Forward or stels: What kind of bike is better? Comparison of technical specifications. What to choose?


Forward or stels - what kind of bike is better to choose? This question is often defined by novice riders who wish to purchase an "iron horse" in a reasonable price range, and at the same time not by 1-2 seasons, but with some perspective for a more distant future. The budget of Russian brands in this case justifies itself completely, finding an inexpensive bike is quite easy. But what to choose, if we compare the products of the most famous domestic bicycle marks? Who should prefer, and what arguments can be brought in favor of each of the brands?

Criterias of choice

The main criterion on which will have to be focused on the comparison of the Forward and Stels bicycles - not the fame of brands, but the quality of their products. Here, as in any budget segment, their finds and grand dips are defined. Comparison of technical characteristics and objective assessment of the level of comfort help soberly look at the model range of each of the brands. So who deserves the greatest consumer confidence?

Forward or stels: What kind of bike is better? Comparison of technical specifications. What to choose? 20327_2

Forward or stels: What kind of bike is better? Comparison of technical specifications. What to choose? 20327_3

A little about Forward

The Creator of the Bicycle Forward is the Russian enterprise "Stefi-Velo", based in Perm (earlier the plant produced Kama bicycles, "Parma", "Ural"). In its new status, it has existed since 1999, today deliveries are established not only in the regions of the Russian Federation, but also to countries of abroad, the model range includes bikes for different ages and riding levels of riders. The firm has its own professional bicycle series, and on its basis regularly modernizes the serial models of the budget level.

Forward or stels: What kind of bike is better? Comparison of technical specifications. What to choose? 20327_4

Besides, Forward is one of the few stamps with a wide range of products in the mountain class. Among its models you can find options for downhill, cross country, tricky bikes BMX. Not deprived of attention and lovers of urban bicycle walks. For them, the company produces a wide range of highway, road, hybrid bikes for different growth and age.

In the package of your technology, the brand includes wings, mirrors, calls, ergonomic infras and saddles.

Forward or stels: What kind of bike is better? Comparison of technical specifications. What to choose? 20327_5

Features of bicycles stels.

Stels cycling managed to become popular in the wave of mass passion of Russians in a healthy lifestyle. The first "mountain" versions of the bikes were with delight were met by a teenage audience, but under the clue's closer look at off-road. The manufacturer - the company "Velomotors" taking into account mistakes and today has a model range near 100 different vents, from children's miniature models to adult "nainics".

There are in stock and folding models, so favorite by dacnis.

Forward or stels: What kind of bike is better? Comparison of technical specifications. What to choose? 20327_6

A distinctive feature of stels has become Minimum amount of defective products . The company really tries to make his bikes better, but the framework of the budget segment only complicates the case. Despite the rather average level of quality, the company's products confidently keep among the best-selling brands, and at prices it even takes competitors.

Forward or stels: What kind of bike is better? Comparison of technical specifications. What to choose? 20327_7

Among the advantages of bicycle STELS can be noted:

  • Frames of their own steel development;
  • high-quality kites;
  • the presence of rigid models and hardtowers;
  • A large selection of adult bikes with wheels from 26. "

The disadvantages include except for Rostovka - it is focused on people from 170 cm and higher.

Forward or stels: What kind of bike is better? Comparison of technical specifications. What to choose? 20327_8

Which brand is better children's bikes?

Start a comparison is always better with children's line products. Here, the leader can be bolded to call Forward, much more carefully worked out the design of its bikes . His models are not just beautiful and bright, they also have a complete set of necessary additional options. On bicycles there are additional training wheels, chain protection, call, trunk, comfortable flu.

Forward or stels: What kind of bike is better? Comparison of technical specifications. What to choose? 20327_9

Forward or stels: What kind of bike is better? Comparison of technical specifications. What to choose? 20327_10

Stels meets the competitor to the release of a fairly wide range of models for young children who only master the ride on 2 wheels. Here the focus is on the frames, pretty light variants in the mountain design, with anterior depreciation fork and speed switching.

Forward or stels: What kind of bike is better? Comparison of technical specifications. What to choose? 20327_11

Forward or stels: What kind of bike is better? Comparison of technical specifications. What to choose? 20327_12

Teenage bikes

To compare the adolescent line of Forward and Stels products, it will not be necessary to spend a lot of time. Both firms quite responsibly approached the development of this segment and produce rigids for urban riding, folding models, hardtows and two-ways for children over 10 years old. Interestingly, under the clue to find a significant difference between the bikes of one price segment will not work. And the Permian plant, and the suburbs of the company successfully create the average for the quality of the model of bicycles, differing from adult lines only with a dimensional range.

