Running skiing Fischer: installation of fixtures and bundles, sticks, suit and other accessories. Classic, Junior and other models


Running skiing is in great demand, especially when it comes to the popular Fischer brand. The company produces ski equipment for a long time, and does it with great success, attracting consumer attention with quality, reliability and rich product selection. In the article, consider the features of the equipment, the range of the manufacturer and the recommendations on the installation of fastening on skis.

Running skiing Fischer: installation of fixtures and bundles, sticks, suit and other accessories. Classic, Junior and other models 20251_2

Running skiing Fischer: installation of fixtures and bundles, sticks, suit and other accessories. Classic, Junior and other models 20251_3

Running skiing Fischer: installation of fixtures and bundles, sticks, suit and other accessories. Classic, Junior and other models 20251_4

Running skiing Fischer: installation of fixtures and bundles, sticks, suit and other accessories. Classic, Junior and other models 20251_5

Running skiing Fischer: installation of fixtures and bundles, sticks, suit and other accessories. Classic, Junior and other models 20251_6

Running skiing Fischer: installation of fixtures and bundles, sticks, suit and other accessories. Classic, Junior and other models 20251_7


The running stroke has its own characteristics that distinguish it from classic or ski. Therefore, the choice of ski plays an important role. The product must comply with a specific set of rules and requirements. Fischer uses high-quality materials and components to create skiing for running progress of excellent quality. These products use both newcomers and real professionals.

Synthetic products are used as a sliding surface, thanks to which the service life is extended, reliability and other important characteristics are improved. The material may have different molecular weight and the amount of graphite, which affects the indicators.

Running skiing Fischer: installation of fixtures and bundles, sticks, suit and other accessories. Classic, Junior and other models 20251_8

Running skiing Fischer: installation of fixtures and bundles, sticks, suit and other accessories. Classic, Junior and other models 20251_9

One of the features of the company was the transition to the NIS attachment, which perfectly serves and combines skiing in all respects. The manufacturer focuses on the fact that friction sidewall products about the snow decreased significantly, the same plastic is used for the walls that the sliding surface is used, but it is somewhat thinner.

Another advantage of the company's products is to apply cold gluing technology, which differs from the standard production process. Due to this, the equipment does not bake along with the plastic, it is glued after the procedure. This is necessary in order to minimize the possibility of deformation - the material will not change its structure, and it will save all properties. The product perfectly absorbs lubricant and slides well through the snow.

In the assortment you can find skis in different colors - blue, red, white and many others.

Running skiing Fischer: installation of fixtures and bundles, sticks, suit and other accessories. Classic, Junior and other models 20251_10

Running skiing Fischer: installation of fixtures and bundles, sticks, suit and other accessories. Classic, Junior and other models 20251_11

Specifications and Marking Models

Fischer's assortment has classic models, women's, junior, adults and professional, they all respond to high standards. It is important to understand the marking of each product, because you need to choose ski equipment according to certain parameters. The skate models in their design are divided into two categories. One of them is intended for a decorated track, so the support point is located closer to the mouse with the heel. This allows you to increase stability and better control the run, however if the snow is loose, there is a probability of breaking. The second design is designed for soft tracks, so the support point is located closer to the block.

Speaking about the skate style, it should be noted that he, indeed, resembles traffic on skating, so the manufacturer knocks on the manufacturer's two notation with which in more detail. Each design has its own marking in the form of a combination of numbers with letters, and each of them has a certain value. Each pair of skis has a series of release that is specified on the side of the inventory, you can independently decipher the information following the instructions.

Running skiing Fischer: installation of fixtures and bundles, sticks, suit and other accessories. Classic, Junior and other models 20251_12

Running skiing Fischer: installation of fixtures and bundles, sticks, suit and other accessories. Classic, Junior and other models 20251_13

The first three digits show the exact length of the skis, it is indicated in centimeters, and you should choose 10 cm more of your own growth. After the fractions, the first two digits indicate the date of production, then the stiffness of the product is indicated, where 6 is rigid, 5 is the average, and 4 is mild. Then two digits mean the number of the week when the equipment was released, and the serial number is transmitted in the last five-digit.

The combination consists of such a set, space and three-digit number with the stiffness index of the skate product. This information will help to better figure out what skiing are needed by your requirements and parameters.

This is an extremely important aspect when choosing equipment, so it is necessary to take into account all the indicators.

Running skiing Fischer: installation of fixtures and bundles, sticks, suit and other accessories. Classic, Junior and other models 20251_14

Running skiing Fischer: installation of fixtures and bundles, sticks, suit and other accessories. Classic, Junior and other models 20251_15

And now consider the characteristics of the popular series of cross-country ski brand Fischer.

  • Speedmax 3D series gained great popularity due to its light weight and technological characteristics. Such skis are in demand among athletes speaking in world competitions. These products are created on the principle of cold gluing, they have a sliding surface and racing plastic on which the structure is applied. The weight is only 1030 g, which is impressive. The company produces skiing in two versions, in the series presents lackless classic products.

