Bike "Desna" (37 photos): Review of models 2600, 2610, 2710, 2500 and others. Who is the manufacturer? Features folding mountain bikes. Overview of reviews of owners


The bike "Desna" was incredibly popular during the USSR due to folding teenage models and reliable road bikes. The model range of the plant of the plant, located in the Bryansk region in those years, was quite narrow, but it did not prevent him from entering the number of sales leaders. Today, this brand is reborn and offers a much wider range of bodies.

City and mountain, teenage and female bicycle models under the brand "Desna" are sold throughout Russia. And two-way and folding options are designed for the most active young fans of cycling. Let us dwell on the review of the bikes "Desna".




The bike "Desna" is produced today at the same factory as in Soviet times. It is located in the Zhukovsky district of the Bryansk region and has existed since 1873. True, at the beginning of its path it was a factory on which cast iron was interpretable. During the period of the military campaigns of the 20s of the 20th century, the plant was reorganized into a preported, production was sent to evacuation during the period period, and the workshops were completely destroyed. The restoration of the enterprise was started in 1950, after that it created for 7 years to create in demand throughout the country locomotive and agricultural machines.

Popularization of cycling in the country by 1958 led to a new reorganization. Since 1961, the Bicycles "Desna" have been somewhat from the conveyor. The first, among the produced, was a folding model. By 1965, production came to maximum capacity, and the number of bicycles produced exceeded 1,000,000 copies. Today, the Country Manufacturer Russia continues the glorious traditions of the USSR, restoring many brands lost during the years. It did not exception and the brand of bicycles "Desna". The plant survived bankruptcy in 2004, in the next few years it fell in decline. The equipment was taken out, the housing was partially collapsed on time.




Everything changed when In 2008, production areas have bought a group of companies "Velomotors". The Moscow firm sought to revive the factory and prove that Russia can still make bicycles capable of competing with products of foreign brands in Russia. And the ambitious plan was able to realize. Production facilities were restored and survived full modernization, new buildings of workshops were erected on the territory.

By 2010, the company almost completely passed on the automation of most bicycle manufacturing processes. For example, the welding line is robotic today and allows you to ensure maximum accuracy when connecting parts. The plant itself produces the pipe rental of necessary quality, on its territory there is a painting shop that inflicts powder compositions and liquid enamels.

In addition, today the framework developed by domestic engineers and forks for road bicycles, mountain and folding models are created.



Design and main characteristics

Modern bicycles "Desna" are produced in a different model and dimensional range, and among its technical capabilities there are really impressive solutions. It is worth noting the significant characteristics of the brand products.

  • Wheel size . In urban models, the diameter 26 is used, the most common and popular. In mountain biking, this indicator is 27.5 ". At children's models "Friendly" diameter of wheels is 16 or 18. "
  • Bicycle weight. Since there is a heavy steel frame in all models of the brand "Desna", the mass of the technique itself also turns out to be significant. Weight ranges from 15 to 21 kg.
  • Folding mechanism. Only models that support such a function can be folded. The mechanism does not require significant efforts, you can perform all actions literally 1 hand.
  • Carriage. All MTB series of MTB series applies modern technological solutions. Cartridge carriages with a cartridge make it possible to ensure full protection of the mechanism from dirt and dust, moisture and other sources of danger. This option allows to reduce the frequency of technician maintenance sessions and do not worry about the formation of corrosion on the surface of the details.
  • Features of placing cables. They are located in a hidden form, are laid inside the frame and get ridiculous from risk to hook them or cut. In addition, such installation of the connecting elements gives the appearance of two-wheeled transport more attractive, modern appearance. The hidden gasket of the cable is borrowed by the designers of the bicycle "Desna" at the sports class of the bikes.
  • Hydraulic brake system. Fast reaction to pressing brake handle - security security deposit. Disk hydraulic brakes are used on sports, mountain models, used in bicycles for extreme races. Such a system best complies with all established requirements and guarantees a quick stop in any circumstances.
  • Cutting column steering wheel. This option has already managed to become a standard in the design of mountain bikes. In a model range of the "Desna" plant, this design element is presented in the MTB series and eliminates the random breakdown of the thread when dragging, which ensures improvement in maneuvering.
  • Reliable anti-corrosion protection. The three-layer staining of all steel structural elements allows to provide the best conditions for preventing corrosion development. In addition, multilayer staining gives a special attractiveness to a bike, longer retains the shine and the gloss of the surface.
  • Installation of class + tires . Such bicycle rubber has a width of 2.4-3 cm, differs by increased amortization properties. In addition, such tires do not need to be inflated to the limit, have increased permeability on a soft and viscous coating, more resistant to punctures and cuts.

