ukrainian brand at its time began as a manufacturer of mobile phones, but not ordinary, and those called "babushcofones". By the way, the official website argues that the term came up with their company. Such units differed not so much as a functional as simplicity and reliability, as well as "imperceptibility", and this is just those features that are so needed by a cycomputer.

Which bike computer is better to choose? Top wireless computers bicycle. Overview of brands most accurate cost models 20436_17

  • Garmin. Because of the unusual name, the brand is often considered French, but in fact it's all the same Taiwan. The company with a thirty-year history at one time very much contributed to the growth of mass demand for the insanely popular GPS technology today and today is listed among the official partners of the leading automakers in the world. It is not surprising that a firm over time decided to make a snap-in bicycle, and it is easy to guess what type of cycomputers it prefers.

Which bike computer is better to choose? Top wireless computers bicycle. Overview of brands most accurate cost models 20436_18

Rating models

As it became clear above, a computer for a bicycle is a very tensile concept. Compare them, such different, is actually quite difficult, because our top will cost without the distribution of places - the taste and color is different, and the felt-tumbras are different, and it is stupid to advise the reader a dear and a sophisticated unit, if he needs a minimum of functions from him. Therefore, any comparisons will be absent, and we will only consider the models of cycling devices that have earned the attention of the consumer this year.

  • Echoell Beetle-1 - an example of what the machine can cost a dime (700-800 rubles), but to work properly. The error is not more than 10 meters per kilometer - this is not the most precise machine, but for everyday use is not a problem. Attaching the quick release of the model - the device is not stolen, if you always take it with you.

Which bike computer is better to choose? Top wireless computers bicycle. Overview of brands most accurate cost models 20436_19

Which bike computer is better to choose? Top wireless computers bicycle. Overview of brands most accurate cost models 20436_20

  • Echowell U4 - add 150 rubles to the cost of the above model and get a number of advantages. Thus, the cycle computer is able to summarize overcome distances and calculate the sum for some trips and more, it automatically switches the screen, alternately displaying all the information without any user commands.

Which bike computer is better to choose? Top wireless computers bicycle. Overview of brands most accurate cost models 20436_21

Which bike computer is better to choose? Top wireless computers bicycle. Overview of brands most accurate cost models 20436_22

  • Sigma Pure 1 It stands a good 2000 rubles, but this cost is due to the fact that this unit is wireless, which means you do not get stuck in the wires. Securing universal here, setting is made within a minute.

Which bike computer is better to choose? Top wireless computers bicycle. Overview of brands most accurate cost models 20436_23

  • Sigma Sport BC 14.16 for 3000 rubles gives much more information than all of the above competitors, for example, here you can find data even on altitude and slope of the road, showing a climb for the travel time. If natural light is not enough to solve the problem helps the built-in light.

Due blyutuzu, this model is able to transmit the collected data to a smartphone, replacing the smart watch.

Which bike computer is better to choose? Top wireless computers bicycle. Overview of brands most accurate cost models 20436_24

  • Garmin Edge 520 - This bike computer, standing more value than many budget bike. Information, of course, the stream: built-in thermometer records the temperature of the environment, there is an option to connect sensors for heart rate measurement, there is even a radar "sense" approach of the car! Navigator two-system allows not only to determine their location, but also to build complicated routes through 200 points.

Which bike computer is better to choose? Top wireless computers bicycle. Overview of brands most accurate cost models 20436_25

Review of budget models

For many people, the first time getting acquainted with the cycling computer and do not operate outstanding athletic tasks are important not so much brand recognition and adaptability, as low prices. China continues to overwhelm our country low-cost products, and we must admit that some models for their money is even nothing. Here is some of them.

  • West Biking. The price of 900 rubles a penny can not be considered a minimum, but the units in this price range are usually devoid of illumination. Here it is in two versions: with permanent backlighting, and with short-term inclusion.

Which bike computer is better to choose? Top wireless computers bicycle. Overview of brands most accurate cost models 20436_26

Which bike computer is better to choose? Top wireless computers bicycle. Overview of brands most accurate cost models 20436_27

  • Giyo. 2.5 thousand rubles may seem high value only for those who have not read about the capabilities of this unit. The device monitors the heartbeat of even the host and wirelessly transmits through all the information on the screen. Without charging such a computer is kept for five days without the use of the backlight, and that is designed for three different lighting modes.

Which bike computer is better to choose? Top wireless computers bicycle. Overview of brands most accurate cost models 20436_28

Which bike computer is better to choose? Top wireless computers bicycle. Overview of brands most accurate cost models 20436_29

  • YT-813. This model even compared to the simplest brand is a penny - just 500 rubles. At the same time, some "beams" are even present, for example, it fixes the temperature and humidity, and you also configure what it should be shown on the screen.

Which bike computer is better to choose? Top wireless computers bicycle. Overview of brands most accurate cost models 20436_30

Further watching video with tips on how to choose a cycle computer.

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