Children's ski suits: winter workshop for cross-country skiing and racing sports models, other types of teenage costumes for children


Winter sport is a popular view of an active holiday that is suitable not only for adults, but also for children. The most popular type of such rest is skiing. Many ski resorts attend ski resorts every year to go skiing with the whole family. For children, skiing sport is not only a cheerful pastime, but also the ability to improve skills such as stability, reaction, as well as coordination.

An important aspect in skiing preparation is the acquisition of sports equipment and clothing, which will ensure comfort, safety and freedom of movements. Many sports brands produce a children's line of skiing with a wide range of goods.

Children's ski suits: winter workshop for cross-country skiing and racing sports models, other types of teenage costumes for children 20293_2

Children's ski suits: winter workshop for cross-country skiing and racing sports models, other types of teenage costumes for children 20293_3

Children's ski suits: winter workshop for cross-country skiing and racing sports models, other types of teenage costumes for children 20293_4

Children's ski suits: winter workshop for cross-country skiing and racing sports models, other types of teenage costumes for children 20293_5


Children's ski suit is necessary for the following purposes:

  • Special tailoring of the winter ski suit provides a safe and comfortable child in skiing;
  • Thanks to the high quality thermal power, the child will always stay warm and dry;
  • Children's ski suit is a prototype of an adult, so the kid will feel at the same level with adults, which, in turn, will be an incentive for him to continue classes;
  • The bright and colorful design of the children's winter costume will add positive mood and unforgettable impressions during a family holiday.

Children's ski suits: winter workshop for cross-country skiing and racing sports models, other types of teenage costumes for children 20293_6

Children's ski suits: winter workshop for cross-country skiing and racing sports models, other types of teenage costumes for children 20293_7

Children's ski suits: winter workshop for cross-country skiing and racing sports models, other types of teenage costumes for children 20293_8

Children's ski suits: winter workshop for cross-country skiing and racing sports models, other types of teenage costumes for children 20293_9

Children's ski suit has a number of features that distinguish it from an ordinary winter overalls or a jacket with pants.

  • It is sewn taking into account the harsh weather conditions, since the temperature of the air can be -15 degrees on the slopes of the mountains and below.
  • A special lining will secure a child during falls that are not avoided by novice.
  • The fabric from which the kits are sewn, differs from the usual high indicator of waterproof. But at the same time, such a material perfectly passes air and is distinguished by excellent wear resistance.

Children's ski suits: winter workshop for cross-country skiing and racing sports models, other types of teenage costumes for children 20293_10

Children's ski suits: winter workshop for cross-country skiing and racing sports models, other types of teenage costumes for children 20293_11

Children's ski suits: winter workshop for cross-country skiing and racing sports models, other types of teenage costumes for children 20293_12

Description of species

There are two main types of children's and teenage ski suits: jumpsuit and pants with a jacket. Which of them to choose, solve only you. However, you should know several advantages of overalls, because of which you give preference to them:

  • Thanks to the solid crude, the possibility of snowing inwards is excluded;
  • The solid structure of the overalls allows to preserve heat inside it, and also does not shine motion during skiing;
  • overalls better protects from strong wind and rain;
  • It is possible to take it on the grow.

Children's ski suits: winter workshop for cross-country skiing and racing sports models, other types of teenage costumes for children 20293_13

Children's ski suits: winter workshop for cross-country skiing and racing sports models, other types of teenage costumes for children 20293_14

For purpose, training and warm-up costumes are distinguished.

  • The warm-up is made of loose tissue, which has high moisture resistance and wind protection. It is envisaged for the presence of an air membrane that protects well from frost. This option is racing and designed for those who are engaged in skiing at a professional level, participate in cross-country skiing races.
  • The training is a warmed option, it has a free cut. Does not fight movements, convenient for skiing at the amateur level, as well as for walking in the ski resort.

Children's ski suits: winter workshop for cross-country skiing and racing sports models, other types of teenage costumes for children 20293_15

Children's ski suits: winter workshop for cross-country skiing and racing sports models, other types of teenage costumes for children 20293_16

Today, many sports stamps are engaged in the release of children's ski costumes. Among them, the leading place is occupied by the following brands.

  • Phenix. A well-proven Japanese company for the production of top quality sports clothing. The advantage of goods of this manufacturer is the presence of adjustment of the length of the pants and sleeves of the jacket due to hidden laces.

Children's ski suits: winter workshop for cross-country skiing and racing sports models, other types of teenage costumes for children 20293_17

Children's ski suits: winter workshop for cross-country skiing and racing sports models, other types of teenage costumes for children 20293_18

Children's ski suits: winter workshop for cross-country skiing and racing sports models, other types of teenage costumes for children 20293_19

  • The North Face. American brand existing on the market for more than 50 years. Since 2000, began exporting its goods to the Russian market. The production of the best technological solutions and innovative sewing methods are applied.

Children's ski suits: winter workshop for cross-country skiing and racing sports models, other types of teenage costumes for children 20293_20

Children's ski suits: winter workshop for cross-country skiing and racing sports models, other types of teenage costumes for children 20293_21

  • Poivre Blanc. French company for the production of ski costumes with experience more than 30 years. The newest technological solutions, the original design and high quality of the goods - this is what the brand offers its customers.

Children's ski suits: winter workshop for cross-country skiing and racing sports models, other types of teenage costumes for children 20293_22

Children's ski suits: winter workshop for cross-country skiing and racing sports models, other types of teenage costumes for children 20293_23

Criterias of choice

Below is a list of what a good suit for a schoolboy or a preschooler is owned.

  • The material from which the costume is made should be on a water-repellent basis, while posing a high air permeability.
  • The presence of cuffs on hand and legs in the form of rubber bands and the ability to adjust them. This will exclude snow from entering suit.
  • Lightning pockets: both external and internal.
  • Additional protection against snow inserts inside (snowstand "skirt"). It acts as an extra castle, which is fastened under the main castle.

The suit in the form of a jumpsuit is the most optimal option for both the girl and the boy.

Children's ski suits: winter workshop for cross-country skiing and racing sports models, other types of teenage costumes for children 20293_24

Children's ski suits: winter workshop for cross-country skiing and racing sports models, other types of teenage costumes for children 20293_25

Children's ski suits: winter workshop for cross-country skiing and racing sports models, other types of teenage costumes for children 20293_26

There is a certain rule "three layers", according to which clothing in the cold season should be put on a layer behind the layer.

  • The first layer is a thermal underwear, which serves as protection against excessive moisture. It can be made of synthetics or wool. The main thing is that the thermal underwear helps well to the body.
  • The second layer is called thermal insulating and serves the main protection against freezing. It should not only maintain heat, but also to regulate the optimal level of moisture. An excellent option is fleece things.
  • The third layer will be external. Protects from cold wind and moisture. Materials use membrane tissues.

Also do not forget to take into account the price. Too cheap skiers kits are talking about low quality materials used. But before buying expensive costumes, you should think about whether it is worth spending such money on a suit that your child will put on just a few times a year.

Children's ski suits: winter workshop for cross-country skiing and racing sports models, other types of teenage costumes for children 20293_27

Children's ski suits: winter workshop for cross-country skiing and racing sports models, other types of teenage costumes for children 20293_28

Children's ski suits: winter workshop for cross-country skiing and racing sports models, other types of teenage costumes for children 20293_29

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