Bicycle side wheels: How to choose additional safety wheels for 12-20 inches for an adult bike?


Many children simply love to ride a bike. But quickly learn how to ride a bike is not obtained by everyone, so an excellent addition is the side wheels for a bike. With their help, there is an equilibrium while driving. The child acquires self-confidence, so and faster gets a skill of cycling. In the article, we consider in more detail the description of the side of the bike, the nuances of the choice and the subtlety of the installation.

Bicycle side wheels: How to choose additional safety wheels for 12-20 inches for an adult bike? 20419_2

Bicycle side wheels: How to choose additional safety wheels for 12-20 inches for an adult bike? 20419_3

Bicycle side wheels: How to choose additional safety wheels for 12-20 inches for an adult bike? 20419_4


It is worth highlighting the main characteristics that bike in an ensemble with side wheels.

  • Security. Thanks to the additional wheels, the child will not fall, which guarantees its safety while riding a bike. Parents can be completely calm. Additional wheels allow you to perfectly retain balance. Adults may not walk next to the bike to support children.
  • A child can ride a busine for a long time, because he does not need to strain to keep the balance. After all, many will agree, when something does not work for a long time, then interest in this lesson is most often lost, especially if during a bike ride you are also injured at falls. Small wheels allow children to enjoy a cycling even at first attempts.
  • With the help of safety wheels, the vestibular apparatus of the baby is greatly developing, which will allow in the future to be perfectly held equilibrium . With this method, you can improve the health of the baby if the problem with the development of the vestibular apparatus was diagnosed.
  • Riding a bike has a positive effect on the development of the child. This kind of physical loads strengthens the health of the child.
  • Wheels-assistants contribute to improving posture, because during riding the kid sits straight. The child begins to orient in the nearest surroundings, as well as already get acquainted with the rules of the road.

Bicycle side wheels: How to choose additional safety wheels for 12-20 inches for an adult bike? 20419_5

Bicycle side wheels: How to choose additional safety wheels for 12-20 inches for an adult bike? 20419_6

Bicycle side wheels: How to choose additional safety wheels for 12-20 inches for an adult bike? 20419_7

Child Nuances

Usually, when buying a children's bike, the kit does not include additional items, the side wheels for the bicycle belong to their number. Therefore, it is important for an adult before buying a children's bike, it is important for what purposes the side wheels are needed, how to choose them correctly, what kind of lengths they should be, from which material are made and so on. Initially worth paying attention By the number of inches when choosing suitable side wheels for a children's bike.

Today, it presents the wheels at 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 inches, and options for 24 and 26 inches for a children's bike are not suitable. To properly select this parameter, it is necessary to repel from the size of the wheel of bicycle transport. The larger the size of the wheel, the more inches must have side models.

If you correctly pick up the size of the side of the bike, then the baby will quickly learn to ride on this transport, and will also feel confidently while driving on irregularities.

Bicycle side wheels: How to choose additional safety wheels for 12-20 inches for an adult bike? 20419_8

Bicycle side wheels: How to choose additional safety wheels for 12-20 inches for an adult bike? 20419_9

Bicycle side wheels: How to choose additional safety wheels for 12-20 inches for an adult bike? 20419_10

It is worth noting that The cost of side wheels may vary. Usually, their price is affected by the size, material manufacturing, as well as the manufacturer's brand. The optimal choice is wheels with brackets from durable material, as they provide strength and reliability. Wheels will not break while driving. This option is worth noting as the most reliable and safe So many parents choose it. On average, such an supplement is inexpensive.

Bicycle side wheels: How to choose additional safety wheels for 12-20 inches for an adult bike? 20419_11

Subtleties of installation

It is very important during the installation of additional wheels to remember that they should not come into contact with the road, and how to stay in the air, in other words - they should be at different levels with the rear wheel. Sidera wheels are usually located above 1-1.5 centimeters, if compared with rear.

It is worth understanding that the main task of the side wheels is to protect against falling, while they should not fully hold the bike transport during riding. If the sideways are located at the same level as the main rear wheel, then the child will not be able to independently hold the device during the ride and can no longer manage transport without additional wheels.

Bicycle side wheels: How to choose additional safety wheels for 12-20 inches for an adult bike? 20419_12

It is worth understanding that In this case, the slightest irregularity on the road will lead to the fact that the rear wheel can hang in the air, and it will not be possible to go. Today in specialized stores presents lateral options not only for a regular bike, but also for multi-speed models. First you need to purchase special side wheels intended for cycasting with a speed switch. From ordinary options, they are highlighted by the types of brackets. They can be attached to the inclination of the lobby to the axis of the rear wheel or on the feathers of the curricul transport frame.

About how to install wheels on a children's bike, look next.

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