Forward or stels: What kind of bike is better? Comparison of technical specifications. What to choose? 20327_13

Forward or stels: What kind of bike is better? Comparison of technical specifications. What to choose? 20327_14

Folding models

If you need to choose an inexpensive folding bike, Stels will definitely win the forward battle for buyers' attention. The company has a significant advantage over the competitor, including at the expense of the company "Velomotors" the "Desna" by the company, where the technology of creating transforming frames has been worked out from Soviet times. The line of such bikes in stels is really wide, there is a dimensional range of wheels in variations from 14 to 26 ", the focus is made on a female audience and people aged.

Forward or stels: What kind of bike is better? Comparison of technical specifications. What to choose? 20327_15

Forward or stels: What kind of bike is better? Comparison of technical specifications. What to choose? 20327_16

Road and urban bikes

Comparison of stels and Forward in this class is also difficult to name unequivocal. In favor of the Perm Plant - a variety of selection of models, there is:

  • cruises;
  • highway;
  • pleasure;
  • tourist;
  • Hybrid options.

Forward or stels: What kind of bike is better? Comparison of technical specifications. What to choose? 20327_17

Forward or stels: What kind of bike is better? Comparison of technical specifications. What to choose? 20327_18

Stels focuses on the mountain segment of the bicycle market and highly loses forward positions in the city class . But his technology at a small assortment has a significant advantage - vehicles are equipped with double rims against single competitors. This allows the bike easier to endure significant loads, makes it more resistant to the influence of negative external factors.

Forward or stels: What kind of bike is better? Comparison of technical specifications. What to choose? 20327_19

Forward or stels: What kind of bike is better? Comparison of technical specifications. What to choose? 20327_20

Mountain bikes

In the mining class, Forward has an explicit advantage and offers the opportunity even to beginners. Try bike riding in good basic configuration and with Ramami "like professionals." The two-way brand is quite confidently ride off-road, they are not afraid of dirt and due to the greater rim and tire widths provide better permeability.

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Forward or stels: What kind of bike is better? Comparison of technical specifications. What to choose? 20327_22

Stels in the mountain class focuses on disc brakes and design in the spirit of leading global manufacturers. Bicycles brands do not look too trite, have an interesting frame geometry. But in the conditions of downhill or Off road ride in the city, such products are unlikely to argue with lighter, maneuverable and soft during the course of Forward models.

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Forward or stels: What kind of bike is better? Comparison of technical specifications. What to choose? 20327_24

Review reviews

Choosing between Stels and Forward grades bikes, experienced riders prefer to consider Exceptionally profile segments of the model range. For example, "Forward" has mountain bikes with a suspension for downhill and carbon frames - quite good for its class. "Stealth" bets on the ultra-budget segment and mass buyer. It is not distracted by the sings, but it tries even in the available models to install lightweight frames and offer the highest possible complete set.

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Forward or stels: What kind of bike is better? Comparison of technical specifications. What to choose? 20327_26

Comparing Stels and Forward, many newcomers in cycling and city skating are celebrated The low quality of the paint coating frame. But if you go carefully and choose models not from the budgetary series, the production of the Perm plant looks better here. As for comparing the frame geometry, both manufacturers offer their own engineering developments, quite interesting and relevant. The installed body kit is also practically identical, Suntour, Shimano and other brands abroad are produced.

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Forward or stels: What kind of bike is better? Comparison of technical specifications. What to choose? 20327_28

What is better: stels or forward?

Despite the overall similarity of classes, quality and even bicycle equipment, the Forward and Stels models are still difficult to objectively consider as competing. The plant from Perm specializes mainly at the narrow directions of production, since they actively develop a sports ruler. As a result, he can find a fairly interesting model range of mountain bikes with carbon and aluminum frames, shimano wings, steps and wings already in the basic configuration.

Forward or stels: What kind of bike is better? Comparison of technical specifications. What to choose? 20327_29

Forward or stels: What kind of bike is better? Comparison of technical specifications. What to choose? 20327_30

Stels focuses on accessibility, lightness frame, number of switchable speeds. But other things being equal greatly loses to the competitor as the technical equipment of the bikes. If we consider only these brands, most of the experts would prefer to choose Forward, and lovers will give preference to a better stels.

The following video presents a comparative review of two Forwars and Stels bicycles.

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