Ski Dynastar: overview of mountain models. What do buyers say?


Ski equipment produces many manufacturers, and one of the most popular worldwide is Dynastar, in the assortment of which a huge variety of equipment is presented. Therefore, it is worth reading the features of the product, to study the characteristics of the models, as well as find out the opinion of consumers who already enjoy such skis.

Ski Dynastar: overview of mountain models. What do buyers say? 20256_2

Ski Dynastar: overview of mountain models. What do buyers say? 20256_3


Dynastar skis are produced by the French manufacturer and are divided into men's, women's and children. In categories you can find products for mountain descent, high-speed and tourist, while there is a professional series that uses incredible demand. One of the features of ski equipment is the presence of a regular attachment called Look. Products are coated with fiberglass, thanks to which rigidity rises, so it does not have to use heavy metalcolumat.

This material gives the flexibility to the core, so skis can be laughing naturally, and this is a big plus. The company is known for its own development and innovation, experienced engineers are working to make production, which improve not only speed, but also consumer performance indicators.

Ski Dynastar: overview of mountain models. What do buyers say? 20256_4

Ski Dynastar: overview of mountain models. What do buyers say? 20256_5

Ski Dynastar: overview of mountain models. What do buyers say? 20256_6

For the base, durable wood is used, and the moving portion is made of plastic material, thanks to which the movement will be easy. Equipment is difficult to call the planed coating board, these products are suitable for real professionals, they are able to distribute the load during the jokes even with minimal movements. Specialists carry out calculations on the computer, creating three-dimensional models to provide all the subtleties.

The company uses PowerDrive technology, according to which the design has depreciation and reminds the work of the car chassis . Skis of this manufacturer are lightweight, practical and thought out to every detail, which is why Dynastar is in the ranking of the best among the creators of ski products.

All products are careful checking and quality control, so the original equipment meets all standards.

Ski Dynastar: overview of mountain models. What do buyers say? 20256_7

Ski Dynastar: overview of mountain models. What do buyers say? 20256_8

The lineup

Mountain skiing must be chosen by a number of criteria based on specifications. That is why it is important to familiarize yourself with the model range of Dynastar to make a right decision.

Contact St 10

The model is offered in the amount of 178 cm, the cutter radius is 13 m, in Rostovka, you can find products in length 152, 158, 172 and 165 cm. To the main features can be attributed to the sliding surface of the new generation. This is an excellent option for descents on the finished slopes, most of all suits experienced athletes and bold extremal.

It should be noted that on the hard side of the skis show high speed. Sustainable and predictable equipment, which needs constant pressure on the sock. On turns, the unit will be obedient and sustainable.

Ski Dynastar: overview of mountain models. What do buyers say? 20256_9

Contact XT 10.

The following option is presented in a wide dimension. These mountain ski have practically no shortcomings, they have a reasonable geometry in the form of a 10 m cutout radius, they are suitable for both aggressive ride and calm carving.

It should be noted that The model is slowly accelerated, but at high speed demonstrates excellent characteristics. . Short turns on such equipment will not be the best. But on the speed range, this model is universal, suitable for both masters and newcomers.

Ski Dynastar: overview of mountain models. What do buyers say? 20256_10


Another recommendation for easy control lovers and deduction of turnover - Ski Titan, which are offered at an attractive price. Rostovka is as wide as most of the series. Cant has increased strength, experts note that such a model can be safely taken by novice skiers. Riding will be as comfortable as possible for lovers of soft prepared slopes.

Ski Dynastar: overview of mountain models. What do buyers say? 20256_11

Legend X75

The name of the Legend series speaks for itself. The remarkable model of this X75 skis steel line with Active Wood Core design. Product has a balanced natural flexibility, which allows you to control riding on mountain descents in any condition. The aggregate has a progressive five-point side cut of 13 m.

Ski Dynastar: overview of mountain models. What do buyers say? 20256_12

Legend X84.

For universal athletes, this model is perfect, because it is a freeride equipment that is not afraid of any relief. Skis have a dynamic transmission of effort, they have a playful energy and high-quality clutch with the surface.

Ski Dynastar: overview of mountain models. What do buyers say? 20256_13

Team Comp.

The best equipment for racing descent will be this model, which Suitable for the entry level, In addition, such skis can be rolled everywhere. The unit is thought out to the smallest detail, it is a junior series that is in great demand. The design has increased elasticity, it is durable, the rigidity depends on the Rostov.

Ski Dynastar: overview of mountain models. What do buyers say? 20256_14

Intense 6.

The Women's version of Intense 6 is no less attractive. It also uses technology that was developed by the company. In equipment, all the subtleties of the physiology of women and their riding style are taken into account. Carving on such equipment will be a real pleasure. If you ride the trained track, no effort will be made. The target group is like novice skiers and progressive. Products 144, 151, 158 and 165 cm are included in Rostovka.

Ski Dynastar: overview of mountain models. What do buyers say? 20256_15

Speed ​​WC Fis GS

This model will be needed for slalom. These are gigantic products that were approved by experts. This option is ideal for professionals and athletes who ride confidently and love to experiment. The cutout radius is 30 m, the length of the skis is 185 cm.

Ski Dynastar: overview of mountain models. What do buyers say? 20256_16

Twister Factory.

Freestyle can be attributed to the Twister Factory series, which often attracts athletes participating in competitions. The product has a camberry deflection, a high-quality core of wood, excellent stability, clutch and landing for four points, which allows the mighty routes. The series presents three sizes.

To correctly pick up ski equipment, first need to know your capabilities, as professional equipment will not fit beginners. It is for this reason that it is important to study the technical characteristics of each product, and then then select for personal parameters. And thanks to the wide range of Dynastar products, it will be quite simple to make a decision.

Ski Dynastar: overview of mountain models. What do buyers say? 20256_17

Review reviews

Dynastar offers its products on the ski equipment market for many years, during which he managed to gain confidence and tremendous popularity. To make sure that you need to get acquainted with the reviews of buyers. Consumers noted that Dynastar skis, indeed, durable and reliable, moderately flexible and are suitable for operation on a variety of slopes, whether it is a trained track or simply embossed.

The durability of products is striking, especially if you care for them and correctly use. A wide range allows you to find equipment for the whole family, including children who only learn to stand skiing.

Based on this, you can safely recommend Dynastar's equipment both beginners and real professionals.

Ski Dynastar: overview of mountain models. What do buyers say? 20256_18

Ski Dynastar: overview of mountain models. What do buyers say? 20256_19

Ski Dynastar: overview of mountain models. What do buyers say? 20256_20

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