Important! All these properties make Bicycles "Desna" truly competitive in the market of two-wheeled vehicles.



Modern products

The range of bicycles "Desna" includes City and Road, Mountain and Folding, High-Speed ​​and Classic Options . The plant produces adults, female, teenage vehicles in a variety of color schemes. Every year the model range receives new improvements and improvements. That is why choosing the most modern sports or folding bike, selecting the option for trips around the city, It is worth focusing on the suggestions of this year.



In the category of folding bikes, the plant offers 3 popular models.

  • "Desna 2500". The model with the largest in the line with the wheel diameter - 24 ", frame 14" from Hi-Ten steel. Includes no speed switch, but there is a chain protection, a rigid fork, a threaded steering column, is a typesetting carriage, a foot brake. Tire width standard - 2 cm, which gives a bike good speed characteristics.

"Desna 2500" is represented in 7 colors - from concise black to turquoise and purple.



  • "Desna 2200" . The model with the wheel diameter 20 "is equipped with a frame at 13 / 13.5" from the steel Hi-Ten. The bike is presented in 5 color options, equipped with a foot brake, aluminum rims, plastic pedals. Steel wheel sleeves, under nut. The bike has a rigid form, a threaded steering column.



  • "Desna 2100" . Compact model on wheels 20 ", with a two-color color frame - a combination of white and green, red, purple, black or magenta looks bright and modern. For other parameters, it is identical to the model 2200.




MTB Series Presented at the "Desna" brand by high-speed models for adult riders who prefer not only movement on the highway. Among the most popular modifications can be noted "Nainics" - versions with 29 inches wheels, which even evaluate serious riders. Models are presented here "Desna 2910 D" and "Desna 2910 MD" With the dimensional mesh frame at 17, 19 and 21 pieces. The difference between them is only in the brake system. In the first case, a disk hydraulic was installed, in the second - mechanics.

As well as in the category of mining popular models of the series "Desna 2600" . In total, 3 options are presented here - with mechanical and hydraulic brakes, as well as a variant with the V-type of the braking system. "Desna 2600 V" It is the greatest interest for the beautiful floor, even positioned as a female bike. It is equipped with switches and shimano tourney encryptions, cartridge carriage and a heavy steering column.



"Desna 2610 D" - Option with hydraulic disk brake. And also has different modifications, mechanics the MD index, the option with the V-type brake, the appropriate prefix. All models have a wheel diameter 26 ", bright design, frames on 16/18/20 inches. The package does not include additional attachments - trunk, wings. The series is popular with beginner riders.

"Desna 2710 V" - model with one of the most popular wheel diameters: 27.5 ". This is a completely modern bicycle option, having a V-type brake, 2.1 inches width tires, a steel rear and front sleeve, a cartridge carriage.




Meteor, "Phoenix" and "Satellite" - 3 series of teenage bikes "Desna". They present bikes with wheels 20 "and 24". "Phoenix" is the most compact, with one speed and a simple asterisk, made with the V-type of the brake in front and the foot stopper behind. Mountain performance and rigid plug allow the most young riders to try out extreme ride modes. Meteor is a series for active adolescents, with mining and wheels for 24 inches. Brake system - V-type or mechanical.




