How to choose ski sticks for growth? How to choose to choose the size of sticks adult according to FIS rules? Selection of lengths for different skis


Not only professional athletes, but lovers know that ski sticks need to be selected by the growth of the person who will use them. It is necessary in order for sports classes not only comfortable, but also safe. There are certain criteria for choosing ski sticks. They must be considered when buying appropriate sports equipment.

How to choose ski sticks for growth? How to choose to choose the size of sticks adult according to FIS rules? Selection of lengths for different skis 20288_2

How to choose ski sticks for growth? How to choose to choose the size of sticks adult according to FIS rules? Selection of lengths for different skis 20288_3

Features of the selection for skating skis

It is known that there are several walking techniques in skiing. For each of them, it is necessary to purchase appropriate sports equipment. So, for skate walk you need to select a certain type of stick. The main thing is to determine the size of the accessory. The length of the sticks is completely dependent on the growth of the person who will use them.

Important moment! You can not buy ski sticks alone for two people having different growth and weight, as some of them will be inconvenient to use a sports projectile.

In order to correctly pick up skiing sticks for ski ski, you can use the table (graph 1).

How to choose ski sticks for growth? How to choose to choose the size of sticks adult according to FIS rules? Selection of lengths for different skis 20288_4

How to choose ski sticks for growth? How to choose to choose the size of sticks adult according to FIS rules? Selection of lengths for different skis 20288_5

If you carefully look at the data, you can see that the height of the ski stick directly depends on which there is a ROSTOVKA. In this case, all parameters are rounded up to five integers. So, in adults, Rostovka may be: 150, 155, 160, 165, 170, 175, 180, 185, 190 or 195 cm. If the skier's growth is more than 2 meters, then the sticks are suitable for it, which are defined for 195 cm.

In children, Rostovka begins from 120 cm, and then continues: 125, 130, 135, 140 and 145 cm. If the child's growth is higher, then it is necessary to focus on the markup for adults. If you carefully look at the size table, you can see that ski sticks should be 15-20 cm below the growth of the athlete itself.

How to choose ski sticks for growth? How to choose to choose the size of sticks adult according to FIS rules? Selection of lengths for different skis 20288_6

How to choose ski sticks for growth? How to choose to choose the size of sticks adult according to FIS rules? Selection of lengths for different skis 20288_7

How to choose for classic skis?

If an athlete uses classic skis, then you need to pick up the corresponding sticks. In the case when the equipment is required to buy for an adult, you can use the same table (graph 2).

Important moment! If you buy a stick not in size, then it will be inconvenient to use them. In addition, the accessory can be broken, even get injured during use.

If you pay attention to the data presented in the table, you can see that the length of the ski stick must be less than the growth of the athlete by 25-30 cm. All data presented in tables are suitable for both children, adolescents and adults. But if the child's growth is less than 115 cm, then you need to buy children's sticks.

How to choose ski sticks for growth? How to choose to choose the size of sticks adult according to FIS rules? Selection of lengths for different skis 20288_8

If so were not found, some models can be shortened on their own. When choosing it is also important to pay attention to the material of the manufacture of sticks. So, for women and children you can choose a plastic accessory. If the sticks will use a man, the accessory must be as strong as possible.

And also need to be focused on the manufacturer's material depending on the weight of the user. With the help of the tables, each person can independently choose a sports accessory under its growth. You only need to use a centimeter ribbon or construction tape measure.

How to choose ski sticks for growth? How to choose to choose the size of sticks adult according to FIS rules? Selection of lengths for different skis 20288_9

How to choose ski sticks for growth? How to choose to choose the size of sticks adult according to FIS rules? Selection of lengths for different skis 20288_10

Selection of length according to FIS rules

If you pay attention to the selection rules developed by FIS (International Federation of Skiing), it can be found that there are certain limitations. Developed rules primarily concern professional athletes participating in international competition competitions. But it is possible that all ski lovers can navigate them. The rules are as follows:

  • For the classic stroke, those sticks that do not exceed 83% of the growth of the athlete itself are considered suitable;
  • for skate stroke no more than 100% of the growth of the skier;
  • If a classic stroke on rollers is used, the length of the stick is calculated as 83% of the skier's growth plus permissible 5 cm.

How to choose ski sticks for growth? How to choose to choose the size of sticks adult according to FIS rules? Selection of lengths for different skis 20288_11

How to choose ski sticks for growth? How to choose to choose the size of sticks adult according to FIS rules? Selection of lengths for different skis 20288_12

This rule should be strictly used by professional athletes when choosing equipment, which will be used in competitions. Otherwise, when discrepancies, an athlete may not allow or disqualify to compete, as well as the probability of cancellation of the result (in the case when the discrepancy has emerged after the passage of the track).

Important moment! Sometimes in sports stores the length of the ski stick is defined as the distance from one end of the accessory to the other. But such a definition is considered erroneous. At the professional level, the length of the stick is defined as the distance from the tip to the dwelling point. At the same time, the growth of the athlete itself is measured with ski boots.

How to choose ski sticks for growth? How to choose to choose the size of sticks adult according to FIS rules? Selection of lengths for different skis 20288_13

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