Running skiing Fischer: installation of fixtures and bundles, sticks, suit and other accessories. Classic, Junior and other models 20251_16

  • Professional models include CARBONLITE skis They are heavier than the previous series by 30 g, they do not have a side sliding surface. In recent seasons, the company produces exclusively skate models that have already managed to become loved among the fans of this brand products.

Running skiing Fischer: installation of fixtures and bundles, sticks, suit and other accessories. Classic, Junior and other models 20251_17

  • Weight 1090 g possessed RCS cross-country ski series The Rostovka presents the skate length of 186 cm, and classic products 197 cm. You can safely say that this is an amateur equipment that is not created using cold gluing technology. The product has a heavy core, so it is recommended to choose novice runners.

Running skiing Fischer: installation of fixtures and bundles, sticks, suit and other accessories. Classic, Junior and other models 20251_18

  • If you are a novice skier, but regularly ride, you can safely consider the series from Fischer SCS Their mass is 1270 g, and the length is 186 cm. They are in demand due to strength, light management and excellent slip, which is equally important in such sports.

Running skiing Fischer: installation of fixtures and bundles, sticks, suit and other accessories. Classic, Junior and other models 20251_19

  • For pleasure classes, you can choose Fischer LS series. The ski core is made of natural wood, in which there are ventilation channels, a sliding surface is made of plastic. The weight of the product with a length of 186 cm is 1420 g, they are somewhat heavier than previous options.

Running skiing Fischer: installation of fixtures and bundles, sticks, suit and other accessories. Classic, Junior and other models 20251_20

  • Classic ski that do not need ointment - Twin Skin. In the block there is a mooring campaign, thanks to which there is a grip with snow in one direction, so the sliding will be easy.

The series presents several models of different masses, so you can familiarize yourself with each of the options separately to pick up your parameters.

Running skiing Fischer: installation of fixtures and bundles, sticks, suit and other accessories. Classic, Junior and other models 20251_21

  • Speedmax and Carbon Pro Equipment It was created as racing, it is suitable for racing at the amateur level, but it is often choosing professionals for his workouts.

Running skiing Fischer: installation of fixtures and bundles, sticks, suit and other accessories. Classic, Junior and other models 20251_22

Running skiing Fischer: installation of fixtures and bundles, sticks, suit and other accessories. Classic, Junior and other models 20251_23

  • A special series of classical equipment can be called Zero +. It was created in such a way that difficult weather conditions do not interfere with classes. Such a product can be operated at temperatures in the range from -3 to +3 degrees Celsius. The main feature of the ski is in the absence of the need to use the holding ointment. The length of the block can be adjusted by one of them with the help of sandwich or paraffin. This model is great for spring-style spring competitions.

Running skiing Fischer: installation of fixtures and bundles, sticks, suit and other accessories. Classic, Junior and other models 20251_24

  • The Junior category includes Speedmax Junior Skate and Classic which are similar to the technology and material of the older model. Such skis are suitable not only to children, but also people of low growth. At competitions with such equipment, you can get a great result.

Running skiing Fischer: installation of fixtures and bundles, sticks, suit and other accessories. Classic, Junior and other models 20251_25

Running skiing Fischer: installation of fixtures and bundles, sticks, suit and other accessories. Classic, Junior and other models 20251_26

How to install fasteners?

This question is interested in everyone who first faces such equipment. The main advantage of Fischer's skis can be attributed to the ease of installation, because it does not even require special tools unlike other manufacturers. You will need a regular key that can be adjusted and secured the front part, then install the heel, and navigate the size to fix in the initial position.

As mentioned above, The company uses the NIS system, due to which the sliding adapts to the current weather conditions and the state of the track. If it is tough, it is better to shift the fastening forward, for fresh snow it will be necessary to fix a little back to remove the load from the sock of the equipment. But for running along a loose snow, it is recommended to install the mount in the middle position to distribute the load evenly.

Running skiing Fischer: installation of fixtures and bundles, sticks, suit and other accessories. Classic, Junior and other models 20251_27

Running skiing Fischer: installation of fixtures and bundles, sticks, suit and other accessories. Classic, Junior and other models 20251_28

Additional accessories

The company produces other products for skiers. By purchasing skis, you can immediately select sticks that are made of durable carbon composite and aluminum. Of course, you cannot do without a costume, so athletes are offered racing overalls and a jacket made of elastic material that protects against wind and moisture. The clothes of this brand looks beautiful, rushing long and convenient.

An additional and useful accessory to skiing will be a bunch.

Running skiing Fischer: installation of fixtures and bundles, sticks, suit and other accessories. Classic, Junior and other models 20251_29

Running skiing Fischer: installation of fixtures and bundles, sticks, suit and other accessories. Classic, Junior and other models 20251_30

Running skiing Fischer: installation of fixtures and bundles, sticks, suit and other accessories. Classic, Junior and other models 20251_31

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