Two-living sports

The only two-way model in the brand line - "Desna 2620 V". It has a reliable steel frame 17 ", bright decoration. The wheel diameter is 26 "with a width of 1.95 inches tires, lung rims, aluminum. Lever-type encryption and speed switches are manufactured by Microshift.

V-type brakes, anterior shock absorption fork and ratchet rear provide the most comfortable ride.




"Voyage" - a series of adult bicycles "Desna" with female and male ram. They differ in color scheme. Gent. represented by blue-blue, silver, black tones, Lady - Pink-lilac and red. Otherwise, their parameters are the same - 28 inches wheels, providing opportunities for high-speed driving, are supplemented with a threaded frame, a typical carriage and steel sleeves. Brake in foot patterns, aluminum rims. Included there are wings, splashes, trunk and pump.



Tips for choosing

When choosing a bike for an adult or adolescent, you have to take into account the mass of all kinds of important points. So, depending on the style of the ride, you can prefer conventional urban models or full-fledged SUVs. The "Desna" brand for extreme riding lovers outside the asphalt there is a MTB series, where mountain bikes are presented. In the model range you can find hardtows, and two-way options, allowing you to choose the degree of driving rigidity.

Urban bikes make up most of the brand products. The line has folding teenage models that are suitable and fragile women, and older people. There is a special series for ladies with a modified frame design.

If transport is needed exclusively for comfortable skating on asphalt, such models will fully satisfy the needs of the rider.



It is worth paying attention when choosing a bike into several important parameters.

  • Frame. It must comply with the growth of a person who will ride a bike. If MTB is purchased for a height of 155-163 cm, it is worth taking a frame of 35-39 cm, to people up to 172 cm option 40-44 cm. On high frame structures with sizes 45-49 cm (up to 180 cm) and 50-54 cm . Urban models Rostovka is a bit different, the smallest range is 46-48 cm, it will suit people up to 163 cm. The most running dimensions of 53-56 cm, corresponding to the growth of 173-181 cm.
  • The degree of depreciation. To the rigid category - without shock absorbers, there are all road models of bicycles, they have a rigid front plug that does not reduce the beyon when contacting the road. Hardtail is an amortization scheme used in mountain biking. Here shock absorbers stand on the front fork, the shank remains tough. Two shock absorption elements are used on the two beds, and behind the back. They give maximum compensation of any road irregularities.
  • Wheel diameter. In urban models, it ranges from 20 to 28. " In the mountains used wheels on 26, 27.5 and 29 ". The larger the diameter of the wheel used, the fact that it is rolling, develops higher speed, provides high comfort when moving. Small diameters are found mainly on teenage bikes with a lower landing and gravity center.

These moments should be taken into account before choosing a specific model for acquisition. Then difficulties with the search for a suitable bicycle "Desna" will definitely not arise.




Overview of reviews of owners

Review of reviews of bicycle buyers "Desna" allows you to get an objective idea of ​​the quality of this technique. It is worth noting that On average, this product leaves a positive impression. Bicycles brand are produced in modern, bright colors, which is highly valued by children and adolescents, youth audience. Decorative solutions in metallic shades are particularly popular. In addition, the design itself is quite durable and reliable.

There are shoppers and claims to the manufacturer: when buying a bicycle, the tools do not have to have their own - Here you need a hex key on 6 and 4, as well as wrench or divorce . Not every person has such a set at home, and in a complete set of two-wheeled transport, the necessary components are not included. Not in all models there are additional equipment - pump, seatpad.



By tradition, the highest reviews deserve urban road bikes and folding models that brand "Desna" has always been famous. It is noted here Optimal value ratio and quality The price of the company's branded products of the Russian plant is often more accessible to Chinese analogues. Buyers and quality components are noted - imported parts are used in the chassis of mountain models.

The MTB series has high quality rubber, convenient ergonomic seats and reliable heavy frames. The difference in the price with analogs reaches 4 times, while the quality of the "gums", if different, then slightly. About the children's series "Friendly" reviews are also very positive - they are most often delivered assembly, factory adjustment does not require special refinement.



In the next video you will find a review of the budget bike "Desna" 2710.

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